Kelli's Desire Ch. 02

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My wife plans to cuckold me.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/28/2021
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My wife of 22 years had just told me after returning from a two-week training seminar in Dallas that she wanted to have an affair with a black doctor and had invited him to her room, gotten naked in front of him, played with his cock, and begged him to fuck her but he had questioned her true intentions and she reluctantly backed out. I was in turmoil and sick to my stomach.

After she left, there was a knock at my door and I said, "Come in" and in walked Alicia, our daughter.

She asked, "Daddy, is it true that mom wants you to allow her to have sex with a black man and that she already let him go down on her?" She rushed to me and threw her arms around me. "I'm sorry, I heard you two talking and I was listening at the door. Are you going to divorce her? Do you think marriage counseling might help? I know my English teacher caught his wife in bed with their black neighbor and he divorced her, only she move in with him as soon as he filed for divorce. What is it with white women and black men?"

I hugged her and said, "Honey, a lot of black men have very big and long penises, and some women like them better than guys that are built normally."

Alicia surprised me when she said, "Oh daddy, I know several white guys with dicks just as big as black dudes have." Then she realized what she said and shut up.

I asked, "From personal experience?"

She looked down then shook her head no then said, "From some of my girlfriends and they have shown me pictures from their phones. I don't feel right discussing my sex life with my father."

I smiled and said, "Honey, I will never judge you or go beat up your boyfriend, that is unless he mistreats my angel. You can feel free to discuss anything with me that you have with your mother. Please don't think you have to keep secrets from me." Then I gave her a big hug. Then she left and I tried to get some sleep but I did have trouble.

When I woke late that morning, Kelli was already gone and her note said, she had gone to work, which was weird because she wasn't due to work today. I called her office and they told me that today was her day off. My heart sank. Now she was lying to me. I drove over to County General and circled it several times but didn't see her car. I pulled out but instead of heading left towards home, I went right. As I went down the boulevard I passed this restaurant that Kelli and I liked and there was her Explorer next to a black Mercedes. I almost flattened two of his tires and disabled her engine but instead walked in and saw them in a back booth, holding hands across the table.

I asked the waitress if the bar was open and she said yes. I handed her a $10 bill and asked her to bring me a double bourbon and coke, tall. I pointed to where I'd be sitting. Then I marched over to Kelli and plunked my ass down next to her, which surprised the shit out of her. She was at a loss for words as I extended my hand and said, "David, I presume. I'm Michael, Kelli's husband, at least for the time being. Probably not much longer."

The waitress brought my drink and my first taste halfway emptied the glass. So far neither of them had said a word. Then Kelli asked, "Michael, did you find us?"

I smiled and said, "I have my spies," not wanting her to know actually how I found them.

David finally spoke and said, "It's nice to meet you, Michael, Kelli has nothing but nice things to say about you."

I turned to face Kelli and said, "Yeah, but it's too bad, I'm not tall, dark, handsome, and hung like she's looking for." Kelli gasp and began crying. Michael stood and said he needed to get going. I asked him to stay so we could talk but he put a $20 bill on the table and walked out.

Kelli was huddled in the corner of the booth and I asked her, "Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie," she said.

"That's funny because your note said you were going into work today but when I called, they told me it was your day off and they hadn't seen you," I said. Her lip quivered and she began crying.

Kelli said through her sniffles, "David texted me asking to meet to talk and I knew you wouldn't believe me so I left that note. I knew you were mad at me already and I didn't want to add fuel to the fire."

I downed the second half of my drink then said, "Kelli, we need to talk at home. I'm going to follow you there. Let's get out of here." We headed out with me on her tail. Three times Kelli went through a yellow light late but I stayed with her, catching the red twice. I wasn't letting her getaway. Each time I could see her craning her neck to see if I was still behind her. We got home and we sat down at the kitchen table and I got us both bottles of water. Kelli was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. I smiled and said, "So I take it you still want him. I guess that means I'm going to have to file for divorce, doesn't it? Kelli, I can't take your lying to me."

She started to howl and said, "No, Michael, I don't want a divorce, I love you. Can't you understand that I need to find out what's driving this itch inside of me? Don't you care about my feelings? Don't you love me anymore?"

Shaking my head, I said, "My sweet darling, I have loved you ever since I first saw you that first day in high school. When we got married, we made a vow to be faithful to each other until death do us part, remember. Well, dear, I'm not dead and don't plan on it for quite some time. It seems that you can't say the same. You say you love me but if you did, you wouldn't want to go have sex with David. You never would have allowed him to see you naked or have oral sex with you. I thought maybe I could forgive you that and then today, I find you lying to me and find you with him, probably plotting to meet up with him for sex, if I'm not mistaken."

Kelli was wringing her hands and looking at the table for several minutes then finally looked up at me, saying, "Michael, it was nothing like that. We were just talking. David wanted to know how I was doing and if I had told you what we had done. When I told him that I had, he wanted to know your reaction and I had told him that you threatened to divorce me if we had sex."

He smiled and said to me, "Well, then that would make it that much easier for you to become my wife."

"That's about the time you sat down next to me." Kelli said trying to not look at me.

I looked straight into her eyes and said, "Kelly, I honestly don't believe you. I feel that you are going to go ahead and have sex with him no matter what I say, aren't you?" Then I added, "Or have you already?" She didn't answer me, she just hung her head, looking at her hands. "Fine, I guess that's my answer, isn't it!" I said as I got up.

Just then Alicia stepped into the kitchen and said, "Dad, I don't think Kelli wants to be a part of our family anymore. It seems all she wants is her black lover instead of her family. Dad, just let her go, we can get along fine without the bitch."

Kelli jumped up and was going to hit Alicia and I grabbed her arm before she could. Then she yelled at her saying, "How dare you call me Kelli instead of mom. I'm your mother and don't you forget it, young lady." It was everything I could do to hold her back from Alicia as I had both wrists held tightly.

Alicia said, "Since you think you can go screw some hung black man and have my father willingly take you back, you must be brain dead. In fact, to me you are dead. You are no longer my mother, to me you're a slut so I'll call you Kelli instead of whore or slut or should I just use those terms?" Now Kelli was really pulling trying to get at Alicia but I held her wrists firmly. Alicia looked at me and said, "Let her loose dad, I can take care of her. Remember I have four years of judo and karate under my belt. Let's see if she can take me."

That seemed to take the fight out of Kelli and she relaxed and began to sob uncontrollably. Alicia turned and walked out and I followed, I had to go to work. As soon as I got in, I was summoned to the conference room where the board of directors was meeting. It seems my two junior partners had convinced the board that we should purchase Evergreen Industries. The owner was wanting to retire. He was the sole owner and was willing to take cash down to pay off the 50 acres he was buying in Montana, and a new 4x4 truck, plus stocks in our company. He owned 4 plants in the greater Seattle area and the board wanted me to go with the two junior partners to visit all four plants and make decisions as to what we were going to do with those plants, upgrade, downsize or sell.

I really didn't want to leave right now, especially with Kelli's infatuation with David, and tried to beg off but they insisted. I tried to call Kelli but her cell phone went immediately to voicemail. Then I called Alicia and gave her the news. She said, "No, daddy. That will give her just the opportunity she wants. As soon as you leave, you know she's going to jump into bed with him, don't you?"

"There's not much I can do about that, honey," I said. "I feel your mother has already made up her mind. She thinks that it's not really cheating that it's just an itch she needs to scratch. Only that itch has torn our marriage to pieces and I don't think it can ever be put back together. What do you think?"

I could hear my daughter sniffling as she said, "Daddy, couldn't you have her committed or something. Maybe get her doctor to force her into counseling? She has to be crazy to throw your marriage out the window after all these years together." There was a long pause then she asked, "Daddy, you've never cheated on her, have you?"

"No honey," I answered. "The few times I was tempted, but I always thought of my beautiful wife and never strayed. And the longer we were married, the easier it was to say no to temptation. I really had planned on growing old with your mother."

"How long are you going to be gone?" She asked.

"Most of next week, unfortunately. We leave Sunday afternoon and don't return until Saturday mid-morning." I told my daughter.

"No, daddy. You know she's going to use that opportunity to screw him, don't you?" she cried.

I said, "Probably, I won't know unless I hire a private investigator or something."

Alicia said, "Don't worry daddy, I'll be watching her every chance I get.

It was Thursday and I really wasn't into working so I told my secretary that I was leaving for the day. As I was about to pull out of our parking lot, I remembered that Alicia loved the root beer float ice cream from the little specialty ice cream shop about two blocks away, so I made a left instead of my usual right. I was about to pull in when I saw a store just before the ice cream shop that caught my eye. I'd seen it before but hadn't really paid it much attention before. It was called iSpy, Toys That Tell It All. I pulled into their parking lot and stepped inside. The place was full of all sorts of exotic cameras and things to spy on people.

The salesman, a guy about my age came up and said, "Hi, I'm Tony. Let me guess, you think your wife is cheating on you and you want to find out for sure? Right?"

I looked at him and said, "Are you a mind reader too?

He laughed and said, "Nope, I've just seen the look on too many men like you before. It's terrible that in this day and age, it's the wives that have taken to cheating on their husbands a lot more than the other way around. On the plus side, it sure keeps my bank account happy." He smiled as he patted his cash register.

He showed me a lot of things but what I settled on was four motion-activated micro cameras that sent their signal to a receiver that would tie it to my computer and also to the cloud so I could access them at any time. I also bought a GPS tracker for Kelli's car and a program that I could install on Kelli's phone, if she hadn't changed her password, so that I would get copies of all her incoming and outgoing texts and phone calls saved to the cloud also. He also recommended a battery backup with a couple of solar panels in case of power loss. I figured what the hell as he gave me a discount for the entire package.

As I was paying for them, the salesman looked at my debit card and asked, "Mr. Grant, do you have a beautiful blond daughter named Alicia?" I was taken aback but nodded yes. "Do you know that she was in here when I opened this morning and bought several cameras herself, she said something about catching her skank mother. She didn't seem very happy about what was going on. Let me get you the frequency her cameras are on so that you can add them to your iCloud account." I stood there while he wrote the information down on my instruction booklet. I said goodbye and headed home.

Alicia was there and I walked up and gave her a big hug then asked her, "Honey, just so we don't duplicate ourselves, tell me where you hid your cameras?"

Her face had a shocked look for a second then she broke into laughter and pulled me around and showed me where she had placed them. I added mine to a few other places and then my daughter said, "You know dad, I'd bet we could make a couple of pretty good private investigators. Don't you?" as she bumped me with her hip.

That night Kelli got home late again, showered, and went straight to bed, saying she had a very rough day with three surgeries back to back. She crawled into our bed so I went into the guest bedroom, at least for the first hour. I then got up and retrieved her phone from her purse from the kitchen counter where she normally throws it. She had changed her password, damn her. So I tried her birthday, no luck, our anniversary, then James's birthday, then Alicia's. Then I remembered her parent's anniversary and bingo, it opened. I plugged her phone into my computer and uploaded the program into her phone. It took me almost 45 minutes for me to do all the updates and configure it so I could get it sent to my phone, my computer, and the cloud. Then I shut her phone off, wiped it down, put it back in her purse, then took the GPS out to her car and placed it in her trunk, behind her spare tire. I then went back to the guest bedroom and tried to get some sleep.

Kelli was gone when I got up so I called her and got her voicemail. I asked her to call me when she got a chance. I went to work but my head wasn't really into it. At lunchtime, I told my secretary that I needed to go home and pack for the trip. That was just an excuse because all my mind was seeing was images of Kelli and David in her hotel room with her naked and asking him to fuck her. God, what happened to the woman I had loved for half my life. I got into my car then headed to my bank and after pulling half out, I took my name off our joint account. I left Kelli's debit card activated but canceled her credit card. I then pulled 80% of the money out of our savings account and had them issue me a cashier's check. I was the only one putting money into it since we opened it. I took it to another bank and opened a new account.

I called my old friend and former lawyer, Ben Foster, and went over to his house. I explained my situation and he kept shaking his head and couldn't believe Kelli could do something like this. I signed a quitclaim deed and sold him 99% of my shares in the company for $1.00 with a side stipulation that once this was over, I could buy it back for no more than twice that amount and that he or his heirs couldn't sell it to anyone else without first offering it to me at that price. He also wasn't allowed to disclose the price he paid for it. He called his former secretary and she came over and notarized the documents. We shook hands then I left. I was partway home when everything hit me like a ton of bricks and I began crying. I was crying so hard I had to pull over, I couldn't see the road.

I didn't realize that this was a loading zone until this female officer tapped on my window asking me for my driver's license and registration. She could see that the front of my shirt was wet from my tears. When she asked why I had stopped and what was wrong, I blurted out the whole story. My tears kept flowing and she asked me to step to the sidewalk. She asked if I had been drinking and I smiled and said, "I wish, but no, Beautiful, I haven't had any, unless you would care to go have one with me." I chuckled a bit which seemed to stop the tears.

Officer Foster, well that's what her name tag read, said, "I don't think you really need anything to drink right now, though you could probably use some company. Besides, I don't think my husband would like it if I went with you, he's a detective on the force and kick boxes for fun." I could see myself getting trounced by a jealous husband and stepped back against my car. She smiled and said, "I do however have a younger sister that you might enjoy taking out for a few drinks tonight. She kicked out her cheating husband two years ago and I've been after her to get out of the house and have some fun. Let me give her a call."

I started to tell her not to make that call, but before I could say anything, she was talking to her sister, Cassi, telling her that she had met a nice gentleman that could use some cheering up and that I wanted to take her out for a nice dinner, dancing, and drinks. She looked at me and nodded as if to ask me if that was alright and I shrugged my shoulders and nodded yes. I heard her say, "Yes, you will go. So get fancied up and I'm going to have him pick you up at 6:30. His name is Michael Grant and his wife is cheating on him and he's going to divorce her. He's not expecting anything from you other than some good company and talk, got it, sis?"

I didn't know what to say, I had just been set up by this cute officer and didn't know whether I should be happy about it or not. She gave me Cassi's address and cell phone number and said, "Michael, treat her right. Remember, I have all your information here on my pad. I think the two of you need each other right now. So go have a little fun. OK?"

I drove home in a fog. I still hadn't heard from Kelli but Alicia was there. She could see the tear stains on my shirt and gave me a long hug and said, "Daddy, it's going to be alright. We will be fine without her, I promise."

I looked at my beautiful daughter and said, "What would you say if I told you that I was stopped by a female officer today because I had pulled over due to me crying so hard that I couldn't see where I was going. I broke down and told her the whole story then she pulled me out of the car and we talked on the curb. She wanted to know if I had been drinking and I jokingly asked her if she would like to have a drink with me. She informed me that her husband was also on the force and was also a kick boxer. Then she proceeded to call her younger sister and set me up with a date with her for tonight. Honey, I haven't been on a date with another woman, ever. Am I being a cad?"

Alicia smiled and gave me another big hug and said, "Daddy, you'd better go get cleaned up and I want you to look your best. I'm not saying I want you to jump her bones, I just want you to go have some fun. Relax and talk with this, what's her name?" I said, Cassi. "Ok, Cassi then, you take her out and enjoy yourself, Kelli has torn your heart out, our hearts really. Don't dwell on her fucking you over, only think of your date. Promise me that, please."

I looked at my daughter and said, "Alicia, my sweetness, when did you grow up and become so wise beyond your years? Without you, I think I might have crawled into a hole and died. Thank you."

Alicia asked, "Have you told James yet?" I shook my head no. "Well, tonight I'm giving him a call and he's going to get an ear full. I'm not going to pull any punches. Now get upstairs, get cleaned up and ready for your date."

I went up to my bedroom and showered, shaved, and put on a nice pair of slacks, a dress shirt, some matching penny loafers, and a sports coat to go with everything then headed downstairs to have myself a glass of wine. I still hadn't heard from Kelli though my phone showed she had texted David and it said, 'Barney's 7:00'. He had texted back, 'M P 1st. I just shook my head and shortly afterward my wife walked in and tried to give me a kiss on the cheek but I pulled away.