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The last thing I needed to do, of course, was empty my bladder. I turned to the toilet and noted, with just a bit of pleasure and surprise, that Andy had left the seat down. As I sat down, I noticed a small drop of creamy liquid hanging below the inside edge of the seat ring. A really strange feeling crept over me as I realized what that liquid probably was, and why Andy had taken so long in the bathroom.

Finishing my own task, I wiped myself and then took a couple clean squares of paper to wipe the inside of the seat ring. Though I was already quite certain what the substance was, something inside of me wanted positive proof. It was a spur of the moment decision, but I raised the tissue and inhaled the aroma. It was exactly what I'd judged it to be. Though I was still - technically - a virgin, I'd sucked a couple cocks since heading off to college. The sweet, musky scent was very distinctive. I hit the flush lever, and dropped the paper into the toilet, then spent a moment composing myself and trying to force an entire gamut of urges and images out of my mind before heading to bed.

Upon returning to the room, I noted that Andy had taken the far side of the bed, leaving me the side with the night table and lamp. He had removed his tee shirt and appeared to already be asleep. It had been a warm day, and he had the sheet drawn up to just below the elastic waistband of his boxers. His chest rose and fell in a pattern that I knew was customary of deep nocturnal breathing. Silently, I slid in under the covers and turned off the lamp.

I spent the next thirty minutes or so, lying there and waiting fruitlessly for sleep to arrive. My efforts at dislodging those mental images had failed, and I was seriously regretting not having copied my brother and dealing with the problem while I was still in the bathroom. The tension built inside me, like a coil spring being wound ever more tightly. Then - without warning - the narrow bit of tissue between my nostrils began to itch, and I lifted a hand to scratch it. That was my downfall. The liquid I'd wiped from beneath the toilet seat had bled through the thin tissue, leaving its trace on my fingertip. The rich, musky aroma assailed my olfactory senses, all my resistance fled, and I gave in to the urge to relieve my tension.

Being careful not shake the bed much, I worked to make the thoughts go away. I was trying to think only about my own actions, but the thought of what Andy had done kept coming back into my head. He'd obviously gone to sleep easily. I tried desperately not to visualize him doing it, just how the release would help me sleep, but it was like telling myself not to think of pink elephants. Worse, still, I wondered what Andy had been thinking about, when he'd taken care of his condition in the bathroom. One particular thought stuck with me and pushed me rapidly to climax. Sleep came quickly, then.

The next morning I awoke somewhat slowly, to the sound of birds chirping in the tree outside the window I'd left open overnight. Gradually, I began to become aware of my surroundings, and the realization made me feel a bit awkward. Overnight, I'd somehow managed to move farther across the width of the bed, and my back was now spooned into Andy, who was pressed rather tightly between me and the bedroom wall. My nightgown had ridden up around my waist, in the process. In his slumber, Andy was sporting a huge erection that was pressing between my cheeks, and his left arm was draped across me, the hand at the end of that arm lightly cupping my right breast through the thin fabric of the nightgown. I'd had boyfriends at college and, though we'd fooled around some, I'd never spent a night in bed with any of them. The feeling of waking up in the arms of a man, his erection wedged firmly against my ass, was terribly arousing. I couldn't help myself as I rubbed against it for several minutes, my hand drifting down between my thighs. The whole experience was intensely erotic, for some reason that I couldn't allow myself to fully grasp, and I was getting urgently close to my point of release when Andy began to stir and I had to stop.

"Oh - um, sorry, Annie," he said, sliding his hand away from my breast. "That - um - sorry, that happens. I didn't mean to."

Obviously, he was feeling a little guilty over the situation, and - frankly - so was I.

"It's okay." I yawned. "I think I was spooning against you. You know what they say, about it taking two to tango..."

He climbed over me, then, making a hasty exit to shower and change. As soon as he closed the door, I threw caution to the wind and finished what I'd started while he held me. This time, though, as my sensations neared their peak, I was wantonly thinking about what it might look like, or feel like, to have him inside me. The resultant climax was unlike any I'd ever achieved before, by my own hand. Then, of course, the impact of what I'd been thinking - what I'd been actively fantasizing - hit me, and guilt set in.

"That was over the line, girl!" I admonished myself. "What is going on with you? You've got to get it under control!"

I was still a little flushed from my exertions when Andy returned to the room, and I wondered if he noticed it when I slipped past him on my way to get my shower.

In the steamy bathroom, his scent filled my senses. Under the spray of the shower, I closed my eyes and remembered the numerous bath-times we'd shared in this very tub, as children. I was still reveling in the fondness of those memories - and paying an inordinate amount of attention to washing between my thighs - when loud banging on the bathroom door interrupted my thoughts.

"There are other people who need showers this morning, Annie," he yelled.

It was just like when I'd lived there before going off to college. Dad was not happy that I was using all the hot water. Apparently, Andy had already presented himself in the kitchen, for Dad to have known precisely who was in the bathroom.

"Be right out!" I answered, finishing up quickly.

Back in my room, I found it unoccupied. Andy had packed his few items back into his duffel and gone outside to enjoy the fresh morning air and wait for the rest of us. I finished dressing and joined him on the small front porch, and we chatted idly for a bit while waiting on the rest of the family to get ready.

"Good morning, Andy, Annie," Jason finally greeted us as he came out onto the porch, his small suitcase in hand.

"You all ready, kiddo?" I asked him.

"Yep!" he chirped. "How long 'til we leave?"

"Just a couple minutes," I told him, laughing and ruffling his hair a bit. "Why don't you and Andy go get your suitcase loaded in the minivan, while I go tell the folks we're leaving?"

As my two brothers headed for Dad's minivan, I stepped back into the house and found Mom in the kitchen, attending to her usual last-minute task of inspecting the refrigerator and tossing anything that would spoil while we were gone into the wastebasket. Dad would put the trash out at the curb before they left.

"We're gonna get going, Mom," I told her, giving her a quick hug. "I need to stop for gas, before we hit the Interstate."

"Alright, dear," she smiled at me. "Your father and I will probably only be about five or ten minutes behind you. I just have to finish cleaning out the fridge and then let your dad take out the trash."

"Then we'll see you on the road," I nodded.

Back outside, I saw Andy standing next to the open passenger door of my Mini. Jason was already in and buckled into his seat belt, in eager anticipation.

"Nobody has to go the bathroom, all of a sudden, do they?" I asked with a laugh as I slid behind the wheel.

"I went, just before I came outside," Jason reported.

"I'm good until after I have the chance to process some coffee," Andy nodded. "I hope they have a fresh pot at the gas station. Where were you planning on stopping?"

"There's a big 7-Eleven, just before the entrance ramp to I-75," I shrugged. "They've got gas pumps and a big coffee bar - I could do with a nice, big mocha latte, myself - and, for Jason, they've got a huge candy selection. I'm sure we'll find that bag of bulls eyes I promised him."

"Yippee!" the squirt cheered from the back seat.

Smiling at his exuberance, I slotted the ignition key, started the engine, and backed the Mini out onto the street.

Before we'd driven three blocks, I heard Jason asked from the back seat, "Will we make it to the beach today?"

I smiled to myself. At least it was different than the 'Are we there, yet', I'd expected to hear from him.

"Oh, yeah; there will probably even be enough time to get in a swim," Andy answered him for me.

"I can hardly wait," Jason said excitedly.

Neither could I, I suddenly realized - but I wasn't really thinking about swimming.

"Put those thoughts out of your mind, pervert!" I chastised myself.

It was only a matter of about a ten minute drive, and then I was pulling in at one of the pump islands in front of the big 7-Eleven store, just a hundred yards or so before the entry ramp we'd need to take to get onto I-75 and really start the trip.

Turning off the engine, I dug in my purse and pulled a five and my debit card from my wallet. I handed the five to Andy.

"Will you get Jason his candy, while I pump gas?" I asked.

"Sure thing. Come on Jason, let's collect your ransom."

"He doesn't get the whole bag, you know; just a piece, for now. The rest of the bag is for future ransoms," I laughed.

"Roger, that," Andy called over his shoulder. He and Jason both laughed and exchanged big grins as they headed off to get the candy. I'd finished pumping and was back in the car by the time the two of them returned. Andy held a tray with two coffee cups on it, and a bag, in one hand, while he mussed Jason's sandy blonde hair with the other; they really were a pair!

Just as the boys both got inside the car and closed their doors, I spotted Mom and Dad in the minivan, passing the gas station.

"Buckle up, boys!" I warned them as I turned the ignition key and fired up the Mini. "We're off, in hot pursuit!" Fortunately, I had clearance to get onto the road and make the right-turn, and we were only a scant hundred yards behind the minivan as we rolled down the entrance ramp to the freeway.

"That was lucky timing," Andy said.

"Yeah, it's just like I -"

"planned it," Jason matched me from the back seat. "Jinx!"

"I guess I should stop using clichés," I thought. Wow! The little guy was starting early, and we'd just gotten on the road

"Shall I pay your ransom, Sis?" Andy teased me.

"Aww, Andy!" Jason whined. "You messed it up!"

"No, I didn't," Andy countered. "I didn't say her name. Saying 'Bro' or 'Sis' is like using a pronoun instead of the person's name!"

Technically, that wasn't quite true, but Jason wasn't far along enough in school to have learned that. Since - according to the rules of the game - I still couldn't speak until Jason spoke the 'release' phrase, I nodded my consent to Andy, flashing him a quick thumbs-up for his great save. Andy tossed another bulls eye over his shoulder for Jason to add to his collection.

"Deal, Annie," Jason said with a big grin on his face.

Released from my silence I said, "This is going to be a long trip if you guys are going to gang up on me." I was smiling at Andy and he winked at me.

"We'll try not to do that too often," Andy offered, laughing lightly. "I'm sure he was just waiting to get one on you, though. He hasn't managed that, since we got home, last night."

"Anybody have a favorite radio station?" I asked. "If not, we can listen to some music I have on a memory stick."

"Let's listen to the local pop station until we lose it, and then switch to what you brought," Andy suggested.

"Sounds fair to me," I nodded. "Andy, you're in charge of music! Tune us in!"

The music tended to take the place of conversation, though, and I soon regretted having suggested it. On the flip side of the coin, I figured it meant no more jinxes for a while, so I wisely took the reprieve until we lost the station.

At some point Andy and Jason started playing punch buggies. I stayed out of that, for the most part. Jason was simply unreachable, in the right rear seat, and even turning my body a bit to punch at Andy would have been a bit unsafe. The traffic was picking up and I needed to stay focused on the road.

About an hour into the trip, the station we'd been listening to became nothing but static. I used the control on my steering wheel to mute the volume, thinking I'd try to reconnect with Jason. I-75 south through this part of Georgia was a pretty boring stretch of four-lane lined with trees and billboards for Florida tourist attractions, so I started up the conversation.

"So, is this your first trip to the beach, Jason?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Ma'am? Jeez, he was making me feel like an old lady.

"Jason, I know Mom taught you to be polite, but I'm your sister. My name is 'Annie', got it?"

"Sorry, Annie, it's just habit."

I guess it's a southern thing, any more; it seems to have faded out, above the Mason-Dixon line. Down south, though, any male more than a few years older than you is sir, and any female of a similar age difference is a ma'am.

"You can swim, right?"

"Oh yeah. Mom taught me, at the community pool, and then got me enrolled at the Y for advanced lessons," he said proudly.

"We'll have to see if we can locate a boogie board for you," I said promisingly.

I don't know who was more excited about that prospect, Andy or Jason. They started talking about it, and how Andy liked to body surf. It was so cool how close they were despite their age difference. I couldn't help but think what a great father Andy was going to make, someday. Strangely, the thought made me jealous of the yet-undiscovered gal who'd be lucky enough to snare him as a husband, and I had to stomp on it before I started dwelling on it.

"How is school going?" I asked, noting a convenient pause in their conversation.

Since I hadn't singled out either Andy or Jason with my question, they both began to talk. Andy was a fraction of a second ahead of our little brother, though, and Jason decided to wait his turn.

"I'm actually doing great!" Andy told me proudly. "I had some trouble my first year, I think it was homesickness. I've got A's in most of my courses, now, and I'm on track to graduate, next year."

"How about you Jason? What are they teaching you?" I asked.

"I'm bored, most of the time. Everything they try to teach me, I already know. The most fun is when our teacher reads to us, after lunch. I like reading the best. I have to do an oral book report, when I get back," he said.

That really brought back memories. Mom had always had us ahead of things in school. Andy and I were almost always in the same advanced classes. Alphabetical order meant we always had the same homeroom. It also seemed I followed Andy with reports. I glanced over at Andy, who was clearly thinking the same thing.

"Do you remember - " we both started to ask.

"You go - " he offered.

"Jinx!" I exclaimed, triumphantly, although I had a hunch he let me have that one. "Hmm, I don't really want candy. What should I make his ransom be, Jason?"

"Oh, I know!" he chirped. "You should make him drive a while, so you can relax."

Andy nodded his agreement.

"Deal, Andy. I'll pull off at the next rest area. Why don't you call Mom, and see if they want to stop, too?"

"Sounds good to me, Annie!" he said. "I could use a bathroom break, actually. That coffee is starting to work its way through me."

Pulling his cell phone from its holster on his hip, he put the call through. Mom and Dad agreed that it was time to take a break, but they suggested somewhere with a restaurant, instead of a roadside rest area. That sounded good to all of us, since we'd all skipped breakfast in order to get out on the road ahead of most of the traffic.

Shortly thereafter, I saw Dad's turn signal begin to flash, and we hit an exit ramp moments later. The place they'd picked was nothing fancy, but it wasn't a chain fast-food joint, either; just a little Mom and Pop burger place with good food and clean restrooms. We ate fairly quickly, made our restroom visits, and prepared to get back on the road.

"Jason, why don't you ride with us a while?" Mom asked. "Let your brother and sister have some twin-time."

God, I loved her. I didn't know how she knew what we needed, but it sure seemed like she was almost as in tune with Andy and me as we were, with one another.

I tossed Andy the keys, "Your turn, remember?"

"Yeah, I like driving and this Mini seems pretty cool. My old Civic is reliable, but boring."

Andy got in and started the car, and we followed the minivan back out onto the interstate. Dad was a stickler for doing the speed limit. Despite that, we were making good time as we neared the I-10 junction. With Jason out of the car, I assumed our conversation would become more personal, so I went to full intrusion mode.

"How's your love life?" I asked him bluntly.

"Oh, I've dated some, even had a couple girlfriends," he answered, kind of evasively. "Nothing lasting or serious, though. I'm trying to stay focused on finishing up next year."

There was more left unspoken in his words than he was letting on, to me. I wondered if he'd been hurt or made feel self-conscious, like I had, since we'd both been so introverted as kids. We never really needed much from people around us, because we'd always had each other, but that wasn't really an option for either of us, now. Our separation had changed us, and I wasn't sure it had been for the better.

I let the silence continue as I looked him over while his eyes stayed focused on the road.

He was clad in his usual warm-weather attire: a tank top, shorts, and whitewater rafting sandals. The tank top really accented his well-developed arms and shoulders, while the mid-thigh style shorts gave me a perfect view of his toned, tanned legs. Nothing about his physique was either muscle-bound or bulging, but it was clear that he exercised regularly. For some reason, I couldn't tear my eyes away from him, and I continued to sit there and take him all in until I realized that he'd caught me staring. Blushing, I turned my head and found some passing billboards to look at. After a moment, I risked one last glanced back at him, and I saw the tent forming in his shorts. Blushing furiously, now, and silently cursing the sudden burst of moist heat between my thighs, I turned to focus on the scenery out my window, again.

"What about your love life, Sis?" he finally worked up the nerve and the words to turn my own question back on me.

"Oh - um - me? Well, kind of the same really," I felt like such a hypocrite. Now, I was being just as evasive as he'd been, with me. I hated feeling like that, and so I cleared my throat and attempted to answer again, trying to be a little more forthcoming.

"I had one boyfriend that lasted a whole semester, my sophomore year," I told him. "I had a couple of shorter relationships, both before and after that one, but haven't had much more than a date, since Christmas."

The last boyfriend was the one who'd dumped me for the cheerleader over Christmas break. I didn't give Andy that detail. I was still flushed from seeing him grow aroused because of my gaze.

"I can't tell you how much I missed you my first year in college," I said. "Sometimes I wish we'd gone to the same school."

"You and me both, Annie!" he echoed my sentiment. "I think I nearly flunked out my first year. I know I said homesickness, earlier, but mostly it was you that I was missing."

His admission almost floored me; I'd thought maybe it was just me, who felt that way! We'd only seen each other a couple of times, since we'd gone off to college. That was partly my fault; I'd tried to stay away to lessen our reliance upon one another. Last Christmas, I decided to come home after my break-up with Ken, but Andy had gone on a ski trip with some friends.
