Joanie of Zurich


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"I knew you would understand, big Sis. You are so smart." I just sat quietly. I knew Sarah would tell me when she was ready.

We sat for a while. Sarah tried not to sob. Steve and Philip left, ostensibly to go to the men's room, but really I think just to give us privacy. Steve reached over and dragged Odessa with him.

When we were alone at the table Sarah told me what was going on. Klaus would get a share of the profits; not all of the money would go to charity. They needed volunteers. All the wives who might have volunteered, and there were surprisingly many, had done this in previous years. New blood was needed. He wanted Sarah to be one of them. He also wanted me to do it. That surprised me. We had never even met.

He thought, actually he was sure, a sister combination would bring a huge price. All the more so because even if our bodies were different (Sarah was taller than I, and had a slightly larger bust) we had near identical faces, so it was highly believable we were sisters. It was also true, but perhaps the truth does not matter?

I wanted to jump in and start to say that was crazy, so what, tell him to go to hell, and lots of such things, but I kept quiet and let Sarah talk. It was not easy, but it was the smart move just then.

Then Sarah told me what was really going on. It was blackmail. He knew things, bad things, about our parents' past. The files on my Dad's computer I had found showing our Mom taking on many men, making porn films, and letting a German shepherd fuck her, were apparently just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. There was drug trafficking, sabotage of the military during the anti-war years, accusations of promoting prostitution, the works. Mostly it was our father.

I had not told Sarah about what I had found on Dad's computer, so of course she did not believe Klaus. Prepared for that, Klaus had brought materials with him to the dinner and showed them to her. She was in a state of shock. Klaus was threatening to make everything public, not just here in Zurich, but in our hometown, at Sarah's college, everywhere. She was in a corner.

We talked a long time. Philip, Steve and Odessa came back and I waved them away. I consider myself a smart girl, but for the life of me I did not see a way out. Klaus was smart, Swiss, a banker, and he had the backing of some of the most powerful men in the world. They controlled everything, including the politicians and the police. We were two young and poor country girls with no resources. We were doomed.

I signaled Philip he could return. I explained to him, giving no details, that Klaus was blackmailing both of us into volunteering to be slave girls. We would be auctioned off as the Harley Sisters. We had no choice, it was that bad. When it was over, I was going to destroy Klaus. I wished I could do it now, but there was no time.

Philip knew of my computer skills. He saw what I had done with Harwood. He knew what I was capable of, and saw that it was not an empty threat. More accurately, he knew it was not an empty promise. I truly would do my damnedest to destroy Klaus, and there was a decent probability I would succeed. People who blackmail are usually dirty themselves.

I told Philip I hoped he would forgive me for doing this, and still respect me and love me after. But I had no choice. Philip looked worried and concerned. He said nothing.

Odessa said, "I would join you, Joanie, for solidarity, but I am just too scared. I really can't."

"I know," I replied. "And you are right. You should stay out of this and please take care of my Philip." She nodded, almost crying.

"I want to meet this asshole Klaus Schmidt," I said to Sarah. She silently led me to her table, where there were two men, and one other young woman, who was pretty and sexy. She smiled at us. I smiled back. Sarah looked at her feet, trying and failing to suppress her tears.

I pulled up an extra chair and Sarah and we both sat down. The girl was named Megan. She was from Ireland and had come to Switzerland for a conference, fallen in love with the banker she was with, and had stayed here. Her lover wanted her to volunteer to be a slave girl too, and she was thinking about it. I did not know if she too was being blackmailed.

"What do you think?" she asked both Sarah and me. Sarah was silent.

"We have decided to do it," I said, coldly looking at Klaus. "We felt we had no choice." Megan was puzzled by this, but let it go.

I saw Klaus send a text from his phone as soon as I said that we would do it.

"Yes, I think it could be fun," Megan said.

"Megan," I said, "Fun is not what it will be. It will be gruesome, and it will change you forever. You will hate men for a long time afterwards; especially you will hate bankers," I said this looking not at Klaus, but at Megan.

"Well then, why are you doing it?" she said.

"We feel that we have no choice."

"I don't understand. But anyway, if you both are going to do it, I think I will, too," Megan said.

I let it go at that. Megan was naïve, and possibly fairly stupid. I felt sorry for her, but now was not the time to try to talk her out of it. Since now was not the time, I realized there never would be a time. And who knows? Maybe Megan is so strange she would not mind what I knew was to come. No, not a chance of that, I realized.

The details of what the sick misogynist minds of these rich narcissists would think up I cold not imagine, but I knew one thing: It would not be fun.

Throughout our conversation, Klaus had been silent, and Sarah had been quietly sobbing. Finally Klaus spoke. "I'm glad you sisters have decided to volunteer. It's for such a good cause. And you know how bankers are: They like to give to charity, but only if they are richly compensated for doing so." He laughed, and Megan and her companion laughed too. Sarah and I did not.

I said, "I know people donate their bodies to science and medicine. That's usually of course after they die. I did not realize until tonight that people donate their bodies to charity." I paused. "But as you say, Klaus, we will be donating our bodies to the amusement of rich bankers. Forgive me if I am not charmed."

Klaus tried to recover the atmosphere of mirth and celebration. I did not let him. I said, "At first I wondered how, in only 48 hours, you could have come to hate my sister Sarah so much as to do this to her. Now I realize you do not hate her. You have so much contempt for women that you do not see us as people, only as ends to your means. Pretty and shapely ends, but just ends."

When I said this, I could see the light bulb go on in Megan's brain. She was having second thoughts.

I said, "Klaus, you are an ambitious, evil man. This will come back to haunt you." He laughed.

Three large men, looking like thugs, approached the table. "Are you Megan, and the Harley sisters?" the leader of the thugs asked. I nodded. "Please come with us," he said in a tone that brooked no quarry.

We got up, but Megan did not. "I changed my mind," she said.

"Good for you, Megan," I said.

Thug number one however said, "I'm afraid it's too late to do that, my dear. Please come with us."

Megan looked at the man she thought loved her. He said, "You did say yes, Megan. They do not allow you to change your mind, I'm afraid."

The men led us off to a different room, and we were left alone. Megan showed signs of fear leading to a meltdown. I did not have time to help Megan. I told Sarah we needed to use this time to discuss our strategy.

Sarah told me, "Joanie, I've been lying to you. I'm not nearly the slut I've led you to believe I am. It's true Carlos and Ramon were my third and fourth fucks, but I was just trying to impress you when I fucked them. And I did fuck the Phillips boys, but you know why: it was blackmail."

"They took turns with me, multiple times, out on those rocks. It fucked up my head. Since then I have been chaste. With Klaus, I was grateful for how nice he was to me, but it was a mistake to let him make me dinner in his apartment; he forced himself on me, I did not want it."

She continued, "He also forced me to continue in front of his roommate and girlfriend. The sex with Steve and Philip is also somehow due to my fascination with you, and wanting to be like you. I did enjoy it, especially with Philip, and I'm sorry about that."

"One thing is true, however," Sarah continued, "I discovered I am most definitely an exhibitionist, same as you."

I took this in. "Well, you are in over your head now, Sarah. You need to do everything I say, OK? It will minimize the damage."

Sarah agreed. I told her we needed to look sexy but in a reserved way. When we were auctioned off we should smile constantly, but do nothing sexual. "Just always smile," I said. "The main thing is, never show fear. Once you show fear, they have you, and you're toast. No fear, understood? These men get their rocks off on fear. I know these men."

I told her about the party in Paris, and Harwood. I told her about my espionage, the gangbang, and the bondage. I told her how they gangbanged Odessa, too. Her eyes were wide with fear; she was incredulous. "Sarah," I said, "You are showing fear. Try to stop it. Smile at me."

Sarah tried to smile. She could not. I told her to try again. The fourth time, she smiled. "Smile broader. Think of Klaus getting kicked in the balls," I said. She broke into a big smile when I said that. "Good. Keep it up, little Sis."

Counting the three of us, there were seven women in the room. The thugs came back in. "Okay, ladies. We are ready for you. I am to tell you that you each will get 10% of the auction price you command, yours to keep. In the case of the Harley sisters, you will have to share it. Once you are auctioned, the 24 hours begins. We will immediately take you to the lucky man whose bid was successful. Please follow me."

We were led to another room with a stage. The head rich banker was on the stage, and around 30 men were in chairs. They were clearly the bidders. He brought the first woman out. She was clearly nervous. She stood there and tried to smile. The bidding was in dollars, I guess since the men bidding were from everywhere. One of them looked to be an Arab sheik.

All of us women were pretty and shapely. We were all in our 20s to early 30s. All of us were scared. The bidding for the first woman began at $10,000. Sarah whispered to me, "Ten thousand? That is a huge amount of money! What could they ask from her for so much money?"

By the time Sarah's sentence was done, the bidding was up to $100,000. The auctioneer at this point asked the woman on stage to undress. She looked at him questioningly, then shrugged, and undressed down to her bra. He told her to continue, and with clear reluctance, shame and embarrassment, she continued until she was barefoot, in her bra and panties. She had a great body; that was clear.

Then with her standing there in her underwear, the bidding escalated all the way to $225,000. Sarah looked at me in shock. The auctioneer asked her now to become naked and she refused. He shrugged, and the bidding stopped.

An Arab sheik had won her, and she was led away. I could tell she was terrified to have been bought by an Arab sheik. I knew for example that Saudi Arabia was not a happy place for feminists. I guess everyone knows that.

The next woman was Megan. She did eventually get naked and she went for $350,000. She seemed excited about her share ($35,000) as she was led away. She smiled at us. Good for her, I thought.

The third, fourth and fifth women went for $250,000, $350,000, and $400,000. Sarah looked at me. Ten percent of $400,000 was $40,000. That was $20,000 for each of us, if we commanded that price.

They had saved us for last. We were led to the stage. I had developed a strategy and had quickly briefed Sarah on it. Sarah had been practicing her smiling and did not let me down. We stood there smiling, acting as if we were happy to be there. I could feel the effect on the room. The men relaxed a bit, became less solemn and more jovial, seeing us smiling. It made us more desirable.

It also made us prettier. Our mother had always said, a girl who smiles is a girl seen as pretty. Since we were being sold as a unit, the bidding began higher. They started at $100,000. I had coached Sarah, so thank goodness she did not show surprise. It quickly jumped to $200,000, then $400,000. Before long it was up to $800,000, and in danger of stalling.

The auctioneer asked us to undress. I said, loudly so all could hear, "I assure all of you that we have all the lady parts you could want. We prefer to remain dressed, please."

The auctioneer said, "Yes, Ms. Hartley. I am sure you do. Indeed, you look lovely, even beautiful." I smiled and curtsied when he said that. There was approving laughter from the men.

"But it is our tradition, and I assure you that you will fetch a higher price, if you both agree. Remember, this is for charity."

"Yes, very good then. In that case..." I said and I removed Sarah's suit jacket and blouse until she was only in her bra. I looked at her, and next she removed mine. I could tell the men liked this new idea of having sisters undress each other.

"Excellent, lovely," the auctioneer said. "Please do continue." We did, and soon we were both standing only in bra and panties.

The bidding resumed and soon we were up to $1.5 million before the bidding stalled again. The auctioneer asked if we were willing to continue. I looked at Sarah and removed her bra, and then I added a twist and fondled her breasts. She moaned in pleasure. This surprised everyone; there was even some applause.

Sarah removed my bra, fondled my breasts, and gave me a lingering open mouth kiss, which turned me on. My exhibitionism had finally kicked in. We were doing this in front of a room full of rich, powerful men, who were now beginning to openly lust for us.

As Sarah kissed me, I pulled her panties down, and she stepped out of them, never breaking the kiss. She then pulled mine down, too. We were now both naked on the stage, locked in a passionate embrace. We finally broke the kiss, and stood naked, waiting for the bidding to begin anew.

The bidding began again and rose to $3million before it stalled. The auctioneer was going to stop the bidding, but I began to finger Sarah right there on the stage. She then stuck a finger in me, and there we were, naked on stage in front of 30 or 40 men, fingering each other.

The auctioneer was speechless. He stood there and watched us for a while. Sarah and I began to kiss while fingering each other. After about 5 full minutes of this I began to become weak in the knees. Wanting to remain standing, I withdrew my fingers from Sarah's cunt and broke the kiss. I whispered to Sarah, "Bow with me and wiggle your boobs."

We both bowed, and we both wiggled our boobs as they hung below us. We then stood up, both with big smiles. We were met with applause. There was no raucous cheering; these were serious men, not drunk fraternity brothers.

The bidding resumed and we when it stalled again we did some more sexual things to each other. At one point I got on my knees and licked Sarah's cunt as she stood above me. We were finally sold into slavery for $4.5million. We would each get $225,000 for our efforts. Not bad, except that the nightmare was only just to begin.

The winning bidder rose. He came up onto the stage. He took the microphone and said, "I am having a party tonight on my yacht. You are all invited, but there will be an entrance fee of $25,000. The money will go to charity, with a bit deducted for expenses. Please let my secretary know if you plan to come, for planning purposes. His secretary, about the prettiest and sexiest secretary one could imagine, stood up in the audience on cue.

This was met with more applause. I tried to figure out what this might mean for Sarah and me. I had little time to think however, because we were led off, naked, to a waiting helicopter, and we were flown to his yacht on Lake Zurich, which had a heliport on it. I had no idea one could land a helicopter on a yacht. This was a big yacht.

We flew together the winning bidder (he told us his name: Hans). He told us he had high hopes for us. He had bid a record amount for a slave, or in our case two slaves. He got on his phone and was dictating orders for the party. He wanted six bouquets of flowers, 100 of the top quality condoms (Sarah almost lost it when he said that), 25 of Zurich's prettiest call girls, and he wanted Megan, too.

When I asked what the previous record had been for a 24-hour slave girl, Hans replied, "Oh, I guess around $1.5million." That was a huge price, but a lot less than our $4.5million, even if you figure into it there are two of us.

You would think this new record would please me, but no, it just scared me. As Sarah had put it earlier, what could they possibly get from us, in 24 hours, to warrant such a price? I did now know, but it could not be good.

He told the person on the other end of the phone to offer up to $700,000 for Megan. He actually got her for $600,000 we later learned. He explained to us, "I noticed you had become friends with her." That's all he said.

At the boat, he said, "That was very erotic what you two did on stage. Were you acting?"

Sarah said quickly, "Only in part."

Hans said, "Well you did it well. Look, we do not have much time, and the two of you got me aroused. I bought you, so it is natural for me to be first. Would you like a drink before we begin?"

I said, "I would like three." Hans looked at me. "I'm really much better in bed when I'm drunk." Hans nodded, understanding. He got me three Scotch whiskeys. The good stuff, too. Sarah followed my lead and we both got seriously drunk. Being small women, three large whiskeys will get us each reasonably drunk.

Two servants came to us and then tied us, spread eagled, to two double beds. They tied up Sarah first. I got to see how she looked tied up like that. With her arms raised over her head her breasts were pulled up a bit, and instead of sagging a little off to the side, they were dead center on her breastbone. She looked sexy as hell. Then they did the same to me.

This had a familiar feel to it. The servants left, and a man with a video camera entered. He set it up and then Hans entered. He presented his cock to my mouth and I got him hard. I could not use my hands, so it was all done with my mouth. In the process I got wet, thank God.

While sucking him, I noticed that he had a nice cock. He was tall and muscular, and for a man his age, he was not bad looking. I tried to do a good job on his cock.

I thought he was going to stick it in me, but instead he went to Sarah and presented his now hard cock to her mouth. She too could not use her hands of course, since we were both bound, hands and feet. But she too sucked him nicely and he seemed pleased.

He stuck it in Sarah, and pumped away for a good five minutes. She pretended to enjoy it; I know her, and I could tell she was pretending. She smiled and sighed, but she did not give her special moan, her signature sound when she enjoys a good fuck.

He pulled out and came back to me. I was no longer wet, so it was rough when he stuck it in. I think he liked that and he pumped away. I quickly became wet as he pumped, and he liked that all the more. I surmise it made him feel macho to make me wet with his cock. I wanted him to cum in me, to spare Sarah another round of this.

I did everything I could to get him to cum, using every trick I knew (not that many, but still), but the man had staying power and pulled out before he came. As he pulled out I whined, "No! Stay inside me, please!"

Hans smiled for the first time when I whined for him to stay, but he ignored me and went to Sarah. He fucked her for another good 10 minutes. Then he put on a condom, returned to me, and fucked me for what seemed like a very long time, finally blowing his load deep inside me.
