Katja Pt. 18


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He heard Brigit laugh and sense her grin, "Your right you know. And besides, She will be, sort of, your daughter in-law once our son is old enough."

Erik and Katja looked at one another, then Erik asked, "You mean Geoff and Gesa will be like we are?"

"Yes, dear ones." She answered, "And they're son will be like ours." She laughed, "Or maybe a little more, since he is partly mine already."

Erik and Katja looked at one another once more in wonderment of what they just heard. They all held each other again and tears rolled from Erik's eyes as he felt the love of both his mates once again.

They soon dozed off, and once the alarm on Erik's phone went off, they woke and knew they were alone. The held one another and kissed, then got up to get cleaned and dressed for dinner.

Somewhere in the Ether, Brigit, Bast and Briast met once again. Bast smirked, "Did you enjoy yourself my sister? It sounded like you did."

Brigit laughed, "Umm, I most certainly did. My chosen one is a wonderful lover. I can see why the One forbids actual contact. I think I'd want to do that a lot, and I do mean a lot."

Briast look wistfully at her, "I can't wait till my Geoff is old enough for me to join with him and his mate." She sighed, "It would be so much easier if we could just speed it along."

Bast looked at her, "That would be a bad idea daughter, it causes problems. I've seen it happen, and it's better to let them mature at the normal rate."

The she looked at Brigit, "So? Have you decided what this child we be?"

Brigit smiled as she lovingly caressed her belly, "I think a daughter this time. The seed is planted, but if it's alright by you, I think it will be before she goes into heat again."

Bast nodded, "I don't have a problem with it."

Brigit nodded, "Thank you, I saw no reason to make her go through it again." Then she grinned, "Have you decided on yours?"

Bast smiled, "With mine, I think it will be a son now that the others are ready." She looked down on her chosen ones, Geoff and Victoria. "He will be like his father."

Brigit and Briast smiled, "Good choice."

Briast sighed wistfully again and she was hugged by the other two. Brigit kissed her forehead, "Soon dear one, soon."

Erik sat in the living area of the cabin waiting on Katja to finish getting dressed for dinner. He went over everything that just happened and smiled to himself, "How can a simple human deal with all this and not go a bit crazy."

He shook his head, "Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect anything like this. How does one get used to being actually loved by a Goddess? He knew Brigit was right, anymore would have probably killed him. Then he smiled, "That was simply wonderful, I wonder if it will ever be like that again."

He heard a giggle, "I think I can guaranty it." He felt a kiss and he grinned smiling.

After she had cleaned up, Katja began to dress. She had brought a beautiful dark amber colored evening gown with a long slit on one side. She had asked for advice at the dress shop and the owner Andre, the same one from the original shop, had helped her. The amber color of it had turned into her favorite color, Erik had been right, she really did look good in it.

She wanted to make his eyes, and other things, pop out when he saw her. This afternoon had been incredible, when Brigit had joined with her, everything was super-enhanced. She had never felt like she did ever before. Making love to Erik had always been fantastic, but nothing like she experienced earlier.

She shivered as she remembered the feeling, the only thing that came close to it, was the first time they made love when they mated. She grinned, Brigit had said she would explain later, but it was sort of self-explanatory why it hadn't happened before. As Cleo had said many times, it was very loud. She giggled to herself, "I wonder if the people next to us heard it?"

She felt warmth as she was hugged from behind, "No dear one, I made sure they couldn't hear us. I can't do that at home, as Geoff and Brigette would hear us due to the mind speech. It was nice to let go fully."

Katja smiled and nodded, "Yes, I figured it was something like that, when you said you would explain."

The next thing she knew, Brigit hugged her once more and kissed her cheek. "You look beautiful tonight dear one. I'm sure our mate will be pleased."

Katja shuddered as she was kissed and hugged, "Thank you. I was looking forward to making him want me again like before."

Brigit laughed, "I think he will, I hope you don't mind if I join you once more?"

Katja smiled, "Of course not, you're his mate as much as I am."

Katja almost fainted when she was suddenly hugged again. "I think you'll enjoy the outcome."

Then she was gone and Katja leaned her hands on the counter as she caught her breath. Finally back to normal, she finished getting dressed, then she brushed out her hair and slipped into her shoes.

She turned and checked herself in the mirror and smiled as she walked out and into the living area were Erik was waiting for her.

Erik was looking through the magazine about the ship when he heard the door open and his eyes went wide when he saw his mate. She was absolutely gorgeous and he stood with a stunned look on his face as she walked up to him.

Katja grinned to herself as she saw his reaction, then almost laughed when she saw his hard cock through his suit pants. "Well, I guess I got the reaction I was hoping for."

She grinned and asked, "So? What do you think of my new dress?"

It was all Erik could do not to stammer as he looked at her. She stood there with her head slightly cocked, and the weight on one foot. She bit her lower lip and waited for him to answer.

"Kitten, you look fantastic." He was finally able to get out. "I don't think I've ever seen you look more beautiful."

She came closer with a little grin and he pulled her to him and kissed her. She grinned a little more as she felt his hardened member against her. Erik smiled knowing full well she had to feel it, then said, "Gods, you look good enough to eat." He shuddered as he smelled her scent and she rubbed against him.

She smiled and stroked his face, "Thank you love, and hope you remember that later when we get back here." She kissed him, "I plan on seeing just how much we do before we both pass out."

She put her face next to his and lightly licked his ear saying, "Thinking about it has me so wet, I'm surprised it's not running down my thigh." Then she planted a wet kiss on his ear.

Erik shuddered again, then held her tight, "Umm, I wish we had time to help you with that." He buried his face in neck and breathed her scent in deeply. It smelled almost like the time she was in heat.

He pulled back, then said, "We should head to the dining room before this gets out of hand." He groaned, "You smell sooo good."

She smiled and picked up her small purse. "I think your right love, lets go."

Erik smiled as he offered her his arm and she smiled as she twined her arm in his. They headed out, and on the way, they drew looks from the others. Knowing how Erik must be feeling she held him a little tighter and said, "I love you my mate."

Erik smiled as he felt her grip him a little tighter and said she loved him. He knew why she was doing it, but he wasn't that bad yet, he had expected it so he wasn't caught by surprise. "I love you too kitten, I'm alright though, I expected this."

She smiled up at him and they continued to the dining room. They were the first ones there, so they waited for the others. As the watched the other guests walk into the room, he whispered to her, "Your more beautiful than anyone else here love."

She smiled up at him and leaned in to rub against him. Then about fifteen minutes later, Erik said, "Here they come."

He could see that Ariel and Victoria were getting as many looks as Katja did, along with uncle Geoff getting quite a few from the women. He smiled to himself as he saw the death grips Ariel and Victoria had on their mates' arms. The girls all looked wonderful he thought, they all must have gone shopping for the trip. Their dresses were different colors, but were similar in design with only minor differences.

The came up smiling and greeted each other. Erik smiled at them, "You ladies look wonderful. Let me guess, you all went shopping together right?"

The three of them smiled and Ariel grinned, "Of course we did, we wanted to make sure we looked better than everyone else."

Erik grinned again, "Well, congratulations, you nailed it."

They all laughed, then uncle Geoff asked smiling, "Well, are we ready to make an entrance?"

They smiled and with uncle Geoff leading the way with Erik and Tony to each side of him, they walked in and up to the maître d'. He smiled and handed him the cards the steward gave the three of them.

The maître d' smiled and nodded, then waved to one of his assistants. He came over and he said to him, "Will you please lead them to the Captains table?"

His assistant nodded and he smiled at Geoff and the others, "If you would follow me please."

The followed him and they drew looks as they walked through the dining room to the Captains table. Once there, he smiled and directed them to the seats marked with their names. He held Victoria's chair for her, as Tony and Erik held Katja's and Ariel's.

The assistant smiled, then said, "The captain should join you all momentarily. Please enjoy your dinner.

They thanked him and as soon as he walked away, another crewman came up and asked if they'd care for something to drink while they waited. They all asked for wine and he brought them glasses and filled each one. They talked about the cruise while they waited and what was on the agenda for tomorrow and the day after. They'd be at sea tonight and tomorrow, and the next day they would put in at Belize. They were looking forward to that and had signed up to go on a tour of one of the old Mayan ruins there.

They were joined by six other couples while they waited and they all greeted one another as they introduced themselves. Then after about twenty minutes, the captain and his first officer joined them. The all stood as he came up and he smiled as he welcomed them, then they all sat down once more.

The captain smiled and introduced himself, "Welcome and thank you for joining us. I'm Captain Jacob, and this is my first officer, Commander Richards.

Erik look at him and the first officer, he looked to be about uncle Geoff's age and the first officer, maybe a few years older than him. He looked at the captain once more, he looked very familiar as did his name. He bent over to Tony and whispered, "Does the captain look familiar to you?"

Tony looked at him and nodded, "Yeah, I think he does. But I don't know him. I think."

The captain smiled at uncle Geoff, "Thank you for joining us Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. You are the first of your people to take a cruise with us."

Geoff smiled, when he and Victoria mated, he took her surname to make it easier when they did things. Most of the people did as they didn't use surnames like earth people did. Some had also used last names like some of the Nordic and Germanic people did, the name of their father followed by son or daughter. Tony had mentioned this and they thought it was a good idea.

Geoff smiled back, "We thank you for inviting us, we all decided we needed a vacation after all we've been through getting our town finished."

The captain nodded, "Yes, I can certainly understand that." He turned to Erik, "Welcome to you and your wife also Mr. Woodes and Mr. Wargan. I understand congratulations are in order, that you're going to be the new ambassador to the Lyonness and the others when they land, the Avianne's and Kannite's if I remember their names correctly."

Erik smiled, "Yes sir, I'm surprised you knew about that." He turned to Victoria, "I suppose you wrote an article about it and it got picked up by other media outlets."

Victoria smiled and nodded, "Of course, plus I think it was in the DC papers also."

Erik shook his head, "Yeah I kind of figured that." He turned back to the captain, "Well, thanks for the invitation to dinner sir, but let me ask you a question, you look very familiar as does your name. Have you always done this? Or did you do something else?"

The captain smiled, "Well. I was merchant marine before I got hired by the company. I was the first officer on one of the Navy's cargo ships they took over."

Erik and Tony smiled, "That must be it, we," He pointed to Tony and himself, "are ex-Navy, SEABEE's and we were on a few merchant ships during deployments."

The captain smiled, "That was it then. Were you officers or enlisted?"

Erik smiled, "Enlisted sir, I wasn't made an officer until I met my uncle here. Technically, I'm still a commander in their "Navy" for now until I officially take over for Mr. Sharpe. Even then, I consider myself more a... liaison, than an actual ambassador. It's not like I'll be dealing with other countries, I'll just be aiding them assimilate into our society here like I aided the Lyonness."

The captain nodded, "Well, it certainly sounds interesting, and I'm please to meet you all. I think you'll enjoy yourselves."

After that, he talked to the others at the table until they served dinner. The food was wonderful as was the entertainment during dinner. They talked to the others at the table and as usual, the girls were talked to the most. As most people really didn't know the Lyonness that well, they all had questions about different things. Basically, it was an enjoyable couple of hours until the main entertainment began.

They had a few more glasses of wine, then they danced to the band playing, and talked some more to people who came up.

Finally, the band stopped, and the captain wished them a good night. They he and the first officer went back up to the bridge to check on things.

They finally headed back up to their cabins and decided to meet for breakfast where they had lunch.

Erik and Katja walked into the cabin, then Katja kicked her shoes off with a sigh of pleasure. Erik grinned and pulled her to him. "Did you enjoy yourself tonight kitten?"

She smiled and kissed him, "Very much so, the food was good and so was the music and dancing. We don't do enough of that."

Erik nodded, "I'll have to make sure I take you more often then. I figure we'll have to do more of these types of dinners once I take over for Bill. It sort of goes along with the territory as they say."

She smiled and kissed him, "I love you. Now how about you make us some coffee and tea while I get out of this dress."

He grinned, "Sure, I can do that."

She gave him an evil grin and asked, "Could you please unzip this?"

Still grinning, he pulled down the zipper and kissed the back of her neck breathing in her scent again. Then asked, "What are you gonna put on?"

She smiled and turned to walk into the bedroom. He watched as her tail swished lazily and as she reached the door, she turned and said smiling, "More than likely... nothing."

Erik grinned as she turned around and with a flick of her tail, she went in to the bedroom. "I love her so much."

Still grinning, he took off his jacket and tie, then draped them over a chair. He filled the coffee maker with water and a coffee pod, then he filled the small kettle they brought with them with water. They had also brought the tea leaves she liked from home as they figured it would be easier. He filled the tea-ball with loose tea and placed in her cup.

Katja smiled as she slipped the dress down and it pooled at her feet. She stepped out of it and picked it up and draped it over a chair in the room. She took off the rest of her clothes, then smiled as she put on just a soft silk shirt, leaving it unbuttoned.

She brushed her hair, and ran her hands over her breasts to make her nipples jut out farther. She could feel the wetness in her crotch, she was surprised that her thighs weren't soaked from it.

She grinned and turned to walk back out to the living area. She stood in the doorway and watched as her mate made her a cup of tea. "I love him so much, and I want him so bad again." Then she grinned as she thought, "I suppose you still plan on joining us again?"

She heard a laugh, "Most defiantly dear one. I really can't at home, it would be a little too loud with the children there. So I plan on enjoying myself as much as possible while I can."

Katja giggled, "I can certainly understand that."

Erik turned to put her Katja's tea cup on the coffee table, and smiled as he saw her in the doorway. "You're so beautiful kitten, your tea's ready." He grinned, "What happen to nothing though?"

She grinned as she flowed to him, her tail swishing slowly back and forth. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Well, I like when you undress me, so I figured I'd leave something on for you to take off."

Erik's knees had gotten weak from her kiss and her scent. He moaned her name, "Thank you. You're so good to me."

She smiled and slowly licked his neck and up to his ear, "Your welcome my love." She rubbed against him feeling his very hard cock press against her and she purred with pleasure.

Erik sighed as he held his mate and breathed in her scent as he nuzzled at her neck. If he didn't know better, he would have thought she was in heat again.

He backed away a bit and grinned, "I love you kitten, but your tea is gonna get cold if we keep this up."

She gave him a final lick and ran her hand down from his face and over his cock, stopping to give it squeeze. "Okay love, but don't you think you should change out of all those heavy clothes?"

He smiled at her, "If you say so." He grinned, "Could you help with my zipper?"

Katja grinned back and knelt down as she unbuttoned his pants, then slid the zipper down. She slid them down a bit, then leaned in to kiss his cock. She stood up, "There you go love."

Erik smiled and held his pants up as he walked into the bedroom chuckling. Katja picked up her cup and smiled as she watched him. She sat down and took a sip then smiled, "I want him so bad." She had been so horny since she dressed for dinner, she couldn't wait to get him in bed. If she didn't know better, she might have thought she was in heat again. Then she grinned, "Or maybe we'll just start out here if I can't wait that long."

Meanwhile, in Geoff and Victoria's cabin, they walked in and much like Erik and Katja, they were in each other's arms as soon as the door closed. Victoria melted against Geoff as they kissed. She thanked the day she had come onboard the ship and met him. She'd never been happier than she was now. She broke the kiss and stroked his face, "I love you Geoff, I had such a good time tonight. I'm glad we decided to do this, I was getting worried about you as much as Kat was worrying about Erik. You've both been going full-bore for almost three years."

Geoff smiled at his mate; he felt the same about her. I think I fell in love with her the first time they met. Males couldn't sense things like females did, it took them longer and they needed a reinforcement from the female. "I love you too Vicky, they happiest day of my life was when you came onboard to interview Erik."

He grinned, "To think I had to travel all that way and land on an alien world to find my mate."

Vicky grinned at him, she was sooo horny tonight, she knew she was ovulating and she had all plans on using the pheromones when she went to get changed. She felt, for some reason, that this was when she would get pregnant, so she wanted to make sure he was "clicked-on" like the med tech said the scent would do and had worked for Azlan and Helen.

"I know love, I never thought I'd find my perfect mate from someone from another planet and species. I'm just so glad it did." She grinned and kissed him. Then she said much like Katja had done, "Why don't you make us something to drink while I get changed."
