Journals Of The Not So...


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“Mmmmmm…” I said, reveling in the feeling of being the focus of attention of this incredible boy.

“Mmmmmm…” he agreed.

Slowly he slid up and off me, his breath quavering momentarily.


I rubbed Dylan’s hips as I slid down his body and licked the head of his cock, tasting his cum. I closed my eyes briefly, savouring his taste, and then took his cock into my mouth. He gasped and writhed as I sucked and licked him clean, but before he got too worked up, I stopped and slid my way back up to his face. He gripped the back of my head, pulling me in, hungrily sucking my tongue into his mouth. I slid a hand up to fondle his chest, then trailed my fingers up to his neck. He moaned suddenly and I stopped, raising an eyebrow. Aha! So I’d found a weak spot. Instantly I dove down, pushing his head back and lashing my tongue across his throat. He started whimpering softly, squirming desperately beneath me. I bit, sucked and licked all over his neck, throat and collar bone, his noises getting louder and his cock growing incredibly hard against my leg. I had been planning to go to sleep after that last time, but how could I not pleasure him when he was so turned on right now? And besides, I wanted to make him come again.

I began slowly licking my way down his body, giving each nipple a quick service before continuing my journey downwards, sliding my tongue into his bellybutton, making him quiver with anticipation. I moved back and stared at Dylan’s throbbing cock, then moved in and licked up the underside of it.

“Oh god… Please…” he begged under his breath. I wanted him to come hard and fast, so I leant in and engulfed his cock, taking all of it into my mouth. I looked up and Dylan was moaning and gripping the sheets tightly in his fists. I began sliding his cock in and out of my mouth rapidly, making Dylan start squirming uncontrollably as he continued moaning his pleasure. His hips started bucking of their own accord, thrusting into my mouth.


I was in heaven – I had to be. I hadn’t experienced anything like this before. God, this guy was an expert! I felt like I was in love and yet I knew all it really was, was sex.

His tongue swirled around the head of my cock, making me moan with every move he made. My hands dropped and came to rest on his head. Instantly I buried my fingers in his hair as he took all of me into his mouth again and again. He increased the pressure slightly around the base and swallowed my cock, and suddenly I was coming, gasping at the intense pleasure swamping my convulsing body. He kept swallowing my cock over and over, licking up every last drop. When it was over, he slid up and kissed me heavily on the lips, then pulled back to look at me. We were both smiling.

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m stuffed. How about we get some sleep?” he asked.

“Sounds good to me!” I replied with a smug grin. And with that, he curled up around me with his head on my chest, and before long we were both fast asleep.


The next morning I woke up to find Dylan lying on his stomach, still fast asleep. I smiled and leant in to kiss the nape of his neck, before jumping out of the bed and into my boxers and walking out to the kitchen.

I returned 15 minutes later with a tray holding a stack of toast with Vegemite, and two cups of tea. Dylan was lying in exactly the same position, but with the covers flung off from when I’d left the room. I stood for a moment, admiring the toned curves of his body, before setting the tray down on the dressing table and climbing onto the bed, sliding in behind him until my body was pressed against him head to toe in a kind of spoon position. I nuzzled my face into his neck, breathing in his distinctive aroma.

“Mmm…” he murmured, and I felt every single muscle in his body awakening and curving against me. It felt incredible.

“Morning spunky-man,” I whispered in his ear. He smiled lazily and then slowly rolled over in my arms so he was on top of me and stared at my face in almost wonder. Actually I think it was.

“Morning…” he replied huskily before leaning in and kissing me tenderly. I returned the kiss, but then, right on cue, his stomach rumbled loudly. I broke the kiss and we both laughed.

“Speaking of which!” I smirked, gesturing to the tray next to the bed. Next thing I know he made a strange noise and instantly dove over me to grab a piece of toast, scoffing it down faster than I’d ever seen before. I couldn’t help but laugh at him, before grabbing a piece of my own and following his example.


I watched him as we ate. I couldn’t get over how beautiful he was. And so fascinating as well. He was only eating, and I was practically mesmerised! I watched him a bit longer, and then suddenly I remembered. Holly. I hadn’t even called her. She’d be wondering where I’d been last night, and I was supposed to be having lunch with her too!

“Shit.” I said. He looked up. “What’s the time?” He looked at the clock on his side of the bed.

“11.30… Why?”

“I’m supposed to be having lunch with someone today. Can I use your phone?”

“Go for it,” he said, picking up the cordless and handing it to me.


Dylan dialed a number into the phone and put it to his ear, biting his fingernails as he waited for the call to go through.

“Hi honey, sorry I didn’t ring … … I know, I should’ve called you, but I was a bit preoccupied I guess – I stayed with Ugg … Yeah, I’m really sorry … … … … Okay … it can’t be later? … … Okay, 12 o’clock … Yep … I will … … Ditto … Bye.”

He hung up and sighed.

“Was that Holly?” I asked quietly, not looking at him for fear that my jealousy might show through.

“Yeah,” he said unenthusiastically. He paused, watching me. I must’ve looked upset, because he reached out and slid his hand onto my cheek and into my hair (which would’ve felt shocking with all the stuff I had in it). I looked up and smiled as convincingly as I could.

“You have to go. I understand. Get dressed and I’ll see you out.” I smiled again, but it obviously wasn’t realistic enough, because he moved and pulled me close to him, kissing my lips over and over again. I slid down beside him and leant my head on his chest, letting out a little sigh.

“I don’t want to go,” he said after a while.

“I know,” I replied “But you have to. She is your wife, after all.” He didn’t move or say anything for 5 minutes. “Go on, get ready. You don’t want to be late.” He sighed too, and then stretched.

“I spose.” I gave him a little push and he got up off the bed. I stretched out and watched him get dressed into his smelly band clothes. I would’ve offered him some of my clothes, but I figured I would never get them back then – it was only a one night stand after all.


When I was dressed I stood at the foot of the bed and looked at him. He looked so sad. I felt like I was abandoning him or something, but that was just the way it had to be, I guess.

“I’d better get going,” I said reluctantly. He nodded, then got up and walked out of the room. I followed him and found him leaning against the wall near the front door. I stood in front of him, our bodies not quite touching. He was staring at his hands, half-heartedly picking at his green nailpolish. It was then that I realised something rather vital. “Um…” I started. He looked up. “What’s your name?” I flushed when I said this, but he just giggled.

“It’s Wil.” He was grinning now, but it soon fell from his face when I took a step forwards so I had him pinned against the wall. His pupils grew and his lips parted ever so slightly.

“Nice to meet you Wil,” I murmured, our lips suddenly crushing together in a very desperate kiss. My hands took on a mind of their own as one reached around to grip his arse cheek, while the other slid into the front of his boxers. He moaned and broke the kiss briefly as I stroked up and down his cock rapidly. It didn’t take long before he was gasping and bucking against me. I slid my other hand down the back of his boxers and into his bum crack, circling his arsehole with my fingertip. At the same time I leant down slightly and took his nipple in my mouth, rolling it gently between my teeth. He gripped at my back, holding me fast to him.

“Oh fuck…Dylan…” he whimpered. I rubbed my thumb over the head of his cock, and slid my finger inside him, and suddenly he jolted his hips forwards as he came, quivering and gasping my name over and over with each rapid stroke.

I kissed my way up his neck and held him until the shaking subsided and his breathing was back to normal. Eventually he pulled back and looked at me. I stared straight back into his eyes. I don’t know what he was thinking, but I was in love, just like that.

“You have to go,” he said. I just nodded, stepping back as we both moved towards the door. He opened it, and then looked back up at me. I studied the doorframe, stalling, but I knew it was time.

“Will I see you again?” I asked tentatively. I was so scared he’d say no.

“Just say the word.” I looked up and he was grinning. I grinned back, we kissed softly, and then I walked out, hearing the door bang shut behind me.


I closed the door, holding my hand against the centre of it. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to cry because Dylan was gone, or grin because I’d actually achieved my goal of fucking Dylan Lewis. Suddenly he seemed less like a celebrity to me, and more like a lover. Maybe even a soul mate. And now he was gone…

“I heard you last night…” said a voice from behind me. I turned to find none other than Paul McDermott standing in his bedroom doorway, leaning casually against the wall and wearing nothing more than a pair of white Y-fronts “…and this morning,” he continued. If you hadn’t guessed, this is the friend who was preoccupied with a musical – the Witches of Eastwick – at the Princess Theatre the night I first met Dylan at the gig.

My eyes dropped to the bulge in Paul’s pants and I blushed self-consciously. Knowing him, he’d prolly watched as well. Then Paul noticed where my eyes were focussed. I simply looked up and raised an eyebrow at him.

“Thought I’d save it for you…” Paul said huskily. What the hell, maybe it’d take my mind off Dylan. Unlikely, but I may as well try.

“Thought you’d never ask…” I replied, letting out a little growl as I took a step forward and claimed Paul’s lips, crushing our bodies together and pushing him into the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind us with my foot.


IDEA FOR CONTINUED STORY: Dylan is walking away but decides he wants to see Wil one last time, so he goes down the side to see if he can see him in any of the windows. He comes to Paul’s bedroom first and finds him – fucking Paul. Paul’s on his hands and knees, eyes closed in pleasure, as are Wil’s. Dylan is starting to get a very very turned on. Finally he can’t take it any longer, so he undoes his pants and drops his dacks, taking his rock-hard cock in his hands and he starts pumping it. Wil is still thrusting with a regular rhythm, and the look on his face is turning Dylan on. Just at the moment when Dylan’s about to come, Wil suddenly opens his eyes and looks straight out at Dylan, seeing what he’s doing. Wil instantly starts pumping harder and faster, and making noises that are so loud that Dylan’s sure he can hear his moans. Dylan pumps hard and fast as Wil pounds into Paul’s arse, sweat glistening all over his body. Wil thrusts one last spasmodic pump into his arse, quivering as he comes. With a shudder Dylan comes with him, neither taking their eyes off the other, Wil in Paul’s arse, Dylan all over the glass of the window.

Dylan freaks out and tries to wipe the cum off the window. He turns at hearing a shout, and sees an old woman waving a walking stick (from next door) and yelling that she was telling the cops if he stayed a minute longer. At this he hitches up his pants and runs for his life. ‘What if he recognised me from the telly?’

In the meantime, Paul is having his turn, enjoying it quite a lot. Wil lays still as Paul thrusts hard into him, his cheek against his arms as he stares tearfully out the Dylan-less smeared window.

Paul could ask about Dylan when they’re sitting at the kitchen table/in bed after sex. He’d noticed he was detached. Wil won’t tell Paul Dylan was actually watching.

Dylan could fall in love with Wil, but he still loves Hollie. Maybe Dylan could invite Wil to dinner one night (maybe she could find out he wasn’t at Ugg’s place and so he’d tell her he’d made a new friend and he’d stayed there, and so she wanted to meet him). They go through a hard time, but then eventually Dylan tells Hollie about his affair. To his surprise, she’s totally okay with it – she actually would love to fuck him herself.

If Dylan’s fucking Hollie, Wil always sneaks in (unnoticed to Hollie) and wanks as he watches Dylan…Dylan…moaning for him????????????????????????

In the end they decide to have an open relationship – and they could both fuck Wil. Wil, on the other hand, stayed in love with Dylan and fucked him a lot, and he fucked Hollie as more of a favour than anything else, so not as often as Dylan fucked him. Or maybe he could learn to love Hollie too – he could see what Dylan loves about her. They’ve all got similar personalities.

Then they could have threesomes :)

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