Justin Thyme Ch. 09


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When I hit the garage door opener as I pulled in the drive I was surprised to see my Mini was gone. Dad must have had to run an errand or something for Mom. We were right on time at least, and since I didn't see Mrs. Winter's car maybe I'd have time for a shower before we ate.

We all piled out of the Denali and grabbed our gear, or rather, I did. Rosemary took the sleeping bag and dropped it in the laundry room on the way through. There was a note on the kitchen table from Mom. "Kids, Dad and I are running over to Mary's to help her with a couple of things before we all come back over to eat. We should be back by seven or just a little after. Grab a snack if you want, and you will have time to catch a shower and clean up. See you shortly."

"I wish I had known," complained Rosemary. "I wouldn't have put my bra back on."

"No reason to leave it on is there?" asked Steph as she pulled her shirt over her head and quickly pulled off her bra. "You don't mind, do you, Justin?" Rosemary was right behind her, and dropped her shorts and panties, too.

I seemed to have unleashed a monster with Stephie. It seems she had a one track mind when it comes to me! She pulled my shirt from my shorts and raised it enough to press her breasts against my chest and hugged me to her. "Oh, that feels so nice. I've been wanting to do this the whole way home. Don't you want some of this, too, Rosemary?"

"Save me some. I'll be right there," called Rosemary from the laundry room, where she was putting the sleeping bag into the washer. I held Steph and stroked her soft skin on her back until Rosemary came back from the laundry room and lifted my shirt from the back and pressed her breasts against me.

"Oooh. You are so right. This does feel nice!"

Steph was rubbing against my cock, and sliding her boobs around on my chest. "You ought to slide around on this side. It feels even better!" and she slid around under my arm and around my side, without removing her boobs. Rosemary followed her lead and slid around to face me, and she too rubbed against my cock, but with her totally naked it felt different.

"I think you have something there, Steph, but it seems to me there is too much in the way. She dropped her hands to my belt and unfastened it, then unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts and dropped them and my boxers to the floor. When she pressed her pussy back against my cock again it was electric. Steph slipped her hands down from where they had been caressing my belly until she had my cock in hand. She pressed it downward pushing Rosemary out enough to pass it by her belly, and leaving a trail of pre-cum across her belly as it rubbed its way by. I felt it passing through her little landing strip exclamation mark, and then it slipped into the crease of her legs and rubbed against her pussy as it slid between her legs. From the moist feeling I had I knew Steph wasn't the only one who was turned on. Rosemary clenched her legs together and gyrated on my cock and moaned.

"Maybe we ought to all get a shower together while we have time," Rosemary moaned. "Who knows when we'll get another chance like this?" I felt Stephie pull away from me momentarily, and then felt her bare pussy press against my ass, and her short fall against my ankles.

"I wish we had time to go to bed first," Steph said. "I didn't get to finish last night, although it felt wonderful."

"Why not?" asked Rosemary. "You wouldn't have time for a lot, but maybe you could have a quickie."

"Oh, please, Justin, would you make love to me?" Duh! Let me think about this for a while. Think?

"Of course, Sweetheart. I would love to make love to you." I looked at Rosemary, who gave me a big grin of approval, and both girls let go of me and grabbed clothing from the floor and started up the stairs. Poor me, I had to follow them up the stairs and watch their asses move as they made their way. A thought crossed my mind, and I didn't know if I could make it work or not, but I was going to try my hardest.

We hurried to Rosemary's room and pulled the covers back carefully and Steph jumped on the bed. "Please Justin. Don't wait. I need you in me now! I've been so turned on all day." Now I like to play around a bit first, but time was of the essence, and she was obviously ready. I couldn't help myself, though. I had to suckle on her delectable nipples for a couple of minutes, which left her squirming and gasping. "Please, don't tease me! I need you." It came out almost as a wail as she flexed her pelvis up and down trying desperately for contact with my cock.

I slipped it into her as slowly as I could, but she pressed downwards on me feverishly trying to get me inside. She was so tight I had to force my way in. When I bottomed out her nails dug into my back as she pulled me to her, and I could feel her pussy spasming around my cock. She surely couldn't be coming already, could she? I had read of women who could come quickly, but this fast? Her breath was coming in gasps, and I felt her pelvis rocking, trying to get me in further, but we had our pubic bones mashing on each other. There was no more to give. I began to thrust slowly, trying hard to hold mine off, hoping to be able to hold it and also give Rosemary the loving she craved. The way Steph's pussy was milking at my cock though I didn't have much hope of holding out for long. My arousal had been going on all day also.

Slow wasn't going to work with Steph as hyped up as she was. She started bucking against me, and in just a few minutes gasped and moaned softly as she pulled me into her tightly and her pussy tried to draw me in further. Her muscles clutching and grasping at me pulled me over the top, and I thrust against her again and again as my seed spurt as deeply into her womb as I could make it. The exertion left me trembling and weak as I covered her. I felt her kissing my neck and moisture from her eyes rubbed against my shoulder and neck. She sighed deeply as the last twitches of her orgasm rippled through her vaginal muscles. "Thank you. I really needed that. I don't know what I'm going to do when we aren't together all the time. I think you have made me addicted to you. I hate to hurry us, but if we are going to be able to shower we had better get going."

I nodded and reluctantly I started to withdraw my cock from her. Surprisingly, I, while not hard all the way, neither was I flaccid. Stephie looked at me, then at the clock and grinned. "Roll over, Justin. I want to try something." I glanced over at Rosemary, who sat with her hands tucked between her legs, and saw her rueful smile. I rolled onto my back. "I don't know how to do this, so tell me if you don't like it." Steph leaned forward and took my cockhead into her mouth and licked it. My eyes about popped out of my head! "Hmmm. That's interesting. I don't know if I'm tasting me or tasting you. I'll have to try it again sometime so I can tell the difference." She grinned down at me and took me in her mouth again. "Ummm," she hummed and licked under the head again and again. It didn't take much and I was back at full staff again.

"Rosie, here he is. It's your turn."

Rosemary gave her a very grateful smile and moved over next to me and whispered, "Can you do me too, Justin? I really need it." I just looked into her eyes and smiled as I crawled between her legs. Once again, I couldn't resist suckling her luscious breasts until she gasped, "Enough, please, Justin. I need you now."

Lunch was brought out to the Solarium for Susie, and Michael helped her with it. While they were waiting for it he slipped back into her room and carried her bedside table out and set it up over her wheelchair so he had a place to set the tray. She had nearly finished everything when a couple walked through the doorway. Michael glanced up, but not recognizing them turned his attention back to Susie and her lunch. It wasn't until the couple walked over close enough to see Susie's face, and she to see them that recognition was made.

"Mom! Daddy! You're early!"

Michael quickly stood and stepped aside so the parents could reach their daughter. Her mom was crying unabashedly as she hugged Susie, and her dad had rather moist eyes as well as he grabbed and squeezed her free hand. Michael quickly pulled up another chair so the parents could sit down and talk with Susie.

Mom, Dad, I want you to meet Michael Borden. He has been taking very good care of me."

Michael stretched out his hand to them, and said, "Mr. and Mrs. Collins, I'm honored to meet you." Although both parents shook his hand their response was rather icy, not to Michael's surprise. "I ask your forgiveness for what has happened to your daughter. I accept full responsibility, and I will do all in my power to set things right as best I can. What happened was wrong, and I should have recognized I was impaired, but I did not. The ones who spiked the punch have been charged with serving alcohol to minors, and have been expelled from the university. That does not diminish my responsibility, and I will do all I can to make things right."

Susie piped up. "Daddy, Mommy, Michael has been here almost all the time caring for me, sleeping overnight in a recliner to be sure I had whatever at any time. He was here for my surgeries, and brought in a specialist from Mayo trying to save my foot. He even bought this chair for me because the hospital didn't have one so that I could be out of bed. I hope you will give him a chance. He's been wonderful."

Tom Collins nodded. "We'll talk about that later. Right now we want to know about you. How are you?"

"The Dr. has been very happy with the way I'm progressing. He said I can go home as soon as someone can take care of me. He wanted to put me in a nursing home, but Mikey, don't call him that. He hates it except when I do it. He tolerates it then." She gave him a grin and he grimaced. "Anyway, Mikey convinced them to keep me here rather than to move me to a nursing home and then home. He said he will hire home care nurses to see to me if we can set up a room for me at the house. That's up to you."

"Let me step out for a bit and let you folks talk. I'll be back in half an hour or so and help you back to the room. OK, Susie?"

Susie looked disappointed that he was leaving, but nodded her assent, and Michael left the room.

Madge Collins looked disapprovingly at Susie as Michael left. "I'm not sure I like that young man hanging around after the way he had destroyed your life. It's just not seemly."

"Mommy, it's not that way at all. I wish you would give him a chance. Stephanie went to court when he was arraigned and spoke up for him, and so did Rosemary's Grandpa. He thinks a lot of Michael. He said he stood up before the judge and plead guilty to everything and told the judge he took full responsibility, that he should have known he was under the influence, but he just thought he was sick. He doesn't drink at all, not even coffee or soft drinks! Rosemary's Grandpa and the State's Attorney both asked the judge for leniency, and the judge threw out the charges of driving under the influence and underage drinking because he didn't know the punch was spiked. Michael also told the judge he was prepared to cover any expenses the insurance doesn't cover. He even bought a new car for Stephie to replace hers. The insurance company wouldn't replace hers until everything is settled, and that may be a long time. He didn't even buy a used one, even though hers was eight years old."

"How does he afford to do all of this? Is he from a rich family?"

"I'm not sure about his family. He doesn't talk about them a lot, although they seem to be close. He talks with them on the phone a lot. He has made his own money by writing some computer programs that are really technical, and he has written and sold a couple of apps. He said he doesn't have to worry about money, but he doesn't act spoiled."

Tom Collins broke in. "Well, it was nice of Mr. Thompson to volunteer to represent you girls, and to call us every day with a report about you. Especially since he did it at his expense! Is this Michael paying his charges too?"

"Oh, no. That wouldn't be proper! Mr. Thompson said Stephie and I are like sisters to Rosemary, and when Justin called him he said he would do it for nothing, that we are family. He really thinks a lot of Michael. You ought to talk with him about how Michael went over to the house when they were discussing what to do. He just went in with a big bouquet of roses and got on his knee before Steph and apologized and asked her forgiveness. He told Mr. Thompson there would be no need for legal action, that he was going to plead guilty to all charges and he would cover anything insurance didn't. When Michael went to court he expected to go directly from there to jail, but he didn't ask for mercy. Both Mr. Thompson and the States Attorney said they had never dealt with anyone else like him."

"Maybe we have been a little harsh in our judgment of him, but you have to understand how it is when we couldn't even get home to be with you how our imaginations worked."

"I know, and I'm really sorry I messed up your vacation. I know you have been looking forward to it for a long time."

"That's OK, honey. You are a lot more important than any vacation! We would have gotten off the boat and flown home if it was possible."

"I know, Daddy. I'll be OK. Michael already had a prosthesis maker in to take measurements and start designing what I'll need. The lady said I'll even be able to dance at my wedding."

"Are you planning that already?"

"Don't be silly, Mom. It was just an expression for how well the new foot will work. I'll be getting one of the spring kind too so I can run again."

"How much of this is insurance going to cover?"

"Michael said he doesn't know, but he isn't going to wait for them to decide. He wants me to be taken care of first and then let the insurance company take care of it. He said otherwise I would have to wait too long, and he wants to get me back to living normally as soon as possible."

Michael walked back into the solarium and said, "I hate to break this up, but Susie really needs to get back to bed. This is the first time she has been out of her room since she got here. I was getting ready to take her back when you folks arrived, but I don't think I should wait any longer. You will be more than welcome to visit in the room." With that he grabbed the wheelchair and started back up the hallway to the room where Kelly was waiting to help put Susie back into bed.

"Are you sure you don't want to be a CNA, Michael? I think you would fit in well."

Michael just laughed. "No thanks. You girls have to work too hard. I avoid work if at all possible. I'm just here to help the 'Little One'. Once she's doing OK I'm foreswearing work again." He followed Kelly's directions and Susie was promptly back in her bed again.

Susie reached out her good hand and grabbed Michael's. "Thank you so much, Mikey. That was really nice."

"Good, I'm glad you liked it. I'll go away and let you folks talk. Call me if you need me, OK? I'm just going down to the cafeteria and grab a sandwich." He turned to the senior Collinses and said, "She will probably get sleepy soon. She's had a big day already today, and she hasn't had a nap. You can wait if she dozes off, or you can join me in the cafeteria if you'd like to talk." Tom nodded and Michael walked out the door. Madge noted with rather mixed emotions the look of dismay that crossed Susie's face as Michael left.

As I slipped into Rosemary's wet pussy she reached down and grabbed my ass and pulled me in quickly. We didn't waste time getting a rhythm going, and Rosemary, like Stephie, was very ready. It wasn't long before I felt her starting to clutch at me with her pussy and her breathing became labored. It was difficult, but I bent down far enough to catch her nipple in my mouth and I sucked on it and hummed while continuing to pleasure her pussy. That was enough to put her over the edge, and she called out my name as she came. I slowed down to allow her to enjoy her climax, and then resumed when her breathing returned to normal. I wasn't quite there yet, having just come less than fifteen minutes ago, but it was starting to build rapidly. Soon my orgasm overwhelmed me and I pumped my juices into her with a groan before collapsing on top of her, totally spent.

Carefully we rolled so I wouldn't crush Rosemary, and I gave her a gentle kiss. I reached out an arm and drew Stephie in to cuddle with us as Rosemary and I enjoyed the afterglow. I was content.

The next thing I knew I heard the sound of the garage door opening! We had dozed off, and the folks were home! Mrs. Winters was probably with them! Quickly we jumped from the bed and I grabbed my clothes and ran for my room, while the girls quickly spread the covers back up, but left the bed slightly rumpled as if they had lain down on the covers and napped. The girls quickly grabbed some clothes and scurried into the bathroom and jumped into the shower.

We were none too soon as I heard Mom knocking on the bathroom door asking who was in the shower. Rosemary said they were, that they had accidentally dozed off, and had jumped in when they heard the folks get home. They would be out in just a jiffy.

Mom knocked on my door. "Justin, the girls are just now getting a shower, so we are going to be late." I quickly slipped on a pair of shorts and opened the door. "Oh. At least you are up! We have another change of plans. We are meeting your grandparents for dinner at Al's. Just as soon as the girls get ready would you please drive them over there? You know how your Grandfather is about being late! I'm going to hurry on over there and placate him. Please hurry. Oh, bring Stephanie with you. Mary is joining us as well."

"Sure thing, mom. We'll be right over."

I waited until I heard the garage door close before I walked into the bathroom. "Hey there. You'd better shake a leg. We're supposed to meet Grandpa and Grandma at Al's in ten minutes, and you know how he is about being late." Even though I knew I didn't have time to join them in the shower I enjoyed the scenery as the girls hurriedly finished up. As soon as they got out I jumped in and rinsed off quickly.

We hurried into Al's to Grandpa's frosty glare. Rosemary hurried over and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Sorry we're late, Grandpa. We didn't know we were meeting you for dinner until just a few minutes ago. We were really tired, and we just dozed off after we got home. I'm sorry we kept you waiting."

Stephanie reached out and shook his hand. "Hi Mr. Thompson. It's nice to see you. Thank you ever so much again for offering to represent me. I really, really appreciate it."

Grandpa actually blushed a little bit as he said, "Aw, shucks, girl. I'm happy to help out. You are like a sister to Rosemary, here, and I don't charge family. And, my name's Ben, not Mr."

I shook Grandpa's hand after giving Grandma a hug. "Thank you for standing up for Michael, too, Grandpa. I really think he's worth it."

"Oh, I know he is. Any young man with the character he has displayed needs someone to stand up for him. Besides, I think your Grandmother is crushing on him."

"Ben!" she said with a slap at his hand, which caused him to chuckle and a little smile from her.

"I followed up on the spiked punch and found out it was true. Charges have been pressed against the fraternity and the two young men who did it. They were hoping to 'encourage' some of the young ladies, and didn't think about what might happen. They were arrested, and have been expelled from the university, so Michael's charges have been officially dropped. I think that young man is going places."

Stephie gave her mom a big hug, and the two of them talked quietly together for a few minutes. Steph grabbed my hand and pulled me over to sit by her and her mother. Mrs. Winters squeezed my hand as we sat down. "Justin, I really appreciate what you have done for Stephanie. You and Rosemary have been very good for her. She hasn't been able to stop talking about you for the last few weeks. Thank you. I know you will take good care of her." Her eyes welled up. "In a lot of ways you remind me of her father. Pardon me," she said as she blotted at her eyes with a napkin. "I seem to have trouble keeping from crying the last few days."