Kayla and Renee's First Time


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Kayla ran through the sparsely populated lobby. The night security guard's attention was wholly occupied by whatever movie filled his workstation's screen and couldn't concern himself with anyone but the most egregious disturbances. She whisked past the desk as fast as she could maintain her slightly wobbling gait towards the elevators down the hall and to the left. She fought the urge to slide her hand inside her bra and give her nipple a gentle twist. Immediately after turning the corner she hit the L button once, then several times in rapid succession.

"Come on, come on, come on."

The soft chime of the elevator sounded after thirty excruciating seconds or so. Kayla couldn't wait for the doors to open fully before she threw herself inside and pounded the Close Doors button.

"Fuck, Renee" she sighed with a relief. Her fingers immediately dove inside her shirt and she gave in to her building urges within her newfound privacy.

---They were more beautiful in person than she could have anticipated. Perfectly proportioned, narrowing so slightly as they came off her shoulders before swelling into firm, soft curves each bigger than both of Kayla's hands could hold. Her eyes fixed on her small, pink nipples directly in their centers; her areolas were no larger than a dime.

"Oh my fucking god." Kayla's mouth hung open slightly. "You're gorgeous."

It was Renee's turn to blush.

"I catch guys peeking at them all the time." She looked down at herself. "Big ol' sacks of fat."

"I bet." Kayla leaned slightly inwards and slowly extended a curious hand, braving the unknown.

"Yes, you can touch them." Renee giggled. Kayla's fingertips finally met her friend's bosom, almost shaking with nervous energy. Laying her palms flat against her, Kayla slowly inspected and lifted them up, testing their heft and perkiness.

"How do they feel on me?" Renee asked before Kayla could get it out of her mouth. "Well, no back problems thankfully, they kinda have a habit of always letting you know they're there, but other than that, they're pretty great. Not gonna lie."

Kayla gazed down at her own set hidden underneath her pajamas. She was a solid B cup and nowhere near as prominent as her friend; they however fit her slender frame perfectly. Jealousy wasn't the exact emotion she felt towards Renee's ample chest, as bra shopping for herself was certainly easier, but seeing them naked and on display for the first time introduced an uncomfortable, unfamiliar pang of inadequacy. "I like mine, but they're not yours." She retracted her hand and tucked it underneath her leg.

"Girl, no, stop." Renee scooted over closer to her. "You're beautiful, athletic, trim, all of that. Carrying a huge set of tits isn't everything, trust me." Kayla's eyes grew larger as she saw Renee's eyes flick down to her chest.

Kayla immediately wanted to throw her hands up and shield herself. She wasn't sure if it was the alcohol, the mood or the fact that Renee was already half-naked breaking through the apprehension, but she kept them by her sides and let her look freely. Kayla didn't feel disrespectfully ogled like she was sure Renee had been throughout her post-pubescent life. Instead the familiar comfort and warmth was tinged with a new spice: inviting and curious.

"Well, I like girls, Kayla." Renee smiled. "And guys too."

Oh god, she's into me. Her words hit her with the force of a brick. Anxiety, nervousness and embarrassment pounded inside Kayla's skull. What do I do, what do I do?

"What do you want, hon?" Renee took Kayla's hands and stared into her eyes. Her voice was soft, gentle and free of judgment. It was the voice Kayla had known and was tender for all along. At that moment she could have curled up and cuddled inside of it.

Kayla sat silent for a moment.

Without saying a single word, she leaned in, closed her eyes and kissed Renee. Kayla's mouth held her bottom lip and softly pressed for several seconds. She couldn't place exactly why, and in this moment, she had no desire to. The previous hints and suggestions of her shampoo now enveloped her sense of smell.

Renee only taken aback for a moment. Her eyes soon closed and returned her friend's affection. He thumbs traced small circles around the tops of Kayla's hands.

The two girls' lips remained locked for several minutes until Kayla pulled away slowly. The red returned to her face and her lips pursed. She looked at her expectantly, for anything.

"That was nice." Kayla meekly said. I kissed her. I actually kissed Renee Sanders.

"I'm glad. I really am." A similar blush began to fill Renee's face. Apprehension followed for a brief moment. "Am I going to be the only topless one here, hon?" Her vulnerability undercut her attempt at her typical mood.

Kayla knew this was coming. It was only fair, Renee had already shown visual interest and she was half-naked already. Somehow her kiss had eased her comfort with the thought, in a much warmer, safer and pleasant way than booze would.

"Go ahead."

Renee's grin grew wider as she stifled a sudden flash of giddiness. She grasped Kayla's shirt and much in a manner to her own, slowly rose upwards. Kayla held her breath as her friend undressed her. Kayla held her breath and closed her eyes when her stomach was exposed. She trusted Renee to take the lead. She took a new, sharp inhalation as Renee revealed Kayla's bare tits; her eyes took in everything they could with no shyness. Kayla shimmied her arms and helped her free the last parts of her shirt and laid it next to her.

"Wow." Renee drank it all in. Her eyes traced the subtle swell of Kayla's breasts above her defined and practiced abs. Kayla looked away abashedly as she felt Renee's gaze all over her exposed body. "I'd absolutely kill for a stomach like that."

"It took a lot of work." Their eyes met once more. Kayla's heartbeat skyrocketed. Here she was, sitting topless with Renee Sanders, after she just kissed her. This is really happening, isn't it?---

The metal box began its skyward journey with its sole occupant leaning against the back corner. Kayla groaned and fondled herself, squeezing and pressing her right breast beneath her underwear. Just a little it, just until I get to the room.

She had so much fun that night. Her own body was so young, tight and stunning back then and God, Renee's tits. She could have buried her face in that set all night long.

Kayla cast a drunken eye to the floor indicator very few seconds. Fourth, fifth, sixth. She could've pulled her hand out without too much trouble within a moment's span; she didn't imagine too many people would have been prowling the complex this late at night on a weekday, but nobody needed to see a slutty, drunk office lady playing with herself on the way to their car.

Kayla's finger splayed completely over her boob. Age had slackened some of her youth's tautness; her nipples had darkened and thickened as the years went on, but they were still perky enough to point outwards without support.

Her thoughts passed to Renee and wondered how time had treated her former lover.

Five floors left. Kayla wet her fingers in her mouth and gentled pulled, rotated and teased her nipple. Nothing could substitute a moist, soft, full pair of lips, but her imagination was vivid and deep.

---Kayla took a deep breath and for the first time that evening, consciously noticed the growing dampness between her legs. Renee's curvaceous body, her plump, beautiful tits and now the kiss she just laid on Kayla's lips had excited and aroused her in a way she had never experienced before. She never knew she could be attracted to another girl like this.

Renee sat down directly across from her and lay her legs on each side of Kayla's body only a couple of feet away. She guided Kayla's into a similar pose on top of hers.

"How you feeling, Kayla?" She continued to hold her hands.

"I..I'm feeling great." Kayla reached out again and gently stroked Renee's left boob. Renee sighed, arched her chest forward and closed her eyes in growing bliss as she let her explore her body with newfound confidence. She turned her nipple in her fingers and watched as Renee moaned to her touch.

Her aroused, sexually-charged voice was deep, husky and breathy; it was unlike any other tone she'd heard from Renee previously. Hearing her send a surge of wet underneath her panties and emboldened Kayla to go in for another kiss.

The two women locked lips once more and this time their tongues reached out and intertwined. Kayla's voice pitched higher as she moaned into her friend's mouth, from both Renee's tongue massaging hers and her own stroking of Kayla's chest. Before long both had pressed their bodies into each other. Their nipples rubbed against each other and their legs wrapped around each others' hips. Both ladies' anxieties and nervousness with each other had melted away completely; they had fallen with closed eyes into their own new sensual world together.---

A few seconds later the elevator finally arrived on the eleventh floor. One quick peek up and down the hall revealed an empty corridor. Kayla whisked herself out of the elevator and left her boob hanging out of her bra where it lay underneath her shirt for the short distance only a couple of doors down.

---"You're a great kisser." Renee pulled away from Kayla's lips, soaked with her own saliva.

"Thanks, Renee." Kayla's hands cupped Renee's boobs and massaged them in circles. "Fuck, this is great."

Renee touched Kayla's forehead to hers and laid one soft kiss on her mouth.

"Want to come to my bed?" Renee asked. She lightly stroked Kayla's cheek.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do." She didn't even think before responding yes. It didn't matter to her that the person who she just finished making out with, petting and touching their half-naked body was another woman. This was unbelievably hot, and Renee knew just how to make her comfortable and wash away her unease and problems. She kissed differently than a man. She was softer, more delicate and sensuous. The mere suggestions of Renee's fingertips against her nipples or the tip of her tongue against hers sent thunderbolts down her spine. Throughout their embrace Kayla wanted to curl up and stay in Renee's arms forever. The thought of going further was scary and unfamiliar, but if she wanted any woman to guide her, it was her.

"Hell yes." Renee exclaimed under her breath, stood up and excitedly took Kayla's hand. Both girls left the study material and liquor where they lay; tomorrow's mess was tomorrow's problem. "I'm on the bottom bunk. My roommate is out visiting her parents for the evening."

Renee pushed a stuffed piglet and a spare pillow onto the floor and retracted a large pink fleece blanket to make space for the two of them. Kayla crawled in first on her back. Renee slowly moved in on top of her and straddled her legs, meeting her arms next to her head. Their fingers unconsciously intertwined as their eyes met.

Kayla's lips separated as her breathing slowed and deepened. Renee's gently-swinging tits hung over hers; if she could break eye contact they would have hypnotized her.

Not a word was spoken between them as they kissed again. Renee gave Kayla's right hand a squeeze and trailed it down her arm across her shoulder. A soft, quiet gasp came muffled from Kayla's mouth as Renee massaged her breast. Her palm massaged and kneaded her while rolling her nipple in her fingers. The gasp lengthened into a moan as she squeezed, pressed and teased her tender chest.

"You're so firm," Renee whispered, pulling her face back to drink in all of her. Kayla's mouth hung open as she watched her lower down to directly between her boobs and deliver one singular kiss. Her nipples stiffened more than they could in any cold weather.

"Ohhhh my god." Kayla gasped as she watched her face curtained beneath her red locks trace a path across her chest with her tongue. She had watched that same mouth so many times before, speaking, giggling, laughing, filling her ears with her lovely words. Tonight it was laying kisses and licking all over her body in a turn of events Kayla never planned or even anticipated. Throughout her few intimate liaisons with men she had never been paid attention to or loved on like this, nor had she seen such a reaction from another person's lips on her skin. Renee almost revered her fine curves and elegant figure with how she would peck here, gently lick there, and how she would slowly close her eyes and savor the taste and feel of her warm body intoxicated Kayla.

"Oh, fuckkkk," Kayla exclaimed as Renee's lips closed around her thick, erect, sensitive nipple and began to suckle. Each small tug radiated a wave of pleasure throughout her body. Renee hummed in satisfaction as her hand stroked her belly and worked its way around her pants' elastic band, tracing underneath it back and forth across her waist. Kayla's ecstasy overcame the occasional spasm from various tickle spots Renee found along the way. She stroked Renee's hair and ran her fingers down the sides of her bob. "Don't stop don't stop please don't stop..."

Kayla arched her pelvis around the fourth or fifth time Renee played with her and she immediately skid her hand inside. An utterly soaked pair of panties met her, to the degree they had perfectly formed around the contours of her vagina.

"Holy shit Kayla." Renee licked her nipple. "You're drenched."

"Take them off. Please."

If she had removed her pants off any faster they would have torn. Renee traced her prominent calf and hamstring muscles with gentle squeezes.

"Everything, Renee."---

Kayla slammed the door behind her and lay against it, breathing a sigh of relief. Finally home, finally private.

The lack of proper hydration during her drinking immediately drew her to the kitchen sink. Laying her blazer on the empty counter next to her, Kayla grabbed a glass, filled it with tap water and threw it back faster than any shot. The cool clear water soaked and refreshed her parched throat. As soon as she could lower the empty glass the crossed the slightly-spinning distance to the bedroom. Her neckline's undone buttons allowed her to disrobe in one fluid motion. Her beige bra followed shortly afterwards.

Kayla's world spun as soon as she hit the bed. She welcomes the fresh, clean sheets on her bare back. Taking three deep breaths she wrestled the pants and underwear off. Her wardrobe had long exchanged skinny black panties for nude boyshorts.

"Oh God, I'm drunk," she groaned, finally succeeding in kicking off the last of her pants off of her legs.

The naked woman lay splayed on her bed. The spinning overhead ceiling fan pushed air all over and off her body, carrying her drunken heat away with it. As Renee's thick, voluptuous body occupied her mind, her hand crept down to her pussy, passing over a small tuft of hair. She remembered how clean-shaven she kept herself in college and in the following years she allowed a gradual, maintained buildup of fuzz from a simple landing strip to her current triangle.

---Renee immediately hesitated, looked up Kayla body from her feet, legs, panties, boobs, up her neck and back to her face. Kayla's eyes pleaded with her; they were wide, bright spots of white against a red-tinged panting face. With nothing but a smile, Renee acquiesced. Fixed on the narrow, soaked underwear, she slid them down her legs.

"Oh Kayla, you're absolutely beautiful." She hovered directly over her slick, exposed pussy. It was slightly darker than the skin around it. The barest hints of pink were visible under the relaxed, waiting folds of skin; all bore a heavy, glistening coat of lubrication with a singular thick stream on the side of her thigh.

Renee bit her lip and stared hungrily at what lay before her, blinked slowly and returned to her face.

Kayla nodded.

Renee sighed happily, grazed her teeth on her bottom limp expectantly and while meeting Kayla's gaze, slid her tongue out and licked the gooey trail off of her leg and across her vulva in one large, slow motion.

The instant her warm, wet tongue slid across her sensitive spots Kayla's voice grew several decibels louder. Her timid, quiet squeaks morphed into a cry laden in bliss. Lick me, eat me, please!

She made out the hints of a self-satisfied smile as Renee laid her tongue on the bottom and pushing her face inside, tasted her up and down.

Kayla's eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her breathing shuddered and shook. Renee's tongue wound among her folds and scooped as much of her up as she could; her nose brushed against her clit. Kayla's legs rose until her feet were in the sky above Renee's head and as she would discover new places to let her tongue explore she would throw them back down and rub her soles along Renee's shoulders. She was so absorbed in what her mouth was doing that Kayla didn't notice Renee putting her own hand down her pants at first.

"Take 'em off, Renee." Kayla's view was fixated on the raised bump of her ass behind her, the full definition obscured by her bottoms. Her disrobing was far less of a show than Kayla's, but before long both young women were completely naked.

"Don't worry about me, this is about you, babe," Renee assured her. "God, you taste amazing."

"...really?" Kayla brushed Renee's face. She's eating me out, holy shit, holy shit.

"Oh yeah. This pussy's mine." Renee sucked her clit as she returned to pleasuring her friend.

"God-damn!" Kayla threw her head back and exclaimed. "Keep doing that, keep doing that."

Licking and sucking, licking and sucking. She alternated pressing her soft, wet lips on her hood and sliding her tongue up and down her labia until she fell into a rhythm rewarded by Kayla's shivers, groans and frantic grasping. Renee returned a hand to Kayla's chest and played with her right boob; Kayla fondled herself next to her. The pleasure within her built up until she couldn't take it.

"Holy fuck, I'm coming!" Her hand on Renee's head clenched at her scalp and pulled her further between her legs. 'Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, pleeaaasseee."

Renee kept at it as Kayla convulsed around her, holding her breath and soaking her face inside her. She reached out and took her hand as she rode through her orgasm. Kayla laced her fingers with Renee's and obeyed her body's command to cry out regardless of whether anyone was outside the room to hear.---

"Oh, fffuck, Renee..." She remembered her soft tongue slithering inside her and how her pale, freckle-dotted butt arched up as she helped herself to Kayla's womanhood. Kayla's fingers pressed and massaged her clit as she tried her best to superimpose the mental image of her half-hidden face between her legs. Oh, how she would have killed for her 20 year old self to be back in in bed with her.

Kayla's tongue crept out of her mouth.

"Please, get those thighs around my face, God, let me eat you," she begged to an empty, dark bedroom. She wished she wouldn't have been so shy back then, that she could have magically beamed her current confidence levels back in time into her younger form and reciprocated Renee's efforts that night. "I want that fat ginger ass all over my faceee..."

She rubbed herself more vigorously, throwing herself completely into her half-fantasy memory. Oh, how she wanted more. What she would do to her, to that body and what she would have Renee do to her.

---"That was...wow." Kayla pushed her hair back and sat up at the head of the bed with her senses and slight embarrassment returning. "You're practiced. I can tell."

"Don't worry about it, hon." Renee sat next to her and dangled her legs over the side. Both of the naked women held hands and bathed in post-coital glow. "I'd touch and eat that any day."