Jessica's Rules

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Loving wife becomes the masturbatrix of his dreams.
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Once a week, William's loving wife becomes the masturbatrix and humiliatrix of his fetishistic dreams, all while she watches her favorite TV show, The Bachelorette.

Jessica's Rules includes femdom, wifedom, tease and denial, edging, orgasm control, cum eating, spanking, CBT, humiliation and begging.

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"It's almost eight o'clock, honey, are you getting ready?"

William Smacker's wife asked him if he was getting ready, but he knew what she meant -- she meant was he getting hard?

William stood in the corner of his walk-in closet, facing the wall, and hollered back to his wife, "Yes sweetheart, I'll be ready." William's pants and tighty-whities were dropped to the floor, puddled around his ankles, while his right fist jerked desperately at his shriveled penis, trying to coax an erection before his eight o'clock deadline.

William had one more beer with his neighbor Morris than he should have, but Morris had insisted that they were talking about important things like how to grow greener grass on the golf course and who was hotter 40 years ago: Olivia Newton-John, or Cher. William didn't want to look like a wussy so he accepted one more beer.

"Now Billy, you know I told you to come home at 7:30 and start getting ready but no, you had to sit over there talking to that slacker Morris Winston about who knows what until almost ten minutes to eight and now you're having trouble getting it up, aren't you? We've talked about this before, Billy, you know there are consequences for tardy behavior."

William knew what she meant by consequences; he pulled down on his balls with his left hand and doubled the stroking speed with his right hand -- but it was too late.

Jessica Smacker leaned against the closet doorway, her arms folded tightly across her breasts, her forehead wrinkled in a disapproving scowl. "You can't get it up can you, you naughty boy. I plan a nice rub-and-tug session for you while we watch The Bachelorette and you go and drink too much beer and now you can't even get it up. Well, I'm not missing the start of the show. You'll just have to stand there working on your 'problem' until the first commercial."

William hung his head in shame and stared down at his flaccid penis. He was embarrassed that he couldn't achieve a manly boner and had to stand in the corner like a punished school boy.

Jessica lifted one of William's belts off the closet rack and handed it to him. "Here, give yourself twenty dick-slaps with this leather belt. Maybe that will get the blood running in your limpy-wimpy, and maybe it will teach you a lesson about being on time when I plan a nice treat for you."

"Yes dear," said William, "but what about rule number one?"

Over the years, Jessica had established a number of rules for their weekly rub-and-tug sessions. Rule number one stated that William would not be spanked unless he had an erection that was at least parallel to the floor when standing at attention.

"Oh, rule number one applies to spankings, honey, not dick-slappings. Go ahead now, get started. I'll be back in a minute to see how you're getting along. And honey, be sure to make them hard - and loud; loud enough for me to hear them out in the living room. In fact, you know what, why you don't make it forty: twenty from the top down and twenty more from the bottom up. Go ahead now, be a good boy and don't give me any more reasons to get angrier than I already am."

As Jessica turned and started walking out of the closet, William felt the beginnings of an erection. Ten minutes of stroking had done nothing, but being talked to like a naughty school boy, that was the mustard that put the heat into William's wimpy wiener.

William wasn't particularly submissive, and he really wasn't into pain, but being told to do ridiculous, embarrassing things, well, that could spring a hard-on almost instantly no matter how much he had to drink. Some would call it erotic humiliation -- William didn't know if that was the right label -- he just knew what he liked and he knew Jessica loved him enough to try to give him whatever he desired.

William wished that Jessica would stick around and supervise while he slapped the head of his dick -- just to make it even more embarrassing for him -- and more arousing, but he had made his choices and he knew she wasn't going to miss the start of her favorite show just to indulge his warped fantasies. He would just have to be satisfied with the embarrassment of being heard slapping his dick, and forgo the even more stimulating embarrassment of being watched.

Rolling up the belt until there were only fifteen inches left, William swung it up over his shoulder and brought it crashing down onto the head of his penis like he was swatting a yellow-jacket at a fourth of July picnic. He yowled like a man does when he hits his thumb with a hammer, then did a tap dance in place that would put Fred Astaire to shame.

Three more slaps, yowls and tap-dances produced a quick interruption by Jessica shouting from the living room. "Billy, you are distracting me from concentrating on my show. This young lady is so precious and some of these guys are just dogs."

"All men are dogs at some time or another sweetheart. It's in their basic nature. Fortunately for me, I have a good woman to keep me in line when I stray from the straight and narrow."

"I know, I know, you try. I just wish you were here in my lap now, with one of my hands on your balls and the other making slow twisting tugs on your big-old man-meat, but you've been a naughty boy and you're getting remedial training, aren't you? Start over now from one honey and this time no yowling -- just the sound of your man-thing getting the slaps it needs to get hard."

William hung his head even lower and looked down at his half-erect penis, then started his dick-slappings at a slower pace, one that allowed him to stifle his yowls and keep his feet planted in one place. He had just completed ten down-strokes and was about to start on some up-strokes when he heard Jessica speaking to him from just inside the closet doorway.

"Honey at that pace you're going to miss the entire first half; you need to pick it up sweetheart. Show me ten quick ones from the bottom up before I go back to my show. Do it for me now, honey, really good ones."

William sucked in a full breath of air, held it, then attacked his dick with a rapid fire of up-swings. With each swing, his dick flew up, bounced off his belly, then fell back down just in time to meet the next up-swing of the belt. It looked as if his dick was somehow attached to the end of the belt with a rubber string that just kept it bobbing endlessly up and down.

After ten good whacks, all William could do was drop the belt to his feet, squeeze his eyes shut and let out a mournful moan, "Oh Jessica...." A single tear-drop rolled down his cheek.

"Very impressive, my dear. I don't really understand it, but you must really like pain. I'll try to give you some extra hard spanks with the paddle before you have your little cummie tonight. Finish you dick slappings, then crawl out to the living room on your hands and knees with the paddle between your teeth."

Williams's heartbeat quickened. He wanted to explain that it wasn't pain he craved, but rather the exhilarating feeling of turning over control of both pain and pleasure to someone he completely loved and trusted. Acceptance of pain, even if he didn't really like it, allowed him to demonstrate in a real way his acceptance of his wife's complete control over his feelings, and his trust in allowing her to decide when his ultimate sexual gratification would be permitted.

"Thank you sweetheart, I do so appreciate the time you spend meeting my ridicules, kinky fetishes, and I am sorry for being late for the nice evening you had planned."

"All right drear, I accept your apology, but of course you're still going to have to be punished."

"Ah... I thought the dick-slappings were the punishment?"

"No, silly, the dick-slappings were just to help you get it up. The punishments will begin as soon as you bring me the paddle. Go ahead now, finish up your assignment in here, then crawl out to the living room. If you hurry you might make it before she hands out the first rose."

William looked down at his half-erect cock and decided he would just have to get it over with as quickly as possible. A rapid fire of up and down slaps quickly produced the full erection he was working towards. As soon as he finished the fortieth slap, he dropped the belt, fisted his dick and pulled straight down with several long slow caresses, easing the sting out of his precious little man-meat.

Dropping to all fours and gripping the paddle in his teeth, William crawled out to his waiting, loving wife -- anxious to learn what additional indignities he would be required to endure before reaching the happy ending he so desperately craved.

Jessica looked up from the TV to see her man crawling towards her with the paddle in his teeth. "Oh honey, that's so cute. Maybe someday we can buy you one of those doggy tails that you can stick in your butt and wag back-and-forth to show how happy you are. Would you like that, honey? An evening session where you have to bark like a dog and I walk you around on a leash."

William was ninety-nine percent certain she was just teasing, but that one percent of uncertainty was enough to bring a flush of pink to his cheeks. He squeezed his eyes shut and thought about the humiliation of being walked like a dog. Would she really do that? Put him on a leash and walk him around, naked, his hard-on bobbing up and down against his belly with each step. "No way, sweetheart, that would be way to embarrassing. What if someone saw thru the window?"

"Hmmm..., I was thinking maybe we could wait until dark, then take a quick stroll around our grassy backyard. Our neighbors almost always go to bed early. It's highly unlikely they would notice, unless of course I started to giggle, then all bets are off. Old Mrs. Trumble would flip on her porch light and there you'd be, on all fours, naked, with a hard-on and a doggy tail sticking out of your butt. But I doubt that would happen. Anyway, hop up on the couch now and let's get started with your punishment spankings."

William made a mental note to check back later about the doggy walking thing -- just to make sure Jessica was only teasing and not really serious. He crawled up on the couch with his knees on the cushions and his elbows on the back of the couch, facing away from the TV.

"Good boy! Let's start with ten on each cheek, just to get you warmed up. Would you like me to hold your balls for you while I paddle your buns?"

"Yes please."

"Honey, you know if you want it you have to ask for it. Go ahead now."

"Please Miss Jessica, will you hold my balls while you spank my bottom."

"Well, that was very polite, honey, but I was looking for a little more desperation in your voice, along with some sincere begging."

"Please honey, hold my balls for me while you slap my buns; it gives me such a secure feeling of protection and comfort knowing that you've got me by the balls while you administer my richly deserved punishments."

"Good boy. Yes, of course I will sweetheart, here we go."

Jessica reached in with her right hand and rubbed his belly, then moved down, past his erect cock, and found his hanging balls. Forming an "O" with her thumb and forefinger, she encircled his ball sack, then pulled down and away towards the couch.

"Push your tushie out, honey, so I have a nice target for the paddle."

Whack! The fist stroke arrived before William was mentally prepared for it; then five more, in rapid succession, with no time in between for recovery. Jessica released his balls, then re-gripped them even tighter and delivered four more quick whacks.

"That's the first ten, honey, I think you should thank me and then ask for the next ten."

"Thank you darling, you give me exactly what I need exactly when I need it. You know me so well. Please, may I have ten more, harder than the first."

"Well, I don't know about harder. I'm not very good at swinging this paddle with my left hand. But I'm sure later we can work in some really good hard ones."

Jessica delivered ten more spanks; five to each butt cheek, then turned the paddle sideways and ran the blade of the paddle up his ass crack and pushed in.

"Hold the paddle there between your butt cheeks, honey, I want to see what you'd look like with a doggy tail."

William squeezed his butt cheeks tight and cringed;back to the doggy thing, he thought.

"You know, the more we talk about it, the more I'm liking this idea. You have such a cute, tight butt, I'd just love to see a doggy tail sticking out of it."

William unclenched his butt cheeks and the paddle fell, bouncing off the couch and onto the floor. He hoped Jessica would get the message of what he thought about the doggy walking idea.

"Oh, honey, you dropped it. We'll definitely have to get something insertable that's easier to clench."

William considered speaking up but decided now was not the best time.

"My show is starting again now, honey. I need to concentrate on my show and you need to concentrate on your best self-arousal efforts. You know what I'm looking for honey. Get right to the edge and try to keep it there as long as possible. Start with a hundred long, slow strokes and remember rules two, three, and four."

William knew what she wanted and he was well acquainted with rules two, three, and four.

Rule two was fundamental: no cummies without permission.

Rule 3 was more cerebral and re-enforced rule two. William was required to repeat one of his memorized mantras softly, over and over, whenever he masturbated himself. "Get to the edge for Jessica, no cummies allowed... Get to the edge for Jessica, no cummies allowed."

William repeated his mantra over and over, still on his knees and still facing the wall, until he had completed his stroking assignment.

As required by rule number four, he then reported his arousal level at eight out of ten and he humbly requested his next assignment.

Sometimes Jessica would give him a new assignment almost immediately and other times she would make him wait until his arousal level subsided a couple notches. This time she delivered his next assignment almost immediately.

"Good boy; a hundred more now, really fast ones. But this time honey, keep your hand perfectly still and hump it like a doggy on a bitch. Go ahead now."

William humped his hand with the enthusiasm of a school boy. In a flash he had reached eighty strokes and was on the very edge of release. "Please Jessica, if I keep humping I'm going to cum... what should I do?" Williams pitch took on a higher tone, almost like a whine.

"Oh you silly goose, you know cumming is not allowed, but you can ruin it for me. Would you like to do that for me, honey, have a nice ruined orgasm? I know how difficult that is for you and I would be so impressed I might even be willing to schedule another session later this week."

William hated ruining his orgasms. He spent days thinking about how glorious it was going to be to have a nice cummie under the watchful supervision of his loving wife. He spent hours doing embarrassing and humiliating things in order to glide on the fragile edge of no return, waiting patiently for permission to cum. The last thing he wanted to do was ruin it.

"Please sweetheart, don't make me ruin it. How about a compromise? No squirting - I'll edge until my release just oozes out in a slow dribble."

"Well, that sounds fair. No youthful, uncontrolled squirting half way across the room, just the mature, controlled dribbling of a wussy-wanker into a waiting hand. And no need to clean up the back of the couch, or my stockings or anywhere else where your messy jism might land. Of course rule five would apply."

Rule five. William hated rule five almost as much as he hated ruining his orgasms. Rule five said that William was required to lick up any jism that resulted from a dribbled hand job.

William and Jessica had spent many hours in the past discussing rule five. William explained that the thought of licking up his own jism sounded incredibly exciting when he was aroused, but, once he had his relief, he no longer had any interest and found it only degrading and insulting.

They finally arrived at a compromise that they labeled rule Five-A: all dribbled hand jobs will be deposited on a plate laying on the floor between Williams knees. The plate, loaded with jism, is stored in the freezer and thawed out in a conspicuous location, by William, on the day of his next scheduled session. This compromise allows William to spend the day contemplating the humiliating experience of licking up his own jism, once he is suitably aroused.

Sometimes, Jessica would decide on two dribbled hand-job sessions in a row. In those cases, William would lick the plate clean from the previous session before being allowed to make a new deposit to be licked up at the following session. Jessica called this a double-dribble and found it quite amusing.

"Rule Five-A," begged William, "please..."

"All right honey, let's finish up your punishment spankings, then you can start working on making your messy on the plate. You know that plywood board in the corner out in the garage? Go get it, please."

William knew the piece she was talking about; he had planned to use it to make a cap rack for all of his golf caps. The board was three feet long, six inches wide, and half an inch thick. William looked down at his naked toes as he trudged slowly out to the attached garage. His cock was hard and stiff and bobbed up and down as he shuffled out to retrieve the instrument of his imminent flogging.

As soon as he returned, Jessica instructed him to meet her in the office. "Oh, and bring that ball-stretcher thing you mailed away for. You know when you ware that you can maintain an erection almost forever."

William waited in the office, listening for the start of a commercial break that would bring Jessica and the dreaded flogging board. He knew he had asked for an extra hard spanking but he never thought Jessica would take it this far. He stood with his hands raised, grasping the top casing of the door trim. His knees were spread nicely, like a short stop in the ready position. The ball stretcher was wrapped firmly around his ball sack, and he waited serenely, at peace with what was about to happen.

The house went silent and in an instant Jessica was behind him. "I've decided to record the rest of the show so I can give you my full attention. Bend at the waist, honey, and stick out your bottom. I'm afraid this is going to be quite painful."

Jessica delivered two spanks by swinging the board with her right hand but they landed with a limp thud. "The board is just too heavy for my delicate wrists; I'm going to have to use two hands, honey." Grasping the board with both hands and pulling back like she learned at softball practice, Jessica swung with a force that would have driven the ball well over the shortstop and into the gap between left and center field.I've still got it she thought to herself as she inspected William's reddening bottom.

"Oh, that was sweet," said Jessica, "as hard as I could make it. I do so hope that was hard enough for you, because that's the best I've got. Go ahead now, ask for the next one, honey, as soon as you're ready."

William thought about blue lakes and green meadows and anything else he could to keep from dropping his hands to his butt cheeks and rubbing out the terrible sting from his bruised posterior.

"Thank you Miss Jessica, I believe you've reached a new high in the sting delivered in a single swat. Please, may I have another."

That kind of ridiculous banter kept up for another eight strokes, until finally William cried out, "Please Jessica, no more."