Junction Pt. 04


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Jace smiled, "I think I will leave one of my company names up as most in this room know who I am already. I own several companies now as well. I am invested heavily in 24 others in this room. 11 others I own some stock in but are not represented here, but not your company. Not bad for a bounty hunter and Marshal."

Jace sat next to Ross who was in shock from the revelation. Ross could gain no information on DEEM LLC. or this new upstart in the mining industry that was held by a private holding company. He hoped to learn more about them at this meeting.

He was heavily invested in the 3 dwarven mining companies that had lost him several hundred million DC's personally. Now he was seated next to the owner and never expected it to be Jace Rivers. Several others were in shock at that revelation.

Many were still shocked to see Jace in a business suit, and not armored at the moment. The Dragon King appeared on the upper screen at all four sides of the room. Everyone stood and bowed to the Gold Dragon King.

The Gold Dragon King called out, "Everyone, take a seat, this will likely be a long meeting. I will schedule breaks where needed. I may have private meetings with some people during the course of this meeting where my vid and outgoing audio will be shut down. I will still hear and see all of you.

There are new faces in the group. Director Younger of the Marshals Service has moved over to the Elven Security Services to fill in a glaring gap with our entitled race. Levaransin represents the Royal Family now. She is also the head of the Elven owned conglomerate of strictly Elven industries.

The new Director of the Marshal Service is now Richard 'Coop' Cooper, who works hand-in-hand with the head of ESS, Director Younger, when issues cross racial lines. Richard is also a retired General from my Army as well as a 32 year veteran of the Marshal Service.

We have a few new business partners who have significant enough assets to qualify to be in this meeting. Including Jace Rivers, Marshal Commander, and President of DEEM LLC. Jace is the majority or sole owner of 5 mining companies associated with the mining boom.

He is also a majority stockholder in several other companies and owns preferred stock in several others who wished to work with DEEM LLC. and its 4 subsidiaries. Which brings us to our first topic. Resource availability.

I am showing we have 125% of the resources coming out of all of our mining facilities. 45% from the dwarven contingent here, and the other 80% out of the DEEM and its subsidiaries.

Yet I am showing some businesses as stating they cannot get the resources that they need. Would both representatives stand and explain the issues, starting with our dwarven contingent."

The 3 new heads of the dwarven companies stood and bowed to the King as did Jace waited to be called upon or the floor to open to him. The spokesman for the group looked to the King, "We lost all of our human miners and over 80% of our capital after the previous leadership attempted to usurp your authority.

We have lost 10% of our population to your military for 2 years of service in building new military bases and other military facilities. They are not allowed to brief us about them as they have not started as of yet, we were told in no uncertain terms our people are not to report back to our own council.

The Gold Dragon King looked over, "Your race is not entitled, and neither are any of the three of you. Not yet. Your council is meaningless other than the price-fixing of the past. The past is in the past and will remain so for now."

The representative bowed but said nothing about the King's comments as he continued, "They have to complete basic military training first. Another 10% were returned but had been sterilized to be released back to their hometown.

Then the latest class of graduates to be labeled as miners went to work for DEEM LLC, instead of being sent to us as they have in the past. We are reinforcing some mines and working assets they are not able to get for you as of yet including access to lithium deposits. We are your sole source for that and dragon enchantment crystals."

Jace smiled, "Your Majesty, not to get out of turn here. Late yesterday, early this morning really. The fourth site found its target. Fuels Exploration, LLC. tapped into a 97% pure lithium deposit based on initial analysis. The numbers in that area will increase over the coming years.

We do not have a report on how big the initial deposit site is yet, but the surveys I used showed we would find several smaller ones before hitting the major deposits in that area. Those businesses doing business with us will have a source for that material.

Second, there were and are no laws for humans to be 'sent to dwarves.' They have to be miners, but where they choose to work is another matter left to the individual as we have no slavery in this City-State.

Some of your resource limitations come from the Dwarven conglomerate's contracts to sole source resources to given industries. Meaning if they want lithium or dragon crystals they have to be the sole source miners for everything else the contracting company gets.

That is creating an artificial perception of a resource shortage. DEEM LLC. does not do exclusive contracts, though there are some businesses I refuse to work with due to past personal history with current or former presidents of the companies.

We do request a 10% preferred stock investment from those companies who use the raw resources back to DEEM, LLC. We provide them the resources at a significantly lower base cost. This divides the profits across a more diverse portfolio.

DEEM, LLC. is 40% owned by the employees. Profits from the subsidiaries are split in half and wholly owned by me. Half of those profits that I retain are turned back into infrastructure support and business expansion at each site. The rest of it is investment capital I use to buy into other businesses.

The Dwarven Conglomerates investment into reinforcing the mines, particularly the deep mines needed for crystals used by Dragon and Elven owned businesses, and used by the dragon and elven enchanters are commendable.

That is the only item we cannot reach, as of yet as we are dealing with new mines and mining equipment and are years away from mining that deeply as we build out a strong support foundation for the mines to limit accidents and create a safer work environment.

I only wished the previous owners had that consideration when they had human miners working in those dangerous mines. Human safety in those mines has been problematic for centuries. One of many drawbacks to the way their predecessors did business.

Thus far, we continue to expand the base of human miners. The Dwarves are encouraged to seek those willing to work in their mines. They just have not looked at matching the compensation and the hazard pay that would be required, now that they have true competition. Their contracts leave a lot to be desired in competing head-to-head after the price-fixing scandal they had."

The Gold Dragon King looked at the heads of the Dwarven Conglomerates spokesman who was shocked to hear of this new resource DEEM would be cutting into. The spokesperson looked at Jace, "We found your methods of luring away our miners to your business to be underhanded. All under the pretext of your work as a Marshal."

Jace nodded, "More so than charging 10x the going rate for standard rations and forcing the miners to live underground in virtual concentration camps? Having no voice in their own safety, medical care, or the murder and rapes being committed that went reported, and not investigated...simply closed?

Your entitled individuals had 50Ki vamp units with no biomonitor, which were illegal, and used to kill many. I did my job as a Marshal and liberated them. I then gave them the option of continuing to be miners with a hand and a say in their own futures. Instead of being virtual slaves to be 'sent to you.' Just as you have a say in your own future, after regaining your businesses."

The spokesman looked at Jace, "Unsubstantiated rumors and allegations."

Jace shook his head, "All proven by your sheriff's own computer records to a large extent and testimonials given by witnesses who still live. Including the bargain with BoulDenver and the caches of weapons seized in dwarven lands by our military and the Marshal Service.

I personally stepped back from that activity after relieving your sheriff and accessing his computers. I dealt with the humanitarian crisis caused by your predecessors instead. I left it to the local marshals and Human Social Services to deal with the disaster I found."

Coop stood up, "We are still working on the recycling of those weapons from BoulDenver. The Marshal Service has contracted with a weapons manufacturer to recycle and dismantle the weapons instead of straight out destruction. To recycle the raw material to be used by other vendors or themselves. The City now has to send all illegal weapons to us to be cataloged and turn over for recycling."

Jace nodded, "Judge Armaments picked up that contract. Nobody else bid upon it when it came out. Some of the new alloys they found from that effort are incorporated into the 655 Judge sidearms I carry now. To be forthcoming, I am the majority stockholder in that company as well.

Once they made that sound business decision I backed them with additional capital. Before anyone else asks, would those businesses in which I now own a majority stock option please flip their name placards to reflect this fact?"

7 others, not counting Judge armaments who was back at the table and was number 8 to flip her tag. It still showed the company name and the majority stockholder, not necessarily over 50% of the stock, just the largest single stockholder being Jace Rivers.

It listed his percentages on each of those. Ranging from 22% to 52% with Judge Armaments; the only one he held over 50% of the stock. Jace looked at the others around the table, "Now you know I have earned my place to be in this meeting. As our Gold Dragon King already knew."

Jace bowed to the Gold Dragon King and sat down while the Gold Dragon King looked at the dwarves, "You will end this perceived shortage. You can undercut his 10% preferred stock or match it for those other businesses, provided they are not wholly owned, like the crystals for the Dragon or Elven owned businesses. This perceived shortage ends today."

The Dwarven spokesman bowed and sighed, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Then he sat down with more than a thump at having been outplayed by this 'business novice.'

Jace received an alert over the police band as did Marshal Cooper. Marshal Cooper moved to the lectern to address the second order of business that flashed up on the lower screen. Jace moved to the rear doors as the Gold Dragon King called out, "The second item on the agenda, Corporate Corruption into Law Enforcement."

Coop bowed again to the Gold Dragon King, "Your Majesty, Operation Clean Sweep is in progress. Many of you will note outside communications have been cut off in this room, except for the police bands.

There are a series of raids going on at every Police Precinct in the City, the docks, the main Air Transportation Port, and the 3 minor Air Transport hubs. We had to pull almost 75% of our Marshals out of the wilds to conduct this many raids at once.

This also expanded into 12 businesses whose presidents are in this room today. Your name appears up above and I ask you to place your hands on the table as you are under arrest for police corruption. Other charges pending as you did corporate sponsorships with members of law enforcement.

I have 6 Marshals coming in from side rooms to place restraints on those involved. Royal Guards will take you into custody. You will note Jace has moved into the back of the room to deal with anyone raising a gun. There are enough dragons and battle mages in the room to deal with any who attempt casting in here.

Place your hands flat on the table and await the arresting officer when your name appears. Remember, this has yet to be proven in court. We are just providing evidence to the crimes from our almost 4 month-long investigations into corporate corruption."

The first name was Carmicle Ross. He sighed and put his hands on the table as the officer moved in and restrained him. He trusted his lawyers. The others quickly followed suit. The Gold Dragon King nodded, "Dragon telepathic interrogators will be used to get to the truth before you will be turned over to your lawyers for official and public prosecution."

The 12 of them started to panic at that point as they were taken out of the room to screams of protests from being detained and the break with telepathic interrogation needing to be court-ordered. Something they failed to realize, Royal Guards, in the Palace could do telepathic interrogation on anyone they detained.

The Gold Dragon King looked over, "Corporate sponsorship of anyone must be logged and approved by My Royal Council if non-elven and the Elven Royal Council if elven. The Elven Royal Council is required to report that information back to my representatives daily. Jace Rivers became his own corporate sponsor with his business dealings and it is logged before anyone asks."

Jace returned to his seat as several other business issues were raised. They broke for a buffet lunch and communications were brought on-line for everyone to watch the raids that unfolded. Jace contacted his investment broker and looked to buy into Phantom Corp. and Sands industries, only if he could get 51% of the preferred stock or more; from both preferably.

His accountants kept track as the markets dropped to the agreed-upon rates. How low it needed to go before he could get what he needed to get both of them. He bought it through the 4 law firms he had on retainer. Each getting equal shares as they became available. Once they had the percentages, they kept it even at 13% per firm, needed he had them inform the Exchange.

The Exchange got the message they were both under a hostile takeover by Judge Armaments. The press soon had the information that the majority owner of Judge Armaments was now Jace Rivers. Jace now owned 3 out of 7 of the weapon manufacturers in the City-State.

Jace sent a message off to Gina and told her what he wanted her to do with them. She simply smiled and shook her head and finally nodded at Jace with a wicked grin. Jace gave her the keys to the weapons market. Jace was consolidating them into the largest manufacturer in the City-State.

The Gold Dragon King was made aware of the Exchange notification and nodded. "Jace did not pursue them until the news broke. He owned nothing in them. He broke up where the purchases were coming from to make it look like different companies looking to buy a share of what was left. Only to find out it was one man who pursued them. Now he is looking to become my largest weapon's manufacturer."

The Gold Dragon King sent a guard to call Jace out of the meeting and was taken to the Dragon King's private office for one of those one-on-one meetings. Jace bowed to the King, "Your Majesty, the move was a wise one. I only took on 2 out of 4 companies that pursued me when I left the service.

The other 2 were not listed today and were likely warned of the investigation by some who retired from the Marshal service after being informed that an investigation had been launched. Just a guess, but one that has a history behind it.

They were potentially Elven assets who moved to ESS, but I am not concerned with that or the next stage of the investigation. As you know, I was not looped into that investigation. I have had other issues to deal with, both with the Marshals and your mining operations.

Sands listened back then but they were being directed by Crostanlir when he was still alive. Your own words at the meeting with him. By combining them we can take weapon schematics that Judge Armaments could not manufacture and create up our own using the new alloys.

While trimming off the covert subsidiaries and streamlining the business to make them profitable, without raising costs. If anything the newer designs would cost less. Research and development will become the key component and I leave that up to Gina Taylor to work.

I just provided my thoughts on the matter to consolidate the best from the other 2 companies into Judge Armaments. I sent her my thoughts on that already during lunch if my plan for one or both of them worked out. I made her a promise when I bought into her company.

That I would work to make her the number 1 arms manufactured in your City-State. Today I delivered. To keep your weapons at the top of the line against your foes. Over 80 of them consider you are a threat now due to your new standing. We did not go after any weapon integrators or airframe manufacturers, yet. Yet, you do have other problems.

While your holdings and standings have pushed you into the 2nd slot in the RECD, your physical land holdings still only reflect a City-State sized at being number 27 on the list. Oslon Islands and unclaimed wilds further south are 2 areas to consider expanding.

Further East for the Avalon Elves at the same time if they are interested. Capturing and registering indigenous human populations that are not in your roles currently to increase your population base and genetic diversity. You do not have a sizable Navy and many of your enemies do.

With the stations down, we know you are weak on the northern border and that island could become a major series of shipyards and protection along that area. Also a launch site for new satellites or a space station designed for and by dragons.

The other I mentioned is further south. When the 'Earth' became part of Junction it was thrown off of its axis during the 'merger.'" Jace threw up a display of the Earth globe and pointed. "BoulDenver was north-north-east and two cities called Boulder and Denver from this location. Now it is southeast instead.

He rotated the globe and highlighted an area. Jace sighed, "In this area was an ancient set of ruins in an area known as Nevada. I am assuming it would be in ruins given the wars that permeated the area. It was desert back then. It should be straight south and inside of this area if it still exists. It is an unknown idea but worth considering.

That takes an expedition. If it does it could be anywhere inside of this circle. Inside the area, I am pointing you at right now. Lots of forests over that area, more resources. Plains for more farms and resources. Two mountain ranges, more resources. This ancient facility was called Area 51.

A military base and research facility, remember who directed my education. Rumored to be the location for many found or collected alien life forms and spacecraft. If it is true and its fragments of it still exist, then it is in unclaimed hands and available for expansion without attacking a neighbor further out.

Not that they don't have any scouts or listening posts out there. I know we do. That is why your military will have to work to claim it. You are going to have to buy them through the RECD if you wish to pursue that option.

It might lower your status down to number 4 for a while if the elves work that section as well, maybe down to 5th place potentially. Others that moved up will have to match your moves in their area as well to hold more land and population. In the long run, it does not hurt you.

It expands your territory to be in the top 10 fully. There are at least 20,000+ humans on Oslon Island. Several small villages, remember my drone company. I finally rebuilt it and scheduled more flights over the area. Those numbers are current, Your Majesty."

The King looked at everything and sighed, "I will take this up with the Royal Family first. As to your efforts on the defense contractors. I see no insider trading deals as you had made no move into buying them until it was announced.