Jonathan Creed


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We cuddled together, right there next to the front door. Reluctantly I was the first to pull away.

"Come on Sarah, I have some fried eggs waiting for you."


We ate breakfast quietly. To the common observer, we would look like any young couple having a late breakfast ... except for Sarah being in the nude that is ... but she treated it with such casualness that one might think it was an everyday occurrence.

I put down my fork and stared into my cup of coffee.

'An everyday occurrence.'

The thought hadn't struck me yet that this might become a regular thing. Her unique situation required her to live with me ... but I hadn't really thought this could be permanent.

Sure she had signed the rules ... but even so ... that was just a solution to the immediate issue of her desire for slavery ... not a wedding ring ... not a promise of forever. She couldn't just stay in this house and act like a sexed up maid for the rest of her life ... I wouldn't allow it.

I looked back on my previous behavior ... I had really gotten into our role playing. I thought about the 'beast' ... that was the part of me that enjoyed dominating. I wonder if I took advantage of the situation.

"You're being awfully quiet Master, are you all right?" Sarah said in a soft and concerned voice.

I looked up from my coffee. Her all too beautiful face stared back at me. Her green eyes were filled with compassion.

I tried to muster a smile. "Yes, just thinking. I do that too much I'm told."

"Your brow was furrowed ... I just wanted to know if I could help?" She said, in that same quiet tone that bordered on reverence.

I took her hand across the table. Her cool fingers closed around mine. "I want to drop the roles for a moment ... please? I am Jon Creed and you are Sarah Gale. Nothing more and nothing less."

Sarah bit the bottom of her lip. Her eyes held mine for a moment ... then she nodded.

"Alright Jonathan, what do we need to talk about?" I heard her uncertainty when she said my name ... as if she could already not think of me in any term but 'Master.'

Those chips were diabolical.

"I need to know, without the veneer of our 'positions' that you are alright. Your body has been changed, you have been living in a stranger's home, you've been spanked, and you've agreed to rules that are both one sided and humiliating. The doctors said you were physically okay ... but now that I have had time to reflect, I need to know ... are you 'mentally' okay?"

She paused. I could see her really thinking about her answer ... she wasn't just going to give me an automatic 'yes.'

After about a minute she finally spoke. "Yes, Jonathan, I think so. My situation is not ideal. I was kidnapped and effectively brainwashed. My mind has been given suggestions that it would not think of had I not been implanted with a mind control device. But that can't be changed. I am living in a stranger's home. But that stranger has been understanding and compassionate, and has even role played with me ... For which I am grateful. Don't feel bad Jonathan for attempting to give me what I need. Sure I have been spanked, but I enjoyed it. Yes, I have agreed to rules that modern women should scoff at ... but they feel ... right somehow." She took a breath and looked into my eyes. They were watery ... but determined.

I squeezed her hand.

"Alright ... then maybe ... we could see about this being a permanent arrangement." I said awkwardly.

Shock danced across her face ... she was silent.

Shock gave way to a small smile. And that gave way to a grin.

"Yes, I'd like that very much," she said breathlessly.

I let out a nervous sigh. "Good. I'm happy you're staying. However, you will need something to do."

She cast a puzzled eye over me. "What do you mean, is this another rule?"

I shook my head. "No, I think we have covered our extraordinary relationship for now, in fact, we might even want to consider slowing down."

She nodded and quietly stared at me.

I took a breath. "Well, now we need to address the everyday needs of two people living together. What are you going to do when I go off to work every day?"

Understanding dawned on her face. "Oh, well, um ... what do you want me to do?"

I raised my hands and looked at her. "Oh I wouldn't dream of giving you orders when it comes to your professional life ... but I wonder ... with your new and improved looks ... do you think you take up where you left off modeling?"

The look on her face could only be described as radiant.

"Yes, oh yes, yes YES ... Master this is wonderful! I'm sure I could get my job back ... I could probably get paid double!"

I chuckled. "You called me Master, we are on equal footing right now remember?"

Her smile would not be contained. "I'm sorry, Master, but I'm just so excited ... I come to America to model and now I can do that and I have a boyfriend!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Is that how you see me? As a boyfriend?"

She giggled... "Well ... maybe not a very traditional boyfriend if I have to call him Master ... but I couldn't be happier."

Her joy touched me.

I'd like to say that I'd been this happy recently ... but I would be lying to myself ... however, seeing her look so content pulled at my heart strings. I hadn't felt this way since the day I got accepted into the Academy.

I rose from my chair and strode over to her. She raised her eyes and was about to speak, when I grabbed her and gave her the biggest bear huge I could manage. She quickly caught on, and hugged me back with all the strength in her slender arms.

For the second time of the day, I was the first to pull away. "So it's settled ... you will be a model again ... work during the day ... and come home to me."


The rest of the day passed in a practical blur. Sarah and I spent the entire day planning how she would get to the agency in the heart of New York, from my suburban house.

In the end, we settled on a route. I would drive with her to the Federal Plaza early in the morning to beat the worst of the traffic. I would let her out at the subway station just five minutes from the Federal building, and continue driving to the Bureau.

We even drove out there, to see how it would work.

She said we should hold off till she was positive she had a job waiting for her ... but I had little doubt she would get it.


After our dry run we got home frustrated with traffic, and irritated that we would have to leave at five thirty in the morning each day to feasibly get her on the subway on time for her to make it to the agency. It looked like I would be getting to work a few hours early from now on. I also felt mildly ill after eating those hot dogs from the street vendor.

I parked the car in my street side parking and we both got out.

"That is one thing I hate about New York ... there are so many people it takes forever to get anywhere." She said.

I didn't reply, I just rubbed my hand on her back, and guided her up to the front door.

She continued complaining. "I mean, in England at least everyone is civil to each other. Here just the slightest misstep driving and someone will flip you the bird!"

I nodded at her. I was really tired and annoyed. I almost wrecked my car twice out on the road ... which were still slippery from melting ice.

I really wanted a drink ... and some sleep ... I glanced at my watch. It was only five in the afternoon. Still had to get through dinner before bed ... and Sarah would probably want to talk ... I wasn't use to spending my time in the constant company of someone.

Sarah was still going at it. "I mean, I don't even think people bathe in this country. Did you smell that bearded man sitting next to me? He smelled like he had rolled around in horse dung!"

All I wanted was some peace and quiet.

"Sarah," I said quietly... "The rules are back in effect ... and your latest rule is you may not speak unless you are spoken to."

Sarah's mouth stopped in mid-sentence. I watched as her beautiful lithe body shivered. Her full lips parted ... and she began to pant.

She lowered her eyes to the floor... "Yes Master."

For the second time of the day, she removed her clothes because I ordered it.

"Slave, I am tired. I did all the driving today, and I did not enjoy it one bit ... my stomach is upset, and you are constantly talking in my ear."

Sarah whimpered slightly...

"No complaining slave. I want you to go to the liquor cabinet and pour me a glass of scotch. You may bring it up to our bedroom."

She looked questioningly at me. "Our bedroom, Master?" She said timidly.

I looked at her. "Yes of course 'our' bedroom, slave. You will be sleeping with me from now on, and as soon as you bring me my drink you will spend your time moving your clothes into the closet in my room ... now go."

She sprang into action, and ran into the kitchen. Running naked did interesting things to her breasts.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.

'She's really here, she's really here.' I thought to myself over and over. 'I have a girlfriend.' I thought.

I grinned like a fool to an empty room.

I glanced into the kitchen. Sarah was scouring the liquor cabinet, her face twisted in concentration. Hmm ... not a scotch drinker apparently ... or she wouldn't have to read the labels. Oh well, nobody's perfect.

With one last look at her beautiful naked form, I turned and started trudging my way up the stairs.


Once in the bedroom I whipped off the crumpled clothes I had on. I had mistakenly worn them for two days and they needed a wash. I threw the discarded items into my laundry hamper.

I had just put on my bathrobe when Sarah came charging in with my drink. I was standing quite close to the door, and she almost bowled me over when she came in.

She gazed at me in my black fleece robe for a moment.

"Um, Sarah, could I perhaps have my drink?" I said teasingly.

Sarah blinked herself out of her reverie and smiled a little. "Sorry about that, that bathrobe made me lose my train of thought."

I grinned. "Behave young lady."

She stuck her tongue out at me, and I swatted her playfully on her behind. "None of that now slave dear. I want all your clothes in that closet in ten minutes or you'll get more than just one pat on the ass."

Sarah giggled. She lingered in the door way and called, "It's not punishment if I enjoy it!" And then ran from the room.

I sighed and shook my head. I took a swig from my glass, and groaned as the fiery liquid made its way down my throat.

That's the stuff.

Sarah returned with a big bundle of clothes and hangers. She glanced over at me sipping my drink. "Should I leave you and the scotch alone for a while?"

I grimaced. "Just put your clothes away you willful girl ... I'll tend to you in a moment."

Sarah smiled and busied herself with putting her clothes on the hangers and placing them on the rack. For one teenager she sure had a lot of clothes ... but then again, I suppose clothes were her job.

I lay back on the bed and stretched out. A couple of things popped, and the tension of a long day drained out of me. Honestly, I don't know how taxi cab drivers stay sane driving around this city all day.

I set my drink on the night stand, and settled in to watch Sarah move about the room. Sarah noticed that I was watching her. She started to put on a little show. She moved with an exaggerated swaying of her hips ... and she yawned and stretched frequently, lifting her arms, and subsequently her breasts, during the process.

Embarrassingly enough I could feel my pecker rising just from watching Sarah do laundry. Albeit laundry in the nude.

It ended up taking Sarah three trips to get all her clothes, toiletries and shoes up into my room, and squirreled away into their proper places.

Sarah finally closed the door to the closet, and let out a huge breath. She looked up at me, and smiled.

I was positively beaming at her. "Guess this is officially 'our room' now Sarah."

That earned a larger smile. "I guess it is Master."

For a second both of us just grinned like newlyweds at each other. I patted a bit of bed next to me, indicating for her to join me.

She practically jumped into bed with me. I grabbed her and pulled her close to me. "You know, you're surprisingly sexy when you're just doing laundry."

She smiled, "I tried to be entertaining Master ... but ... ouch!"

I raised an eyebrow... "I didn't do anything to you slave."

She shook her head... "No, no ... it's just ... I sat on my hair."

I burst out laughing ... that had to be the most amusing way to pull your own hair ... Sarah's face, however, did not look amused.

She punched me in the shoulder. "It's your fault you bully. You made me this way ... I'm not used to having a cape of hair follow me around everywhere!"

My laughter only grew in volume.

She huffed and crossed her arms. She scooted away from me on the bed to pout ... making sure to avoid sitting on her flowing red locks.

I wiped a tear from my eye ... she was glaring at me ... looking beautiful and petulant ... a goddess and a little girl all in one.

Her stomach growled.

Her face turned red with embarrassment, "Sorry to ruin the moment Master."

I reached for my bedside phone. "Actually, slave ... your stomach read my mind."


"Do I have to do this Master?" Sarah asked, her face once again bright red, she adjusted her clothes ... clearly uncomfortable.

I nodded. "Yes Sarah, there is no danger ... the only thing that will be hurt is your pride ... do this for me."

Sarah sighed and shivered. "This is turning me on Master."

I grinned. "The delivery guy should be here soon, go downstairs and wait for him."

Sarah nodded glumly and left the bedroom, I couldn't help admiring the view on her way out.

About twenty minutes ago I had decided to order Chinese. Neither of us felt like cooking, and I knew a great place just down the road that I had on speed dial.

After ordering about a pound of sweet and sour chicken we were told it would arrive in twenty minutes. It had been an offhand comment by Sarah that had started our little game. She had snuggled up real close to me, and was stroking my back.

"I guess you have to answer the door, Master, seeing as I have to be naked and all." She said teasingly.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh no slave, you will be answering that door, but you will be in something much more embarrassing then your birthday suit."

Sarah's eyes had gone wide. "Wait, what? Master don't do this! Let me stay here, I'm so cozy."

I wasn't listening. I had gone over to her closet and started to hunt for some of the most revealing articles of clothing she had. I eventually found what I thought would be perfect.

The outfit looked like a school uniform, it had a plaid skirt and a white blouse with some sort of emblem stitched in the side of both. There was also a blazer but I wouldn't be using it for my little game.

Sarah had gasped in horror when I had pulled it out of our closet. "That's ... that's my old school uniform."

I smiled at her. "Really? Kind of stuffy don't you think?"

Sarah had been panting by this point ... her nipples had been as hard as bullets ... and a distinct odor had filled the room.

"It was an all girl's catholic school. Taught by nuns at a convent..." She said breathlessly.

I tried to make my grin as evil as possible. "Well I think it's perfect for you to answer the door in."

Sarah squirmed in on the bed. "But Master! It hasn't fit me since I was thirteen. I only have it as a keepsake! I'm too big ... I won't be covered at all!"

"That's the point." I said

Sarah had just moaned.

As it turned out Sarah was covered ... mostly. She was unable to button the blouse up all the way due to her bust size ... and had to leave the top three buttons undone. This of course revealed an almost obscene amount of pale tit flesh to the prying eye. Her nipples were just barely out of view ... but you could still see them ... as they were tented up against the white material ... a lewd statement to how aroused she was.

The skirt was far worse than the blouse. Sarah must have had a growth spurt or two since she wore that skirt ... but it was indecent in all the right senses. It covered her crotch ... but it left a wide expanse of milky thighs still visible ... coupled together with our rule of no underwear ... and I was sure Sarah was very aware of how close her pussy was to being on display.

She ended up looking like a school girl fantasy wet dream.

I spread myself out on the bed and waited for her to return.


I heard Sarah's feet on the stairs ... and the tell tale rumpling of plastic sacks.

Sarah emerged from the hallway clutching our food ... her eyes were dilated ... and her bosom was heaving.

"I have never been so horny in my entire fucking life," she said haughtily as she dropped the sacks on the bed. She turned ... and looked at me with a predatory lust in her eyes.

"What do you intend to do about that Master?" Demanded the beautiful goddess in little girls clothes.

I feigned indifference. "Oh I don't know ... I guess I'll just eat my Chinese."

Sarah was at a loss for words. "But ... I need ... PLEASE MASTER ... I need something!"

I looked at her and shrugged, "Come on, sit down next to me ... I think you'll like this food ... it's been my favorite place since I moved here."

Shakily Sarah lowered herself onto the bed ... glaring at me the whole way. "You're a bastard, you know that Master?"

"Try the fried rice, it really is excellent."

Sarah groaned. We ate for a while in silence. Sarah was really keyed up ... and made obvious glances at my crotch ... and rubbed her legs together a lot. However, after eating enough food, I think she realized how good it was.

"Mmm, the place I go to doesn't do their egg rolls nearly as well," she purred as she place a second egg roll in her mouth."

I nodded. We were both sitting Indian style on my bed, chop sticks in hand, and clutching a box of Chinese each. "Tell me about this school of yours that provided tonight's entertainment."

Sarah blushed. "My parents sent me there because they thought it would be a structured environment ... away from distractions like boys and drugs and stuff."

"Was it a high school?" I asked.

Sarah shook her head. "Remember the system on my side of the pond is different, but no, I believe it would be considered elementary school in this country."

I smiled, "How was learning from nuns?"

She giggled. "Hard Master, they really do hit you with rulers."

I shifted, "Speaking of things that are hard..."

The breath rushed out of Sarah... "Do you mean...? Can we please...? I have thought about nothing else since I got here."

Sarah's clear green eyes started to water ... she was looking blatantly at my crotch ... it's hardness visible from the bulge in my robe.

I gently took Sarah's face in my hands. "Sarah ... there are two ways for our first time to be ... do you want to make love as my girlfriend ... or as my slave?

Sarah's entire body quivered... "Please Master, I need it as a slave."

I sighed. "Very well."

I put my Chinese to the side. She followed suit.

I sighed ... and once again mulled over what I would do to her.

And then I began.

I quickly grabbed Sarah and flipped her on to her stomach. She squealed at the sudden movement and squirmed a little. I struck her hard on the ass, and watched her pale globes jiggle.

"No moving slave ... you will let me control you."

Sarah's breathing was ragged, her face was pressed into the bed. She nodded her head.


I jumped off the bed and reached under it. I pulled out my FBI home kit. I have an array of stuff in there, such as a spare pistol, a Kevlar vest, and various radio equipment ... but I was looking for my handcuffs.
