Jogging Into Problems


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"I see you still find me attractive, Tim. I'm available for you, anytime." She started to sing that song: "You just call out my name, and you know wherever I am, I'll come runnin' to see you again....." She smiled at me.

"Oh, Alice, Jesus." I was in a quandary. Right then and there, Alice was the sexiest woman alive, to me at least. I wanted her more than any woman I'd ever met.

Our waitress approached with the food. Alice got up, and tossed thirty dollars on the table. She turned to the waitress.

"Something's come up. We have to leave right now." I stood up. Alice and the waitress glanced down at my crotch. At the same time. Alice was flushed. And...the waitress -- whose name tag said 'Gwen' -- was flushed and momentarily flustered. Then she broke into a big smile.

"I can see that you two have to get off now." She looked right at me, "Come back later, big boy, I get off at six." She was cute.

Alice grabbed my hand and gave her a dirty look. She tugged me outside. We had walked from court. Her apartment was two and a half blocks away. We went inside the main door, and got an elevator.

Once the elevator door closed, Alice attacked me. She drove me into the wall and rubbed herself all over me. "This is gonna feel so great, Tim. I'm nailing you to the bed."

"Okay....." I was breathing hard. The elevator door opened. Two women were outside the door. Alice and I got off -- the elevator. The women were stunned. We rushed past them. One said, "Hi, Alice." Alice didn't answer. Her apartment door opened. She tugged me inside, I almost fell over an end table.

Alice dropped her dress on the floor of the living room. Her bra came off as I shucked my shirt. Her panties came down as my pants dropped to the floor. She stepped back, looked me up and down, and I did the same to her. She licked her lips. Then I pushed her into the bedroom, and onto her bed.

"Just fuck me now." She spread her legs. But then she pushed me onto my back. She moaned, "I said I was going to nail you, and that's what I'm gonna do." She seemed a lot stronger now than before.

Alice straddled me and looked me right in the eye as she put my cock inside her and slowly lowered herself all the way down. Then she moved only a little. Just enough for friction. She was looking right at me, and I thought I saw a hint of triumph. But it was fleeting, and then she leaned over and put her tongue into my mouth. She started bouncing and grinding on me.

Alice came hard, right away, maybe ten strokes. It was a pulsating orgasm that I could feel over my entire cock, squeezing.... I came so hard. It seemed to last forever. She was milking me with her orgasm. She was making loud noises..."Oh...Oh....Ooohhh." I have no idea if I made any sound at all.

After we subsided, she was still on top, and I was still inside her. We lay that way for some time, just breathing. I maybe should have been considering what a weird climax it was to our divorce day. But that would come later.

Alice sat up. She looked down at me. "That was the best sex we ever had. The best I ever had at all. I should have divorced you long ago." She started to laugh. Her laughter caused her to move on my dick. And I got hard again, very hard. I flipped her over on the bed. I fucked her hard for a long time. I felt her come several times, the same pulsing I remembered from our best married sex. Then I emptied myself into her again. It was just as intense and pleasurable as the first one.

I rolled off her this time. I thought that if I stayed on her we'd be at it again soon, and that could have had severe health consequences -- at least for me.

The divorce was on a Friday morning. Alice and I went at it all afternoon, into the night. We ate a light meal. I suggested that we could go back to Red Lobster, but she declined, forcefully. Instead, she sat on my face and said, "Eat this!" She laughed until I got serious about licking her clit. That stopped her from laughing all right. The we had soup from her fridge. We never even dressed to eat it.

She looked at me after we finished a brownie that she had around.

"Should we talk now, or fuck?"

I never hesitated. As I got up and took her hand I said, "Fuck." So, we did. Several more times that night. They were all fantastic. Some slow, some hard. She was right that I knew all her buttons. And she knew mine. The sex had an air of all-out war at times, to see who could make the other one pass out. No one won the game, but it was great fun to play.

In the morning we had sex again, and she made breakfast. As we ate, I decided we had to discuss what had happened.

"Alice, I hope we can keep on doing this. Divorce sex was way better even than honeymoon sex."

"Timmy, I know now that it was a mistake to....for me to get married. I thought I could keep my promise to only be yours. I did okay. I know I can't do that. That obviously doesn't mean that I want you out of my life. I meant it when I sang the James Taylor song."

"But some day, Alice, I'm going to want to settle down and have a family. That's part of what drove you to other guys, maybe. So, I love the sex with you. You're the best. You'll probably always be the best I ever had. I just...I guess we could keep this up until one or both of us has some reason to stop."

"Okay. Let's fuck now." We spent the entire weekend in bed, except for short breaks for food and showers, and bathroom breaks. Tooth brushing also.

Saturday afternoon there came a knock at her door. Alice put on a robe and answered. It was the woman who spoke as we left the elevator. She was older, but looked good.

Alice said, "Hi, Maisy." Maisy was peering into the apartment. I was in a pair of gym shorts, and I didn't hide. Alice and I had been making out, and I was erect, although covered.

"Well, Alice, I hadn't seen you for a while, and I just wanted to check to see if you were okay."

"More that okay, Maisy. Way more." Alice smiled back at me. Maisy looked as well.

Maisy said, "I see. You all just keep on having a good time. You're a lucky girl, Alice. I won't worry anymore."

"Thanks, I'm sure we will." Alice closed the door softly, and giggled. "You gave her a good look at the goods."

"She did look, too. Maybe you should have invited her in for coffee."

"She would have wanted it with cream. Can't have that. Too much cholesterol." She pulled down my shorts.

We went to work, both of us, that Monday. We hadn't settled anything permanently. All day I thought about what had happened. I would never, ever consider any permanent relationship with Alice. Not like a partners thing. But as long as we were having super-charged sex, I was in for that. Unless I met someone that I thought I might like to marry and have kids with. I was going to be very careful, of course, about that. Alice had taught me a hard lesson. But, even so, I wanted a family and kids. I was on the lookout.

Alice wasn't. She had me and three other guys that she saw. We weren't married, and I didn't mind. In fact, the idea that she was such a slut turned me on. I simply had regular testing for STD's. None were ever positive.

Oh, and one day I met Maisy coming out of Alice's place. We had had a quickie - me and Alice, that is. Maisy looked me up and down in a very suggestive way.

She said, "Hi, maybe you remember me. I sure remember you. You make a good tent."

"I do recall you, Maisy. Alice says you are divorced."

"Yep, for eighteen months. It's no fun being a single woman my age."

"Maisy, you look great, for any age, and you know it. Are you going to invite me in?"

"I sure am. You're Tim, right?"

"Yes." We went back up to the fourth floor, where Maisy's apartment was across the hall from Alice's. As we were at Maisy's door, Alice came out of hers.

She looked at me and Maisy. She started to laugh. "You're a hound, Tim. I never would have thought it of you, when we were married." She looked at Maisy, "Have a wonderful time, Maisy. Tim's a first-class stud." She sashayed off.

Maisy was curious about me and Alice. But we didn't discuss it right away. Instead, she showed me her bedroom, which was tastefully decorated -- when we started, at least. Maisy was forty. She had a son in college, and a daughter working downtown. She was good in bed, and I really enjoyed myself with her. I left the next morning, with a promise to keep in touch. I kept that promise. It was my pleasure. I began to wonder what other women inhabited the fourth floor. But I never found out.

One day I was walking by the courthouse, when a woman walking toward me stopped and asked, "Don't I know you?" She looked puzzled. I wasn't. I remembered her. Gwen the waitress.

"You're Gwen. You were our waitress when we left our food. Red Lobster."

"Oh." She blushed. "I remember now. I'm surprised I forgot. But I wasn't looking at your face much. You'll have to excuse me."

"I'm Tim. Are you still working there?"

"Part time. I do modelling, also." She was a good looking blonde, slim with good hips, though. Blue eyes.

"I recall that you invited me to meet you at six. But Alice and I were otherwise engaged for the entire weekend."

"Hmmm. Are you guys permanent?"

"Nah. We...well, on the day we met you, we had just come from the court, where our divorce was finalized. Somehow, that seemed to charge us up. As you saw."

"Okay...that' weird. Does it still work?"

"We see each other. There's no doubt that we are compatible in some regards. Not in others."

She smiled at me. "Maybe you should ask me out, I'm not working today."

"I like your approach. Can we have dinner tonight? At my place. I'll cook."

"I'm really looking forward to it, Tim."

That evening she came over at about 6:30. She looked fabulous, in a short shift dress and sandals. I made us a chicken stir fry, and fried rice. We talked. She was twenty-five, and was getting by with part time modelling for some clothing magazines, and her waitress gig. She hadn't been married, but had broken up with her long time boyfriend about ten months before.

At that point I was thirty-four and was making good money at the law firm. I had my condo, and a nice car. Alice and I, and Maisy and I had our sessions. I also had a fuck-buddy relationship with a clerk at the courthouse, maybe twice a month. But I was ready to commit, and Gwen seemed nice. I decided to romance her, and see where it went. That first night we agreed that I would walk her home. She gave ma a kiss at her door. I was excited about that. Not jumping right into bed.

As we progressed, I began to fall for her. She was pretty and smart. And I believed she was falling for me. On our third date, we made it to bed. It was nice. I made love to her. And she seemed to appreciate that. I decided to cut it off with the other women.

One night a few weeks later, Gwen and I had just finished a hard session of sex. It wasn't always loving kindness. She like it animalistic, too. Like me. Like a lot of people, I think.

I said, "Gwen, I've told you about my marriage, and its problems. And, now I think I'm in love with you. I stopped having sex with other women."

"I'm happy to hear that. Since I met you, you're the only guy I've had. Or even kissed. I do love, you, Tim. But I worry about your insecurity -- about fidelity. Will you always mistrust me? Because, if I say I'll only be with you, that's what I will do."

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't worry. But, if you promise me, I promise that I'll do my best to be settled about the fidelity thing."

"Okay. Deal. I'll be true, and you will, too. It rhymes."

Two weeks later I proposed. We were married three months later. Her folks lived in Chicago, but we had our ceremony here. It wasn't lavish. I invited Alice, and Maisy. But not the other woman, Mary. She was just an outlet. No closeness.

I had introduced Gwen to Alice just after I proposed. Alice was nice to her, but I could see she was depressed, a little. We weren't in love. But I knew she'd miss the sex. I would as well.

Gwen and I went to the Bahamas for our honeymoon. It was great. We settled into my condo, and things went very well. We decided to try for kids, and we were successful, twice in three years. Thomas and Eileen. I bought a house in a near suburb. I made partner at the firm.

I kept in touch with Alice. (No, not that way.) She married a guy from her work a year after Gwen and I tied the knot. His name was Larry Gibson. He was successful, and she had a son, Lawrence, and another, Raymond. They moved into a place very near where Gwen and I lived. The four of us would see each other around the area. Then the kids were in the same playschool. Gwen and Alice became friendly. Larry and I, not so much. I believe he didn't trust me around Alice. And he was right not to. The attraction between Alice and me was still there. Gwen knew it but she trusted me not to move on Alice. After a while, she even trusted Alice not to try for me. But Larry, who could see the sparks that sometimes flew, never quite got there.

Nevertheless, he and I had mutual interests -- baseball mainly. We were on the same men's team. Old timers league. And we were both good at it. We also got season tickets to the Gems, MLB games. We were both fans. Two seats. At times he and I would go together.

One day, I decided to have an open discussion with him about the relationship with Alice, then and now. We were waiting to drive out of the parking garage at the Gem's park, after a game.

I turned to him, "Larry, I want to make it very clear to you that I will never have sex with Alice. Never again. She's married. I'm married. It won't happen. I know it worries you."

"Geez, Tim. That's way to approach this."

"You and I could be good buddies, if you trusted me and Alice."

"But, Tim. It's obvious that the two of you, with your history, still have.....lust -- to put it bluntly."

"Can't deny that. There's a history there. We had compatibility. But, I give you my word on this. I'm sure she has told you the same thing. We need to get past this. If we can."

"Tim, I have the impression, from just seeing the two of you sometimes -- like at that dance at the club last month -- anyway, the impression that you had tremendous sexual experiences together. And, you know, that rankles. I wonder, sometimes, who she's thinking of when we have sex. Me or you?"

"Well, or some movie star."

"Do you think of her when you're with Gwen?"

"No. But that doesn't mean I don't think of her. We had good times."

"Maybe the best times. Maybe better that ever with me. That's what really bothers me, when you get down to it."

"Larry, I had good sex with Alice, when we were married and after. But after it was just sex. Love was gone. She was good at sex, always. So were several others I was with. When you get right down to it, it feels the same when you come, if it's a good, tight one, no matter who is making it happen. I have good sex with Gwen. Sometimes great. Alice was no better that Gwen. Or others could be as good. It's love that makes sex special. You have that with Alice, and I have it with Gwen. Nuff said."

"Okaaaay. I see what you're saying. I didn't think of it quite that way. Thanks."

And that made it easier for all four of us -- that talk. Of course, I lied to him. No sex I ever had with any woman was as good as I had with Alice after the divorce. I still think about it. Not quite every day. And I see her, and I know she does, too.

The end.

(Maybe, if Alice and I are both over eighty, and our spouses are gone, and we're in some old folks home -- maybe we'll see if we can fuck each other to death.)

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oldtwitoldtwit3 months ago

Oh so many wish that was happening to them after salut wife cheats.

Nice enough story

trucker1965trucker19654 months ago

Got real stupid real fast.

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magician4 months ago

Third try is still a bust. Three of the worst partial reads in Literotica. I gave up on this one right after Alice grabbed his cock. Your stories are still pathetic and pedantic. Nobody would miss them except your friendly neighborhood feminist sluts and stupid cucks. Leaving you site for good. Enjoy being from of my criticisms. MtM

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The story is well written but the ending doesn't match the rest of the story. The idea that he would have sex with her on D Day is too far out for me. In both of my divorces, it was the last thing on my mind when we stood before the judge. Then all four if them becoming. Now that's fairytale time.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This was a great story...right up to the point where he decided to fuck her after the divorce. These stories are, part, fsex. However to be believable the chrachters have to do believable things. A man of his nature would NEVER have anything further to do with her. As for meeting her for lunch, that's just a mechanism for you to express, my opinion, your thrill for such things.

I give this story a ZERO.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Yes his std probable ex bike turned him on greatly

Busman19639Busman1963911 months ago

A very interesting and well written story.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Very slice-of-life. Five stars

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Omg what a stupid ass story come on dude knock off the bullshit and write something worth while

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