Judge Not Pt. 01


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We tried a little bondage and she almost became uncontrollable after being tied up and her nipples or clit was stimulated. I had heard of people on PCP that would break bones without knowing or feeling any pain and I believe Allie could do that also so bondage was out unless she was tying me up and taking advantage of me that way.

We tried anal but her tiny little opening just couldn't handle more than a finger and she really didn't get anything out of it for stimulation so that went by the wayside. We had little furry gloves that were great for a soothing massage and foreplay on her nipples as the softness didn't quite get her really turned on. I would start with the fur and then switch to my mouth or fingers, or on occasion a clamp, and bam, she would be off to the races with me trying to stay with her.

I guess you could say we had a great sex life.

In a lot of relationships the couple waits years before having children but we were in a hurry to start our family. Being first time home buyers we qualified for a home loan with just five percent down instead of the customary ten to twenty percent so we purchased our first home in a nice neighborhood and Allie got pregnant with Jason. The pregnancy went fine but with her narrow hips and pelvis Allie had to undergo cesarean section. We spent many an hour massaging her belly so there were few stretch marks and her bikini cut was hard to see.

Allie was concerned about how she was going to nurse with her obviously very sensitive nipples but motherhood seemed to trip a switch in her as her milk came in. While nursing was a pleasurable experience for her Allie did not ever admit to any sexual stimulation from having Jason at her breast.

After she was cleared to resume sex her nipples responded just like always for me with the addition of spraying milk as she orgasmed from the stimulation of her nipples. We always had to change the sheets after a bout of sexual congress.

There were times I would get her on her knees or put a couple of pillows under her belly and drape her over them and take her from the rear. It was a change of pace but I couldn't always see her face from that position. I loved to watch her facial expressions as she orgasmed over and over again from the stimulation of her nipples and clit. On those rare occasions that I did take her doggy style I would reach around and grab her nipples and pinch and pull on them and her pelvis would take me for a ride that was different and exciting as she again would orgasm until she was exhausted and just lying there limp as I pumped my semen into her.

When Jason was over a year old Allie became pregnant again. Her breasts, small as they were, filled with milk again but sooner than with Jason. While fucking I would suck her nipples and slurp down her milk as she orgasmed over and over again from the stimulation. At the end of her pregnancy we had a bouncing little girl that we named Rebecca but soon shortened it to Becca. Again Allie's magnificent nipples were hardly sexually stimulated as she nursed our little wonder but became the orgasm rodeo when we made love.

We each rose in our respective companies and the pay got better so we moved to a nicer and bigger house. Our community didn't have a gated section of town but we were in the high rent district. Some of our immediate neighbors were doctors, lawyers and accountants. Our city isn't large enough to have a professional sports team but, if we did have one, some of the players might have ended up in our neighborhood.

One of our neighbors was a lawyer named Richard, call me Rick, Marshall. He was about forty years old when we moved into the neighborhood and he was married to Lindsey. Rick was good looking, at least according to Allie and had that distinguished look about him. He was tall and toned. He obviously worked out a bunch between court appearances.

His wife Lindsey, was about five foot five inches tall and slender also but she had not been blessed in the looks department. Don't take me wrong, she wasn't ugly but just kind of plain looking. She wore her hair a little longer than Allie did (Allie had always maintained her very short hairdo) and her breasts were probably a little more pronounced than Allie's but were still small.

The Marshalls had two kids but they were now in their late teens and ready to head out to college when we moved into the neighborhood. We met them all at the block parties that were held at various times of the year.

The slightly different aspect to the Marshalls was the addition of another female, Ronnie Walton, to their family unit. No one knew exactly the relationship but she wasn't related to the Marshalls and was not the nanny or housekeeper either. Lindsey was a nursing home administrator of some kind and Ronnie was a nurse working at the same nursing home.

Some of the wagging tongues were sure that Ronnie was Rick's lover and Lindsey had accepted her but in public Ronnie and Lindsey were always together and Rick didn't seem to get any affection from Ronnie so others speculated that Ronnie was Lindsey's lover and Rick had accepted that. No one knew for sure and no one ever asked.

They had lived in this neighborhood for many years and were well liked. Some of the wagging tongues talked about how Lindsey had never really been an attentive mother, always hiring nannies to take care of the kids, before Ronnie moved in, and that one of the nannies, a high school girl even went on vacations with the Marshalls and that Lindsey had taken the girl shopping on numerous occasions leaving the kids with Rick. Of course these same wagging tongues believed Ronnie and Lindsey were lovers and that Lindsey had likely corrupted the poor eighteen year old high school girl. Like all the other speculations no one could actually say for sure but it did make for interesting conversations at otherwise dull block parties.

By this time our kids were both in school and we were looking at the big 3-0 birthday. Our lovemaking had not tapered off any. I could still get Allie hotter than a pistol by just nuzzling her neck and slowly stroking her nipples. Her pussy was as tight as always and she loved sucking my cock and trying to give me orgasms that could rival hers even though it just wasn't possible.

We carried on and life didn't seem to change much after we got over being thirty years of age. We worked out, and we worked but made sure that work didn't follow us home each night. The kids were growing and becoming more independent. They stayed overnight occasionally with friends and we made sure to rock the rafters when they were out of the house.

Life was good.

Then life wasn't so good.

Jump forward a few years. Rick was no longer called that. He was now Richard Marshall. While still pleasant to sit and talk with he was pulling away from some of us. He had aspirations beyond his attorney's office. He became the public defender and participated in some headline catching defenses. He was making a name for himself. Finally it paid off. A judgeship became open and he was picked by the governor to sit on the bench.

Yep, we all had to be more respectful of him. He didn't pal around with anyone anymore. No joking and certainly no alcohol in his presence. He was a terror on the bench. His friends, the other public defenders, started to hate him. He knew all their tricks and foiled them repeatedly as they tried to get their clients exonerated. At the same time no one ever accused him of being partial to the prosecution. He was a stickler for the rule of law by all accounts.

Life might not have changed in the Myers household but it had changed in the neighborhood.

Now we are almost up to the most recent happenings.

While neither Allie nor my companies made us do more or changed our workloads we had not been communicating as well the past few weeks. Allie was kind of distant and seemed just a little out of touch with what was happening at home. I don't know if the kids had really noticed it or not but since we hadn't made love in those couple of weeks I felt it more acutely.

After talking with men whose wives had strayed I believe that the basically honest person who breaks his or her marriage vows tends to react in a certain way. This person tries to be an honest and moral individual so lying doesn't come easy and dissembling is very hard to do. Very few are talented at acting. This basically honest person tends to withdraw from family or their guilt comes out in bad temper outburts or they break down and cry a lot. I was concerned as Allie became distant from me and, somewhat, from the kids as well.

I tried to think back on where this might have started and finally decided it must have started at our last block party. It was held at the Richardson's down the street and Allie and I had no official duties except to contribute some beer and wine. Allie had been circulating with me for the first hour or so but then she had gotten into a conversation with Lindsey and Ronnie. This wasn't unusual except that Allie was subdued on our walk home after the party and she had become more distant each day since then.

I started to call her at her work number each day just to let her know I cared and was thinking about her. I would place the call at odd times without a pattern so she couldn't anticipate when I would call. They were short calls, usually to check on arrival times at home or a menu for supper or just to let her know if the kids got home from school okay that day. Sometimes she would be kind of short with me but most of the time she was polite and would thank me for the call.

I guess it was a Wednesday when I couldn't reach her. The receptionist informed me that Allie had left early that day citing a raging headache and was headed home. I didn't try to call her but let my boss know there was a family emergency and headed home too.

When I got home only Allie's car was in the garage. I decided that she must really have a headache and entered the house. From the noise coming from our bedroom it didn't sound as though she was in pain, quite the opposite, she sounded like she was experiencing the greatest sexual pleasure of all times.

I crept up the stairs but, hell, I could have stomped up them with the amount of cover noise Allie was making. I stopped at the landing and got out my phone and started the video app before proceeding to the open door of the master bedroom. I peeked around the door frame and saw Allie stretched out on her side with her leg cocked up in the air to allow Lindsey to probe her pussy with a hand.

There were clamps on Allie's nipples and they were distended and purple in color. They had apparently been clamped for a while as purple as they were looking. Lindsey had a sadistic look on her face as she slowly pushed in and out of Allie's pussy with her fist while stroking Allie's clit.

"Hey, Ronnie, I wonder what would happen to this cunt if I clamped her clit as well. Do you think she would lose her mind?"

Ronnie chose that moment to come out of the bathroom wearing a large strap-on dildo. "I don't know. Why don't you try it while I lube up her ass for this cock of mine."

Ronnie went around the bed and started to prep Allie's tender almost-virginal rosebud with a lubricant as I continued to video.

Ronnie squeezed some lube into Allie's rectum with a nozzle attached to the bottle and then started to work a finger into the opening. Allie was in such an orgasmic state that she was not putting up any resistance to the anal assault.

"I can't believe that Cal has never tapped this ass."

Lindsey nodded as she attached a nipple clamp to Allie's large clit. "This bitch has been so easy to turn. That night of the party I was so surprised when I gave her a kiss and touched her breast and she started to moan and actually came right then. I have never seen such sensitive nipples, even yours are not as sensitive as hers."

Ronnie paused on her assault to reach up and flick Allie's nipple and grinned as Allie squirmed around and screamed some more. "Yeah, the other day when we got her between us I rubbed my nipples against her little tits and it was great. She flooded the bed for us. Richard will be pleased when we present her to him. He will love working her nipples over until she can't stand it anymore."

Ronnie returned to her task. "She needs this tiny ass opened up for him. He will want to pound it while we use her cunt for our pleasure." She now had two fingers imbedded in my wife's ass and was stretching her out. Allie continued to orgasm. She would calm down for a few moments trying to catch her breath before Lindsey would twist her hand and ram against her "G" spot again while biting her clit. The clamp there didn't seem to work as well as the nipple clamps so she had removed it.

Lindsey spoke again. "I wonder if we should pierce her nipples before giving her to Richard. I wonder if she would still orgasm as easily with some weights hanging from them."

I had gotten enough on video. I stepped into the bedroom. Ronnie saw me first. She at least at the decency to blush and then pull her fingers out of my wife's ass.

Ronnie stood up at the side of the bed with her fake cock bobbing up and down. It was huge, at least two and a half inches thick and ten or twelve inches long.

"Lindsey, play time is over. Let my wife up." These were the first words out of my mouth. Lindsey was so surprised she jerked her hand out of Allie's cunt. Allie screamed in pain at the sudden ripping of her tender tissues. "Now take the clamps off her nipples so she can breathe again."

Lindsey was a little more tender as she removed the tight clamps. It apparently didn't matter. Allie screamed again as the blood came back into her large and super sensitive nipples. Lindsey stood up and tried to look contrite but I wasn't buying it. "So you are prepping my wife for your husband?"

She looked up in surprise and then slowly nodded. "What are you two, his pimps? You go out and seduce women for him?"

"Sometimes. Sometimes it is for us. It would only be for a while as he gets tired of them rather quickly. She would be returned unharmed after he is done." She blushed when I gave her a look of disbelief.

Allie was now coming down from her orgasmic high and realized that I was in the room. She squealed and then tried to cover herself from my eyes.

I gave out a sardonic chuckle. "That's rich, Allie. Here we have been married for almost fifteen years and when caught in bed with two lesbians you try to cover yourself from my eyes. Kind of like Eve in the Garden of Eden isn't it? You sin and suddenly you can't be viewed by the sinless."

I made my decision. "I won't interfere with Richard's plans. Get dressed, all three of you, and get out of my house. You have ten minutes before I start calling family and friends and letting them know what kind of animals you all are."

I left the room before I lost my temper and decided to kill them all, including the judge, Richard Marshall. I didn't quite stay in control though. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and poured some good Kentucky bourbon and slammed it down before throwing the tumbler against the back splash behind the counter. The sound of the glass breaking was a good symbol of what my heart was doing.

I grabbed another glass and repeated the activity. Bourbon in the glass, slam it down my throat, feel the burn, slam the glass against the backsplash. Another glass and another two fingers of bourbon before the glass joined the others.

About then I heard the door close and when I turned I could see out on the street the three she-devils hastily heading for the Marshall residence a block over.

I am not ashamed to admit it that I sank down on the floor with the opened bottle of bourbon in my hand and I started to cry. I had been betrayed by my best friend in the world, my lover, my wife, and the mother of my children. I lamented to God, "Why not take her in an accident or by cancer, not by betrayal?" I started to drink straight from the bottle.

My kids came home at their usual time. Jason was now twelve and Becca was ten. They were shocked to see me sitting on the floor of the kitchen with shattered glass all over the counter and I know I looked like hell. They had no idea what to do with me and when they tried to call their mother they found her phone sitting on the charger in the kitchen. They finally called their grandparents, my folks, and soon enough my mother was trying to get some kind of sense out of my ramblings.

Dad went up to the bedroom and discovered the discarded dildo and the huge tube of lube and made a few assumptions that might explain why Allie's car was home but she wasn't.

I don't drink much or very often so between the straight bourbon and the depression of finding my wife in the arms of two lovers I was seriously drunk. I know I told the kids to leave me alone at least a dozen times. Then my mother was in my face and I was crying about how Allie had betrayed us all, especially me. I don't know if Mom really understood me but she tried to comfort me. Well, maybe she did. I remember her asking what I did to make Allie mad at me. I don't think she liked me much when I told her to fuck off and die. I then crawled on my hands and knees to the living room and crawled up on the couch and pulled the throw over my head and ignored her.

Dad must have come down and told her what he had found upstairs. The dildo and the lube really didn't tell them the story but then a neighbor came over to inquire about what had been going on since I got home and must have told my parents about seeing the three women all leave on foot and together. Dad finally assumed that the extra women in the house had not been my paramours if Allie had gone with them.

A couple of hours later the kids had been fed and were trying to sleep but I guess were still trying to figure out why their mother wasn't home. I was starting to become coherent even though I couldn't sit up yet.

Dad and Mom kept pestering me about particulars so I finally gave them my phone and told them to check the gallery. They found the video and watched open-mouthed before shutting it down quickly.

Mom started in. "How do you know that Allie wasn't some kind of victim of rape?"

I know I gave her a look of pure astonishment. "Well, Mom, if it is rape then it has been ongoing since the last block party. Didn't you hear Lindsey say that she had made Allie orgasm at the party and then Ronnie talked about doing Allie a couple of days ago? Also, Allie has been very distant since the party and I have been concerned about her but she refused to talk with me."

"Do you think she could have been drugged somehow? You know we hear about date rape drugs all the time on the news."

"She didn't appear to be under the influence of anything except the two women. She wasn't even protesting when Ronnie announced that she was going to have anal sex with her even though she has always been against that kind of sex with me, her husband."

"No, I think she might have been seduced but she certainly wasn't unwilling. She has also not been amorous towards me since that party. I think she had a guilty conscience and couldn't countenance having sex with me while cheating on me."

Dad then had to ask the $64,000 question. "What are you going to do?"

I sat up and put my head in my hands. "I don't know, Dad, I really don't know. I want her here with us but without the cheating part. She is still my wife and the mother of my children and I love her but I certainly don't like her much at the moment."

I looked him straight in the eye. "She didn't even say anything in her own defense as this was going on. There wasn't any 'It isn't what it looks like' or 'Let me explain' or 'I love you and we can get by this.' No there was nothing out of her at all. I left the room after I broke up their little love fest so they could get dressed and I went to the kitchen and started to drink. I certainly wasn't drunk yet before they left the house. She didn't even say 'good-bye' or 'I'll call you' or anything else as she left."