Jonathan Creed


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I withdrew them from the bag. The stainless steel gleamed in the light ... they would do until we got some real toys.

I clipped them onto Sarah's wrists.

Sarah looked back at me in surprise from her position of kneeling on the bed.

I looked at her, "I like my women bound."

A tremor passed through her body. "Yes Master."

I smiled. "I am going to fuck you now Sarah. I am going to flip up this flimsy school skirt that represents what a good little girl you were ... and give it a new memory for you. You're going to remember how you took it hard in this skirt ... because you're a good little slut ... MY good little slut."

Sarah panted, "Yes Master, fuck me please ... make me your good little slut ... it's what I want ... what I need."

I wasted no time. I drew up the tiny plaid skirt ... to reveal her glistening pussy. Moisture was seeping from between her hairless lips ... I watched her sex contract vainly around the air.

Sarah was beyond coherence. "Master, please ... fill me NOW."

I grunted ... and thrust myself in to the hilt.

Sarah screamed. The hardest orgasm I had ever seen a women have before ripped through her body. She looked like she was having a seizure ... and the only thing I could think of, was that I was mad she took her pleasure before I had mine. That was not a slave's place.

"No cumming without permission from this point slave."

"Yes Master," Sarah whimpered ... and collapsed on the bed. "Please ... may I rest Master?"

I used her long red hair to pull her head back up... "No slave ... I'm just getting started."

The Chinese lay forgotten ... we were filling a different hunger now.


Chapter 16

For me, sex had never held my interest.

I had grown up at a different rate then people my age. I matured faster and couldn't relate to any of the girls my age. A boy with a college education did not want to fuck a freshman in high school. Even if that freshman was the same age as the boy in question.

My previous relations, therefore, had left me wanting.

This was not like those past encounters.

The girl beneath my body was driving me insane ... and I wasn't sure I wanted my sanity to return ... if it meant losing this moment.

Sarah squirmed under me. Her breathing was fast and sporadic. She moaned, and shivered again as a mini orgasm overcame her.

I tightened my grip in her hair ... and she groaned in sexual delight. A thin sheen of sweat covered her body.

My brief sexual encounters had never been like this before ... Sarah was giving me so much trust, she couldn't move ... I could literally have my way with her ... a more powerful aphrodisiac I could not imagine.

I wanted to own her ... and that scared and exhilarated me.

There was no friction in our joining now. Her crotch had produced too much moisture ... only when she came did I feel her cunt spasm and grip at my cock ... hoping that this time it would be successful, and coax my seed from me.

But I had been consumed by my inner beast ... and the beast, though savage, exuded control. I would come when it desired. I would come when the beast believed it had wrested enough orgasms from the female it coupled with ... when it believed the female knew its place of subservience ... and when she begged for the endless pleasure to stop...

The beast didn't have to wait long.

Sarah was shuddering again under me ... her soft body quaking in its sixth or seventh orgasm. I released her hair and her face plopped onto the pillow.

I continued fucking her ... she was no longer playing an active role ... she had long since been reduced to simply taking my invasion ... and the pleasure that had become pain.

I could barely hear her breathless voice, "Please Master ... please ... I cannot take it anymore ... I cannot cum again ... it feels like my mind is breaking."

The beast spoke through me, in the cold voice that Sarah must have come to associate as the voice of her Master.

"Have I taken my pleasure yet slave?"

Sarah shook her head slightly against the pillow. I thrusted harder into her, making her upturned ass jiggle as I sawed into her sex.

"I asked you a question slave."

Her body shook again ... consumed with the eighth orgasm of our coupling. "No Master," she said huskily "this slave has been unable to make you come."

Somehow, the beast knew what to say. "My slave, it is not your duty to 'make me' come. It is your duty to provide me pleasure with all that you are ... and await for me to bestow my pleasure upon you, like a gift."

Sarah moaned and thrashed on the bed underneath me, "Yes, that's what I need ... please Master give me your gift ... come in me ... come on me ... just mark me ... show me that I am yours."

The beast roared its approval ... and I heard my voice echo into the night. I felt my balls tighten ... and at the last second, I pulled my cock out of her red and sopping vagina. I felt myself spurting, and watched as my seed landed on the pale globes of her ass, noting that a few stray drops landed on the rolled up plaid skirt.

Sarah sighed ... her knees slowly slide out from under her, and her ass descended ... until she was lying completely prone on the bed. "Yes ... that's it Master ... mark me ... with your pleasure."

Sleep took her before she drew another breath.


I gazed at the beauty under me. My alabaster goddess looked well and thoroughly fucked. Her hair was a tangled mess, and her uniform was rumpled from our energetic sex making.

Though in contrast to her chaotic appearance, she looked to be at peace. Her breathing was calm now, and I watched as her flanks expanded and contracted ... it was a hypnotic sight.

My cum still shone on her buttocks ... though the skirt had fallen down partially, and obscured half the view.

I sighed gently ... and slowly raised myself from the bed, careful not to disturb my sleeping goddess. I quietly crept to the bathroom and flicked the light on.

I turned the hot tap at the sink, and waited patiently for the water to heat. When I noticed faint wisps of steam rise from the basin, I selected a cloth off the towel rack, and ran it under the hot water.

It stung my hands slightly, but I paid it no mind.

I turned the tap off, and wrung the cloth out in my hands. The scalding liquid left the towel, leaving it damp and pleasantly warm.

I flicked the bathroom light switch, and made my way back to my sleeping beauty, clutching the warm cloth in my hands.

Slowly, I once again placed my weight on the bed, and straddled her sleeping form. Her breathing was still soft. I found the zipper on the side of her skirt ... and slowly eased the rumpled skirt from the gentle rise of her buttocks, and over the swell of her hips.

I tossed the skirt to the floor.

Reverently, I took the warm cloth and dabbed it softly on her cool flesh. Slowly I began to clean my seed off her. Cautiously, I moved my attention to her enflamed sex. With a few more dabs I removed the evidence of her arousal.

Sarah sighed in her sleep. It was a low hiss ... but it sounded content, like a sated animal. I took my hand and ran my hand lightly over the smooth skin of her posterior ... she made that sound again ... I smiled to myself in the darkness.

When I had sufficiently cleaned her, I stood and felt my way to the bedside table, and picked up the handcuff key.

With a small 'click, ' I removed the handcuffs from her wrists. I gently lay her arms to the side, and massaged her shoulders softly, to prevent stiffness in the morning due to her bondage.

Finally I was satisfied that Sarah was no worse for wear after our intense session. With that knowledge I let myself succumb to my own weariness. The last thing I remembered was pulling the covers up over both of us, and kissing her lovingly on the cheek.


Consciousness came to me slowly.

It was a glorious sensation, and I enjoyed the feeling of languor as my mind lifted from a heavy and satisfying sleep.

I was aware of the beams of sunshine present in the room. I sensed their light on the back of my eyelids, and felt their heat on my bare chest.

The softest touches were delicately tracing my forehead and cheek bones. The slender female fingers felt wonderful as they caressed my face.

My eyes lazily drifted open, and gazed into Sarah's sparkling green gaze.

She was a vision to behold.

The curtains had been drawn, and the morning sun lay to Sarah's back, setting her red hair ablaze with dawn's light.

Sarah Gale took my breath away.

On her face was a small smile, and a look of compassion the likes of which I'd never seen.

"Good morning Master." She said dreamily.

I couldn't help but smile back.

I took Sarah's slim fingers from my face, and brought them to my mouth. I kissed her hand gently ... she blushed prettily.

"Good morning darling." I said.

Moving suddenly, I reached up and pulled her down on top of me. I gave her the biggest bear hug I could manage.

Sarah squealed and giggled, as she tried to free her arms, which my hug had pinned to her sides.

Then she stilled a lay docile on my lap. She sighed and buried her head into my collar bone. I began to rub her back, trailing my fingers playfully across her spine. She brought her head up, and rested her chin on my chest. Her green eyes peered into mine.

"I love you Master."

I kissed her on the nose. "That's just the sex talking dear ... with a healthy dose of mind control."

She pouted, "Perhaps," then she brought her mouth to mine, and pushed her tongue past my teeth as she explored the inner reaches of my mouth.

She drew back, a hungry look in her eyes. "But the feelings are very real."

I didn't know how to respond ... so I continued stroking her back. After a minute, she began to wriggle.

"I almost forgot! Master, your breakfast will be getting cold!"

I chuckled. "You made me breakfast again?"

She smiled and nuzzled my jaw with her lips, "It is my duty to serve you, I'll make you breakfast for as long as you'll have me."

I resisted the urge to turn her over, and have an encore of last night. There was something deeply arousing to a man when a woman made him food.

I guess we're all cave men when it comes down to it.

I pinched her ass, and she moaned, and ground her crotch into my stomach. "Where is this breakfast then darling? I don't see it."

She smiled her face was red and she was panting from our mutual teasing. "You can't have breakfast in bed every day. Master you may be, but I refuse to spoil you like that."

I pinched her again, and elicited another groan.

She looked very aroused. My bedroom began to smell of Sarah's musk once again. I could feel her fluids lightly trickle onto my navel as they poured out of her.

"No fair, Master ... breakfast first ... I have to eat before you have your wicked way with me again," she said.

I sighed, and stood up with her in my arms. I set her down on the floor, and she put her feet on the ground unsteadily.

I pulled my bathrobe back on.

"Very well, lead the way darling."


Breakfast was a bowl of oatmeal and a grapefruit. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She giggled prettily.

"A healthy breakfast gives you more energy throughout the day," she said.

I grumbled, but took my seat. I wondered how she even found any oatmeal; I certainly didn't keep any in the house.

She hugged me from behind, "I went to the store while you were sleeping..."

I picked up my spoon, and dipped it in my oatmeal. I tasted it apprehensively.

It was sweet. She had flavored it with sugar and cinnamon. She was smiling as she watched me eat.

I gestured to a chair, "Won't you eat with me darling?" I said looking up at her.

She nodded shyly, "Yes, but not before I see to your coffee Master."

I stared at her naked posterior and the sway of her pale hips as she made her way to the kitchen counter, and poured coffee from a fresh pot into a mug.

She looked over her shoulder and looked bashfully at me. "Remind me how you take your coffee Master?"

"Black," I replied.

She nodded, "I will remember that."

She brought me the steaming mug and set it down carefully in front of me. Then she gracefully took her seat next to me, and began at her own bowl of oatmeal. Every now and then she would glance at me to take inventory. I somehow I knew that she was making sure that my bowl was full of food, and my mug with coffee.

Her devotion was like something out of a fairy tale.

When I had finished she moved to take my dirty dish. I raised my eyes to her and shook my head. She stopped with her hand outstretched, looking puzzled.

"No darling," I said. "I will clean our dishes. You are going to sit here and tell me what you're going to do about your job."

She shook gently, and smiled. She returned her lovely naked ass to the kitchen chair. I rose and grabbed her dish and mine, and began the task of hand washing them. The plates I used were my mother's china, and I never let them go near a dishwasher.

Sarah began talking.

"Well, I was planning on going in early. They open around ten, but everyone gets there at nine ... earlier if there is going to be a shoot."

I nodded, and set a clean dish down on a cloth to dry. I picked up the second and began running it under the water.

"Do you know who you are going to talk to?"

She nodded. "My old boss Lawrence Lovelace. I'm sure he'll give me my job back."

"Will he be surprised by your new looks?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I'm hoping he will approve ... if he doesn't I don't mind ... this is what you desire me to look like ... I couldn't be happier."

I turned and fixed my eyes on her. "I'm sorry I did that, but I didn't know you would ... well ... change ... when you asked me for my fantasy description."

She waved her hand dismissively. "I know Master, I do not blame you."

I nodded, feeling relived. "Do you want me to come with you to the agency?"

Sarah shook her head, "No Master, I know my way around that environment, I think your presence would simply disrupt the flow of things. Trust that I can navigate without you when it comes to my job."

I raised my hands, "Just offering."

She giggled. "I know, it was sweet."

I set the last dish out to dry, and turned to face her. I leaned against the counter, and watched her naked body sitting calmly at my kitchen table. She looked at me innocently, and licked her lips.

"When do you want to leave?"

"Master, you do not need to drive me. I know how to drive in this country ... even if the wheel is on the wrong side. I want you to have a lazy morning. I can't imagine how often you get to relax ... working for the FBI must be stressful."

I shrugged, "At times."

She didn't look convinced. "Uh huh, and rescuing scared girls like me and taking on corrupt corporations isn't worrisome?"

"I said at times."

She scoffed. "So stoic, and so like a male."

I crossed my arms. "If you want to get there early then I suggest you get your delectable ass into something cute ... and then get moving. Traffic is bad ... like always ... and you want to get there before the morning's coffee wears off, and everyone turns grumpy. Grumpy people are not in a hiring mood."

"Yes Master," she said submissively.

She leapt out of her chair and scurried upstairs.

I grinned, and downed the last of my coffee.


Sarah took less than ten minutes to prepare herself.

I had just finished scrubbing out the oatmeal pot, when she reappeared. Dressed adorably in a clingy white sweater, and a cute navy skirt that came down just past her knees. Around her neck was a dark purple scarf, and draped on her arm was a stylish beige coat that would reach down to her knees.

She watched me put the pot in the cabinet.

I turned to her. "Very nice," I said.

She blushed.

I gestured with my hand. "Come on, I'll walk you to the door."

She nodded, and took my hand as I lead her to the front door. Once there I helped her shrug into her coat. I straightened her scarf, and kissed her forehead. "Drive safe, call me with the news."

"Yes Master, I'll call you as soon as I can." she said, and walked out the door.

I watch her from the window as she descended the curb and got in my car. I heard it start, and watched her drive away.

I realized abruptly that this was the first time we would be away from each other since I took her into my home. I absently wondered if she would miss me as much as I her.

I also worried that her headaches would return ... like the ones she complained of in the Federal building.

I shook my head. I was sure she would be fine. If she was going to stay with me, I really believed that she would need something to do while I was off at the FBI.

Which reminded me...

I picked up my cell from its charging place in the entrance hall. Jim was on speed dial.

It rang twice before he picked up...

"Yes Jonathan?" He said.

I had called his private cell rather than his office landline.

"How are things going down there Jim? I'm not missed too much am I?"

Jim laughed. "No Jonathan, we can spare you at the moment. We are all dealing with this ant hill you knocked over. Apparently these neural processors might be more wide spread than we first thought."

I sighed. "It stands to reason Jim. They wouldn't have just one auction ... they would have several ... all secret ... all under the radar. We were lucky that we caught wind of it here ... otherwise we ... well, I don't want to think about it."

Jim chuckled. "Don't be modest Jon, there was no 'we' about it. UniCORP was your little private project that turned out to be huge ... your instincts are impeccable ... and it doesn't hurt that you've got some brain power kicking around in that head of yours."

I smiled into the receiver, getting a compliment from Jim felt like getting one from Professor Casey.

"Thanks Jim," I said.

I heard Jim moving about his office. "Look Jon, Jones put me in charge of this case, and I've been looking at stacks of reports all day and I can't find any leads or connections. UniCORP has been dismantled ... the company formally declared bankruptcy despite their missing CEO. We don't know who has the chips now ... or who knows how to make them. We've pulled the weed but missed the root."

I leaned against the wall of my front hall thinking. "I'll come in tomorrow Jim. It'll be a Sunday and the office won't be crowded. I'll help you find something."

I could hear Jim exhale, relieved. "Thanks Jon ... I'll consider us even for scraping you off your office floor."

I felt my cheeks go red. "No problem Jim ... I'll be in contact tomorrow."

I ended the call...

I sighed. The house felt empty without Sarah. Her life filled these lonely rooms with something I couldn't provide them. My brooding didn't fill a home with happiness ... but her spunk ... her beauty ... did ... and its absence was potent. I looked at my watch. It had only been twenty five minutes and already I was moping about her.

I had the day to myself ... it would take Sarah all day to negotiate her job ... and apparently I was not needed at the office.

I headed up the stairs ... noticing for the first time how quiet my life had been before I had busted open the UniCORP case. In a twisted way, I felt grateful towards those bastards ... without them ... I'd still be stuck in my rut.

I closed myself up in my study, and switched on my computer.

If I was going to be a Master to a submissive woman ... than I would know how to do it right. No more playing things by ear. If this relationship was permanent ... then it would be a good relationship ... built upon understanding and competence.

I knew others had relationships similar to ours ... I would find out what they did ... how they approached life ... and how they satisfied their desires without hurting each other ... and without giving into the beast.
