Justin Thyme Ch. 02


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Stephanie rubbed her breasts on me a bit as she pulled away and said, "We made some cocoa. Why don't you come in the kitchen and tell us about it?"

Susie piped up quickly, almost too quickly, and said, "Why don't you get ready for bed first. We'll make it a pajama party." From the look she gave Rosemary I knew it wasn't spontaneous. That had probably been part of the texting frenzy.

"I guess I'll just have to stay like this, then. I don't wear anything to bed."

"Ohhh, that would be OK!" said Stephie with a raised eyebrow. "I'd like that!"

Rosemary quickly said, "Why don't you throw on some boxers like you did earlier tonight? That would work OK."

Now I knew this was planned. I wanted to look over the recording of the time we were gone to see what had transpired, but decided I'd see how this played out first. I could watch that later. First, though, I had to release some pressure. There was no way I was going to go back to the kitchen sporting a boner in my boxers. I knew I would be sporting one, before the time was over, and I knew the girls were counting on it, but I wasn't going to go down the stairs with one.

I hurried to my room, and locked the door behind me this time. Quickly I turned on my monitor just as Rosemary entered her room. Maybe, just maybe I'd get lucky this time. I watched intently as I dropped my trousers, freeing my hard cock. Rosemary first of all walked over to the Koala and stroked it a few times. "I'm so confused, Mr. Koala," she said as she unbuttoned her jeans and unzipped the fly. "I don't understand my feelings for Justin." She slipped her jeans down her legs, and then sat on the edge of the bed to pull them over her feet as I stared fixated on the screen.

"I think I'm in love with him." The impact of her words struck me like a blow to the chest. Wow! I never saw that coming! "I know it isn't right, that I shouldn't be in love with my own brother, but it's different. I can't help how I feel! Will you help me get him interested in Stephie? I think I could bear that, because she's my friend."

Rosemary stood, and true to form turned her back and slipped off her shirt and panties, before putting on my oversized tee-shirt that she slept in, over her head. She turned back and stroked the Koala again and giggled. "I don't know why I feel funny undressing in front of you, Mr. Koala. You just seem so real. I tell you everything, but I feel funny with you watching me." She bent over and hugged it, nestling the fur with her cheek. Her neckline gapped open, giving me a wonderful view down her cleavage all the way to her navel, but her nipples were covered. I groaned as cum shot from my cock. I hadn't even realized I'd been stroking.

I pulled on some boxers and started to leave the room after cleaning up the mess I made, but then on a whim turned around and grabbed a clean tee shirt from my drawer and pulled it on. After all, the girls weren't topless. Maybe I could make something happen.

Rosemary was just descending the steps when I stepped out, and I noted the jiggle of her ass as she took each step. Both Stephanie and Susie were waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs, and I took a good look at their sleepwear as I slowly made my way down. Steph's baby dolls had a deep scoop neck and puffy sleeves with a frill at the end, where they were gathered with elastic. They only difference between the styling, and that of what a little girl would wear was the gathering just below the bust, from which it flared out widely, ending just below the junction of the legs. The baby doll panties were billowy, and designed to have legs like shorts, but Steph was wearing them with the legs pulled all the way up. They were gathered with elastic, and had a frill around them also. Like I said earlier, her bikini showed more, but knowing what they were, plus the frill around each thigh drew the eyes down there.

Susie's gown was as I had thought from seeing it in the monitor. It was satin, or something of the sort. I'm not a seamstress or tailor. Whatever it was, it molded itself around whatever surface it lay on. Susie's breasts were well defined, with the material sinking into her cleavage beautifully. As she moved, every jiggle of her breasts was accented by the accompanying jiggle of the fabric. I didn't know where I wanted to look the most, but I tried hard not to stare at any of the girls.

It was when we went into the kitchen that I noticed Rosemary. She was wearing a different shirt than she had worn earlier. This one was an older shirt, and not quite as large, although it was still long. I remembered this one from several years ago. I had hardly worn it, because it was too long. I thought it felt like a dress rather than a shirt. It still looked somewhat like a short dress on Rosemary, coming to upper mid-thigh, but the interesting thing was how thin it was. I could see just a bit of darkness around the nipples, which made obvious bumps, although her nipples weren't particularly hard. I had to swallow hard and look away when I saw them. Stroking myself off for some relief before coming down was going to be short-lived if I kept looking at her!

Stephie took one look at me and started complaining right away. "What are you doing wearing a tee shirt? You don't sleep in one! Not fair!"

"Yeah, but you aren't topless, either."

"Right. It's not the same and you know it. I think we ought to take if off of him. What do you say, girls?"

"Works for me," Susie said. "Let's get him!"

I'm not all that big, and there were three of them! Well, to be honest, I really didn't struggle all that much. There was a good bit of grabbing and rubbing and pushing all around, and a good time was had by all. Anyway, I ended up shirtless, and almost boxerless, but I did put up a struggle for those. At one time or another I "accidentally" felt up all three girl's breasts; and I can assure you Steph's legs go all the way up. The horseplay lasted a lot longer than it needed, but the girls really didn't try much harder to get it off than I tried to keep it on. I know my cock was fondled more than three times, so I assume they each had a shot at it.

I was better than half hard when we finally sat down at the table, all of us breathing hard, but then I was also looking at three sets of nipples that appeared at least somewhat excited, based on the protrusions they made in the nightwear. Susie served up the cocoa, made with milk and real cocoa instead of that instant mix stuff. That instant stuff may be OK to keep one alive if stranded with nothing else in a snow storm, but we don't get many of those down her in southern Arizona! The top of each mug was smothered with four melted marshmallows, and was steaming. Somehow, she managed to brush my shoulder with one of her boobs as she set my mug down on the table, and then gave me a cheeky smile as she stepped back. I noticed Steph kind of gave her a dirty look in return.

I picked up my cup and took a healthy sip, and sputtered in surprise. When I looked up all three girls giggled at me. "I told her to put in a little Bailey's", sniggered Rosemary. "I kind of felt like having a party. Not a 'party' kind of party, but after tonight I just wanted to let off a little steam. We aren't going anyplace, and we won't hurt anything. One little drink won't make us drunk." I just nodded, tentatively, although mine didn't taste like a "little" drink. It was pretty stiff.

I didn't have much to add to the conversation as we drank our cocoa as it was mostly chick stuff, but I can't say enough about the scenery. I felt a foot sliding up my calf, and jumped a little, which brought a giggle from Stephie. Rosemary looked at her questioningly, but only got a sly grin in response. The foot caressed my calf again, and not being surprised, I didn't react. It took Rosemary and Susie only moments though to figure out what was happening, and before I knew it I had three feet vying for my attention, sliding up and down my legs.

Rosemary was across from me, and she had the angle that allowed her to slide her foot up higher and between my knees, and on up to press on my boxers. She gave me a knowing smile as she slipped her big toe under the hem and up toward the hinge of my thigh. Fortunately, she was on the left leg, or she would have run into the head of my cock on the right leg. I know she bumped it a couple of times, though, although I'm not really sure she noticed from her lack of reaction.

The girls started getting rather giggly, and started laughing at the slightest thing. I started paying a little closer attention, as some of the subjects started getting a little more ribald. It wasn't as if the girls forgot I was there, but more that there wasn't any difference. They weren't drunk, not by any means, but it seemed their inhibitions were significantly lower.

Susie is the one who really got things going. "Say, did you hear about Deb Jenson, and her boob job?"

That had them giggling again. Neither of the others had. Susie responded, "Yeah, she did it over Spring Break, and went up two cup sizes."

Stephie said, "What's she going to do, carry them in a wheelbarrow?" which had us all laughing hysterically. Deb Jenson was not underendowed to start with. Going up two sizes was going to make her look huge.

"What do you think about it, Justin?" All three girls were looking at me with anticipation to see what I had to say. I was embarrassed at the attention, but they wouldn't let up.

"I think it is silly. I don't think they look right, and they are unbalanced. Besides, I don't think bigger is always better."

"What do you think about ours? Are we big enough?" Now I knew the alcohol was affecting them for certain.

I hesitated, but with all of them looking at me, awaiting my response I had to say something. How was I to answer without getting myself in too deep? "I think they are just fine," finally was my reply.

Stephie looked downward with a sad look on her face. "I knew it. Mine are small, I know."

"I didn't say that! I said I think they are just fine."

"Yes, but you hesitated, and I know what 'fine' means when a guy says it." She covered her breasts with her hands. "I know I'm not big like Rosemary or Susie, or about anyone else. It's OK."

I think the alcohol must have been getting to me, too, because I said, "Steph, you are not too small! I love your boobs." My face was inflamed, but I couldn't stop myself. "I've had the hardest time not staring at them all night, and earlier, when you were wearing your bikini, especially when the AC made your nipples poke. I thought you would think I'm the biggest perv around, the way I was looking at you. All three of you have had me in testosterone heaven all night, and I haven't even seen them!" I stopped nonplussed, not believing what I had said. I meant what I said; it's not that, it is just that I said it!


"Stephie, how big are you?" asked Susie.

"34 B"

"That's not bad at all," piped in Rosemary. "Ellie Campbell is only an A."

"I think it's about time to go to bed before we do something we would be sorry about later," said Stephanie. "I'm not sure that Bailey's was such a good idea."

"Don't feel badly, Steph. It was all good fun, and it all stays here, right guys?" said Rosemary. "It is 2:20, and Justin and I have to get going to see Grandma in the morning."

I didn't want to stand right then, because of the erection tenting my boxers. Even with the relief from earlier, two plus hours of constant stimulation had me so hard I hurt and was leaking a big wet spot on the front of my boxers.

Stephie stopped at my chair though, and I wasn't going to be able to remain seated. "Don't I get a good-night hug, Justin?" I slowly stood, and she looked at my crotch and giggled. "I guess maybe I'm not too small, after all, hmm?" I tried to hug her from the side, but she stepped right into my arms and hugged me straight on, and even rubbed herself against my cock once or twice. "I'll blame the alcohol for that." She giggled and let me go with a little kiss on the cheek.

Susie stepped over for a hug as well. Her nipples were showing nicely through her satin gown, and the light shimmered off of her breasts as they moved. I swallowed hard as she stepped in and hugged me tight. "Goodnight, Justin. Think of me when you rub one out tonight," she whispered in my ear. Leaning back a little she said, "I hope you like mine a little bit, too."

Rosemary stepped in for a hug as well, and crushed her breasts into my chest. She seemed almost jealous in her actions, but I played it off as nothing. She gave me a little peck on the lips and half whispered, "I love you, Justin. Good night." With that they all turned and headed up the steps. I flipped off the lights and followed, and again, I swear there was a little extra wiggle in Rosemary's ass as she ascended the steps.

As soon as I could get my door closed and locked I hurried over to my computer and turned on the monitor. "sure my boobs are big enough?" Stephanie was in mid-sentence. She cupped her breasts in her hands thoughtfully.

"Stephie, girl," said Susie, "the least of your worries is your tits. Didn't you notice I hardly could catch Justin's eyes all night?" That wasn't quite true, but it is true Steph got more than her share of my attention, along with Rosemary. Steph wasn't even wearing an outfit that showed off her breasts as much as the others were.

Steph turned to the Koala. "Mr. Koala, do you think my breasts are big enough for Justin?" She cupped them in her hands, stretching the fabric over them enticingly, and thumbing her nipples. I groaned, glad they couldn't hear me. For a moment she grasped the hem of her top, looking at the Koala with her lower lip between her teeth. I thought she was going to pull it off, but then she let it drop with "I don't know what is wrong with me, asking a stuffed animal what it thinks." She brushed her hands back down across her boobs once more before turning back toward the bed.

Susie turned to Rosemary, who seemed almost cross for some reason. "Hey, Rosie, do you think maybe we could sneak into Justin's room again tonight?"

"I don't think so. I don't think we could stay quiet enough tonight. Besides, I have to get up before long if I'm going to get a shower before going to see Grandma Stevens. I think we'd better leave well enough alone for tonight. Maybe we can do something again soon. I'll try to see if Mom and Dad are both going out of town the same weekend again." She turned toward the Koala, and cupped her own breasts in her hands. "Justin didn't say anything about me, tonight, Mr. Koala." Her nipples responded to her stroking and stood out; highlighting the faint brown outline I was straining to see through the fabric. "I wore this shirt on purpose, too. I didn't want it to be see-through, but I thought it would be something he would like."

Susie stepped up beside her and slipped an arm around her waist. "Honey, you should have seen his eyes when you first came down. I thought I was going to have to pick them up and hand them back to him. He almost drooled."

Rosemary visibly brightened. How insecure these girls are! If you don't compliment them frequently they lose all sense of value and beauty. Susie was not as bad as the others, but that was probably because she was such a tease. I wondered how it would be when she finally found a guy she was really interested in. Right now, she was interested in us all, but more as toys than anything. That didn't stop me from admiring her boobs as they showed on my screen.

Rosemary circled her nipples a few times with a finger-tip, and then plucked at the nipple a time or two before turning and saying, "If I don't stop that, I'm going to have to finish it off. I'm so horny now I don't know how I'll sleep." Turning to the bed she crawled onto it by putting up a knee and then getting on her hands and knees to crawl to the center. Her shirt came up almost high enough, but not quite. Close, oh so close, but not enough. It seemed to be the story of my life. Their light went out, and all I could see was a little movement in the king-sized bed as they got comfortable.

As I stroked one out it wasn't Susie I thought of, no matter her request, but rather Stephanie, and then just before the final explosion it was Rosemary's eyes as she looked into Mr. Koala's eyes and fingered her nipples. Oh well, tomorrow is another day . . .

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ausvirgoausvirgoabout 2 years ago

I agree with anonymous that "The story is advancing just fine, thank you! (Contrary to a below poster who seems to be in a rush)". A good buildup and suspense is way more erotic than just a "fuck description".

ausvirgoausvirgoabout 2 years ago

Really loving this story - I've read it before, but long enough ago that a lot of it's fresh again.

It's rather obvious that Justin's inexperienced, though. Instead of struggling to keep his boxers on he should have been removing Susie's teeshirt - Why Susie's? Because she was the one most likely to let him succeed, or at least get a flash of boobs or puss, and maybe a feel of he naked bum, and the sexual dynamics were such that both she and Justin were naked Rosemary wouldn't have been far behind and even Steph would probably have been topless. Steph would probably have still called a stop "before we do something we would be sorry about later", but would have been motivated to give Justin a private showing in the near future.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Kudos !

You really do know how to " tease " with a story line, and " rub one out " originated in England, long ago.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The story is advancing just fine, thank you! (Contrary to a below poster who seems to be in a rush) I love the slow character build up with enough substance to get me hard or 'rub one out', (never heard that expression before this site, wonder what country it was native to?) I'm in no rush for anyone to get laid, believe it or not! Its not very often on here we get a GooD multi chapter story that keeps our interest without constant repetitive sex. Thanks for fun content!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

When will ch.3 be here?

Lonely_readerLonely_readerover 10 years ago
This chapter

Is too short, there's almost no advancing in the story

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Well done

Great chapter again. I hope this will be a long series, I think it has the potential for it. Please do keep on writing this but I'd personally prefer if the chapters were a bit longer as it's easier to get in to the story.

1 10 page story is 10 times better than 10 1 page stories :) Still, 5 stars again.

Mr_OutdoorsMr_Outdoorsover 10 years ago

This is a fantastic story, please write more.

johnnywjrjohnnywjrover 10 years ago
More please.

I'm enjoying the tease. Please keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Please hurry with the 3rd chapter..I'm so into this story and can't wait to see where it goes now..great story keep it up..

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