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In sex, there's a new way to balance give and take.
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(Note to readers: Everyone in this story who engages in sex acts is at least 18 years old. Please be aware that those acts include male-male oral and male-male anal, so you may not want to read if that's a problem for you. The story can be thought of as happening after COVID-19 is conquered.)

Frank was one of those men who knew enough to get a pre-nuptial agreement, so the divorce didn't kneecap him. There were plenty like him, crafty and successful. At a certain age, they stopped going to the loud bars and found places that catered to them, and to the women who were receptive to them. That certain age started with either a four, or a three that would soon be replaced.

It was a Thursday. Frank had spent the morning taking vague verbal orders from top managers around whom he hovered, and the afternoon sending detailed electronic orders to underlings he rarely had to meet in person. Then there was a long networking dinner at a steakhouse. When he got to the bar, he was up for whatever might happen, including nothing. A quick scan showed him a few ladies who might be worth pursuing, but also a friend alone at a table. Might as well start with him.

Frank leaned over, hand extended, and said, "Todd! What's up, my man?" Todd seemed to be staring off, dazed—then he jerked alert. Taking the hand with reflexive gusto, he said "Hey Frank, take a load off." To the extent that the men might address each other as Dude or Bro, they didn't do it here. That wouldn't match up with wearing tailored wool suits, taking ease in studded leather chairs, and sipping single malt from the top shelf, in a room paneled with dark wood from some continent they'd never visited.

As he sat, Frank recalled his first glimpse of Todd. Frank wasn't sure he could describe the look, or associate it with a specific mood. Eyebrows converged a bit. Mouth narrowed. Shoulders tightened. Definitely not the look of a master of the universe. Todd must have been aware of it, because now he said he was really wrung out, and blamed clueless losers who shouldn't be on corporate rungs above his.

They conversed for a few minutes on work, liquor, sports, and women. Frank would not have used the word 'comforting' for this, but it was helping get rid of the day's stress. He decided that he could end the night without a sexual conquest, and not damage his self-respect.

Then, in mid-sentence, Todd froze, staring past Frank. The look from before returned to Todd's face, only now it was worse.

Frank cleared his throat, and when that didn't get through, said, "Yeah, you were saying?"

Todd blinked, looked at Frank, and after a moment recognized him. "Sorry man. Like I said, work today."

"I hear you," said Frank, hoping Todd wouldn't elaborate. He got his wish, because Todd focused on his drink.

After swallowing, Todd looked down. "Damn. Can't get past it."

"Past what?"

Todd angled his head in the direction he had stared. "A couple just walked in. I, uh, know something about them."

Frank turned partway to look. Settling in at a table were a blonde in a dark green dress, and a guy in a gray suit. They had the looks and the clothes to fit in here.

"Reeeaallly nice," said Frank, "But taken, apparently." He chortled. "Been a tough day, I don't think I want to find out if that guy's badass look is for real." Frank was surprised to find himself studying the woman more closely. Even in the diffuse, indirect lighting, she seemed to be something special. The golden hair had dark honeyed depths. The calves were slender, nicely curved at the tops. The swan-like neck rose to a smoothly defined jaw.

She turned her face towards Frank, and smiled.

Frank almost jolted in his seat. The blue eyes, the high cheekbones, and how the hell could he make out this much detail in this lighting?

Frank returned to Todd, and tried to change the subject, to pro golfers they both followed.

"Gotta tell you something," Todd muttered. "Turn off your phone."


"Just do it."

Frank made a show of lifting the phone from a breast pocket, pressing the edge that made the screen go dark, then letting it slide back into place. "Happy now?"

"You like her, don't you?" asked Todd, apparently trying to keep Frank between him and them. "You'd do her in a heartbeat?"

"Sure," Frank said with a shrug, although his body wasn't nonchalant. The notion of her being available, despite the guy she was with, started some rash thoughts.

"She's even better than you think."

"Oh, you've done her?" Frank said with a chuckle. "Bullshit. If you had, you wouldn't be acting like this."

Todd showed a tiny smirk. "I was going to tell you something you need to hear. 'Cause I'm your friend. Are you my friend?"

There was something way wrong here. Was Todd catfishing? Frank knew Todd could put on an act, just like Frank, it's part of what got them where they were, at work and in the bedroom. But that act never looked like...weakness. "What the hell is this, Todd?"

Todd leaned closer, and his smile seemed hostile. "I might enjoy watching you make the same mistake. Seeing what happens to you after. What fucking her does to you. Yeah, if you make a move, she'll say yes. But I can do you a solid and talk you out of it. A friend, though, won't let what I say go any further than you, and me, and right here, now."

Sure, Frank was Todd's friend, but with nothing at stake. Neither had gone through thick and thin for the other, and Frank would rather not. Frank put on his own act, looking affronted by Todd's mistrust, and said, "Of course I'm your friend, and anything you say is confidential. Do me a solid and I'll be grateful, that's what we are for each other, right?"

Todd didn't look convinced, but Frank guessed Todd had already made up his mind to go through with this. "She's the greatest fuck I ever had," said Todd. "And maybe ever will."

His voice shook at end of that.

Frank said nothing.

Todd picked up his glass and took a quick gulp. Definitely not how one drinks top-shelf stuff.

"They probably know that I'm spilling my guts to you. So maybe you're in luck, they'll know you're on to them, and maybe they'll give up. But maybe they won't care." Todd's earlier swallow fought back in a hiccough. "Just know this. If he leaves the room, and she's still giving you the eye, they're inviting you to make a move on her. Yes, they, it's not just her, they're both in on this."

Frank just nodded. If nothing else, he wanted to get this over with, so he decided not to prolong it by saying anything.

"It was nine days ago," said Todd. "Different bar, but like this one. I was interested in some of the single women, but there was nobody in her league. She made eyes. Her guy knew this, and looked pretty sour. That got me intrigued. I've done a couple married women, there's definitely a thrill that goes with that, but most of these flirts are just that, nothing behind them.

"A few minutes later, out of the corner of my eye I see the guy get out his phone, stand up, start talking into the phone, and leave the place at a steady clip. She stayed at the table and didn't look after him. I was chatting up some brunette and deciding she was too much of an airhead. The blonde was giving me the eye again, me specifically, cutting me out of the herd. I took the brunette's number and drifted away, in a little while getting to the blonde's table.

"I eased into a chair and said, 'I sure hope you haven't been abandoned.'

"'Happens all the time,' she said with a sigh. 'He could be gone for hours.'

"I caught the barkeep's eye to freshen both of our drinks. It was going to be my third, maybe too much on a Tuesday, but this was just flirting. I said, 'I'd be glad to help you fill the time. It'd be a shame if you didn't have any fun.'

"She leaned towards me, let the smile grow, and said, 'The fun's just starting.' So this wasn't flirting any more.

"She feasted on every lame line I tossed out, and the third drink was definitely too much, because she took the lead, getting us to a hotel where she already had a room. I never caught her name, maybe I didn't ask. Those eyes of hers, they bored through mine and found my brain's off switch. Before she unlocked the door, she grabbed me and kissed deep, and if I ever had a chance of taking charge, I lost it forever. The only flicker of awareness I had was that this might be a robbery scam, and I thought as long as I had my phone close, I'd be okay.

"Inside the room, she kissed again and fondled me all over. You know me, Frank, I don't look like much, and I groove on that. I succeed with women because I succeed in business.

"She looked hotter and better that more I undressed her. Her boobs, so full, yet high on her chest. Skin tone that had to come from a nude beach. Lips, so soft, and so strong.

"I got more rabid and desperate the more she undressed me. The liquor definitely didn't affect my hardware. Her hands seemed to know the parts of me that lit the torch, and not the obvious ones. My lips moved at hers, but this time she only allowed brief touches. Her body, my god, sleek and supple, the face, the hair. She was one of those we dream about, at 35 they reach perfection.

"We were nude. I reached to embrace her. She held me back somehow and said, 'What will you give up for this?'

"That stalled me. I thought, is she a hooker? Hell, by then I would have dropped a thou to keep going with her, but I said, 'What's that supposed to mean?'

"'You want to fuck me,' she said. 'And I want you to do that. But everything has to balance out.'

"'What, you mean like, you want foreplay?'

"She took my erect prick in her hand. 'If you want yours to go inside me,' she said, 'Someone else's has to go inside you. In sex, there must be justice.'

"The door to the connecting suite opened, and in walked the guy who had abandoned her. Nude. Erect. Big.

"'You have a choice,' she said. 'While you fuck me, you either blow him until he cums, or he fucks your ass until he cums. And if you choose to blow and don't really do it, you get fucked in the ass.'

"'What the hell is this?' I said. 'Forget this perv shit, I'm outta here!' I reached down to grab my clothes.

"'Are you really?' she said, and her hand stroked my back. My back, for pete's sake. My knees trembled, and I almost face-planted. I couldn't even see her, and I wanted her more than anything.

"Crouching, I looked up. Her pussy, hairless and dripping, was about three inches away from my face. A whiff of musk made me salivate.

"'I really want you to satisfy me,' she said. Then she took the guy's prick in her hand. 'But you're not my only option.'

"'You think you can fuck me while I'm fucking you?' I said, probably loud enough to be heard on the whole floor. 'I'm not a fag!'

"The guy said, 'Neither am I. But I like mouths and assholes, along with pussies. I fuck all of her holes. You have a mouth and an asshole, different than hers, but similar enough.'

"I looked at her and said, 'Justice, huh? So who fucks him?'

"'He's giving up something,' she said smoothly. 'Access to my vagina. He'd much rather have that than my mouth or anus. And the pursuit of justice obligates him to a task, fucking you while you fuck me.'

"I should have just dressed and split. It didn't look like they'd try to stop me, and I figured I could get a call through to 9-1-1 if they did. But I couldn't stop looking at her. She smiled, in a superior way, maybe thinking that she'd punked me. A damn feminist man-hater, going to all this trouble to make some political point and give blue balls to a real man. Yet...her look was also inviting. Her musk was really strong. She looked, felt, smelled, even acted, like she really wanted my dick in her crack.

"The guy picked that moment to say. 'You'll wear a condom. And so will I.'

"And I thought, so I'd just suck a little bit on a piece of rubber, no big deal.

"'Okay, I'll blow you,' I mumbled to the guy. 'but not because I want to.'

"They shared an amused smile.

"The blonde said, 'Missionary. Hold up your upper body to make your mouth available.'

"I did that. The guy crouched over her torso, facing me, denying me her tits and mouth.

"He was trim and muscular. He leaned his prick towards me as I got the head of my prick to her pussy lips. He held my sides to keep me from entering her and said, 'Suck.'

"I did. A couple times. I gagged. I started again, trying to just lick the head. I didn't put a hand on his junk, and if I'm proud of anything in this, that's it.

"After a minute he said, 'Do better.' I got more in my mouth, licked and sucked, and gagged again.

"He pulled out, said 'Not good enough,' and got up. This showed me her body and face, and now her own hands held me at bay, with latex just barely in contact with her labia. She said, 'That was your chance to be in control.'

"The guy got behind me and pushed my back. I leaned and set my hands on the bed, just outside her armpits.

"Half of the head of my prick was parting her folds. Even through the condom she seemed to grip me there, give me her heat. Half the head of another prick pushed against my asshole, receptacle tip bunched at my puckers.

"Nobody moved.

"She said, 'It's your choice. There's justice either way. You can walk away from me, and remain untouched. Or you can fuck me, and be fucked.'

"I gazed down at her golden hair, her sweet face, her luscious body. Sweat rivered down my arms and back.

"Frank, I couldn't walk away. I couldn't. God help me. Except he didn't, and neither did anyone else.

"In one motion, I drove my prick into her cunt, leaned down to grab a thick wobbly breast, and clamped my mouth on hers. At the same time, two powerful hands spread my cheeks, and the world's worst prostate search about split me in half. My head wrenched back, and I screamed. It was way beyond frat hazing, the pain just got worse with each drive, but I kept fucking her. Thought I might cum quick and get out, but she wouldn't let me...I wouldn't let me. Once I was deep inside, and her tits spread on my chest, and her mouth took control of mine, and her hands clamped my back, I wanted her pussy's slick heat and wet grip to last forever, even more than I wanted the awful, searing agony up my ass to stop, to somehow never have happened. I remember that I cried. I think I blacked out. Then I was alone, face down on the bed, and the guy said 'You'll probably get hemorrhoids,' with a chuckle. 'Might be a good idea to learn how to suck a dick.'

"She came out of the bathroom, fully dressed. She smiled at me and said, 'Your turn.'

"While I was in there, trying to ignore the pain, I saw how full the condom was when I peeled it off. I think I only came once. That much? Then the blackout lifted and I remembered how I felt as I came, and the memory almost made me cum again. Nearly everything about it was amazing and wonderful, and the connection to her so deep and ecstatic, except for one thing...

"When I left the bathroom, they were both gone. The only things left behind were my clothes, with all my stuff, and my blood on the sheets.

"I'll spare you the details of my recovery, because it isn't over. Sitting down has only been bearable for the last day or two. I thought I might get back to pussy hunting tonight, but every time I look at a woman, my ass clenches, and sends me way out of the mood. My ass might recover, but I don't know if my head ever will."

Talking may have helped. To Frank, Todd seemed relaxed, and relieved. The unburdening, Frank guessed, and maybe warning his friend.

"A man will wrestle with his options," said Todd. "If you suck, and let the guy cum in your mouth, you spare yourself incredible pain—but you also give in, and take action to make yourself a fag. If you refuse to suck, and accept the ass torture, you haven't actively done fag sex—but you get fucked, and made a choice to let that happen, so you're not just a fag, you're an absolute bottom. The only way to man up is to walk away from the pussy. Or is it? What kind of man rejects a chance to fuck her?"

Frank fought an impulse to look over his shoulder.

"Know what scares me?" said Todd, leaning back. "That this is going to catch on. All the classy looking babes in places like this will start looking for Justice, with a capital ass-fuck. A chick lines up some guy, either a fag already or someone into pegging. She pussy-whips him into betraying his gender, and he'll get his wimpy rocks off by taking down a real man while his woman cucks him. You think MeToo is a problem? Justice is a hell of a lot more personal." He leaned towards Frank, and the look of weakness was back. "And the worst part is, men like us, we can't walk away."

Frank knew he should probably say something, but he couldn't think what.

Todd looked past Frank. "She's alone now."

Hairs rose on the back of Frank's neck.

Todd finished his drink, and stood up. He smirked as he buttoned his jacket. "Will justice be served?" He leaned down. "Suck the dick really good, Frank. Go all the way, pump the shaft and fondle the balls. We'll all be fags now, it's just a question of what kind. A mouth full of lube should be easy to rinse out. But is it worth it to miss out on her passionate look and those amazing tits? Your choice."

Frank's mouth was hanging open. Todd headed for the exit. Frank was suddenly terrified of being alone.

Todd left the bar.

Frank tried to get muscle groups organized to do the same, get the feet under the center of gravity, straighten the legs...

Nothing happened.

All he was able to do was look over his right shoulder.

She was smiling at him.

Frank's crotch demanded, and got, extra blood.

His anus tightened. He licked his parched lips. His penis erected to painful rigidity.

She sat there and waited.

(the end)

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