Joey Gets Lucky

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Joey wins lotto and fulfill his fantasy.
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Hi all, I hope you enjoy this latest submission.

A note/warning: this is in the incest category because there is incest in the story, though it isn't the focus of the story. Thus, you have been warned. The story crosses many areas but if you're looking for something that is completely incestuous, try one of my other stories instead.

This was written by request, but having penned it, I thought I'd at least share it with all of you as well. Enjoy.

licks and kisses,


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All characters in this story are 18 years or older.

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Joey glanced up from his book. He looked to his bed then back at his book. He sighed. It wasn't that he didn't know what he was doing, his studies just weren't challenging him. He suspected that it wouldn't be too long until they did though and that when the time came he'd probably look back wistfully at this time of ease. For now he was bored and frustrated. He was at college. It was supposed to be the time of his life. He was supposed to be out getting drunk and laid (he didn't particularly care which order it occurred in) but so far, his attempts at both hadn't gone according to plan.

Sure, he'd been to a few parties and had a few drinks. He'd even drunk so much that he had thrown up once. The problem was that he found that he didn't especially like it. It wasn't really the drinking that was the problem, it was the hang-overs; he couldn't stand them and despite attempts at moderating the amount he drank, it didn't seem to make that much of a difference to the after-effects.

Sex was an even greater failure. He was shy. He knew it. He had hoped that the alcohol would help with his self-confidence, that it would give him some of the so-called Dutch courage that people talked about; but like so many other things, that failed him too. There were plenty of cute girls at the parties but he couldn't bring himself to speak to them. He quietly hoped that they'd talk to him so that something would be initiated, but even as he sat in a corner nursing a warm, lonely beer he knew that he was deluding himself. The world simply didn't work like that.

He closed his book and flopped on his bed, staring up at the badly painted ceiling. He was already too familiar with the various marks from past projectile impacts and hairline cracks in the paint. He studied them again seeking some celestial sign, some meaning, some unfathomable instruction on how he could possibly lose the curse that he considered his virginity. He felt that if he could only lose it then he'd be on his way. Surely once he popped his cherry there'd be no holding him back.

As often happened when he was feeling down, his thoughts drifted to home. He wondered how his mother was coping with his absence. He considered calling her but didn't want her to think that he wasn't having the time of his life in college. She was way too perceptive to try and fake happiness with. She'd hear it in his voice and then she'd probe and she'd worry and that was the last thing that he wanted. He hoped she was coping with being alone. At least Karen and Eva would look after her. He envied his mother's friendships and hoped that by the time he managed to leave college that he would have a friendship or two that would stand the test of time the way his mother's had. Karen and Eva had been like aunts to him growing up. He didn't know his father. He'd skipped out on his mother before he'd even made it to his first birthday and there'd hadn't been any contact since. Karen and Eva had supported his mother through that tough time and all the other times that had come after.

Joey tried to keep his thoughts about the two of them from the gutter but he was depressed and his adolescent fantasies, so often a refuge, pushed themselves to the front of his mind. Karen and Eva were both beautiful women. They were the same age as his mother and both were shapely women with full breasts and asses to die for. He guessed that a shrink would tell him some psychological reason why he fixated on them but he didn't care. For as long as he could remember they'd be the standard against which he had compared all other girls and women in his life. He loved it when they hugged him. He was sure that to them it was a maternal thing. They'd pull him in tight and hold him pressed against them. For a long time now he'd been acutely aware of the way their tits would crush against him in those hugs. That was how the fantasies had started. Of course, once they had, the awareness of them had caused him to harden. There'd never been any sign that either of them had noticed, but he blushed every time he thought about it.


Joey stared across the room. Once again he found himself nursing half a warm beer and wishing. Candace Swaenwood was a goddess. Big tits, fat ass, hips that spoke when they moved, she was everything that he wanted in a woman and the pinnacle that he'd never reach. She was surrounded by friends. She chatted happily to guys and girls, her white teeth flashing with every smile, her long dark hair cascading down over her shoulders in loose curls. He wondered what he could possibly say to her. He was pretty sure that she wasn't even aware of his existence.

He stood up, determined. What was the worst that could happen? He took a large gulp of his beer, managing to wince only a little as he swallowed it and headed in the direction of the cluster of popular people. He made it as far as the outer orbit of the group before some strange unknown force of nature seemed to repel him. He found himself hanging around the fringe, trying to find a way into the conversation. Nicknames were tossed back and forth and he struggled to even work out who they were talking about half the time. He circled, trying to get close to where Candace stood. He failed. She glanced in his direction once and his heart skipped a beat. He tracked the direction of her glance as she turned toward him, but courage failed at the last moment. He flicked his gaze down, unable to meet the sparkling brown of her eyes.

Joey turned away and walked out, cursing himself. He tossed his unfinished beer aside in disgust and retreated to his dorm room.


Joey grabbed a soda from the fridge at the back of the 7-11 and headed to the counter to pay the clerk. An advertisement for that night's lotto jackpot caught his eye. $200 million dollars. How much would that change his life he wondered to himself. He'd never actually bought a lotto ticket. His mother had often talked about what it would be like to win, to escape the struggle of single-motherhood. She worked her butt off to support the two of them and he knew how much she went without for the things that they could have. Lotto tickets were considered a luxury and it was only on very, very rare occasions that she'd bought one. It usually meant that the prize was astronomical. He supposed that her attitude to it had rubbed off on him. He was too aware of the mathematical improbability of winning to spend money that could be used for something worthwhile. On a whim, he bought one anyway.

"Would you like to register your ticket?" the clerk asked him.

"Sorry?" he responded, surprised by the question.

"You can register your ticket if you like, so that there's a record that you purchased it. It means if you win the lottery people can track you down."

"Oh, does it cost extra?" he asked the girl. She gave a little laugh and he blushed at his lack of knowledge about what was clearly supposed to be common.

"No, it doesn't cost any extra," she replied seriously, recovering her composure.

"It's okay, I don't think I'll bother," he replied, suddenly wanting to be on his way. "I mean the chances of winning kind of make the effort of doing it pointless." He gave her a nervous smile, but she was already looking beyond him to the next customer following his negative response.

He scrunched the lotto ticket into his back pocket, picked up the soda and headed back to college.


"Hey Joey, did you hear the news?" his roommate Chad asked as he barged into their room.

"Nah, what's up?" Joey asked, looking up from his book.

"Apparently, someone bought a winning lotto ticket at that 7-11 over on Randall Street. They reckon it's a pretty big prize and no-one's claimed it yet. Can you imagine? Someone is walking around with a little slip of paper that's worth millions. Dude I'd be freaking out."

"Yeah I guess," Joey replied.

"You guess?" Chad asked, outraged. He swept his brown hair back from his head with one hand, his eyes as animated as his hands as he spoke. "Think about it. Those paper tickets aren't exactly chiselled in stone you know. They're flimsy as fuck. I'd probably fucking just chuck it in the bin without even knowing about it. And like if you don't register it, you wouldn't even know that you'd won. You could quite literally throw millions of dollars away."

Joey stared at his roommate, suddenly aware that he had just such a ticket, bought from the very store that his friend was talking about.

"How much did you say the prize was worth?" Joey asked. "I thought the draw was worth two hundred million?"

"Yeah, apparently there were four winning tickets though. A couple of syndicates and then this one fucking little single-entry random lucky fucking dip type thing."

Joey wondered where he'd put his ticket. His heart raced. He tried to tell himself not to get his hopes up, that there was no way in hell that his ticket could be the winner. Life didn't happen like that. You didn't buy one lotto ticket and become an instant multi-millionaire. "Man, imagine what you could do with that much money," he said.

"Oh believe me, I have," Chad laughed. "Straight to the Lambo shop for a car; then a massive fucking party with chicks tearing their clothes off and throwing themselves at me."

"Yeah, well I never play Lotto so it won't ever be me," Joey said quietly.

"Same, but I still dream about what it would be like to win. Stupid eh?"

Joey waited impatiently, wracking his brain as to where the ticket could be. He couldn't remember putting it anywhere. Was it still in the pocket of his jeans? He didn't want to look while Chad was there. He didn't want anyone thinking that there was a chance that he was the winner. Shit, he didn't really want to think that he could be the winner.

Chad settled in to study on his side of the dorm room and Joey wanted to scream. He tried to focus on his assignment again but he was lost. Eventually Chad's cell phone rang and he headed out. Joey all but sprang from his seat and grabbed the jeans that he'd discarded in the corner of the room. He rifled through the back right pocket but it was empty. A quick search of the left produced the crumpled lotto ticket. He seized it and tried to flatten it on his desk.

"How did you even check if you'd won?" he wondered. "Google. That was the answer to everything, wasn't it?"

He flipped his laptop open and searched for the winning lotto numbers. He found them and with a shaking hand, held his ticket up next to the screen.

2, 17, 29, 41, 16, 8.

One by one he checked between the screen and the slip of paper. Six out of six. He didn't know how many times he checked it other than to know that it was a large number. Miraculously, every time that he did, they matched. He kept expecting to find that he'd made a mistake, that he'd read one of them wrong, but they kept on matching. Joey's heart pounded in his chest. He closed the laptop, hands shaking. He went to stand up, but simply sat back down in his seat, legs unable to support his weight. On the third try he managed it.

He put the ticket in his wallet, carefully folded, then stuffed his wallet in the back pocket of his jeans. He went to leave the room, then stopped. He pulled his wallet out and stuffed it in his front pocket instead. He held it there with his hand, unwilling to risk it falling out despite the fact that it had never happened in his life. He walk-ran to the 7-11 and only realised half way there that he hadn't actually checked the process for confirming a winning entry. It just seemed that going back to the source would be the right thing to do.

"Hi, I um, bought this ticket here, how do I check it?'" he asked, amazed that he didn't stutter and stammer.

"Oh you just scan the barcode there," the clerk said. Joey was aware that she was suddenly watching him very intently, with a level of interest that the simple act of checking of a lotto ticket wouldn't normally warrant. His hands shook. He saw the red line of the scanner fall on the piece of paper that he held flat against the reader's surface in an attempt to keep it steady. There was a small display that lit up with little blue LED lights with a simple message that said, "See Cashier."

"It says to see you?" he asked, perplexed. The girl frowned at him.

"It does that sometimes," she said simply, "Usually if the tickets a bit old or something." She took the ticket from him and scanned it on her side of the machine. It gave a happy little noise and the girl's face paled.

"Fuck," she said, the immediately apologised. "Sorry, I shouldn't have sworn."

"What, is it true?" Joey asked, his heart rate accelerating with each passing second.

"You won!" the girl exclaimed excitedly. "Oh my God, you fucking won!"

"Shh," Joey said in an attempt to calm her. "What do I do?"

"I don't know, no one has ever won anything like this here," she said. She was jumping up and down on the spot and her eyes were alight with joy. Joey found his eyes drawn to the sight of her perky tits bouncing up and down as she carried on. He admonished himself mentally and dragged his eyes away so that he could meet her gaze.

"Can you find out for me please?"

"Oh shit, yeah, of course."

"And um, can I have the ticket?" he asked nervously. He noted that when she handed it back to him that her hand was shaking almost as much as his own. She grabbed a folder of instructions from under the counter and flicked through it until she found the information that she was looking for.

"Okay, here it is, you need to contact the Lottery Commission. I need to take a copy of the ticket and let them know, but they're not open until Monday morning, so you'll have to wait until then."

"Shit, all weekend?" Joey asked, suddenly worried about the number of ways that he could lose the flimsy piece of paper that was suddenly worth more money than he could ever imagine.

"Yeah, sorry. I'll send this through to them now, but you'll have to wait." She had him fill out his details to lodge his claim on the ticket and then he was left to wander back to his dorm where he collapsed on his bed. He had no idea what to do next. He remembered his friend's plan to immediately go buy a car and out of curiosity ended up opening his computer and looking online at expensive sports cars, amazed that he would actually be able to afford one.

He spent the weekend in a daze. Part of him wanted to go out and party but every time he thought about it he worried that he would let something slip and that everyone would know before he'd even confirmed that it really was true. He'd sworn the clerk to secrecy, telling her that he'd give her a big fat tip when the money came through if she didn't tell anyone. It was surreal. He looked at all the people around campus and realised that he didn't have to be there. If he was suddenly rich, then he didn't ever have to work if he didn't want to. He could choose to study or not. There were so many options available to him that it was over-whelming.

He hardly slept. He was still awake at 4am Monday, nerves keeping him up as he counted down the hours until the Lottery Commission would be open. He drifted off to sleep at about 5am and woke sharply to his alarm at 8:30. His roommate was already up and about and commented on how smashed Joey looked but Joey just waved him away. He knew that he couldn't call until 9am and was glad when Chad finally left to go to his first lecture for the day.

He sat on his bed watching the minutes tick past and finally at 9:20 punched the number for the Lottery Commission into his cell phone. It took three attempts to get it right. He held the phone to his ear and tried to steady his breathing. He wondered if he'd even hear the person on the other end over the pounding of his heart in his ears.

Two hours later and he was sitting in a car that the lotto people had sent to collect him. It pulled up out the front and he was met by a beaming representative of the commission. She was blonde, bubbly and flashed perfectly white teeth when she smiled. She shook his hand and guided him inside.

"It's official," she said to him a short time later. Congratulations, you've just won fifty million dollars."

"Fuck," he said, looking for somewhere to sit. She kindly laughed off his profanity and waited him out as he slowly sorted his mind into a level of coherence that would work for him again. Bank details were provided and he was told that the money would settle into his account in two days. Joey nearly screamed. Another two days?

"Is there somewhere that you'd like to be dropped off?" Jenny, the bubbly blonde asked. "The car will take you wherever you need to go for the rest of the day."

"I reckon I can think of somewhere," Joey grinned.

An hour later and he stepped from the car into the Lamborghini show room.

"Can I help you?" a well-dressed salesman asked as he entered, the look on his face betraying his lack of interest.

"Yep, you sure can, I'm here to buy a car," Joey replied enthusiastically.

"Of course you are," the salesman sneered. "Just like every other teenager with a dream, you stroll in saying you're about to buy a car, could you please test drive one."

"Well given I just won the Lotto, that's pretty much exactly right," Joey replied, trying to stay positive in the face of the salesman's negativity.

"Oh and I've never heard that one before. Do you have some proof of this miracle?" the salesman asked.

"You know what, I don't actually and given your attitude, even if I did I don't think I'd bother to show you. Clearly you sell so many cars that you can turn anyone away. Don't bother turning me away, I'll leave on my own. I'm sure I can pick up a Porsche or a Ferrari without this sort of crap." He stalked off, ignoring whatever it was the arrogant salesman muttered to his back. He had the driver take him back to college. He wasn't sure that he would fare any better with any other car dealers without proof of his win and so decided to wait until he had it. Whatever happened though he knew he wouldn't be buying a Lamborghini. He wasn't about to put up with shit like that from a salesman.

For the next two days Joey went about his life as normally as he could. The major change would be in the search history of his web browser. He started to look into what sort of financial advice he could get, what sort of house he might buy and of course, what car he actually wanted to drive.

He dreamed about paying off his mother's house, handing her the key and celebrating with her, Karen and Eva. As he thought about it, he decided that his new house would absolutely have to have a jacuzzi. The thought of getting Karen and Eva sitting either side of him in their swimsuits (or less) with champagne flowing freely led to some fun fantasies and several loads of come being swallowed by tissues while his roommate was out.

Joey wondered when he should tell his mother and decided to wait at least until the money was in his account. He couldn't help but think that something was going to go wrong and the money wouldn't materialise. People like him just didn't win fifty million dollars. They worked their ass off and struggled through life. The money falling through at the last minute was so much more a likely script for his life.