Keeping Him Pure Ch. 04


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"Uhh...ok," Benny said. "I'm gonna head back out and finish helping dad."

Ally could hear her heart beating in her head but was still able to hear Benny's footfalls as he went downstairs.

"Less profanity, more prayer," Mrs. Parker said to Ally.

"Well...maybe we shouldn't be...," Ally started to say.

She was interrupted as Mrs. Parker's mouth wrapped around Ally's clit.

"Oh God!" Ally cried out. She hoped Benny was too far away to hear her and collapsed back onto the bed. She stuffed the comforter back into her mouth and moaned into it as Mrs. Parker tongued her clit several times.

Mrs. Parker removed her right hand from Ally's ass cheek and rubbed it along Ally's soaking pussy lips. She took her mouth off of Ally's clit and began to run her tongue in circles around it. She pressed her index finger up inside the young woman and slowly eased it in and out.

Ally gnawed on the comforter in her mouth while Mrs. Parker teased her clit with her tongue. Mrs. Parker increased the speed of her finger as she pumped it into Ally. She moved her hand higher which allowed her to grind it against Ally's clit.

Mrs. Parker gently bit into Ally's ass cheek, bringing forth another loud moan.

"For this is the will of God, your sanctification," Mrs. Parker said loudly, "that you abstain from sexual immorality."

Mrs. Parker removed her other hand from Ally's ass cheek. Free to move, Ally had begun rocking back against Mrs. Parker's hand.

"That each one of you," Mrs. Parker continued to speak, "know how to control her own body in holiness and honor." As she said the last word, Ally felt her slow the pace of her hand.

Ally spit the comforter out of her mouth as Mrs. Parker flicked her clit with her tongue. "Oh my God! Please! Yes!"

Mrs. Parker withdrew her tongue, "Not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God." She immediately went back to work on Ally's clit.

"Omigawd! Omigawd! Omigawd!" Ally repeated over and over.

"Pwaise Gwad!" Mrs. Parker said loudly into Ally's pussy as the younger woman bucked against her face.

Ally lowered her face back to the bed and screamed out at the top of her lungs as her body was rocked with an explosive orgasm. Her thighs trembled uncontrollably as she came on Mrs. Parker's hand and mouth.

Mrs. Parker kept up the speed of her hand and tongue as she brought Ally through her orgasm. Ally's short, shallow breaths were coming out in high-pitched whistles.

Ally couldn't take the contact on her clit anymore and reached back to gently push Mrs. Parker's face away. Mrs. Parker moved her head but kept her hand in place, gradually slowing her hand as Ally's breathing slowed.

"Praise God!" Mrs. Parker called out.

"Oh dear God," Ally muttered, the side of her head against the bed. She shuddered several more times as Mrs. Parker rubbed her fingers around Ally's wet mound. She let out a long deep sigh when Mrs. Parker finally withdrew her hand.

Mrs. Parker walked into the bedroom's adjoining bathroom and Ally heard her running water in the sink. Ally continued to kneel at the side of the bed and revel in her post-orgasmic bliss.

The water shut off and Mrs. Parker came back into the bedroom. "Clean yourself up," Mrs. Parker said. Her tone had a spiteful bite to it. She opened the door and stepped out into the hallway.

Matthew's voice drifted down toward Ally's ears, making her body shoot upright.

"Is everything ok mom," Matthew said.

"Yes honey, Ally and I were just praying," Mrs. Parker said. It was amazing how quickly her tone could change.

"Oh ok, that's what I thought," Matthew said.

"Go back and get some rest, the food will be ready soon," Mrs. Parker said and shut the bedroom door behind her.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
never learns

I know this is just a story, but come on how many times does ally have to go through this before she tells benny what his mom is doing to her, and is she so in love with benny that she keeps coming over to his house in spite of what his mother is doing to her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Unusual character

Hey keep this up. Ally is beautifully written. But you have created a wonderfully inconsistent and odd character in Mrs Parker. Wanting to keep her son pure but practised in the art of loving his girlfriend.

Making Ally praise the Lord and scream oh my god as she licked her was so wonderfully bizarre. Keep it up. Cant wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
What the fuck!

If I wanted to read about familial or incest I'd go to those categories. Why you posted this as a Lesbian Sex story when it is part of a totally different series is confusing. I stopped reading it when it became obvious that Benny and Ally were going to fuck. I read Lesbian Sex for the lesbian sex, not for the boy-girl crap in this story.

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