Just Once, Oh You Do


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An elevator door opened at the proclaimed time and Marcy proceeded to the lobby. Leslie started the camera, and I texted the server with a picture of the seated Marcy.

Her reaction was loud enough for me to hear. "Shit! Ah well...", then she put on her business face. Much ado over apparently nothing.

(The process server, iconically, was a young bubble gum chewing woman with a blond ponytail. I did notice a flash as she passed the envelope, so I guess process servers now come with backup who also documents things.)

When Marcy disappeared back upstairs, we returned to the Neilson's. My phone never rang that night, though I was awake until after 3AM.

This was also the night Leslie and I selected for our first intimacy. Vince even gave us some alone time after our first coupling, bless his pointy prick.


Well I gambled, and lost Rick. On the other hand, I have a good chunk of assets hidden away from him so I won't be in the poor house. So which one of us will get the house?

I opened the envelope and spread the papers out on the bed. They were a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, i.e. divorce. I glanced at the financial summary, and saw my nest egg was unmentioned. Neither was the house, but that might be declared elsewhere. At first glance, it looked 50-50 but the numbers seemed small.

There was an envelope from AAA storage; no surprise.

There was an envelope from an Investigative Service. I could imagine what it could contain, but that was probably no longer relevant.

The last envelop had an unfamiliar return address. Perhaps Rick had moved out of the house. Inside were three pages, the top ones from Rick:


The lies and failure to communicate even after you reached Bogotá really pissed me off. Starting with your rebuke of me over flirting with Dr. Cardosa, you've cut me out of your life more and more. Setting up Leslie as a surrogate was the final straw.

There is no more trust, and little love left. That should have been obvious to you when you got off the airplane. We are through. Period.

I never cheated, unlike you. Deidre made a hard pass, her body naked, but we never did the deed. You misread my embarrassment.

Remember the 2 hours at the Red Roof Inn you frequently spent before your shift started? An ex-girl friend observed you.

The PI didn't give me all the details least I get remorseful and screw up and get my men or myself killed. I was 99% sure, and choose not to pursue the matter because I wanted to remain married to you. When I ask last month, they gave me full details, names, pictures.

There are also details about your meetings with Dr. Cardosa at the Hilton and at the hospital. It's ongoing at least 3 months. Your computer backups tell all.

You went on a trip. You were still my wife. I was still you husband. I did not accept a hall pass, and I certainly didn't approve yours.

Your act was freely done with deliberate planning and intent, and your sexual relationship with Dr. Cardosa was consummated long before you left me.

No forgiveness is possible.

Nor will Leslie forgive you pimping her out. When she realized that you were cheating and sneaking around, she refused to be a party.

Your car is parked here at the Ambassador. Don't go back to the house. It's been sold. Your possessions are in storage.

My lawyer is pressing the hospital to fire both you and Dr. Cardosa. Guess which one they will let go?

Yes, I'm the one who tipped off Penny's and Frank's spouses.

You get one last gift from me. You set the narrative for the kids. I'll be truthful answering any questions they ask.

You're a coward. "If you love someone, set them free" is bullshit. If you wanted to be set 'free' then you should have been honest up front and ask to go instead of slipping away in the dark.

If you really loved me, you'd have been much more concerned for my welfare. That makes it easy for me not to care about yours.


The last page was a notarized statement from Deidre:

I never had sex with Rick.

Since he's now available, I'll be after him!

Well, that really didn't turn out well at all. I'm going to need a lawyer about the house and I need to check Rick's numbers in the petition. Something doesn't feel right. That can't happen until Monday.

Trey is a goner. Six weeks was way too long with a narcissist doctor.

I'm sure there's going to be staffing adjustments when we get back to the hospital. I should put my resume out.


Just a note from Marcy hand delivered to me without comment after she'd been back in country for a day and a half:

Dear Rick,

I got really crazy STUPID.

We long lived together in love and affection. With a stable home life, I concentrated more on the hospital and the change in staff surgeons.

My mind spent much more time thinking about work than you. Thoughts began creating fantasies. The change in tone with the new surgeon, a permissive environment, and expressed sexuality between employees got me imagining how things might be if I were involved.

In my fascination, I downplayed your feelings and pushed any unpleasant considerations to the back of my head. Excitement started appealing to me as a potential reality.

I started actively participated in the flirting. I tracked who was chasing whom, and tallied known or probable successes. I covered for some hanky panky between other people.

I started collecting justifications for participating based on unproven premises. My concept of you and Deidre solidified to rack time together. I turned her parting words from friendship to aggression. I deliberately re-interpreted your reactions to my questions about her into a full guilty response.

I chose not to remember my behavior when you were overseas. I reinforced my self-image as having been a good wife, mother of our kids, and doing everything for us for years, especially when I was home and lonely while you were off playing soldier.

I also developed feelings of entitlement. I was chief nurse, well treated by the hospital and physicians. I chose to believe that my position included both privilege and immunity. I compartmentalized my life at the hospital from my life at home with you.

I crossed the Rubicon when you confronted me about Dr. Cardosa maybe a half year ago. In the silence before I answered, my mind when though several scenarios and my stupidity manifested my choice. I wanted to join on the sexual playground and felt justified.

I believed I needed this and I felt entitled just once in my life before I got old... to feel alive... to act as like a professional woman... on her own without obligation.

And so I chose to take up with Trey and manipulate you into letting me have my cake and eat it too. I began with a hypocritical plea for trust. I invoked Deidre to pave the way for justifying tit-for-tat.

I let the subtle discomfort between us which started that evening grow on my side. To enable the affair I withdrew emotionally from you. I started doing quickies with Dr. Cardosa for "stress relief".

Finding out about Leslie allowed me to relieve my conscience. Dr. Cardosa and I started using hotel rooms. We committed for the trip.

When departure approached, I sandbagged you with minimal communication, no sex, no good-by, and then deliberate silence. You would not exist while I was out-country.

Leslie would inform and placate you. I lied telling Dr. Cardosa you knew and didn't object; please exclude him from any revenge. I focused only on my fling, giving no thought about our reunion and forgiveness. Your phone call finally burst my bubble of unreality.

Six weeks with Dr. Cardosa were a trial without much pleasure. By the end, all romance was gone and I realized I was just a doctor's whore.

Yes, I had long-term lovers while you were in Korea, so I cannot claim the high ground. I am very sure Deidre made passes at you. If or when you may have succumbed makes no difference today, since we determined to solve our issues and keep the family together.

I accept the results of my insanity. Your walking away was fully justified. My behavior was irrational. I went insane and lost you.

Nevertheless: I hurt because you hurt, and because I caused it. My love hasn't died, but it isn't enough without the trust I destroyed.

I apologize for not communicating with you, for disrespecting you, and for abandoning you, and for not keeping myself for you. I wronged you by breaking my vows in all these things. Mea culpa.


PS: Abusing my power of attorney and stealing from me was wrong.

If we cannot meet in good faith and settle matters, some lawyers and a few others are going to get rich.


You can't keep everything secret or even low key.

Some friends of Rick from his service days heard about his divorce and extracted the story of Marcy's recent conduct. After a conference (not involving Rick), the good Dr. Trey Cardosa was visited by people for whom physical security was seldom an obstacle.

They counseled Dr. Cardosa about messing with the help, even marrieds who come onto him. They cautioned that all his surgical teams, past present future, should never any problems with career or hospital administration. It was uncomfortable for him to stand at length for a few days afterwards, but patient care was unaffected.

Someone else had a drink with Marcy, saying that she could have an excellent work-only relationship with Dr. Cardosa, unasked for inappropriate favors, and unimpeded in her professional development. Everyone would come out ahead if she forbore what she could from Rick's response to her infidelity and cooperated as much as possible to get the divorce finished.

* * * * *

In one of the small victories for our legal bureaucracy, the lawyers for Penny and Josh got them into counseling before the court got involved. Marcy found out and convinced the therapist and patients to let her join a session just to relate her experiences. They billed it as "group therapy".

After two group meetings they went back to marriage counseling. Penny realized a fundamental change in behavior and they learned a way to live together to Josh's benefit.

* * * * *

Marcy is still earning good money with a good retirement. Her change in circumstances was not a disaster. There wasn't much gain from a long legal fight other than emotional revenge, and she could disconnect her emotions from Rick.

She really got her back up over financials, but finally let it be mostly posturing. Rick 'apologized without admitting wrong doing'. He also assisted her (moving truck, deposits, shopping trips) setting a new household.

Rick's perfidy always remained with her, though at night she occasionally admitted she could have done better preparing for her sabbatical with Trey and protecting assets.

Marcy become a "fun girl", careful with her partners, and not carrying a relationship past a year or so. When the NRE disappears, she starts looking around for excitement (tempered by the cost of losing her current flame). The best she ever did was almost 4 years, including an affair then reconciling to her primary. She wasn't surprised to be kicked out with her second affair.

After menopause she found sex uncomfortable and suffered greatly not being able to keep a man in her bed to give her orgasms. Eventually she morphed into a cat lady and doting grandma with 4 generations of offspring.

* * * * *

The kids still talk to both parents and invites for special occasions go to both. Maneuvering around in a divorced situation isn't too unusual these days, and since both parents behave when together, no one has been cut off.

Rick and Marcy even got drunk together after one shindig, agreeing to "live and let live" and to "not look back or what might be". Friendship is a distant possibility, but no one is waiting for that day.

The whole tale, including the letters between Rick and Marcy, along with enough life history to set the context, has been set down and shared with the children. It's seldom remembered, save as new ones come of age and receive some instruction about life and relationships. No one really points fingers; the object lesson is how to navigate shoals in the waters of life.

* * * * *

Rick had fun with Leslie, then Deidre. He dated some, and even alternates Leslie and Jenny Harshly (the single hot mom down the court) as bed buddies. Rick wants to live with a companion, even a take wife. Nothing in his current environment seems conducive to him marrying.

Kids are the hang-up. He's raised his, so adopting a new set isn't attractive no matter how good their mother may be. Deidre is young, and today seems a very good fit. If he marries her, she deserves children. But how would things be 20 years down the road when age comes to the fore?

I suspect some PTSD finally caught up with Rick and he no longer takes full charge of his life. Losing Marcy cost him more than he admits, so he idles on hoping or assuming that someday his life will get better.

Deidre may force the issue by moving...

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Thanks for reading, and please comment! -- ReadyOne on Literotica.

Copyright © 2021 ReadyOne All Rights Reserved.

Permission granted for publication by Literotica.

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NRE (New Relationship Energy) refers to a state of mind experienced at the beginning of sexual and romantic relationships, typically involving heightened emotional and sexual feelings and excitement.

PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) can develop after exposure to a traumatic event, such as sexual assault, warfare, traffic collisions, abuse, or threats on a person's life. Symptoms may include disturbing thoughts, feelings, or dreams related to the events, mental or physical distress to trauma-related cues, attempts to avoid trauma-related cues, alterations in the way a person thinks and feels, and an increase in the fight-or-flight response.

* * * * *

I admit to pulling a rabbit out of a magician's hat, but the soft floppy ears were peeking over the brim calling out to me, "Backups. She makes unprotected backups." In the worst case, the POA could have been leveraged.

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26thNC26thNC2 months ago

Decent story, but revenge was much too lenient for Marcy and Trey.

AmbulAmbul2 months ago

A decent resolution, given that life, marriage, and emotions are messy and often unpredictable. What struck me from this version was Marcy’s complete lack of remorse for her adulterous relationship with Trey. Perhaps she was conditioned by her earlier lengthy liaisons when Rick was in Korea. I thought she was more philosophical than anything else, almost but not quite “oh, well” when she was served with the divorce. It came as no surprise. Perhaps the only surprise was that she did not initiate it. The author could have gone into much more detail on Rick and Marcy’s thoughts and emotions throughout this critical period and in general the story skimmed too quickly. The quasi-accommodation that they reached at the end, after Marcy’s post-marital “fun girl” stage needed to be fleshed out much more to be creditable. I got the impression that Marcy really was into fucking a lot of men and had become something of a slut until menopause put and end to that. Rick’s post-marital dalliances with Leslie and Deirdre were much more limited, and his interest in women were more serious, even if he had no intention of getting married again. I did like that the story did not focus on “revenge,” which I thought much more realistic. I think that in real life people want to move on as quickly as possible. Exacting the last pound of flesh makes for a good Literotica fantasy, but in real life and in a good story it is usually too difficult to pull off and in any event not worth the effort. Ruining Marcy’s life for her adultery made no sense, in this story and more generally, in real life. That part of her that was not the betraying adulteress showed that she was a consummate professional in her work and a good mother to her children. This story had really good bones; I just wished some more flesh was added. Even with my reservations I would rate it a “5” for the way things were handled.

muskyboymuskyboy2 months ago

If you are not going to let this story be scored I doubt if you will read the comments and if you do I suspect they will be heavily edited.

Marcy will always be unforgivable and even at the end of your story she was without remorse. Both the cheaters walked without consequence, if fact ALL the cheaters walked without consequence.... Rick should have dumped Marcy when she had the long term affair while we was deployed back when he was still on active duty.

dgfergiedgfergie4 months ago

One of the better follow ups to "if you don't mind" not excessively long and a bit more understanding by both parties especially by Marcy, good job, 5 starrs

silverthorne16silverthorne165 months ago

Got very meandering at times. Definitely need an editor or two, if, as others suggested, English is not your native tongue.

Kernow2023Kernow20235 months ago

not a bad ending to the famous story

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Overall, one of the better stories written. However, I felt that sometimes events were skimmed over a bit, which could've added richness to the story. Your adding Leslie's thoughts, which the rest that I've read seemed to shorten, was a bonus. Also having Dierdra being in a positive light made me happy. Some stories had her, in her talk with Marcy, as a hurtful person.

The letter Rick wrote- very unfortunately - did not mention her statement of him "playing soldier". It could've went to where he attacked her of "playing nurse & doctor" when not in the operating room, or maybe even between surgeries. That's just the beginning.

After all the hurt & disrespect, not including massive amounts of betrayal, I don't see him willingly helping her in any way getting her apartment, or anything else. While being nice when together at family functions is a needed action, anything else went too much in my thinking. Still, a good story, & hope you write again. Bob

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Actually one of the best as far as believable and loyalty to to source. One thing I have recently become annoyed with is the use of the God power that a POA is given. It is NOT a ‘you now control my life and do as you like’ sheet of paper. Only very limited power is give in a even more limited circumstance and I never read one that says ‘you can steal my money and sell my house because I did something you didn’t like’

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago


oldtwitoldtwit8 months ago

It started so well, unfortunately it didn't last, I felt that English isn't your first language, or you really haven't looked to see if or rather liked for the words you left out, I think I followed what you wanted to say, but it was hard.

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit9 months ago

Badly written, difficult to read, and impossible to make any sense of! A complete mish-mash of magic-mushroom mind-melding, loud and clashing, unintelligible fantasy!

Afraid it left me feeling a little sea-sick, so regrettably only one star, sorry!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

SUCKED ! Enough said!

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196910 months ago

this should have been in the non-erotic category

OGHMNWOGHMNW11 months ago

Thank You for this version of the conclusion to “Just Once…”. It I enjoyed the excellent writing that you put into it.

RePhilRePhil12 months ago

Didn’t quite make it across the finish line. It’s so hard to do these rewrites as you are always judged against the originals. Which are always 5 star stories prompting the rewrites. I would have given 5 stars for a first effort in this heartless LW section.

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