Junction Pt. 04


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Director Cooper and I can communicate securely and directly to get him to do that. I wanted your people, possible traitors I have not confirmed, out of the Marshal Service first and handled by your own people, as you did for a former Captain who went rogue. I am giving you the chance to save lives and address these problems, Levaransin.

I did not have to come here, but I did. Knowing the risks, yet again. Your bodyguards should be upgraded with 950 processors, biomonitors, and electronic sweeping equipment crystals, and explosive detection. The infrared is great for seeing laser sights. My vision is as good as a dragon's vision so low light can be like high noon. Things to consider, Levaransin."

She sighed and looked at Director Younger, "What process do you have?"

He sighed, "I have an 884. It sounds like it is time to upgrade. I will make arrangements with Dr. Bowman and look to add those to myself to start in this case. Jace, I will get guidance. Give me a few hours to confirm with her Majesty on the matter further. Your insight at your home for the physical exam should have warned me I was due to get a tech upgrade."

Jace bowed again, "Now I need to confirm my vehicle is still in one piece, Levaransin."

She nodded, "Thank you for bringing this directly here. Kindra's Guards will escort you back to your vehicle until you leave. She will remain with me until then."

Jace left with the guards and Levaransin was furious, "Find them and get our telepaths to confirm. Bring those 3 in. Get Elven members of the Marshal Service to bring those 3 in today if they are not already home!"

She brought up a secure connection to the Gold Dragon King, She sighed, "Your Majesty. Jace found a few other issues for us to look into and wanted me to deal with it directly. I need a Dragon telepath to confirm my elven telepath's loyalty to you and to me."

The Gold Dragon King nodded, "Easy request and a wise precaution. I am sending the Minister of Defense. He started out as one of our telepaths and has been my loyal Minister for over 1,000 years now. He will confirm them and the guards I have on you as well. Did Jace make any other recommendations?"

She nodded, "Yes several, and Director Younger is already working on the implementation of those assets. Jace brought in Trace DNA and partial prints on devices planted on his vehicle at the Marshals lot. He did not want that going through an intermediary and we want to confirm the allegations first.

We are gathering those who were found on the device but I need reliable telepaths to continue forward. With as many sights that were being pointed at Kindra and Jace upon his arrival!? I would say we have some other issues in that department to look into, Your Majesty. That leads me to believe some of my telepaths would have to be involved."

The Gold Dragon King sighed, "Once he returns I will take the same course of action here." The Gold Dragon King ended the call. He shook his head, "Letting the Elven Queen deal with the elven matters in this case. Jace is working to keep tensions low between himself and the elven people." The Minister of Defense bowed and teleported out.


Jace made it back to his vehicle with no laser sights being spotted. He did disarm six explosive devices he found on his vehicle and 4 more trackers and sent the information to Director Younger. He turned it over to Kindra's Bodyguards to deliver to the Director after he sealed them in evidence bags.

He flipped on X-ray vision and infrared as he drove out with lights and sirens until he was out of the Avalon Valley and into the Avalon Wilds. He kept his lights on all the way to the border and then shut them off after leaving the area. He then ran through 5 days of messages and responded to everyone including Coop over a secure link.

Coop shook his head, "Gone for 5 days on a mission for the Gold Dragon King. Think you could let me know next time?"

Jace laughed, "I got told as I went to walk into the Marshal's building and told to go now. So I went."

Coop chuckled, "Alright, anything I should be concerned about?"

Jace laughed and sent him a text. 'Scan every office in the whole building. Infiltration is bad. Had 3 trackers on my vehicle. I took it to Levaransin because the trace DNA and partial prints on the device went back to elves in the Marshal Service. Had at least 12 laser sights on myself and 6 on Kindra when I teleported both of us out of the crossfire."

Jace sighed, "See you at home, we can talk there. Don't forget your vehicle."

Coop sighed deeply, "Alright. More to do tomorrow I'm betting."


She sighed, "He avoided the trap, detected it, and protected this elven woman Kindra in the process. Loyalty to his fallen commander. He is trying to defuse matters with these elves even further. Having them clean their own house, as it were."

They simply nodded to her.


For the next 30 days, Jace spent his time going from one wild to another. Staying away from the Avalon Wilds, the prison, Mashal's Office, and the Palace. He had his new towns and mines getting started as well.

Dragon telepaths cleared the prison, including the Warden who was in league with 3 corporations, with no outside government connections tied to him. The Prison telepaths were cleared except for 2 who blew their brains out before getting scanned.

Tillman was officially executed and unofficially teleported to a CGR facility that had already been cleared and set up to meet his needs. He put together the virus and the King had it pushed to the Genesis Station to propagate.

2 days later, in the middle of a RECD meeting where the Gold Dragon King had a line of 84 tracking and listening devices on the table tagged with the aggressors. All of the devices he had known with whom they went to.

The Genesis stations launched themselves out of orbit and into a rapidly decaying orbit. The Gold Dragon King played along and reported his assets could not alter course or bring the arrest to a halt. He ordered the station abandoned and threw the blame squarely on the 21 council members who were the biggest threat to him and this blatant attack.

He also had the tracking devices in front of him to back his claim that they were in over their heads. One of them, the one from RanDabalon who was the head of the Council, had 15 of the tracking devices tracked back to his Clandestine Services.

The Gold Dragon King told them all, "Upgrade your security people to the new 950 processors our people manufacture, and with an electronics tracking chip put out by one of my companies, you will find these devices if they exist in your Kingdom! We need to put a stop to these backstabbing efforts."

That brought the RECD meeting to a screeching halt as those stations collided over The Deep with most dragons escaping the destruction. Several ships were picked up by Dragon created satellites leaving the system. Far from San-Angeles, the Gold Dragon King had no assets to address them directly.


She watched as they scrambled. They texted a message to her, 'All of the stations have been taken out of orbit. We are virtually blind here except for what you have set up for us directly. We will have to go to a ship outside of your range for now.

We had no plans to add more monitoring facilities. Our people escaped. Someone hacked all of the facilities through the shared connection most likely. We cannot access those computers. They all quickly reported the stations were purposefully altering course and falling out of orbit and the terminals were not responding to input.

They abandoned the Stations we have and departing this world. We now have to go to plan B and hope you are successful in convincing your brethren, and Jace of what needs to be done. We do not have the luxury of time to work on this issue again from the beginning. To start over.

Let them know what you can do for them. Be sure they know, that virus was not our doing and it took us centuries to undo what she did. Still, it is not something we would deliver via a virus as we need as many of the humans as we can get.

The 10-year clock for this planet is started. We need a new station in orbit by them at a minimum before then. Only one and we can use their own satellites to track them from that. Agreements from Jace to leave this world, with his wives and children preferably would be better.'

She sighed and nodded, "I will head to San-Angeles and watch for news on him. I will find a way to get to him and talk with Jace. With RECD if that fails. We know this new enchantment he did on his armor, from the prison security cameras.

We know it will block us and the Astral Plane is an issue for you as well. We need his cooperation. It is vast and hard to say if I could even find him on it if he went that route."

One of them looked at her and sent another text message, 'The solution is in your hands now White Queen. Else all of your brethren may die if we have to abandon the efforts here and start searching for another race like humanity. More will be lost if that happens. We believe he will work to save our knowledge and with it, our species.'


Species 874 abandoning their bases in the oceans and other lands as hundreds of space-based craft, for now anyway. A couple of shuttles with no registration and filled with humans and elves were destroyed on re-entry by other City-States who scanned them for dragons and found none. The fighters took down those who were not magically inclined to teleport away.

The Avalon elves had 3 bad telepaths that were brought down from the Minister of Defense not knowing he was a very powerful telepath in his own right. They gave him the names of those Dragon Families working against them.

Also those within the Elven people truly disloyal to the Gold Dragon King in matters as well as Levaransin's rule as a female ruler over the elven people. Including weapon caches and plans of attack that were in the works. One of them being the Black Dragon King over RanDabalon.

Their weapon caches and the traitors were kept for the next RECD meeting. Several others also found the Black Dragon King of RanDabalon working to bring down their people including other weapon caches. Several others had weapon caches from others in the top 30 looking to jockey for better positions.

There were threats of a global war and destruction of these City-States unless reparations were made to all of those involved. The Gold Dragon King had provided the new chips free of charge, provided he got a share of any reparations the other City-States might encounter.

The Gold Dragon King had not had a large clandestine service in many years. Mainly counter-terrorism efforts during this time and his Masto units which had mixed results. Instead, he had his people focused on the means in finding the devices and tracing them instead as he had been on the defensive since before Jace came into being.

Once things settled the Gold Dragon King had moved up in the standings to number 2, behind a bronze King in LonUblin province. RanDabalon's Black King was forced to step down after his family fell out of the top, 1st to 25th place.

He died in a series of forced death matches from his offspring from youngest to oldest on his own children for the humiliation he brought his family. Then siblings who thought they had what it took to take over.

Until the strongest Royal was still standing. Some of his female siblings remained out of the fights, as they knew they were not strong enough or geared for fighting. As it was, the Black King's youngest brother became the new King having beaten every other male who died in order.

He had himself teched out with enhanced regeneration and was a master caster as well. They quickly fell to 34th place after the Bronze King of LonUblin went to war with them instead of accepting reparations immediately. He was a direct neighbor. The Bronze King used all the found stockpiled weapons against them and the major city of the City-States of RanDabalon's people.

Once those were used a truce was finally announced 3 months later and reparations settled upon. Leaving the Black Dragons with entitled dwarves and giants only and a loss of 10% of the land they held previously.

They lost their entitled elves from the lands the Bronze King took over in reparations. All for the hidden assault the Black King's brother had attempted to hide. They technically still had them, but their homeland had been seized.

The Bronze King gained them for himself, but they were not entitled within his lands. They were a different species and many of them fled their own separate city they had built. They lived in the Black King's other lands and worked to build a new city further from the border.

The Bronze King did not stop them from leaving those former lands, though many were eaten by dragon forces, they were considered a delicacy. He never believed he would hold them but had humans go in to clear cut those woods so they would never return to that location and seized the computer systems they were forced to leave behind, including their research.

Levaransin never spoke to Jace about coming to her directly, at least yet. She handled the issues, found some who were working to frame others in the Marshal Service for their activity. Levaransin ordered a top-down review via her telepaths and her ESS director.

All of the entitled elven people would undergo telepathic interrogation to root out any remaining corruption. She soon had the moniker of the Blood Queen from some of her detractors but they fell to the wayside quickly as the words exited their lips.

Now only some of the humans in the Wilds dared to use that name. Yet, none would dare to use it to her face or to a loyal elven follower, which is what she ensured she had left. Jace did not get another favor from the King out of this.

Yet Jace's holdings within the holding company almost tripled every month for the next 3 months with no signs of slowing. He received shares of reparations from the Gold Dragon King instead, for his efforts in guiding those actions.

For outlining the plans to elevate his Kingdom higher and remove the security threats the King had not been focused upon. Jace did not expect it to continue forever.

Jace was just shy of 350 Million TC's now, officially. Unofficially he had a lot more than that. He had invested in companies and his private holdings off the grid in cred-chips which now went over 33+ million DC's that were untraceable.

Jace had 3 of 4 mining sites showing signs of profitability with the fourth getting close. One found crystals vital to the needs of the other industries for standard cybernetics. The other 2 found titanium deposits needed by cybernetic and weapon manufacturers. This, of course, infuriated the dwarves as they could barely keep pace.

Yet there were some items they were the sole providers for, lithium and rare dragon crystals. Crystals that could only be found in much deeper and riskier parts of the mines that the dragons wanted and needed for Dragon owned businesses.

Higher quality for working the higher levels of the Weave. Sections they had to shut down to reinforce the mines. All to have dwarves work those sections of mines instead, they had to meet higher safety standards for their own people.

The King had put 20% of the dwarven population into the military. He did not give them weapons, he had them work to fill in the holes out to the base, at the bases, and leading away from the bases. That had to be completed before he would return the businesses to the dwarves.

When they finished they had a choice, remain for 2 years in the military, or forced sterilization and returning to the mines. Half chose to return once sterile. The other half went back into military basic training. After the Gold Dragon King drained most of the funds they held in fines and reparations.

All based on the contents of that server and the businesses were finally returned. The Gold Dragon King released that dwarven Sheriff back to his people. They promptly killed him as a mob of dwarven civilians and the new dwarven militia.

They used pickaxes and axes for the pain and humiliation they now suffered. The new Sheriff just cleaned up the mess as the Marshals had cleared the area but set up thousands of surveillance cameras for the King's Security Service who now monitored them.

The next set of human miners went to work for DEEM when offered the choice. The dwarves refused to pay a competitive wage or add any 'danger pay' to those that became available.

To increase his population base, only the bottom 10% were recycled, forced sterilization on the males still occurred for farmers and miners, but the social media boards for wanting children had grown with the new surroundings the human miners had. Mainly they had new homes and towns above ground to raise a family.

The Minister of Defense did not legalize prostitution but removed restrictions for those in the first 2 years on sex outside of the service, provided they had contracts with willing participants to mining and farming communities.

Marriage would be considered on an individual basis. Those that took the lifer path, even if they left early, were typically allowed to marry. Those getting out in 2 years, would simply have to wait.


Today was a new day. Jace and Coop were both headed to the Palace, yet they took separate vehicles this time. Jace got a list of 12 names to be aware of for an ongoing investigation. Those came from Coop over a secure connection as he traveled to the meeting and some he recognized. Another Marshal investigation he was not a part of, and he was glad to out of the loop on this one.

They arrived early to get through security but they were both there for the same meeting, but for different reasons. Today was a commerce meeting. Coop was there to deal with any Marshal related issues.

While Jace was there as the owner of 5 mining companies and was heavily invested in many of the others through the holding company. A fact that was unknown to many of the others in this meeting but would be known before the day was out.

Jace walked into the room with 54 other company presidents or conglomerate representatives, The Minister of Commerce, Minister of Defense, Levaransin representing the Elven Royal Family and Elven owned businesses, The new civilian head of CGR, and Director Cooper representing the Marshal Service.

The King would be attending remotely, as he knew many of these Company presidents were armed and some contention would likely occur based on information the Marshal Service gathered. Several members of the commerce committee looked at Jace and his presence in surprise.

It was not widely known he was a businessman as well. Jace took the seat next to Sands Industries President Carmicle Ross. Jace had requested that seat from the Gold Dragon King before he saw his name on this list. Jace was not on the stage where Coop was sitting with the rest of the non-commerce representatives of companies.

Jace took off his leather duster to reveal a pair of 655 Judge handguns, the first 2 off the prototype run not yet available for sale. A stranger looked over the black business suit he wore. They would only be used for law enforcement and military Spec-ops.

Just one of the companies Jace bought into to the tune of 52% of the stock. Their market had been shrinking until they got an infusion of fresh capital from Jace and he had them pursue new contracts and building new offerings as well. Carmicle Ross from Sands Industries looked at Jace, "This is a commerce meeting. Not a Marshal meeting."

Jace nodded. Grabbed the nameplate in front of the chair that showed his name. Then flipped it onto its third side to reveal DEEM, LLC. on the other side of it.