Just Like Matthew

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A wife, a detective, a phone call, how did it happen?
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"Steve, you sure you want to hear this?"

"Yes, I think so." I felt a reassuring twitch of my cock. "Yes, I do."

"You don't sound sure?"

I slipped a hand up under the short, red lingerie top my wife was wearing. My fingers found her already hard nipple. My cock twitched again. After all these years of marriage and I still love feeling her breasts. "Oh I'm sure honey, I'm sure. You know I want to hear all."

"Ok, stop me anytime I go too far." My wife Linda whispered in my ear.

"Honey I think you already went too far. Now I want to hear about it. Remember the phone call. I knew what you were thinking of doing. Now you just have to tell me all."

"Ok Steve. I know you want me to talk. But please don't change your mind. I'm a little embarrassed still."


"Yes. Maybe that isn't the right word. I guess shocked at my behavior."

I felt her hand slip down my stomach. Her fingers found and encircled my cock. It was as hard as I had ever been in my life. She gave it a few strokes. I literally felt her confidence level rise.

"Ok here goes. I can't hold it in."

I knew she felt my cock respond. We've been married for 35 years. We have few secrets. Her hand went to my balls. I said nothing, waiting.

"Well there I was in Atlanta with Diane. You know we won the big contract from California. That put us over the top in the sales category. We won the competition and the bonus. It was a last minute thing. Others were not happy but all congratulated me with halfhearted remarks. Of course Diane loved all the attention. I was a bit more reserved. The traditional after-banquet cocktail party went on with many dagger looks sent my way. It increased my sense of triumph. I'd beaten them all. I loved the challenge, the thrill of victory. I wished you were there to help savor the moment, but you weren't. I didn't talk to too many people. Diane, the big flirt, was having a wonderful time. She danced with some guy for an hour. Then they left. He had his hand on her ass."

At this point I did feel a bit of jealously. I'd wanted her business partner Diane for a long time. I shook off my fantasy and concentrated on what my wife was saying.

She continued, "I'd been in California for a week. My time clock was off. In spite of the time 1 A.M., I was wide-awake. You understand don't you honey?"

"Yes, Linda I do. Go on." I understood very well.

"The bar was closing, the waiters looked impatient, so I crossed the street to a different hotel. Their bar was still open. So I took a deep breath and went in. I hadn't been in a bar by myself for years. So there I was standing in the door of a bar with my silly trophy in hand. There was a guy sitting in a booth in a quiet corner—wearing a tux of all things. Collar undone, bow-tie hanging-a real bowtie at that—he seemed relaxed. He stared at a small glass trophy in front of him on his table."

Ah, the other man I thought. Linda stroked me a few more times. She'd never talked this much before.

He looked at me and I looked at him and we both started laughing at our silly little trophies. "Hey," he said, "join me. Looks like we both won something." He slid over in his booth and I couldn't believe it. I just sat down next to him and we started talking. Just like that."

"He was a good-looking man. I estimated he was in his early 40s. He certainly knew how to wear a tux. Dark, sandy hair, with gray streaks at the sideburns he seemed trim and fit.

He said, "My trophy comes with a nice bonus, so no complaints. Just a lot of hate-stares from the others."

"Same here," I said. "It was fun to win. Everyone congratulated me then left."

"Steve, are you ok with this so far?"

"Yes, you really haven't said much I didn't know already."

"I know. I'm stalling."

"That's ok Linda. Draw it out. No need to go too fast. We have all night."

"You're sure?"

"Linda honey. You know I do. You can't stop now."

"You know this is hard for me. I considered not telling you anything. You know I hate to talk about this."

I moved my hand to her other breast. They still stick out nicely after all these years. Then there was that favorite part I loved, the little red triangle between her legs. I wondered if he had seen them—the soft red curls.

"So start with his name."

"Matthew. I guess I haven't told you that have I? He's a police captain from Memphis. Married."

"A cop? Lucky he didn't bust you for solicitation."

"I know, I thought about that later. I just slipped into the booth next to him."

"So what did you two talk about?"

"The weather, politics, current events, the usual. He was the perfect gentleman. Just wanted some company, I guess."

"So Linda, where is this leading?"

"To the embarrassing part. Or shocking or whatever."

"So now we're down to it. The part that really upsets you?"


"So far you're sitting in a bar with a perfect gentleman."

I slipped my hand down between her legs. Into the beautiful red curls, my fingers traced a line. The same place I wondered if Matthew had recently been. I felt her stiffen as I moved my fingers lower.

"It's ok Linda, you know I've already guessed the outcome."

"Steve, honey, I know you have. It's just hard to talk."

I began to massage her clit. She was as wet as I ever remembered. I could feel her respond. "It can't be that hard. Go on."

"It was me Steve. I wanted him. I made the moves. He didn't seduce me I…"

"I what Linda?"

"I made the first move."

"And that's what you are upset about?"

"Yes, honey. I'm a happily married woman with a husband I love. I made the move. I wanted him. It's my fault. I couldn't not tell you. Are you upset?"

"Only if you don't go on."

"Ok honey. So we are just sitting there…the two of us just talking. He was so nice. Such a perfect gentleman. And then…" She hesitated.

I licked her left nipple, felt it stiffen, "And then Linda?"

"And, and…then I looked at him. He was so handsome. His gray eyes, so intelligent, his dark hair, a little gray at the edges, I just, I just…

I rubbed her clit a little harder, taking her to the edge, "You wanted what Linda. What?"

"Oh Steve, Oh Steve. I wanted him."

"How did you want him? Tell me Linda."

"I…I wanted him naked. I wanted him to make love to me. Steve, I wanted it very, very badly."

"I know you did honey. I could tell when you called. I could hear it in your voice. It's ok honey. I understand."

"Do you really?"

"Yes, Linda. I've told you that you could take an occasional lover. You just never believed me."

"Oh god, I'm so, I'm feeling so…I always felt you were joking, never serious."

"I kissed her. You don't have to feel anything honey except pleasure. Just tell me more."

"Ok, so I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't know how to ask. I couldn't just blurt out 'How about a fuck Matthew.' Besides I wanted an ok from you."

"That was good thinking. You know what a dirty ole man I am."

"Yes honey, I'm sitting there thinking of all those erotic stories you write and post online."

"So how did you seduce this reluctant cop?"

"Well smarty pants, I used an idea from one of your silly fantasy stories."

"The phone call you mean?"

"Yes. I sat there thinking, now that I've made my decision, how to get things rolling. I didn't want to be too direct. Besides it was getting late."

"So that story I wrote last year, but never published?"

"Yes, honey. See it was your fault for giving me the idea and the ahhh I guess technique I guess is the right word."

"So it's all my fault?"

"Yes of course. So just like in your story, I took out my cell phone and hit the speed dial for your phone."

"Oh yes, the ring knocked me almost out of bed."

"I thought it brilliant when I said to you, "Hello mother."

"Took me a while to figure out you hadn't called the wrong number."

"Yes, Matthew looked at me quite surprised as we chatted about the prize."

"I figured something was up—I'm really kind of bright you know when you kept calling me mother."

"And honey, you will like this part. I shifted in the booth, pulled my legs up so Matthew could get a better look while I was talking to you. I was such a slut."

"That you were."

"Such a gentleman, Matthew, he acted like he didn't notice my legs, but he did."

"Of course, men don't miss things like that."

"Then I said it."

"I remember Linda. Say it again."

"Mother, I've had a little too much to drink. I won't be coming over to your house tonight. I'm spending the night in this hotel. You should have seen Matthew's eyes flicker when he heard that. He knew what I wanted."

"I knew what you wanted also Linda. We all three knew. I admit I had it easier than you having to remember to call me mother."

"I was almost in shock at what I had done. I looked at Matthew to see if he had taken the hint. I needed his help."

"He wouldn't be much of a cop if he couldn't take that hint."

"He did come to my rescue. Funny word that. He put his hand on my knee. It was like fire. No man other than you has touched me like that for a long time. He slipped his hand up to my thigh, touching me, while I talked to my husband. I have to admit it was quite a turn on. He had the most beautiful smile. When I hung up he said, "It's a long way back across the street. Want to share my room."

"Good line smooth."

"I know honey, I was so nervous. Would I really go through with it? I knew I would but…."

"And you said to him?"

I said, "Before we go, I'd like a glass of wine." He ordered, we sat and chatted a while."

"And then?"

"And then, thank god he got more aggressive. He took my hand and we went upstairs."

"Did he touch you on the way?"

"Yes, in the elevator, he had his hand on my ass. I loved it. I remember thinking; So Diane thought she would have all the fun tonight."

"Was anyone else on the elevator?"

"No just us clutching our stupid trophies. He was very nice about it. Just touched me a little. I'm so glad he didn't do anything gross like try to grab and kiss me."

"You two were heading to his room? What were you thinking?"

"I had mixed emotions. I felt so…I guess nervous is the word. Yet his hand felt so nice. I guess I was also excited. And then I thought of you."


"I could have this affair with Matthew without you knowing. But I'd called you. You knew. I was a bit upset that you said ok. But then I was also excited and a bit relieved."

"You two arrived at his room?"

"Yes, he was still such a gentleman. He knew I was nervous. I really hadn't had that much to drink. He opened the mini-bar and we shared a glass of some mediocre white wine."

I had to laugh at Linda. She knows her wines. "How did our stud cop proceed?"

I saw her eyes looking at me intently. Her hand caressing my hard cock ceased movement. "Are you sure Steve? You can guess what happened. Do you really want to know more—details?"

"You know I do."

"Yes, I do have some trouble understanding that but ok. Can we blow out that candle and pull up the covers? I know it sounds silly but I can sort of hide and just whisper in your ear."

Out went the candle and she pulled the sheet over our heads. "Like this Linda?"

"Much better."

"And how did our man proceed?" I knew I would have to keep her moving on the story.

Her lips moved close to my ear. "He went to the large window and said, "Come enjoy the view with me." So I did. It was a beautiful view of Atlanta at night."

She hesitated. I put my hand back between her legs and began a slow massage of her clitoris. Her legs spread further, a small moan escaped. "What did he do?

"He stood behind me."

"How close?"

"Very close? You're the only one that's stood that close since we married."

"Did he touch you?"



"In two places."

I massaged her clit a bit harder. Her legs moved in response.

"Where Linda? Where did he touch you?"

"He cupped by breasts with his hands and…"

"More Linda, tell."

"He pulled me back to him, I could feel his hard ahhh…"


"Yes, his cock. I could feel it against me. It was so hard."

"Did you have a bra on?"

"Yes, I wished I hadn't. His hands felt so good."

I pushed my fingers deeper into my wife. I massaged her clit then moved in then out. She began the slow rise to an orgasm. "Tell me all Linda. Tell me all."

"I turned honey. I turned. I didn't want to kiss him. I just wanted to touch him." The words were coming faster as she took more pleasure from my fingers.

"So you did?"

"Yes, I kind of moved my hand down."

"Down where?"

"To his belt."

"And lower?"


"How low?"

"I touched his zipper."

"And?" I felt her hand on my cock, soft probing…

"I felt it."

"Felt what?"

"His hard cock. I felt it through his pants like a silly college coed."

"Did he like that?"

"You know he did."

"Did you?"

"Yes, it was so exciting. It's been so long since I fondled a man's cock…other than yours."

"Then what?"

"I couldn't believe it. I unzipped his pants. I put my hand inside. I touched his penis. I touched it. It was so nice. So hard."

"What else did you do?" I felt her back arch. The orgasm was closer.

"Cupped his balls. So nice so…"

"You were standing there in his room. He was fondling your breasts. You were playing with his cock?"

"Yes honey, yes." She gasped with a small orgasm at her admission.

"Then what?"

I moved my fingers to bring her to a second orgasm.

"Then what? "

"Then neither of us could stand it anymore. We both moved to the bedroom. There was just too much clothing. I wanted him so badly. I just ripped off my clothes. He did the same. Then we were both all over each other."

"All over each other?"

"Yes, Steve we were both naked and…"

"And Linda?"

"Naked and kissing."

"Thought you weren't going to kiss him?"

"I know but I wanted it all. We were making-out. Naked and making-out. He felt so good. He was so hard. I was touching him. He was touching me."

Now I felt a real pang of jealously. It was one thing for this guy to fuck my wife but another to kiss her. I couldn't explain it but it was there. Linda was really getting excited now. "Show me."

She rolled to me. Our bodies came together. We'd done this many times. But this time it was different. My wife was naked in my arms—but she had recently been naked in another man's arms. That made it different. Somehow she seemed more naked, softer, and more vulnerable than ever.

Her breasts were soft against my chest—just as they had been with Matthew.

Her legs pressed and entwined with mine—just as they had been with Matthew.

Her hand roamed over my body feeling everything—just as they had been with Matthew.

Her hand played with my cock—just as she had caressed Matthew's hard cock.

She kissed me. She had kissed Matthew. Then she stopped kissing my lips. She kissed my neck. I knew what she was going to do.

She kissed my chest.

She kissed my stomach—just as she had done with Matthew.

I knew where she was going. "Linda, did you do this Matthew."

"Yes, you knew I would."

"What did you do? Somehow I wanted her to admit it."

"Steve, I…I put his penis in my mouth. I sucked his cock. I wanted it. I wanted to try it. You know I've had sex with other men—but it's been a long time since I had another man in my mouth."

Her mouth found my penis. I could feel her kiss the head; lick the length then a soft tongue caressed my balls.

"Did you do this to Matthew?" I knew the answer.

"Yes honey I did. He loved it."

Visions swirled in my head. My lovely naked wife. Under the covers with a man named Matthew kissing and fondling his cock.

In a quick motion she sucked me in. Her head moved as she sucked, then ran her tongue around the head. Swirling she called it. I laid back and enjoyed the sensation of a beautiful woman sucking my cock. Just as I knew Matthew had done.

Then her head came back up. We kissed.

Back down she went. My shaft moved easily in her warm mouth. Soft hands caressed my balls. I wondered if Matthew had large balls.

Up she came again. We kissed for minutes. Again, naked kisses just as she had done with Matthew.

She pulled me over. I was between her legs. Her legs spread for me. Just as she had spread them for Matthew.

Her hand felt down past my stomach and held my cock.

"This is what else I did with Matthew."

I groaned, "What was that Linda?"

"I held his cock. His nice fat cock. I wanted to guide it into me."

"Just like you do for me?"

"Yes, honey just like I do for you. But it was different." "Why?"

"Because it wasn't your cock. It was another man's. I guess it's the thrill of doing something you're not supposed to."

"That makes it more fun doesn't it?"

"Fun's not the right word. Erotic? Or maybe exciting. Yes that's it. I was so excited. I was naked with another man. I was holding his cock. I was helping him put it in me."


"I rubbed it around the edge of my lips."

"Just like you do with me?"

"Yes Steve, I was teasing him and myself."

Her back arched. I felt or perhaps sensed a subtle change coming over her.

"I felt the head of his penis enter me. Oh God Steve it felt so good. He was pushing forward. I responded. I had this wonderful, euphoric feeling. There was a hard cock going in me. I wasn't feeling guilty like I thought I would. I loved it. Oh I loved it."

My cock went all the way into my wife. Just like Matthew's had.

"He was all the way in. We just lay still for a moment. Both enjoying the feeling. Then he moved his hips—slowly. I responded moving mine. He was fucking me. No, we were fucking each other."

I moved my hips. Linda responded moving hers. We were fucking just as she and Matthew had.

"Yes, Steve. Just like that. He was going so slowly. Just like you do. He was obviously an experienced man who loved to please women. I was so happy he didn't just start pounding away. Just like you, he intended to please me."

I thought of the irony of the situation. My wife was praising my lovemaking skills by comparing me to a man she met in a hotel bar. A man who an hour later had her naked in bed. I got even harder, if that was possible.

Yes there was a change. It wasn't subtle as I first thought. For me it was quite obvious.

The tables had turned.

Rather then me asking questions and Linda responding—she was actually talking. She was talking a lot. She had obviously immensely enjoyed sex with Matthew. In spite of her usual reluctance, she was gushing, passionately telling me all. In all our years of marriage, this had never happened.

I loved it.

"He was looking at me. He complimented my breasts. He loved watching them move as we fucked. He knew what I wanted. We went so slowly…"

She talked on. I listened and fucked.

"Then I wanted to be on top."

I risked an opinion, not wanting to interrupt her, "Your favorite position."

"Yes and yours too. It was like he sensed what I wanted. He rolled off me then sat with his back to the headboard. I rolled to him. Kissed his cock then sat on him. He went back in so smoothly."

I rolled onto my back. She climbed on and my cock went in smoothly--just as Matthew's had.

She was lost in pleasure and turned silent as she worked herself towards orgasm. Soon her back arched, one hand went to her breasts and the other between her legs where she massaged her clitoris.

I interrupted her reverie, "Linda, did you play with yourself for Matthew?"

"Owwww Yes, I did I, I …I went just Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh god. Oh god. Don't stop. More. Oh yes. Oh honey."

She collapsed naked in my arms. We lay silent for a while.

"Honey?" she said in a small, but relaxed voice.


"Did you enjoy that? I certainly did."

Telling the truth I said, "Very much so. And you don't have to tell me anything. You certainly enjoyed yourself—just like you did with Matthew. It was easy to know that."