Judicial Punishment Lottery Pt. 02


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One thing Marcia did have though, and that was her father's volcanic temper. She was normally as placid and easy-going as any person could be, but if you poked at her enough then you might see an entirely different side to her. Shona had only seen it twice, the first time when a drunk had slapped Patricia just outside the department when she was trying to help him. Marcia had chased that idiot from one end of the hospital car park to the other with a murderous gleam in her eye and a pair of forceps in her hand.

Thankfully the guy could run.

The second time was much funnier. It was in the aftermath of a Rangers v Celtic football match and the A&E department looked like a war zone, with battered, blood-stained men, and a few women, sprawled all over the place. One cockwomble, a wonderfully endearing Scottish term for a fucking idiot, had slapped Marcia on the arse as she was leaning over a desk writing in details of his preliminary examination. Shona had no idea what the grinning idiot had expected but she would bet it wasn't the crunching right hook that knocked him completely arse over tit.

She had watched the guy basically crawl over to the two cops who were drinking a hasty cup of tea before heading back out into the fray. The guy had complained bitterly about being mistreated by the nurse to the older cop who appeared somewhat less than sympathetic.

Shona had heard the conversation and it still made her laugh.

"I wanna make a complaint!"

"Oh aye?"


"What about?"

"That nurse, the big yin over there, she belted me on the puss."

"Oh aye?"

"AYE! Fit are you twa gonna dae aboot it?"

"You a local lad?"

"Near enough."

"Well, the reason I ask is that yon nurse is Billy McCracken's wee girl. Just thought I'd mention it."

The colour had simply drained from the man.

"Er, never mind Constable, I must have done something to deserve it. Nurses are angels and I won't hear a bad word said about them. In fact, I'm feeling much better so I'm away home."

The guy had almost fallen over himself in his hurry to leave.

It still made her chuckle.


Marcia tucked the nurse under one arm and casually carried the giggling woman back into the flat.

"Put me down, you big galoot!"

Martia plonked the woman down with a laugh and thrust a gigantic box of Maltesers into her hands, "Here, I got you these. I know you're addicted to the things."

Shona smiled, "Everyone knows the invention of Maltesers is a sign of being an advanced species, I'm sure it's on the internet somewhere, so it must be true."

"Must be."

More drinks were distributed, and Patricia called out, "We ordering that Chinese then, cos I'm starving?"

"You mind if we wait just a few more minutes Pat? I invited someone else, but I don't know if they'll show."

"Sure, no probs, there's enough snacks here to feed an army anyway."

"Just stay away from my Maltesers you wee bugger."

"I wouldn't want to risk your wrath. Hey Shona, I promised myself I wouldn't ask, but you okay, after yesterday I mean?"

Shona sighed, "Well, I am now, with you guys being here, but truthfully, it was the most fucking horrible thing that ever happened to me. The only thing that was worse was when I thought I'd killed that wee lassie," she smiled brightly, "Hey! Did I show you guys the picture she drew of me? I stuck it on the fridge door. Gimme a sec."

Shona recovered the crayon drawing and passed it around. It showed a brilliant yellow sun, two mangled cars and a number of stick-like figures. One had a broad but really dopey-looking smile and had the name "Nurse Shona" written above.

Patricia grinned, "Holy shit! It looks just like you."

Joyce took the picture and smiling she sniffed back a tear, "You're a bunch of bastards, you know fine I always cry when I see this thing."

Marcia wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze, "That's cos you've got a good soul Joyce."

Thankfully Joyce's tears were interrupted by the doorbell.

Shona wandered across to answer it, "I hear a tapping, a gentle rapping, upon my chamber door."

It had started to rain outside, and Karen stood in the lintel sheltering from the downpour. She looked good, wearing a heavy leather jacket over her form-fitting t-shirt and jeans, she was carrying her crash helmet in one hand and a bag in the other, "Hey Shona."

"You made it!"

"I did indeed."

"This is great, come and meet the girls."

Karen slid the heavy leather jacket off, "This thing's a bit wet, will I just hang it on the peg there?"

"Aye, you can dump the helmet there as well if you like."

Karen held out a bag, "I didn't know what to bring so I got you a bottle of tequila and some limes. Maybe we can do shots later."

"Oh boy. I'm already imagining the hangover."

Leading Karen back into the sitting room she introduced her pals, "Hey guys, this is Karen. She was with me the other day and really helped me out. Karen, the pretty one over there is Joyce, she's the sensible one. That's Marcia, and the cute wee redhead is Patricia, she's anything but sensible."


Patricia smiled as she handed Karen a mojito, "Here try one of these monsters. Shona made them and they pack a wallop."

"Cheers," she sipped, "Holy shit, that's strong."

The redhead gave the woman a slightly lopsided grin, "Yea, I've had three. So, you were with Shona the other day? Sorry to hear that, what were you in for? They decide they just wanted to smack the bum of a biker-chick or something?"

"Erm, not exactly."

Shona leaned across and refilled Patricia's glass. She smiled sweetly at the redhead, "Officer Milton here is one of the corrections officers who dealt with me."

Joyce had been waiting for this and had the camera on her phone ready to snap the stunned, open-jawed look of shock on Patricia's face. "Ha! Nice one Pat. That's going up for the caption contest at work."

"Wait, what? She's one of the ones who gave you a hiding?"

"No, she didn't do that, but she helped me get through it, she was really nice," Shona grinned mischievously, "well, she did handcuff me, make me strip all my clothes off, take nude photographs of me and then helped tie me up so a bunch of weirdos could grope my bum in between beating the hell out of me, but apart from that she was really nice."

"Holy fuck."

Karen grinned and lifted her glass in a silent toast to the small redhead.

Marcia interjected with a laugh, "This wee bam is gonna bombard you with about a million questions now so how about we order food before she gets started and we starve to death?"

Shona looked up from her laptop, "I've ordered one of those banquet meals for the five of us, that's a bunch of main courses and starters, it should be enough for us, does anyone want anything else?"

Marcia looked like she wanted to say something, but Karen interjected first, "Er Shona, mind if we get a few extra starters? I hate to say it, but I eat like a horse."


"Yea fraid so, it's ridiculous but I'll happily munch through a pile of them and then demolish the main course, I'll happily chip in some extra cash to cover it."

Joyce looked confused, "But you're built like a racing snake. How can you eat that much and not end up as spherical as a balloon?"

Karen blushed, "I exercise."


"Yea, it's a very physical job sometimes, we have a fitness test every year and we're expected to do at least an hour's workout in the gym every day. There's a small gym in the facility and if we log the gym time, we can claim it back in TOIL. Then there's my judo classes, I do them a couple of times a week, plus I like to swim sometimes."

"Bloody hell, that sounds exhausting."

"You get used to it, but I end up eating quite a lot, I just burn the calories off I guess."

Marcia had an ecstatic look on her face, "Oh thank God! Finally, a woman with a real appetite. I've been hanging about with these guys for years and they eat like mice, it's horrible."

Joyce looked at her friend, "You should have said. It's not like we have rationing."

Marcia blushed and mumbled something incoherent.

Shona laughed and turned the laptop around so they could all see it, "Extra starters it is, no extra cash required. What do you fancy?"

Karen mused, "I kinda like the ribs, and maybe those little pork dumpling things, how about you Marcia?"

Marcia nodded enthusiastically, "Oh yea, more ribs please, and maybe some of those salt and pepper chicken strips?"

"Oh, good shout, yea, lob in some of those."

Shona grinned and shook her head, "Jesus, you better eat all this stuff, or you won't get any pudding."

"There's pudding?"

"Well, I got a nice cheesecake and some cream."

"Oh Shona, I take back at least some of the bad things I've said about you over the years. You're the best."

Shona placed the order, "Okay, it should be here in about half an hour, meantime who fancies another drink?"


A very pleasant evening passed with much eating, drinking, laughter and a whole lot of good-natured piss-taking. For Karen, it was especially fun, other than the occasional shift night out with workmates she almost never socialised anymore. As soon as you told folks you worked for the Department of Corrections, they treated you like you were some kind of strange curiosity or a member of the Gestapo, and apparently, absolutely every bugger she ever met knew someone, somewhere, who had been allegedly mistreated by the Corrections Department or had been punished for something they never did. It got to the stage that other than a trip to the gym, her judo club, or maybe long solo trips on her bike she never actually went anywhere anymore. It was great just sitting around and yapping with people and she was amazed by how much she had missed it.

Karen looked across the lounge and pursed her lips nervously, "Hey Shona, can I ask you something?"


"How come," she blushed, "how come you don't treat me like I'm a bitch or something for what we did to you?"

Shona thought about it for a moment before answering, "Well, two reasons really. The first is easy to explain. You were kind to me, and you didn't have to be. You could have been coldly professional or aloof or whatever, that's without even being mean, but instead, you went out of your way to be kind when I really needed it."

Joyce reached out and lightly rested her hand on Karen's arm as Shona continued, "The second is harder to explain. I really thought I deserved it."


"You didn't see that wee girl's body lying in the back of that car. I felt so utterly guilty I don't think there's any punishment you guys could have given me that would have made that go away."

Patricia spoke up, "You're not religious are you, Shona?"

"Nope, not a religious bone in my body."

"Me neither, but my mum was, and if she was still here, I think I know what she'd have said. Something about how that kid was eating a sweet in the back of the car and could have choked at any time. But if she'd choked five minutes earlier, or five minutes later she would have died. The only thing that saved her was you being there Shona. Now I'm not sure how much weight I'd put in that, but it's definitely true that you could have sat in your car after the accident feeling sorry for yourself, but you didn't. You went over and saved that kid. Anyway, enough with the maudlin shit. You need to drink more."

Marcia lifted over the pitcher of margaritas, "Think we've finished the mojitos, let's try this stuff."

Joyce sipped hers, "Bloody hell! How much booze did you put in this?"

"Just what the recipe said, well that plus the leftovers from the mojitos."

Marcia sipped hers, "Mice."


"Huh, I meant nice."

"How much have you drank?"

"Only a teeny tiny amount, honest, would I lie?"

Patricia laughed, "Damned right you would."

Shona laughed at the two before turning back to Karen, "I say, Officer Milton, would you mind if I asked you a question?"

Karen laughed, "Fire away."

"Okay, what did Morven do?"

"Ah, that."

"Yes, that."

Karen looked about at the other women who were now fascinated, "Well, it's the oldest trick in the book really, but it's kind of hard to explain. I could maybe demonstrate for you, but I'd need a volunteer."

As one the nurses all looked at Patricia.

The redhead looked up, "Huh?"

Joyce grinned at her, "Looks like you just volunteered to be Karen's test dummy for a wee spanking experiment."

"Oh, sure, that's cool I guess."

Karen slid her chair into the middle of the room and sat down. Indicating her lap she gestured at Patricia, "If you would be so kind."

Giggling like a slightly inebriated schoolgirl Patricia slithered face-down over Karen's lap, "How's this?"

Karen grinned and placed a restraining hand on Patricia's shoulder, "Erm, well I really should have explained slightly better perhaps. You see I can't really demonstrate this technique properly over clothes, it only really works with bare skin."


Marcia laughed out loud as Shona and Joyce giggled at Patricia's reaction as they continued to watch in fascination.

Resting a hand gently on the seat of Patricia's leggings Karen lowered her head and whispered in her ear, "Shall I?"

Patricia squirmed a little, but nobody was that surprised when she murmured, "Okay."

Karen carefully rolled her leggings down over her bottom and then slid her knickers down alongside them, being careful that only the cute curves of her pretty pink bum were showing and that her more intimate areas remained concealed.

"Patricia squirmed in place but made no move to get up.

Karen grinned, "You're kinda into this aren't you?"


"Spanking. You kinda like it don't you?"

Patricia blushed, which was an interesting sight given all they could see of her were the now delightfully rosy cheeks of her bottom.

"Me and my boyfriend sometimes indulge a bit."

"You do anything else?"

"Sometimes we use a belt, sometimes a little bit of bondage, nothing much, I just sometimes like to feel a little helpless. You don't think I'm a weirdo, do you?"

Karen lightly stroked the girl's bottom, "Nope, not at all. I'm pretty sure just about everyone likes a bit of 'slap and tickle' now and again when the mood takes them, even if they won't admit it."

"That include you?"

"Let's just say I've had my moments."

Karen looked at the incredibly cute posterior in front of her, "So when he spanks you is it a bit like this?"

With that she landed a half dozen light slaps on the girl's bottom, eliciting a few girlish squeals.

Laughingly Patricia answered, "Yea, a bit like that, I think maybe very slightly harder, but that's about right."

"Okay, so you can understand what's happening I want to hit you once in the manner of a correctly administered judicial punishment. It's gonna hurt, would that be okay?"

"Just once?"

"I promise, just the once, no funny business, you have my word."

"Okay then, if it's just once I guess it should be okay."

"Brace yourself."

Karen lifted her hand and it lashed forward, landing on one cheek of Patricia's bottom with tremendous force and a sound like a crack of thunder. Patricia shrieked, her body spasmed and her legs drummed helplessly against the floor. The one hit left an immediate scarlet handprint on her posterior.

"Jesus Christ that hurt!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, really, I am, but folks sometimes don't get it. A punishment is nothing like a bit of foreplay. It's designed to inflict maximum pain and humiliation; its purpose is literally to make an example of someone. Are you okay?"

"Yea, but fucking hell that stung."

"Well, here's the thing, Shona was supposed to get twenty of those from a guy who can hit a lot harder than me."



"That this Morven guy?"


"Holy shit, that would be absolutely awful."

"Yea, but this is what he did instead. You ready?"

Patricia whimpered, "Oh God."

"It's okay, I promise I won't hurt you."


"I promise."

Karen lifted her hand and again it lashed forward with all the speed of a striking viper. Everyone winced visibly as it cracked against the redhead's posterior with a sound that was even worse than last time. Patricia winced and her bottom twitched, but there was no scream.

"That's just weird. Do that again."

Karen grinned, "Ready?"


The corrections officer landed about a half dozen blows on little redhead and each time it sounded horrendous, Shona almost stepped in to put a stop to it, until she heard Patricia laughing, "Oh, god you've gotta stop, that really tickles."

Shona shook her head in confusion, "That looked and sounded bloody awful, how come she's not screaming the house down."

Karen smiled, "Okay watch."

She drew her hand back and as if in a slow-motion replay gently placed the flat of her hand against one cheek of Patricia's bottom. "So, in a normal hit the flat of the hand strikes the target area and you leave it in contact for maybe a half-second longer than normal. That way the maximum amount of energy is transferred to the target and that's why it hurts so much."

Marcia piped up, "That's like martial arts, I saw it on the Discovery Channel."

"Exactly, now what Morven did was he cupped his hand slightly so only a tiny fraction of his hand made contact, he pulled the hit as much as he could, and he didn't leave it in contact with the target for any time at all. The result was that only a tiny fraction of energy was transferred, but it sounded hellish. Now he had to land at least a few proper hits on Shona, and he felt bad about that, but if he didn't it would have been bloody obvious what he was doing and all hell would have broken out. This way he got Shona crying, her bum coloured up nicely and it all looked very real."

Shona murmured thoughtfully, "Would he have gotten into trouble?"

"Oh yea, it's a dereliction of duty and maybe even a wilful interference in a judicial punishment. He might have survived the dereliction charge with only a big fine and fucking over any promotion prospects he had, but interference in a judicial procedure carries a mandatory sentence of ten days of correctional therapy in a short-term prison."

"Jesus Christ! I never realised he risked all that for me."

"Yea, he's a good guy and you really kinda impressed him by letting that young girl off the hook like that."

"I've got to thank him."

"Well, you never know. You might just get the chance someday."

Patricia piped up, "So what's the worst punishment you've had to do?"

Karen looked thoughtful and shook her head, "No, that's not a fun story at all. But I'll tell you a true story about my antics instead if you like?"

"Okay sure."

"One question though?"


Karen grinned, "Well Patricia do you want to stay as you are with me playing with your bum, or would you rather sit up while I tell my story?"

Everyone heard Patricia giggle, "Okay you got me there. I know which one I'd rather say, but it's probably less embarrassing if I sit up."

Karen gently slid the girl's knickers and leggings back up and carefully sat her up. "There you go. I think my lovely assistant deserves a round of applause."

Joyce muttered loud enough for everyone to hear, "Not sure that the kind of clapping she's hoping for though."


Karen grinned, "Okay, I promised you a story and a story you shall have. This was back when I had only just finished my training. I'd just moved into my flat and I was trying to save up for a new motorbike, but I was really skint.

Anyway, a friend of mine told me about a way corrections officers could make a bit of cash. It seems we were in some demand on the BDSM circuit."


"Yea, we're not allowed to advertise cos that's soliciting, but otherwise we can answer some ads, as long as we're not pretending to be on duty or anything like that. So anyway, my pal gave me details of a woman she had worked with who she knew was looking for someone and I gave her a call."
