Joe's Chance Meeting

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Joe's Chance Meeting.

Or was it?

"Hi Joe, it's been a long time! How have you been doing?" Selena whispered her words, perhaps, with more than a hint of trepidation.

Joe's hands moved to straighten his tie; seeking to display a confidence to mask his uneasiness, "Yeah, I'm fine...and you?"

"Well, let's just say I'm pleased to see you; although, I'm a little surprised it should be here at the Hilton. Not normally your neck of the woods, as I recall."

"No, I'm attending a job...I have a new job," muttered Joe, while fiddling with the lapels on his jacket.

Selena afforded herself a wry smile at his awkwardness, "Still uncomfortable when wearing a collar and tie, then?" she quipped.

"Does it show?" He replied, feeling slightly less uncomfortable on seeing the wide grin that now highlighted her refreshing elfin-like features.

He has always loved that grin for it is a cheeky one with a certain 'Are you kidding me?' quality that had seduced him into loving her over many years. He called it her 'Ellen Barkin grin'; the type Ellen gives to Al Puchino in the movie 'Sea of love', when the latter puts on his innocent little-boy-lost look.

"Well, personally, I've always loved you naked, best of all, but that's another story," she teased, while looking warmly into his eyes. "Tell me first about your new job."

The quick change of subject had Joe flustered and fretting once more. Should he have noticed her at the bar, or should he, as he had done more than four years previously, just have turned and walked away. He had the feeling he might rue his decision to engage her in conversation. But, there were things he needed to find out about her, and indeed, about himself!

Seeing the empty wine glass in Selena's hand, Joe offered to buy her another, "Is that white wine that you are drinking?"

An old familiar feeling of being relaxed and comfortable in her presence started to ease through his demeanour. He felt much of the tension, within his body, drain away; in fact, a sexual lusting for Selena had returned to his loins. 'The attraction is still there,' he thought and that's something he had wondered about over the past four plus years!

Joe ordered a white wine for Selena and a whiskey for himself.

To break the silence that followed, he handed her the wine, then chinked his glass on hers and offered his customary salutation, "Cheers!"

"Cheers, Joe! I wish you well."

There may have been sincerity in her voice, but it was lost on Joe, since his mind was racing back over past events both pleasant and nasty.

"Shall we move to a table, away from the bar," he suggested, having noticed the barman was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Well, sure! How about that table over there in the corner? It's nice, quiet, and out of the way!" Selena happily responded.

The couple stared at each other across the table each expecting the other to ask the question that would open the can of worms. Each, however, held their nerve waiting for the other to crack. Selena knew that in the past she had always held the upper hand in such protracted displays of will, and although a few years had gone by since their last meeting, that Status Quo remained the same.

"Why did you cheat on me? You bitch!" Joe could hear and feel the nervous trembling in his body caused by his angst.

"Why didn't you come home and ask me that question four plus years ago?" The harsh, crisp tone in Selena's reply emphasized a mixture of bitterness, defiance, and disappointment, "You forfeited any right to an explanation once you failed to return home to confront me! Even our divorce was handled through a third party!"

Joe took a huge intake of breath, "Let's just get the facts straight. It was you who cheated by fucking your best friend's husband! Now, I'm to explain why I packed my bags and left you. No way, no fucking way!"

"We could have worked it through, Joe. We always did straighten out the kinks in our marriage by talking. Why was the last time so different?"

"Are you kidding me? While I held that wanker down, by jamming my boot on the side of his neck, I asked him how many times and for how long had he been fucking you. He said for months and as often as you could get the time to be fucked by a real man!" Joe shouted.

"Shush, Honey, do you want everybody in the bar to hear about our personal history?" Selena reached forward and patted the back of Joe's hand.

Joe felt the heat of anger rising up through his body, as his face turned red and his eyes narrowed. He did, however, lower his voice and continued speaking, albeit, through clenched teeth.

"You haven't changed a bit, have you? That's why I just turned and walked away. I knew you would turn things around to be my fault, but I wasn't going to give you that satisfaction. I'd had it up to here!" Joe held his hand horizontally at forehead height, then continued to spit out his venom.

"That slimy bastard was so full of shit and so willing to tell me how good you said he was in bed. I had the last laugh, though. I bet he didn't use his pecker for months after the kicking I gave him. I heard his wife walked out on him, as soon as she found out about you fucking her husband! How do you think she found out? There was nothing for me to stay around for!"

"We could have talked, Joe. We could have worked something out, because I never fucked him; it was all talk on Jeff's part--just pure bullshit. Sure, I set it up to look the way it seemed, but I never fucked him. There's only ever been you! And, that's the honest truth! I loved you then, and I still love you now!"

"Love me? You must be joking! What loving wife fucks another man behind her husband's back; not that I could ever condone such an action, even if you had asked me if it was alright to fuck him!"

Selena sighed and softened her look, "I never fucked him, and besides, you moved away. You've had four years plus to get over it. Are you still that bitter about it? If you are, then I feel quite flattered for it means you probably still love me." Smiling, she reached for his hand and held it between the palms of her own hands, "I know it must have been hard for you, Honey, but believe me, I never fucked him!"

"Then why did he say that he had been fucking you for more than a year?"

"That's a long story, Joe, and one at this precious moment in time best left untold. I want to hear about you, and how you have moved on...if you ever have."

"God, damn it! I don't believe you! You fuck another man, your best friend's husband; an act that destroys our marriage and leaves me wandering in a wilderness of loneliness for going on five years, and then you tell me the story is too long to tell...give me a break, for Christ sake!"

Selena thought it incredible that her ex was still closing his mind to the many arguments that they had before she had been forced to take a win-or-lose-all gamble with her marriage. Oh, how she rued that day she forced her best friend's husband, Jeff, into helping her to try and shock Joe out of his complacency. She had come to the hotel today with a plan, and she was still committed to seeing it through.

"Joe, it's getting too crowded in here, and too many people are showing an interest in our business. Please, Darling, come up to my hotel room, or let me come to yours. We need some time together to talk this through more sensibly."

Looking at the sea of faces that seemed to be staring at them, he nodded his head and replied, "OK, let's go to your room."

Joe let Selena lead the way to her room. He cast his eyes over her fine figure and sucked in air, as he recalled the soft white firm arse cheeks that lay beneath that well cut business suit. He sighed for he was reminded that she has always dressed so smartly. Not only did she have the looks, she had the brains. She was the clever executive: he, the lowly blue-collar worker. He had wondered during his 'separation' from her what she had seen in him in the first place. That thought made him a little depressed. Why had he called it a 'separation'? He had divorced her sorry arse four plus years ago, hadn't he?

Selena closed the hotel room door behind them before slipping off her pin-striped suit jacket and placing it around the back of the upright chair standing near a small writing bureau. She walked to the mini bar and collected two drinks; one of which she handed to Joe, "Have a whiskey. It will settle your nerves. You seem so tense, Lover; perhaps you need a shoulder massage!"

"The drink I'll accept, but not the massage; that's too risky! And, I'm not your lover; there's another woman in my life now!"

"Yes, so I've heard, may I ask who she is?"

"Dorothy Elders, you'll remember her, no doubt."

"Dorothy Elders, why yes, I remember her well. Is it serious...will we soon hear wedding bells?"

"'s a little too early to tell." Joe was enjoying this small interchange of information. He felt good that he was finally moving on from Selena.

"I'm pleased for you, Joe. It's taken a long time!"

"And you, Selena, have you also moved on?

Turning her face away from his stare, she replied, "No, Joe, there has only ever been one man in my life!"

Joe frowned.

"Would you like some ice in your drink, Joe? There's an ice maker at the end of the corridor. I'll go get some!"

Before he could respond to her question, Selena had picked up an ice bucket and had slipped out of the room; a ploy to give him the time to consider if he still remained as the only man in her life. She returned shortly afterward with the bucketful of ice cubes. "There, that didn't take long, did it?" then she, breathlessly, added, "One lump or two?"

"Now, where were we? Ah yes, the lovely Dorothy!" murmured Selena, her voice heavily coated in sarcasm at his poor choice in companionship. "Is she good in bed, Joe?"

Selena eyes searched his face for tell-tale signs for she was convinced that he still loved her, not Dorothy. She even cupped her hand, loosely, over his crotch before lightly squeezing his balls.

Joe backed away from her touch; spilling some of his drink down his shirt front, "Selena, what the fuck are you playing at?"

Selena laughed, loudly, "Oh Joe, I see you still have a sense of humour...can't you see. I'm out to seduce you! Do you remember the first time we made it, Joe? God, I felt so full of you. You were that good! And, when you came inside me, you came gallons. I dribbled your cum all the way home that first time!"

"Why are you opening old wounds, Selena? It's all dirty water under the bridge of betrayal!"

Totally ignoring his last remark, she persisted with her line of attack, "Do you remember our courting days, Joe? The many nights we spent in each other's arm in any quiet hideaway we could find? I can still feel the softness, yet manly firmness, of your lips pressing against mine. I can smell that you are still wearing the same brand of cologne, which always has me weak in the knees, and so wet in the place where it really matters."

Selena fluttered her mascara coated eyelashes, and placed her hand to lightly squeeze her own breast. She half closed her large, dark brown eyes and pouted her red, glossy lips in a rather slutty fashion, "I still drool over your rough, yet strangely calming, manner. Kiss me, Joe. Please kiss me!"

"Where are you going with this, Selena? There is no future in this meeting; you're yesterday's meat, old girl!" Joe sneered.

Moving closer to her ex-husband, she whispered, ever the more wantonly, "Just one kiss, little kiss won't do any harm, will it?"

She raised her hands to cup his cheeks, while drawing ever closer her face to his. She puckered her lips just enough to brush lightly across his half open mouth. Opening her eyes, she searched the pale blue eyes that had a slightly startled look, as they, in turn, studied hers, "Don't fight it, Lover. Just go with the flow. We both want this to happen!"

Selena continued to flutter her soft lips lightly over his; until at last she felt him peck back a little to her kiss. Rapidly, she smothered his cheeks and mouth with short, wild kisses, until she had destroyed any last vestige of resistance. Joe offered up his lips to hers. They kissed: he being now as much the instigator as she. The kiss lingered and became more passionate, as seconds ticked away.

Finally, Joe took a grip on his emotions and broke the kiss; he stepped away from Selena. She raised a hand to him, beckoning for him to come closer once more, "Come, Joe, I need you, and you need me. Come, Lover, kiss me just once more."

Torn between loyalties, his emotions in tatters, he gave a sob and moved to crush Selena's body to his own. He kissed her hard, long, and brutally. He fumbled to force his hand between their two bodies to find and, roughly, squeeze her breasts.

"That's right, Joe. Take me, take me like you used to. Let me feel your hardness against me."

She moved slightly away to give him better access to her body parts, upper and lower. Her own hand dropped to rub over his crotch area. It pleased her to feel him hardening, "Umm, you feel nice, Joe, so very nice! I must taste you, Joe. I want you in my mouth!"

Deft fingers unzipped his fly, almost without him knowing, so embroiled was he by the heat of the passion. She released his manhood from its tight confines and caressed it gently to temper it to rock hardness. The same deft fingers found the fastener on the waistband of her skirt moments before the garment was jiggled, lazily, off her shapely hips. She bent her knees a little thus making it easier to pull her thong to one side, giving Joe direct access to her sex. As she guided his hardness into her being, she sighed and whispered into his ear, "Oh my god, Joe, you feel so good. It's been so long, so very long! Fuck me, Joe! Fuck me hard."

As he stood still, Selena moved back and forth completing the act of fucking; even raising one leg in an attempt to achieve deeper penetration of his cock.

Joe's feelings were mixed and varied; at moments he wondered why he was allowing this event to happen, while at others he had a burning desire to be brutal and sexually savage the woman who had hurt him so deeply in times past. He moved his hand to grasp Selena's buttocks, before pulling her savagely onto his sex. His actions became more aggressive causing him to grunt at the increase in his efforts, "You bitch! You deserve a good fucking for all the pain you have caused!"

"That's it, Darling, just like that, just like the old times. Fuck me ragged, Joe, fuck me ragged!"

"I'll fuck you ragged, you bitch!" Joe screamed those words, as he withdrew from her body, spun her round to face away from his rampant self only to ram his manhood into her anal passage; a place he had never ventured into during their courtship or marriage.

"Yes, oh yes! Up there! Do me like that, Joe!"

Joe was surprised at the gossamer ease with which he entered her anal tract. 'She has lubricated herself,' he thought and in disbelief and shock he withdrew from her body, while he pondered the connotations of her actions. He paused before vengeance again became paramount, and hence, he thrust back deeply into her anus.

Selena smiled for she had anticipated the situation correctly, and her preparations had proved timely, "I thought you might, Lover. I just thought you might. Ha! Ha! Go ahead, Joe. Fuck me there! Fuck me hard."

Her condescending words further angered Joe, driving his actions to become more frenzied, crude and animated. Selena fed her own desires from off his anger; she knew her man and knew this high burst of energetic activity wouldn't last too long, that is, unless time had tempered the quick raging cloudbursts that had normally culminated from such gathered storms in the past. She soon sensed him pulling out of her and coming between her arse cheeks; his semen then dribbling down to mingle with her own vaginal liquid excitement.

Perspiring profusely, Joe rested his head on Selena's shoulder. His heavy breathing eased before it turned to sobbing, as he realized his weakness in giving himself to the woman who had hurt him so badly. He thought of Dorothy, and how he had betrayed her; nevertheless, he couldn't move out of Selena's embrace. In fact, he found himself desperately clinging tighter to her. Then, in an unforced tender moment, with tears running down his cheeks, he whispered, "I thought I was over you, Selena, but I still love you!"

Selena sought his salty tear-drenched eyelids with her lips after whispering, "I love you too, Joe."

Joe spent a few minutes composing himself, before breaking from Selena's embrace. He looked searchingly into the eyes of the woman who had betrayed his trust and flittered away their marriage. The red crimson mist of anguish clouded his vision, once more, as he adamantly spat out the words, "I must go. I can't stay here a moment longer!"

"If that's what you want, Joe, then go, but I'll be here at the Hilton, until your seminar finishes," whispered his self assured ex-wife. "Phone or just come knocking."

"You had this all planned, didn't you? It was no accident that I found you sitting in the hotel bar, was it?"

"Does it really matter? But yes, you are right. I have thought through every last detail."

"Except one, you bitch... you can go to hell. I'll not be back!" Joe screamed out those words, as bold urgent strides carried him out of her room and down the corridor to his own room.

Selena smiled, knowingly; then softly, yet confidently, spoke her thoughts out loud, "Oh, I think you will, Joe. I think you will!"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

to bad never finished.

Wish a new finish the dammed story would appear.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 3 years ago

Seems the woman had bigger balls than the guy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Wha hoppen? Where is the ending? Or better yet, where is the story? I gave it a solid 1 rating.

Rancher46Rancher46over 3 years ago

I amazed at authors that start a well written good story and just when it starts getting good, they don't bring it to any reasonable conclusion, just you hanging.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

An interesting little story. Was it continued?

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 10 years ago

Exactly how likely is Sweetie to get PG after being cornholed?

This whole situation is simply implausible! There was a problem ... Sweetie tried to resolve it using jealousy ... Hubby's (soon to be ex-)buddy buys into her clearly risky plan to help his buddy! Solution backfires massively! Shit, lady ... if you play Russian Roulette, don't cite probabilities or ask for a Do-Over when you (briefly) hear a big BOOM!


0649d0649dover 13 years ago
that is a brilliant cliff-hanger

I don't care if people think it's not complete - to me it is complete. The beauty of it is that we can all argue about it. I think he'll return. Others may think he won't. I think he'll return because she already broke his barriers, and he didn't put them back up again. He's lost his self-respect by giving into her. He's just about pitiable. There's nothing that shows that she didn't cheat, but then again there's nothing that shows she did cheat apart from one asshole talking. As a short story this is very good. I think you as the author shouldn't complete this because it is beautiful like this to be in your works. One that someone else may complete?

AmitdankevinAmitdankevinover 13 years ago

A very nice story from you. I really loved the it.

jack_strawjack_strawabout 14 years ago
Missing the obvious

I can't believe nobody else has picked up on the obvious intent of her last comment, after he storms out of her room. "Oh, you will, Joe, you will." She's fertile and he's just made her pregnant with his child. That's the hook she's going to use to reel him back in. I also agree with Harry. There is no reason for him to believe her when she says she never fucked her friend's husband. I almost feel sorry for the poor guy. Almost. Good, different approach, but it begs for more.

grogers7grogers7about 14 years ago
good beginning

Now, the rest of the story, please.

mwoody2950mwoody2950over 14 years ago
Way too incomplete

Dear author unless this is a multipart writing, the story has so many holes in it. If it is not a series you could have made the story so much more entertaining. Pretty twisted if don't follow through with a true conclusion and will not gain much of a readership if you leave stories hanging. Good luck, your writing is pretty good.

BobCollierBobCollierover 14 years ago
nice job

I can relate to this one, that ass fucking whore won't be leaving poor Joe alone now.

zed0zed0over 14 years ago
What A Wimp!

As with most male bashing women writers you believe that all men think with their little head rather than their big head. Unfortunately this is true in the case of many pussy whipped spineless wimps, and it's always disturbing to read about them. I hope Selena and Joe will hook up and save Dorothy from marrying a real loser, the slut and the wimp deserve each other. Hopefully they won't reproduce.

jasonnhjasonnhover 14 years ago
The secret

I also think the guy is a loser. Four years later, hating her and he falls for her BS?. Talking with her, maybe. But not by her rules. To her room, no way. When you are starting to rebuild your life why tear it to pieces again with a cruel manipulative bitch. The only interest I have is that she has a secret which she hasn't reveled to him yet. Apparently she set up her tryst for a reason and there really was no sex. What was the reason and what really did happen? The fact she destroyed the other guys marriage and her own doesn't seem to bother her too much; reinforcing the impression she is a manipulative bitch. She seems to take pride in it. For this to play out so she takes him back and I can be comfortable with it she is going to have to be totally reinvented as a character from the way she has been portrayed so far. That is possible to do, we a seeing her as filtered through his perceptions, but the little glimpses we see of her on her own, her words and actions don't seem very positive. We'll see.

sexmatesexmateover 14 years ago
Oh he'll be back!

Now it has been established that he still loves her.

He owes it to himself to find out if what she says is true or not.

Her thoughts"Oh, how she rued that day she forced her best friend's husband, Jeff, into helping her to try and shock Joe out of his complacency. She had come to the hotel today with a plan, and she was still committed to seeing it through."

So if this is true what happened to set all this in place, and what exactly was she trying to do?

Why did she take 4 years to do this? Why didn't she confront him before the divorce? and why didn't she contest it?

Is it that she has come to terms that she still loves him to much to try and get him back before he gets married again? Or is there another motive?

Yes she is manipulative but she was probably like that when they were married also. A lot of women are manipulative to a point to get things they want, or go, have things done. This does not make for a bad marriage. So what were here motives then and now?

To many questions! It makes for an well written unfinished story that left me hanging.

I hope you can finish it.

Thanks for writing!

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