Jim Returns


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That feeling was going to be short lived.

I watched her eyes slide over to my medallion on the table. I thought to myself; game time!

"I am sorry, do my things on the table bother you?"

She became a bit flustered, "no, it is just Patrick carries that same medallion."

"And why does he carry it?"

"He said it is part of a motivational speaker's message, and he carries it to be an example to his team."

"That is a good story." I paused for effect. "And it is a complete load of crap."

She looked at me with a shocked look. Jim being bold was not how she remembered things.

"Do you remember when you had your fabulous first night with Patrick, a night that included a stop at this very restaurant, did he ever tell you what my night entailed?"

She very sheepishly said, "yes."

"Oh, don't worry, it was a great night and one I repeat on a regular basis. Have no fear, I am still the degenerate with sick fetishes that you dumped that night."

"Where is this going Jim?" I could hear both annoyance and fear in her voice, she could sense I working towards something, so just had no idea what.

"Well, you see, this medallion," I took a nice dramatic pause as I picked it up and held it out, "this medallion, is my badge of honor related to that evening."

I remained silent. Another technique I learned from Jessica's current husband.

Jessica remained frozen and speechless, but her face was now flushed, and her breathing was getting ragged. I decide it was time to lay things out.

"And the way I have acquired that medallion is the same way your husband has. It is the membership medallion for a club here in town that gives people, mainly men, but a growing number of woman too, a place to engage in sex acts that fall into the categories (and I took my time saying both) of submission and cuckolding."

Jessica started to cry. I almost felt bad for her. Almost.

"You see Jessica, in a delicious full-circle situation, the research Patrick did to figure out how to activate my submissive tendencies and desires to watch other men fuck my wife, well it became his obsession. After clearly watching me be aroused when he hit on you, he spent an evening delving into the sordid world of submissive cuckolding, and did a very fine job of using his newfound knowledge to pull me deep into my own fetish. It was how he got me to convince you to be with him. But it didn't end there. It kept drawing him back, and for the last three years your big strong husband has developed a submissive side that he now expresses via gay sex."

"I don't believe this!" Those probably were the best words. She didn't want to believe me, although her demeanor indicated she just might. But this would be the second time in 3 years that she has learned that the man who has captured her heart, lusts over the idea of another man capturing her sex. She was dumbfounded.

"Well, its not like you don't have any experience with this." Now that was downright mean, and I regretted I said it immediately. "I am sorry, that was mean. But everything I have told you is true. And there is much more. Do you know where your husband is now?"

"He is at a dinner meeting!" She said wanting to sound confident.

"Actually, he is at a club event at the downtown Hilton, room 1145, where he is living his number one fantasy: cuckolding! It is only a role-play obviously, since you are here with me, but he is watching another man fuck his fantasy version of you and then he will submit sexually to that same man while the woman playing the role of one Jessica London, the former Mrs. Jessica Bowers, will belittle his manhood. He is in heaven, or at least near heaven tonight."

"I think I need to leave." Jessica started to get up.

"Jessica, it is in your best interests to sit and listen." The way I said it, calmly, but with a seriousness she could sense, made her sit back down.

"You are getting your revenge trying to make up these stories." She said likely hoping it was true, but knowing it wasn't.

"There is truth in the revenge angle, but the story I am telling is completely truthful and accurate. In fact, when you arrive home there will be a package waiting for you that meticulously documents everything. And you know, I was always careful and thorough. In fact, I think those were two of the reasons you left me."

I used silence again, and then continued.

"Jessica, Patrick is where I was when the two of you lit the fuse that blew up our lives. I was the one who originally built the bomb, so I was not an innocent bystander. And the reality is, that bomb set us all free. I seriously have no regrets. But now we are right back to that same spot. Patrick and I have switched roles, but you are in the same position."

"What do you want?" Jessica said desperately.

"We will get there, but the starting point is the long conversation you and Patrick need to have. This is mostly about the two of you. Although like Patrick from 2018, one of my roles in this involves seeing if I can get you into bed! "

"So, that's it, you want me back. You think this will make me come back to you? There is no way that is happening Jim." She wanted to keep going. I used a trick I learned in one of the many business seminars I attended on how to gain control of a conversation. I reached my hand out and put it on the table. She started to keep going, then looked at the hand. Finally, she sat back and let out a humph.

"Jessica, I don't want you back. But I do want to fuck you. I mean let's be serious, you are really fucking hot!"

"Fine, I will fuck you, just leave us alone."

"You miss the point, every man in here wants to fuck you. No, what I want to do is fuck you in front of your husband. I want to give you both the gift you actually denied me. You realize that the whole episode started when I got aroused because Patrick was hitting on you. I admit, I had developed, like Patrick has, a desire to watch another man fuck you. Yeah, I know, sick, twisted, blah, blah blah. Well, three years ago, another man fucked you, in fact my understanding is he fucked you long, hard, and with great skill. But you know what, I didn't get to watch. You two were so wrapped up in the bullshit of the rebirth of Jessica London that you forgot that Jessica Bower's husband just wanted to watch his wife have great sex."

I am sure Jessica had never thought of it that way, and her cognitive dissonance clearly showed in her expression.

"Now here we are, back at a similar point. And husband number two has the exact same need. And let me tell you, it is definitely a need. So, before I jump into how we might be able to satisfy everyone's needs, let me add some detail to the backstory."

I again took a deep breath and used a long dramatic pause.

"Jessica, I am rich. Seriously, somewhat stupidly, rich. That business I started, it just got bought and I am never going to have to work again." I watched her eyes light up a bit as while Jessica is a wonderful person, she has a bit of a weak spot for wealth since she grew up dirt poor. It was part of the way Patrick impressed her the first time.

"I am also entirely comfortable with my position in life when it comes to sex. I like sex with men, I like sex with women, and I engage in sex that most people find taboo."

I took another pause, and took a nice drink from my wine glass. "Did you know the wine you two drank that night cost $650. That part was not cool, not cool at all."

"OK, back to the story. I am telling you the first item, that I am rich, because I just might have used my newfound wealth to get into the franchising business. In fact, as of Monday of this week, I am the exclusive owner of four Orangetheory locations in this area. I also own the the franchise rights for any new Orangetheory locations that might want to be opened in the near future. The only one I don't own is yours."

Damn, did I have her attention now. Patrick bought out the previous owner of the Orangetheory location Jessica worked at and gave her ownership of it as a wedding gift. Tip of the hat, the man has style. Unfortunately, he wasn't as savvy of a businessperson as he thought he was. See the franchise contracts have a forced buyout clause that can be activated for various reasons. One of them is to unify a set of franchises in a given location. And I am the person that has that option. The deterrent is the forced out owner must be compensated at a level 3 times the location's worth. So. money is the deterrent. Did I mention I am really wealthy? :)

"Copies of all of the supporting documents are in the package I sent you. The key one you will want to read is the clause in the franchising contract that would allow me to buy your location. It would cost me a lot of money, but you see money is not an issue."

"Do not fuck with me Jim. That is my life's work and really important to me." She was mad. She was really attractive when she was mad. It was her eyes, they became smoldering when she was mad, and a smoldering Jessica was very nice to look at. But I digress.

"And once again I don't want to fuck with you, I want to fuck you." I couldn't help but laugh, but it was true. I was messing with her, but my final out was actually a win for everyone.

"Very funny. It is NOT going to happen. We will hire a lawyer."

"Bring it down a notch, let me finish, and never say never. I am not trying to hurt you."

I looked at her with zero malice in my expression, and it seemed to calm her.

"So, that was the "rich" part of my back story. Let me jump over to the sex side. I know, uncomfortable topic with your ex and all. Your husband is in a crazy place, I know, I once owned a house there! It was actually him, and you, that evicted me from that house, and for that I am thankful. Yes, I said thankful."

I let that sink in. Now I really had her off balance.

"Obviously, it is going to be an interesting night at the London-Conley house. I am not going to apologize for lighting the fuse. But, what I want to offer is a possible solution. And by the way, one solution is you both tell me to buzz off, figure out your relationship together, and I may or may not exercise that franchise clause, probably depends on how nicely you tell me to buzz off."

Jessica looked at me with utter confusion. "I am having trouble following you."

"My apologies, this came out better when I practiced it in front of the mirror." I actually got a smile from her on that, because back when Jim and Jessica Bowers were a happy couple, we used that phrase all the time to say forgive me if my words aren't perfect.

"Let me be blunt. Patrick needs this. Patrick needs you. You need Patrick, and you need your franchise. I really don't need anything. But I am offering everything. I will send you both an email tonight with the specifics, so you don't have to write this down."

I made a grand gesture to the left. "Behind door number 1 -- the typical response to this situation involving anger and lawyers leading to unhappiness. This tears your relationship apart, you lose your career, and both of you are humiliated."

I then made a grand gesture to the right. "Behind door number 2, and I am really recommending this door. Happiness and success. I will send you the date, but your commitment is just for one night. Sound familiar? I think you got offered a similar deal from Patrick a few years back. (I raised my eyebrows and made a bit of a "you got to give me that point" facial gesture.) I come to your house; you both submit to me. Jessica, I will fuck you, likely multiple times. It won't be as good as Patrick can give you, that we all know, but it won't be terrible, AND, and this is the big AND here, it will give Patrick the thing he craves and needs most. By the way, I will likely also make him submit to me. He is VERY good at giving blowjobs, he doesn't know it, but he has sucked me off at least 15 times since he joined our club and earned his medallion."

"This is crazy." Jessica exclaimed.

"You know, you typed that at least 4 times when you went from my frustrated wife to Patrick's lover on November 1, 2018."

She looked at me puzzled.

"You guys were clever with that delete me from the phone thing, but you didn't think it through when you sent me back the phone to rub it in. I might have majored in accounting at State, but I also got damn handy with technology. I restored the phone and I read every text. Probably at least 1000 times. Wasn't my healthiest activity. Although, I did have some pretty fine masturbation sessions while doing it. OK, that was probably TMI."

I paused and took a deep breath, and restarted.

"This IS crazy, but you know what is crazier, moving forward on a path where everyone loses because we are too damn stuck-up to just let a few very common fetishes play out. What are we really talking about? I fuck you. According to the texts from that fateful day, that was one of my cardinal sins, I didn't understand you wanted to get fucked. And it isn't like we have never been intimate. Correct me if I am wrong, but I was your first and only lover until Patrick. Patrick gets to live the fantasy you both denied me three years ago. In fact, I might just have to let him fuck you just so I can watch! You watch as your husband and your former husband do some nasty stuff to each other. Although you just might witness that sex is sex and contrary to popular belief and we are just scratching the same itch all people scratch. There is no cheating, nothing nefarious going on, it is just three people getting together to get a bit wild and have some fun."

"You are threatening my business."

"Fair point, but let me get to the end, and let's see what you think. We have a wild and fun night and nobody gets hurt, ok, anal hurts a bit, but you get my point. At the end, we sit together and we all forgive each other. I actually already have, but you two might need some time to get there. We might even decide to make it a regular thing. I actually love a good "abuse the house boy" evening and I make a damn fine house boy!"

"You are serious, aren't you?"

"Ironically, another complaint the former Mrs. Jessica Bowers had about her husband was he was always too serious and safe. By the way, she was right. I have developed a bit of a dark humor approach to life since then and realize that (a), we often take things too seriously, and (b), life is too short for grudges, and revenge, and hate. And trust me, those were on the top of my list for much too long. All that being said, I am dead serious."

I stopped and took a big swig of wine. Two more deep breathes, and said my final piece.

"Jessica, I am not still in love with you, but I have love for you, if that distinction makes sense. I always will. And I actually have great admiration for what you have built at your franchise. Additionally, as much as I have hated him, I know Patrick loves you immensely, even if he wants other men to fuck you. Which again for the record, is WAY more common than you think. You love your work life, and you have a nice life situation. Whether this all works out hinges on you. I want to do it, Patrick needs it to happen, and that leaves you. So, my final spice in the pot.

Agree to one crazy night of non-traditional hot sex and fetishes with two men who love you. There is no expectation or requirement for anything past that. After that one night, if that is all you are willing to do, no problem, I will leave you both alone. Now, if you want more, as I said, I have spent three years learning to have wicked fun in the bedroom and I have a whole list of ideas!"

I stopped and smiled at her and almost got a smile in return.

"AND," which I said with great emphasis, "regardless of whether it is just a one night stand, or a regular thing, I will sign over all of the Orangetheory locations, and future locations to you. So yes, you will need a lawyer. There is no one who would deserve that more than the woman who gave up her career for mine and who understands that time there is about helping people find health, not about punching a clock. See, I did read every text at least 1000 times. So, in the end, Jessica Bowers-London, I am not blackmailing you, I guess I am bribing you. Another one that sounded better in front of the mirror."

She was now softly crying and looking down. I had just totally wrecked her day and her safe and predictable life. I continued, but in a soft and empathetic voice.

"Jessica, I know this was A LOT to process. So, go home, talk to Patrick, cry together, throw a few things at each other, talk and cry some more. He needs you; you need him. You guys aren't broken, you really aren't. My only demand is that I get an answer by the end of the day Sunday. If the answer is no, be polite about it and I walk away and carry on with my life unencumbered, say yes and, well all sort of fun ensues. That fun does include me fucking you, and I do have to say, with how good you look in that dress, it is pretty high on my list."

I tried to smile at her both expressing my humor and my sincerity.

"Un-fucking-believable! How did I end up marrying the same man twice? I should have listened to my mom and stayed a small town girl. I really have no idea what to say. So, I am going to get up, walk out of here, and figure out what the hell just happened to my life. Feel free to look at my ass while I leave."

It was her turn to smile at me, and it was possibly the best moment I had experienced with her since that fateful night. It was funny, but when I read all those texts between Jessica and Patrick, it was that she was fun and funny with him that probably made me most sad. By that time we had mostly lost that level of flirtatious banter and I realized it hurt. So that simple comment she finished with meant something to me.

"You couldn't stop me if you tried!"

"Can I assume Patrick will be home when I get there?"

"If my evil master plan has worked, yes. Chances are he is actually in a good mood."

"Men!" Jessica huffed.

"No arguments from me."

"Decision by Sunday, eh? Just one night? Patrick needs it, you want it, and I get what, besides more work?"

"You get two men who love and adore you and you get another shot at rebirth. Heck, perhaps this time Mistress Jessica is born!"

Jessica shook her head and smiled, got up, and walked away. I watched her ass the whole time as promised. I took a few deep breathes, predicted I would know by this time tomorrow, and when the waiter returned, I ordered two desserts. I ate them both.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I shoulda read the tags. Your pre story introduction to the characters did not mention the bi feature. The stupid husband (please fuck my wife} can be ignored as a stupid brain dead person, but gay sex is far removed fom loving wives. Just because you erroneously believe you are an 'enlightened ' person doesn't mean you are half as smart as you think you are. Welcome to herpes. At least it won't kill you or your partners.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 2 years ago

i really enjoy your writing style and your ability to jump from present to past and back seamlessly.

Unfortunately it is a really difficult stretch to to believe the Patrick character you built up for 4 chapters can have a submissive cocksucker alter ego. I don’t have an issue with the gay side i just can’t believe an ultra-alpha slides into a bottom bitch role by choice

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry Pals & Gals but this tale is simply a POS. Absolutely no social or literary value what-so-ever. LP

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

No one even realized Jim was gone.

rodryder44rodryder44about 3 years ago

Un-fucking-believable! What a twist to the plot. I sense some truth in Patrick’s problems.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This series is a gay Fetish not LW. All sex is between men.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This series is a gay Fetish not LW. All sex is between men. After Grizzly jerked off to last story he felt guilty as he saw himself as wimp Jim so he wrote this and could not help himself from being a wimp bottom. His only route was to bring all other males in story down to his swamp.

mattenwmattenwabout 3 years ago

......"And let me tell you, it is definitely a need" if you relate that to cuckolding, then that is your first and biggest mistake. Cuckolding fetish is not a need but a psychological disorder that should be treated. But that takes courage and perseverance. Courage to admit to yourself that things have happened in your previous life that have damaged your psychological basis and have led to rejections (defensive reflexes). Perseverance, because this problem cannot be solved in one session, it takes time! But it seems that all of this is too expensive for you and you prefer to play the clown for others!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Love this story. Here is my thought, Jessica agreesto the one night after a huge fight with Patrick. She discovered she likes being a sub after her night with Jim and Patrick. Patrick starts to like his new lifestyle and it rips his marriage apart. Jessica shows up at Jim's new 6000 square foot home crying her eyes out. They need to get back together.. That being said, You have so many roads for this to travel. Please keep this story going.

tralan69ertralan69erover 3 years ago

Not something I would normally read.

The bi-male, gay-male most usually not even considered on my part to read or anything else for that matter. I did read this as well as the other Jessica stories. Very well written and entertaining stories.

Thank you for that and keep writing.

grizzley123grizzley123over 3 years agoAuthor

The stories got submitted in correct order, but the publish order got reversed. My record shows Jessica & Patrick Become One will get published tomorrow.

Sorry about that, and THANKS for reading.

grizzley123grizzley123over 3 years agoAuthor

The missing story should post within a day or two. It got submitted first, but this got published first. Thanks for reading!

patilliepatillieover 3 years ago
A couple things

this series obviously includes gay sex predominantly, so should be posted in the homo section. Hetero's dont want to read about it, it is not in our wheelhouse.

Second, where is Jessica and Patrick Become One in your library? couldnt find it,

The revenge was clever, but you didnt complete it. I am guessing that will be another gay story. Put it in the correct section.

1* for including gayness in the LW section.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Where is "Jim and Jessica Become One"?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Your intro to this story looks like there should be another chapter called "Jessica and Patrick Become One" just before this one. I can't find it. Is it actually going to follow this one? Did it get help up in the posting process? I'm confused...

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