Journey of the Warrior Ch. 00


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The giant warrior looked down and said, "That wound will probably mean your death. I cannot do this deed as I have sworn to defend you if you live and to die at your feet if you don't. I will not be the cause of your death."

"It doesn't matter. The arrow is poisoned and I will not live out the day. Grant me this that I may stand and die at the sides of my friends and those who named me kin. I have no others and if die I must, then I wish it at their sides this day."

Hearing these words, the warrior sheathed his sword and did as he had been asked. He helped Hawk sit up and pushed the arrow head through and broke off the fletched end thus allowing him to pull it out.

This task done, he took the bandaging that Hawk handed him and bound up the wounds.

Standing, he offered his hand to Hawk and helped him to his feet. Hawk said, "You are not to be blamed for the treachery of another. I release you from your vow and bid you live. Return to your home and kin knowing that I hold no ill will toward you and if there is anything to forgive then know that you have mine now."

With these words, Hawk walked to the lines of the elves holding the pass.

The elven lord and the kings Knight saw him and were cheered that their adopted relative was alive. They stepped away from each other that Hawk might stand between them during the battle.

Hawk took the place offered and thanked them for the honor. Armetur said, "The honor is ours. Live or die today I am truly blessed to stand beside one so brave and good of heart."

Deliand said, "You are my brother and this is your rightful place at my side. I am honored that you will fight beside me this day."

The human looked at each of them and said, "When I first came to this land I was lost. You helped me and taught me the ways of the forest. You gave me the skills to earn my way in all the lands that I have traveled since I came to be here. You gave me friendship and a place to stay every time I visited your castle. Now you have given me your names."

He paused for a moment before continuing. "I lost my family and my home when I was somehow brought here. I lost all I had and all I cared about. You gave me a new place and friendship. Now you have given me your names, which I know is rare for an elf to give to a human. You have named me kin also. It is I who am truly honored this day."

Deliand said, "Well I guess there is no arguing with him, cousin. Let us except what he has said and consider each of us to be honored by the presence of the other."

Armetur said, "Agreed cousin. Now let us see to those who would take our homeland away from us."

All three turned back to the advancing enemy and the two elves raised their shields, making sure that Hawk was also protected as he had no shield of his own.

Hawk watched the advance of the great host and said, "When they get here I will fight as I know. I have no training in standing in a line such as this so I will meet them in my own way. Do not follow me as I will not be able to fight as well. Allow me to fight as I know how and stand to fight as you know. This is the best way for us."

Deliand said, "I have sworn to guard your back. If you move forward into the enemy then so shall I, my brother."

"No," said Hawk. "You know not how I fight. I will be more affective against these invaders if I get into their lines. You are not trained as I am and I am not trained as you. Do not follow me, please."

"Very well," said Deliand. "If this is your wish, I will honor it. But if you have need I will come for you."

Hawk smiled and said, "I don't believe I will have need. The arrow was poisoned. This was a stronger poison than the last. I will not live out the day no matter what. Do not follow me and let me fight as I know how and let me die as I must. This is the easier way of passing."

Hearing this, Deliand raised his sword to see if it would again heal the human. Hawk stopped him with his left hand and said, "No. You must save what ever power you have. The enemy has a mage with them and you will need the power of that sword this day. It is more important that we stop these people here than if you heal me."

"A mage?" exclaimed Armetur. "How powerful?"

"I don't know, but I don't believe he is too strong if your cousin has that sword. I will try to remove him from the battle before I die. If I succeed, you will have a much better chance, but if I fail you will need the power of that sword."

With that Hawk fell silent. The enemy was close now and it was time for him to ready himself. He took back the crossbow that Deliand was holding for him and using the sling, he placed it over his back. Taking his staff in a two handed grip, he prepared to attack.

When the enemy was fifty or so paces away, they charged the elven lines. They screamed their war cries as they ran forward.

When they were but ten paces away Hawk began his own charge. He suddenly ran forward and with his staff moving in a blur, he broke through the front of the enemy. All the elves saw many human warriors fall as he went.

He suddenly turned to the side and moved along the second line as the third line started stumbling upon those who had fallen in this surprise attack.

Turning again, Hawk broke through the third line and falling to his knees, he dropped his staff and drew up his crossbow.

Sighting on the one he knew was the enemy mage, he fired.

The clip holding the quarrel in place while the crossbow was on his back fell free and the quarrel sped true. Striking the mage in the heart, it killed him before he even knew he was being attacked.

With his mission completed, Hawk dropped his crossbow and slowly sagged forward and fell unconscious from the poison.

The battle raged for hours with many charges by the humans.

Suddenly a horn sounded from the top of the pass. Relief had arrived in time to save many who had stood there this day.

Deliand and Artemus stood side by side, though both had been wounded. They raised a cheer that the other surviving elves echoed.

Seeing a host of elven warriors approaching in numbers great enough to defeat him, the human king ordered his army to withdraw.

They slowly moved back down the pass knowing that the battle was lost and that there was no hope of defeating the new arrivals to the battle.

Moving forward, Deliand sought his adopted brother. Artemus was wounded in the leg and could not come with him but told him he would pray to their goddess for the one who called himself Hawk.

Deliand found Hawk laying to the side where the enemy had gently moved him. Although he was an enemy, they had treated him with respect because of his great bravery. All his weapons had been placed beside him and none had dared to rob the brave man.

With tears in his eyes, Deliand kneeled beside his adopted brother and checked to see if he still lived. Though faint, he found a heart beat.

Standing again, he called for a litter to carry the fallen hero back to where he could be cared for.

Two elves rushed forward with a litter and gently placed Hawk upon it and took him to where the rest of the wounded were awaiting the attentions of the healer.

Seeing who was on the litter, the healer came forward and said, "I checked his wound before the battle. The new poison is much stronger than before and I cannot help. I can not even give him strength. Unless our rescuers have a healer of great strength and skill, only the lady can save him."

Hearing this news, Artemus and Deliand knelt by Hawks side and silently prayed to their Goddess. Tears in his eyes, the giant warrior who had fought him walked up to Hawk and drawing his sword, he too knelt at the side of the fallen man.

Artemus called for two horses to be brought that they might put the man on a horse litter and take him back over the pass to the castle. He decided that if die the human must, at least he could spend his last hours in comfort surrounded by those who loved him.

On arriving, the healers with the new elven force came forward and helped with the wounded. A great cairn was raised above those who had died.

Finishing these tasks, a watch was set further down the pass and the elves turned back to the castle. Those who were able to walk did and those unable were either helped to mount or were placed in horse litters for the journey back.

At the head was the litter carrying he who had warned them and who was the first to fall in the battle after having defeated the mage.

It was a victorious but sad procession that arrived at the castle shortly before dusk that day.

As they entered the wall through the gate, elven warriors and kings knights lined the way. They drew their swords as the first litter approached and saluted all who had been wounded in the battle at the pass.

Hawk was carefully lowered from the horse litter and placed on a smaller one. Artemus took one side on the front and Deliand took the other. Four more came forward to help.

Limping on his wounded leg, the lord of the castle set the pace and guided the litter up the steps to the entrance to his castle. Their he was met by his two daughters and his son and heir.

The two maidens, seeing who was on the litter both started crying for he had always been kind to them and had brought them many gifts on his visits.

The elder walked behind her father while her sister and brother followed the litter to the family apartments behind the great hall.

They took him to a room and placed him upon the bed. Resting her hand upon his forehead, the older of the two elven women said, "Live for us. Don't leave this life before I can tell you that I love you. My name is Mellany."

Moving to the other side of the bed, the younger sister placed her hand above her sisters and said, "I too ask that you live. My name is Eldranna. Live and know that you are loved by us both."

Kneeling at his side, they both prayed to their goddess. Both offered her their lives that this man might live.

A glow appeared in the room. It was a green light that slowly grew stronger as they watched.

The seven elves and the giant human saw a female form appear in the glow. The elves still standing kneeled and bowed to the form that was their goddess.

The woman stepped forward to the bed and placed her hands upon the hands of the two kneeling at the side of the bed.

"Cry not, my daughters. I have heard your prayers. Do you truly mean what you said? Will you give up your lives for this man who lies here?"

Both exclaimed, "Yes! He saved our lives and now lies here dying for it.," said Mellany. "I would gladly give my life if you save him."

"As would I," said Eldranna. "He gave us warning so that we could meet the enemy and lead our warriors to a place where they could meet them in battle."

The woman in the green light said, "I will grant your prayers, but by the laws of the gods there must be a price. I do not ask for your lives but you will be bound to him for the rest of yours. You will ride with him and you will fight for him if need be. You will be his companions from now to the day of either his or your own deaths."

"I too am bound by laws as are mortals," she continued. "I can heal him but this is the price I am required to ask. Two times he was wounded near unto death and two lives are owed him for this. Do you accept this burden?"

"Yes," both exclaimed at once. "I will stay by his side for as long as I live," said Mellany. "I give him all my love."

"I too shall do this," said Eldranna. "I will go where he goes and I will love him for as long as I live."

"Very well," said the goddess. Raising her hands, she started to glow even brighter. A beam of light fell from her hands and struck the wound in his chest. Hawks body tensed up and he moaned as he lay there unconscious.

The light brightened and slowly Hawk relaxed. His breathing became stronger and easier.

Lowering her hands, the goddess said, "Daughters, he will live. He will live the life of an elf in length now. From now until he should die, you are bound to him. You are not servants or slaves, but are his companions until either you or he dies. Love him and cherish him for he is a good and brave man who would gladly die to protect those for he loves."

Looking to the lord of the castle, the goddess said, "I am sorry to take your daughters. The laws of the gods require such payment and I am bound by those laws as you are by your kings laws. I had no choice in this."

"I understand," said Artemus. "All must live by law or there will only be chaos. Even the gods must have some laws."

"You are a wise elf," said the goddess. "Take my blessing upon you and lead your people well. I sorrow for you for the pain that you will have. Hawk will be ill for many days as he fully recovers and his body adjusts to the changes I have made. When he leaves, he will be gone for many years.

Bowing her head, she continued. "I don't know if you will ever see your daughters again. I can only see that this man will one day return here. I do not know how long it will be or whether you will live to see it or not. I only know that one day he will return here and I know that your son will great him at the gate. I see no more than that."

"I thank you for that much at least," said Artemus. "That gives me some hope of seeing my beloved daughters again one day. I will await his return regardless, though, as it was their choice to do this deed. I will honor their bravery as well as Hawk's. I thank you great lady."

The goddess said no more and the glow slowly faded until she was gone.

Artemus looked upon his daughters as they knelt beside the bed where the unconscious man lay. He said to them, "Daughters I am proud of what you just did. This man saved us all and almost died of it. Even though I may never see you again, know that I love you and cherish you. You have taken upon yourselves a difficult task."

"Many would have refused this task and let him die," he said. "You offered your very lives for him instead. Watch over him well and if ever you have need in this duty you have but to ask. I too have a duty to him but cannot leave my post as a Guardian of the land. Fair you well daughters."

With these words, the Lord left the room. With the pride he felt for his daughters, he also felt sorrow. The words of the goddess came back to him and he feared for their fate and feared also that he might never see them again after they left his lands.

Following his cousin, Deliand remained silent. He knew the grief that Artemus felt. He also knew that the debt owed to the human known as Hawk was greater than the lives of two elven maidens.

In the room, the giant warrior walked to the bed where Hawk lay. He said in his own speech, "Do you understand what I say? I know not your language."

The elder said, "We both understand your tongue. Speak what you need to say."

The giant man placed his hand upon Melany's shoulder and said, "I too owe this man. I swore to him his safety should he defeat me in single combat. The arrow was treacherously fired as we fought. Know that you do not ride alone."

"For some reason," he continued, "I understood the words of the goddess that was here. I swear unto you that as long as I live I will guard you all. My life is his to command and my honor is his."

Standing, he moved away.

The lords son said, "I cannot aid you sisters. I must remain here as duty requires. Know that when you leave my love goes with you always. Know also that any aid I might render is yours for the asking."

Eldranna said in the giants tongue, "Thank you both. This duty is ours and we will gladly except it. I ask you brother to let us into the arms room when Hawk is able to walk. He will need weapons and armor in his journeys. I will also ask father for horses for the four of us to aid him. He will also need coin as he has little. Will you aid us?

"I have coin enough of my own," said the brother. "All I have is yours and his. I will ask father for horses myself, and if he cannot help I will give you your choice from my own."

Mellany said, "I thank you brother."

Her brother moved over to the humans side and said, "My name is Dranco. remember me as your friend and kin as my father has said."

He stood and left the room himself.

The four remaining elven warriors stood and swore their allegiance to the human also, then they too left the room.

The giant said, "Ladies I am called Bear. I will await you outside the door and guard it. After saying this, he too left the room and stood beside it through the night awaiting the awakening of the man called Hawk.

Thus begins the story and the legend of the one called Hawk.

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wheels0132wheels01325 months ago

The endless hero worship in this first chapter turned me off, it just went on for far too long. I just couldn't get into it, sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great Story

This is a fantastic beginning, look forward to reading more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Looking good.....

I've enjoyed sci-fi & fantasy stories for as long as I can remember; maybe it dates back to my mother reading me stories as a child. (Could never get on with Tolkien, though). This one has the same 'feel' as Robert Heinlein's "Glory Road", which is no bad thing in my humble opinion. If the rest of this tale attains the same quality of writing (though editing is another matter; 'site' instead of 'sight'- please!), you could do worse than consider publishing the completed opus in one of the fantasy/sci-fi mags. It's good- what've you got to lose?

woodcutter2woodcutter2over 15 years ago
great story -

I enjoyed your story and look forward to reading the next chapter, what was the land/country called, and I look forward to reading the descriptions of the two girls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Loving this so far!

definitely agree too...this has the potential to become a fantastic series here! will be looking for the next part!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

has all the makings of a really great story about heroic acts and brave deeds(and already has two beautiful maidens).Very well written indeed.

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