Jezebel - It Was You


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I took her on a tour of the house, surrounding area, and lake. "I have about ninety five acres, including the entire small lake," I proudly proclaimed at one point.

When we got back to the house from the tour Jezebel asked "What do we have to eat - and where am I supposed to sleep?"

"You can either sleep in the queen size bed with me, or in the pad on the floor next to the bed. If you sleep in the bed we WILL fuck - but unlike you with me, I will not be binding you and fucking you without your consent. It will have to be 100% consensual."

"I'll never fuck you under these circumstances," she glowered.

"Oh, Jezebel, such a fickle devil. You wanted nothing more than to fuck me before when you thought that you could dictate terms, and now that you have no power, you don't want me. I'm so hurt, especially after our one fuck and what Clarisse told you about how I rang her chimes," I chuckled.

"You really did fuck Clarisse?" she inquired, genuinely surprised.

"Almost eleven hours straight," I chuckled. "One more thing, darling she-devil. Any night that you sleep in my bed you get the same food that I do the next day. Any night that you sleep on the pad on the floor the next day you eat a nutritionally complete, but definitely unappetizing, gruel."

That got me a nasty look.

I had a great dinner of pork chops, steamed spinach, and pasta. Jezebel has gray gruel - she ate only two spoonfuls. As I wrapped her bowl up in plastic I said "Oh, by the way, any gruel that you don't eat one day you get the next, so I'd eat up every day if I were you. What I give you has enough calories to sustain your 142 pounds with moderate exercise."

"How do you know what I weigh?" she snapped.

"I weighed you while you were drugged - duh," I cackled in reply.

Jezebel slept on the pad on the floor, and ate gruel, for the next six days. I removed her collar when she and I were swimming or fishing, and let her wear shoes on hikes in the woods - with me - and when exercising in the exercise room. I allowed her VERY limited access to the Internet, but we watched TV or DVD movies together, and played cards and video games, with each other or with others on line. She started out nasty, but got more pleasant as time went on.

I sure hoped that she would sleep in my bed soon; I was horny as hell, and though she is the personification of the devil she is sexier than any human I've ever seen. She seemed to be developing a very stiff back from sleeping on the thin pad on the floor - her feet chained to the very solid metal bed frame - and did coo when I massaged her sore back the fifth and sixth days. On those days she did make comments about how buff I was, and about how it was no wonder that Clarisse wanted to fuck me even though she was a "stuck up prude bitch."

The seventh day she apparently couldn't take it anymore. It was starting to get cold out, and I didn't heat the cabin with a wood burning stove yet, and I'm sure that the floor was cold with the one blanket and pillow she had. Before bed that night she asked "So, what's the dress for bed if I sleep with you?"

"Naked," I nonchalantly replied. "Also, at least one fuck - likely two."

"Any oral?"

"You shall receive starting tomorrow IF the fuck or fucks are good tonight," I grinned. I chained one of her hands - on a long light but strong chain - to the solid bed frame, and made sure that the collar, controller, and her shoes were locked away in the combination-lock safe.

The two fucks that night were not good - they were out-of-this-world spectacular, beyond comprehension, fantabulous. When she rode me reverse cowgirl I thought that she was going to rip my dick off. When we did it doggy her tits slapping together was the most erotic sound I had ever heard in my life. Both times she and I both came like turbo-jets.

That day she ate like a horse; she had lost four pounds in the week that she was living on gruel. She enjoyed my cooking, helped me clean up, and in general was upbeat. It probably was because she thought that eventually she could control me with sex - but I was never going to be manipulated by her again, not by a long shot.

As a further reward for her, we started weekly emails with video attachments to her parents, who I was sure would send them to Horton. She would record a video in front of a green screen on which I would project an image of a city, or area of the country, remote from where we were, and tell her parents that she was healthy and unharmed, and to tell Horton that. She would mention a current event of the day so that they knew that it was the day that she said that it was. The emails were transmitted to a service in another country that, for a fee, would re-transmit them to Jezebel's parents so that they were impossible to trace back to me.

The only outside person - aside from these "proof of life" email transmissions - that I kept in contact with was Clarisse. She would keep me informed of how Horton, Wilbur and the authorities were reacting to Jezebel's kidnapping, and I would continuously bring back memories of our eleven hours together, which would always result in a smiling emoji reply from her. Of course I didn't let on where I was, or what I was doing to and with Jezebel.

The sex with Jezebel was great. She flipped around like a landed marlin when I ate out her sweet pussy and sucked on her highly sensitive large clit. She'd fuck in any position, and could squeeze her cunt muscles so hard that the feeling was heavenly and never failed to produce large gobs of cum from my cock. Her dissimilar tits almost made it like I was with two different women at the same time, and they both were unbelievably fun to suck on and play with. She also seemed to love playing with my testicles. It was, physically speaking, "sextastic."

To show you how reliant modern people are on technology, since she was used to getting reminders on her iPhone and from the doctor's office for her quarterly Depo-Provera birth control shots, she didn't even think about birth control until she vomited three mornings in a row. I knew that she was scheduled for another shot only two weeks after I kidnapped her - in fact that was part of the reason for my timing. Only when she suspected morning sickness about seven weeks after we first started having sex did she think about birth control.

"Do you think that I'm pregnant Blake?" she asked the third morning that she puked.

"Maybe," I said. "When did you last take birth control?"

"I don't remember for sure but I may have been due a shot a little while after you kidnapped me," she groaned.

"Well I happen to have a pregnancy test right here," I smiled, taking a home test kit from a drawer.

"Why do you have a pregnancy test kit?" she asked.

"Use it and then I'll tell you," I replied.

She was definitely pregnant - the kit had about the most intense color by the "+" sign one could imagine.

"Oh shit - I'm pregnant," she moaned.

"Congratulations," I said, hugging her.

"I don't want a fucking baby," she snapped as she pushed me away. "You need to take me to get an abortion."

"Hell no -my goal is for you to deliver my baby."

"You bastard," she screamed, beating my chest. Even though it hurt I let her pound me a few times before grabbing her wrists. "I'll abort it myself," she snarled.

"I wouldn't," I replied, "because then we'll just start over. You're not leaving here and going back home until you're at least seven months pregnant."

She started crying; I'd never seen Jezebel cry before - not even close. I was, shocked, but pleased.

For two days and nights she was sullen, and denied me sex in bed. I didn't make her sleep on the floor, not only because she was pregnant but because it was now winter, and after the fire in the wood burning stove died down early in the a. m. it got cold on the floor. After two days, she snapped out of it in an unusual way. She wanted sex every day, but she wanted it to be gentle almost like love-making, and she wanted to cuddle often. This was very unlike Jezebel (the understatement of the year).

Once we confirmed that she was pregnant of course the responsible thing to do was to take her to see an OB/GYN. I made an appointment over the Internet with the only OB/GYN in the closest town (almost two hours away, especially since there was now a few inches of snow on the ground). I had a serious talk with Jezebel, holding her hands and staring into her eyes, before we left.

"Jezebel, I don't want any shenanigans when we get to town. I'm putting your collar on, and I'm serving you with notice that if you pull any stunt I'm going to shock you at the highest level. People will think that you're having a seizure and I'll pretend to be taking you to a hospital. I really, really, really don't want to do that; understand?"

"OK - I understand; I'll be good, IF when we're in town you buy me some foods that I am suddenly craving," she replied.

"I have to buy more food anyway, so you can get whatever you want."

Jezebel - at my instruction - insisted that I "my husband," be in the examining room with her. The female doctor gave Jezebel a thorough examination then said "You've got to be the healthiest nine weeks along pregnant patient I have ever had, and your fetus is doing great. Just keep doing what you've been doing."

That made me feel good because I had controlled Jezebel's diet, made her exercise for at least two hours every day; and of course there were the daily sexual gymnastics. I'm sure that I blushed when Jezebel asked numerous questions about how much sex she could have, and in what positions, as her pregnancy progressed. The doctor answered all of her blunt questions with blunt answers (fortunately not making eye contact with me as she did so), but then took out an illustrated pamphlet and showed and explained it to both of us at the same time.

"How often and for how long at a time can I have my clitoris stimulated orally?" was her last question.

"As often and as long as you like - it can't possibly hurt," the doctor smiled, this time making eye contact with me.

I gulped as Jezebel playfully punched me in the arm and said "You got your work cut out for you stud; I'm horny as hell!"

I bought Jezebel anything that she wanted at the local stores, and after a late lunch we drove the two hours back to the cabin. After we put the perishables away Jezebel removed her panties, lay spread eagle on our bed, and said "I really want my clit worked over, at least for the next hour. You made me like this, now get to work."

On our second visit to the OB/GYN we found out that the fetus was a boy. I was thankful for that since the idea of another woman in the world with half of Jezebel's genes was frightening.

Even though she was mercurial, Jezebel was almost human for the next five months after our first visit to the doctor, as winter gave way to spring. We kept up her exercise routine, as modified by the doctor, and we gently fucked once a day, and I gave her oral for at least an hour every day; I probably developed the strongest tongue muscles on the planet. I enjoyed it immensely; however I never - despite our extended sex fest - ever developed any love for Jezebel. Every time that I saw her glowing eyes I was reminded that she was the devil incarnate, even if one fun to use for my physical satisfaction.

Jezebel's reactions to me were the most mercurial parts of her personality over that five month period. Some days she would complain at least half a dozen times that I was a complete bastard and how she hated being in the cabin with me and wanted desperately to get back to her former life; other days she would on multiple occasions say "You know, Blake, we could have a future together, and raise our son. I'd give up Horton and his bucks to be with you."

As I had planned all along, I sold my cabin and the property that it was on when Jezebel was seven months pregnant, with the proviso that I didn't have to vacate for a month. In communications with Clarisse over the months in the cabin I had made a proposal to her; when she finally unequivocally accepted it a week before Jezebel's eighth month of pregnancy, I told Jezebel "we're going back to civilization on Monday; take whatever you want from the cabin that will fit into two medium sized suitcases."

If I thought that she was mercurial before, after I told her that she went to a new level of inconstantence (not a real word, but you know what it means). She would excitedly pack for two hours; then two hours later she'd cry, remove stuff from her suitcases, and complain that I should love her after fucking her for eight months and getting her pregnant and she could not possibly go back.

As we drove up to the security gate at Horton's mansion on the appointed Monday, I lifted her suitcases out of my SUV, gave her a goodbye kiss, and then laid on her the bomb that I had been saving up. "Oh, by the way, Jezebel, I've gotten even with Horton for ruining my life by kidnapping you for these nine months or so, and impregnating you. I've gotten even better revenge on you, though; not only did I get great sex from you for nine months, but..." and with that I made a flair of pulling out the copy of her prenup with Horton that she had left with my secretary now more than two years ago, "...according to the prenup you're screwed. It plainly says, on page 6, paragraph 21, that if you get pregnant with another man's baby - no matter what the circumstances - he can boot you out with only $50,000."

Her face turned ashen, and she collapsed. Not being a total shit, I caught her and gently lowered her to the ground. My parting words were, "Oh, and by the way, Horton has been sent an anonymous email reminding him of that provision; but you're such a good manipulator so you may be able to get out of it."

As pre-arranged, I drove to a local RV dealer, sold him my SUV owned by the LLC that had also owned my cabin, and bought a small but classy and highly functional RV using my new identity papers.


I called Clarisse when I was about two miles from her house. She was waiting outside her security gate with just two suitcases as I pulled up. She was dressed in a tight top that showed off her luscious mammaries, and tight jeans that highlighted her bubble butt. After I alighted from the RV and gave her a scorching kiss I said "You look fabulous!"

"Fabulous enough to fuck twice a day for the next six months while we wend our way across all of North America?" she asked with a devilish smile.

"Only twice a day?" I replied, acting disappointed.

"I told you that we can't have a repeat of our eleven hour marathon, horse cock. I was wiped out for ten days after that," she grinned as she squeezed my crotch.

We made it only about ten miles in the RV before I had to pull over to the side of the road, we went to the bed in the back of the RV, and had a very pleasurable and intense doggy fuck. Then we continued on our way, Clarisse topless and me bottomless!

Having gotten complete diabolical revenge on Jezebel, Megan, Horton, and Wilbur, and now, with no money worries, traveling for six months with the sexiest MILF in the country, I was one contented fellow.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196930 days ago

fun fantasy but the revenge was as complex and time consuming as a 1960s bond villain execution chamber.

Would have been a wild variation if his goal was to teach Jezebel "how to love someone other than yourself" and then abandon her at Horton and Megan's mansion (because you know they'd hook up when the spouses had disappeared). Furious, Jezebel rats out Horton and his father, they get sent to prison, Jezebel and Megan get his money but have a fight, Megan leaves town to start again and Jezebel starts looking for Blake, because she's in love.

AardieAardie4 months ago

A lawyer that is not smart enough to press charges for being drugged handcuffed and raped, then assaulted and held at gunpoint. The first step would have been going to the hospital for blood samples for the drugging and dna evidence from his genitals.

KRD19254KRD192549 months ago

I 'DISLIKED' this revenge due to the unstated/unknown life his and Jezz son would live. Live being a hated Horton's bastard or a poverty life tossed to the curb or even orphanage? The innocent was going to suffer is just wrong on so many levels. However, if Jezz tossed Horton for Blake and their son - this could be a 4.8*.


Horton never suffered any real revenge or loss other than Jezz. But she was such a Princess that she would rebound quickly even with a son. So how did Horton suffer? I'm sure he replaced Jezz within a month.


2** hooyah, low due to the unborn son's future

phill1cphill1c10 months ago

THIS was a quality story. Yeah, not strictly believable. but you WANT to believe it. And everyone got reasonable punishments, if any. Sure, Demoness may only get $50,000, but she'd make out with $50 because she is just that hot.

I like that the MC wasn't your typical cuck. Just a guy dealing with situations out of his control. Sure, the kidnapping and pregnancy could/should have been prosecuted but because the kidnapping was so sexy, why ruin it?

Great job.

NoSauce4uNoSauce4uover 1 year ago

That revenge on Jez was ridiculous. Well, and Horton gets away easily, huh?

francemanfrancemanalmost 2 years ago

it's funny how most people can love a story even when it turns into the most complete exaggeration.

Personally, I prefer stories that are closest to reality.

6King6Kingabout 2 years ago

Yep! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Dobbin55Dobbin55about 2 years ago

An excellent story, although the revenge on Megan was a little bit tame compared to his revenge on Jezebel. I loved that he hooked up with Clarisse! 5*!

This is definitely the type of story I love!!!!

mattenwmattenwabout 2 years ago

This is one of the best stories I've read on here. Excellently told. The characters were fully convincing. Although I'm against violence or breaking the law, I really liked your kind of revenge! 5*!!!

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

What about revenge for the firm sacking him?.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 2 years ago

Nope. I was onboard up until the kidnapping. After that, he was no better than they were.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Revenge is too ridiculous and so over the top that the story can't be taken seriously at all. Not that the entirety of the story wasn't already ridiculous but the whole "punishment" of Jezebel is just ludicrous.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesover 3 years ago

Megan got off way too lightly. For the way she underhandedly nuked the marriage she should have suffered far more than she did. And Clarisse sounds hotter than hell.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 3 years ago

It seems Megan’s punishment was light. She was the only one who owed Blake any loyalty or fidelity, and could have accepted the divorce without destroying his/career.

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