Kelli's Desire Ch. 06

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The bitch burns herself but life turns out great for us.
2.9k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/28/2021
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The Final Chapter

The sound of the seagulls woke me up to find Cassi cuddled up right next to me. I lay there watching her sleep, smiling with pride at my new wife. Apparently, she felt me watching her and she opened her eyes. "Good morning, Mrs. Grant," I said. She kissed me deeply. I reached for her crotch and she stopped me, hopping out of bed, heading to the bathroom. Hell, I needed to go too.

Cassi was just getting up from the toilet and I caught her with one hand as I lifted the lid then aimed and felt relief. I had pulled her tightly to me and after a quick wipe, I squeezed us together and held on to her with all my might. She melted into my arms and I swear I could feel the love flowing between the two of us. It was something I had never felt before. Cassi's eyes were piercing into my soul and if felt good. We were as one and this relationship was going to be a lasting one. We both felt it.

"Hey, Beautiful?" I asked, "Would you prefer room service or shall I run to the buffet and bring you back some of everything?"

Cassi smiled, shook her head, saying, "You know me too well already, don't you? Of course, the buffet, my love!" I really did make a quick trip, sneaking through the line ahead of others, telling them we were going to be late for our flight.

As I was heading out, I could hear the mumbling through the crowd about someone cutting in line then someone said, "He's the one that just got married last night."

Then another guy said, " I remember her. No wonder he's in such a hurry to get back to the room. Hell, she's so sexy, I would be too." At first, I was upset, then I became proud I was married to such a sexy woman. She was all mine and I didn't need to worry.

After breakfast, we went for a walk on the beach and when we returned, I brought out the cream I had gotten from Mami. "What's that?' Cassi asked.

I grinned and said, "It's a magic elixir that will take you to nirvana when you orgasm."

She gave me a funny look then said, "Michael, you already do that. Do you think we need something to enhance our love life?"

I sighed and said, 'Come on, dear, just try it once and if you don't like it, Mami said we could return it. She also said that no one had ever returned it though."

Shaking her head, Cassi said, "We'll just see about that. Now how do we use it."

I told her, "She said to apply a little inside of you and a little on my cock. Ok?"

Cassi unscrewed the lid and scooped a finger full and slid it inside of herself before I could stop her. "That's more than just a little," I told her. She removed her finger and wiped the leftover on the head of my cock. I took my two fingers and made sure the cream was rubbed into her G-spot and she noticed that my cock was rising and she said her pussy was tingling in a good way.

She scooted up on the bed and spread her legs and said, "Come on Michael, I think this is really beginning to work!"

I climbed between her legs and she guided me into her tight little pussy. Cassi immediately cried out in orgasm as she arched her ass off the bed and clawed at my back screaming, "F . . U . . C . . K . .! OH MY GOD. Oh, Oh, Oh, Fuck, Yes, Oh, Shit, Yes, Yes, So fucking good!!" Louder and louder, over and over. I thought she had orgasmed big before but she was exploding. I found myself building and orgasming but not ejaculating. I came over and over myself. My butt tightening as I felt like I was shooting deeply into my love but it was just a miraculous feeling of love coming out, no sperm or semen. We were fucking away like crazy when loud knocking at our door interrupted us. It was Lloyd and Karen. They wanted to know if we were OK.

Cassi and I slowed but we didn't stop as we smiled at each other then began laughing. Even though we had just had one of the most intense sexual experiences of our lives, I guess the idea of the sounds of our passion made people think something might be wrong. Lloyd and Karen opened our door and walked in as Cassi began orgasming again, screaming like a banshee and digging her fingernails into my back. They watched as the two of us orgasmed over and over for the next half an hour or so until we both climaxed together in what I can only describe as an earth-moving experience. We lay there for a minute then Cassi jumped out of bed, throwing on her sarong. Karen said, "Wow, that was just . . .''. Our grins said it all. They both broke into smiles and Karen said, "I don't know what got into you two but we could hear you two damn near all the way from the main compound. Michael, I think you may have a few ladies looking you up after hearing the way Cassi was cumming."

Cassi smiled, taking my hand, and said, "To tell the truth, we had a little help. Michael bought some island aphrodisiac cream that I thought was just a joke but oh, my God, that stuff is fantastic."

Lloyd's eyes went big and he asked, "Oh, where did you get it, Michael? Come on, guy. I need to know. I have to get some."

I smiled and said, "Remember Mami, that old gal that gave me the wax job? She sold me some, but only because I was getting married. She normally doesn't sell to mainlanders."

Karen turned to him and said, "Honey, we don't have time, remember, we have to catch the shuttle to the airport in an hour and a half." Then she turned to us and said, "We were coming by to say our good-byes and give you our home address, emails, and phone numbers, just in case you two ever decide to get in touch."

Just then Cassi jumped up and ran into the bathroom and we heard the water running. She came out with a small makeup jar that she had thrown away. She had washed it out and then handed it to me and said, "Honey, why don't you share some with our friends, really a little goes a long way." She then turned to them and said, "Honestly, I took a finger-full and I think that was too much. Lloyd, take a toothbrush-sized dab and rub it on her G-spot and clit, then what's leftover, rub on the head of your cock, just before you insert it. I can guarantee you will enjoy the hell out of it." I filled the small jar and it still left us with quite a lot. We hugged them and said our goodbyes.

We mostly relaxed the next two days and went sightseeing. Our nights kept the people up I'm sure, then too soon, we landed in Miami where we eventually boarded home for Los Angeles. Alicia picked us up at LAX and as we drove into our driveway, we could see curtains blowing out broken windows. Broken things thrown out on the side of the house. The side garage door was broken off its hinges. Alicia called 911 crying. "We've been robbed" I heard her say into her phone. Then she gave the dispatcher her name, the address, and my name. Then she asked, "When are you sending a patrolman over here?" There was a bit of a pause then she shrieked, "What do you mean just make a list and turn it in to you and our insurance adjuster? Aren't you even going to try to catch the crooks? . . . Really, which one are you, Larry, Moe, or Curly?" Then her line went dead.

"Give him a break, Alicia. I'm sure with all these fires, outages, accidents, and emergencies, that poor guy has been under a lot of stress," Cassi told her. Alicia rolled her eyes, gritted her teeth, and blew out her nose. Damn, she was getting more like her mother, I thought.

We walked into the house and it looked like a tornado had hit it. This wasn't a burglary, this was vandalism. Holes were punched in the wall, furniture was cut or chopped to pieces. Pictures were hacked up. The freezer was left open, both of our cars had the glass broken out and the seats cut up. The entire house was in similar condition. I called 911 again and said, This is Michael Grant at 7214 Willmer Ave. We just got home from our honeymoon and found our home had been vandalized. Can you please send over an investigating unit?"

I had gone through all that then the dispatcher said, "Sir, let me transfer you to the Sargent at the front desk. He's the one that will assign people to assist you.

So after going through all that again, I was assigned Stiles and Carson and had to explain everything again. They asked me not to go anywhere until they got there. Like I was going to leave our home wide open? Our talk was cut short by Alicia screaming. I ran to her room and she was pointing at her bed. Crying she buried her head in my chest muttering, "Daddy, they shit and pissed in my bed. Why would they do that?"

I ran my hand over her head and down her hair over her shoulder. "I really don't know Sweetheart. I guess they're just animals, just animals."

Through her tears, Alicia said, "Animals that should be caged or shot." I held her and nodded then held her tightly. I looked over my shoulder and Cassi was leaning against the door frame, smiling at us. I motioned her over and put one arm around my new wife.

As if an alarm had gone off, Alicia jumped away and said, "Daddy, are your cameras still working?" Hell, I had forgotten about them really. The three of us rushed to my, I guess now I'll have to call it our den again, and I turned on my computer. I opened the program and it took three tries but I finally remembered the password and we got it open and thankfully I had partitioned it so we could start on the day they lost power. The cameras, server, and cloud computer are on a battery converter that's charged by solar panels so it will run for years without any maintenance thank goodness. The Wednesday nothing but we figured the battery in the alarm system would still be active, at least for 20 to 24 hours the guy assured me when I bought it. Thursday afternoon, a crash turned on the kitchen camera. A smaller figure, covered in black, was crawling through the broken kitchen window. It, he or she, unlocked the back door and a much larger vandalizer walked in.

Alicia said it first, "Daddy, that's my bitch of a mother and David dickhead. Don't tell me it isn't."

Then I heard Kelli's voice saying, "See David, I told you the alarm battery would be dead after 24 hours without power. Now I'm going to fix Michael and that bitch that stole him from me."

I was sure it was them but a jury would need more proof and I told her that. We fast-forwarded through them smashing things up, pulling water hoses into the house and leaving the water running, urinating and defecating on Alicia's bed then as luck would have it, the two of them pulled off their masks and their black outfits and fucked like crazy on what used to me my marital bed. I watched as after he unloaded at least three loads of cum into her, she managed to drip it on my picture, onto the mattress where Cassi and I would lay our heads and in the center of the bed. Then they both pissed on the bed, and after they dressed, Kelli threw some of Cassi's nail polish remover in the center of the bed and threw a match on it. David was using the toilet at the time and saw the flames when he came out. He heard Kelli heading down the stairs so he threw the comforter over the flames, I think he was hoping they would douse them and ran after her. I guess he wasn't that bad or we'd have nothing to come back to, though it wasn't much.

I found a thumb drive and copied the video to it. Just in time as Stiles and Carson walked into the mess of the ages. Alicia rushed down to meet them and told them that we had caught the vandals for them. These two didn't look old enough to drink, let alone to be investigating vandalism like this.

Alicia had them sit in the kitchen and I met them at the table with my laptop. I opened it up and asked, "Would you gentlemen like to watch it from the thumb drive I had my daughter give you or may we watch it here on my laptop. It's up to you. They pointed to my laptop so I played the video to them, showing Kelli and David destroying our home. It then showed them getting naked and fucking and Kelly taking a picture of me and pissing on it and then dripped David's cum on my face. I asked the officers, "How would you like an ex-wife like that?" They both closed their eyes shaking their heads.

I showed them the videos I still had that Mrs. Jeffery's investigator took of Kelli and Mr. Jeffery's, I fast-forwarded them to the part where Kelli was meeting up with Dr. David Patterson. The two of them both said, "We need a copy of that to go with our report."

I smiled and said, "Ok, boys, now that you know who the guilty parties are, how would you like to put the icing on the cake?" They gave me a funny look.

Cassi smiled a crooked smile and said, "You are, aren't you?"

I nodded and pulled out the restraining order. They went over it then turned and high-fived each other, then me. David and Kelli were arrested within the hour and the judge that issued the restraining order, upon finding out what they were arrested for, requested the case and denied bail, calling them a flight risk.

The insurance company hired a contractor to basically deconstruct the house and re-build it. There was so much damage that walls and the foundations were damaged by water hoses left running they had to be torn out and rebuilt. Kelli had so much hate in her for me not allowing her to have her sexual romps yet resume the role of the perfect wife to everyone else, she wanted to destroy what was once our family home. The total cost came to close to three-quarters of a million dollars. The insurance company sued Dr. David Patterson and Kelli James Patterson and were awarded the full amount, though I doubted I'd ever collect because on top of the year for violating the restraining order that Kelli got, the judge gave them 5 years for vandalism and 3 years for breaking and entering. Kelli was given 2 years more for attempted arson. With good behavior, she could be out in 8½ years, and David in 5.

Cassi and I didn't care. Once our new house was done, we sold it for over the asking price. Within a month, a top-of-the-line motor coach was ours and Cassi's home was closing. Alicia was over for dinner and cried the whole time she was there. Then she said, "I guess it's not so bad. The new house isn't the same as our old one. Besides, now instead of the good memories, I still see the wreck that my mother made of our home. She really didn't give a damn about us, did she?" We both held her until she was calm enough to go to sleep.

Our lawyer made arrangements so that once released, Dr. Patterson's pay was to be garnished every time he started a new job and they would be taking 50% of his pay. We took 1/3 of the profits from the sale of my old house and set up a trust fund for Alicia to pay for college, her wedding, and possibly a home after she settled down and became married. I felt she deserved some compensation for her mother tearing apart our family.

After 15 months of touring this lovely country of ours, Cassi and I decided on Coos Bay, Oregon as where we wanted to settle down. We bought a 10-acre parcel and had an architect design the perfect home for us nestled back among the trees. We were close enough that we could take our bikes or a golf cart to the beach. The large shop we built to house our new 45-foot boat and the 70 Hemi GTX I was going to rebuild, also had a two-bedroom guest suite in case we had visitors that wanted some privacy.

Cassi's painting is getting much better and I love taking pictures of her for the day she finally decides to do her self-portrait. You know, life can turn out alright.

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Psychman24Psychman243 months ago

This was entertaining but didn't really seem believable after awhile. The wife is a total slut, has been carrying on an affair long term, barely has any relations with husband anymore, and claims the doctor is so much better. Why on earth does she fight the divorce, what is keeping her connected to her husband ? She obviously hasn't cared about him in forever. After the divorce it makes no sense that the two lovers destroy the house, risk ing their high level medical jobs. Why would she have any expectation that husband would stay with her and why would she care? The doctor has just ended his marriage cuz his wife is cheating and he immediately goes and does it to another guy? Not much compassion there! And he falls in love with a rebound woman whom he already knows is a cheater, great judgment there! The daughter is a complete slut already and is well on her way to filling her mothers shoes, or panties! The MC is coming out of a traumatic end to long term marriage and has trust issues. So he immediately marries the first woman he's with even though he barely know her. And to top that off he arranges a swinging vacation so that they can tempt themselves with fucking other people. Talk about playing with fire! I wouldn't bet on that marriage lasting. Also after all the time spent getting to know the wife's family we don't get any feedback on how they react to the cheating and divorce drama? That should have been included in the wrap up.

HarleyRider1955HarleyRider1955about 1 year ago

I Agee with some of the comments. It al.ost seems like a different writer took over. Michael and Cassi were cheated on and were conservative. All of a sudden, Michael is planning a marriage at Hedonism II and talking about sharing Cassi. Then their swapping. What was a good story crashed and burned.

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayover 1 year ago

Seriously, did another author take over after chapter two? What a crock.

davezqdavezqover 1 year ago

Well, OK. But that Kelli the nurse would become the unrestrained vandal, and that Patterson the doctor would do it with her, violating laws that might also put his medical license into jeopardy, was all pretty preposterous. All the things I object to are signs of an inexperienced author, but one with potential. Best thing to do is keep writing.

Busman19639Busman19639almost 2 years ago

This is a great little story but way to wordy and drifts around a lot.

6King6Kingalmost 2 years ago

That went to shit. ⭐⭐

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 2 years ago started out pretty good.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 2 years ago

Stupidity times 6.

RanDog025RanDog025over 2 years ago

Great story! 5 BIG STARS. I grew up in Coos Bay on the outer part called Bunker Hill just before you cross over the Slough. Also lived in Roseburg, county seat of Douglas County, during my First Marriage, which is the Tiber Capitol of the World. Now in Grants Pass Oregon. Small world we live in!

Kimmy97Kimmy97almost 3 years ago

I skipped most of part 5, because I didn't want to read about them with other people. The cream was interesting. I suspect that Alicia is going to be using some soon.

Part 6 also seemed rushed. I didn't like that a Dr and nurse broke in and caused all that damage.

So far, never in this series, has Kelli felt true remorse for her actions, she has never seen a psychologist or sought counseling. But lashes out like this is over the top.

If this series goes on. And I hope it does.

I would like to see and a meeting between Michael and Kelli. During or after her counseling. And finally explain her behavior.

David should have already dumped her. She crazy. You can't rewrite the vandalism scene. I find it hard that anyone would help her do that. Especially a respected doctor. Her pussy can't be that good. Also there was no one angry or upset with Kelli for her destroying her family. Her mom and dad, Uncle Hal.

I would like my buddy, the sexy Alicia, tease her dad some more, like she did on movie night with Cassi. I would like it if she slipped into the bed with him. He ofcourse, thinks it's Cassi, reaches in the nightstand gets some of the Mami cream and uses it. Giving Alicia the absolute greatest orgasm of her life.

Only if you must, and only after they have sex, can you make Alicia the result of one of Kelli's affairs. Michael will have to confess to Cassi, because of his character. But, Cassi understands and reveals she knew it was eventually was going to happen, because of the way Alicia acted and flaunted her hot, beautiful, young body for her daddy, on movie night. In fact Cassi may have even helped make it happen. That's pretty hot. But as this is in the loving wives category, you will need to circle back to Kelli. Maybe Kelli seeks to destroy Cassi by setting her up somehow. Getting her in a compromising situation. Somehow giving her an STD, and having county health dept. to contact her partners, ie Michael. And if whatever plan she has fails. She may have to resort to murder or suicide.

Whatever happens take your time, and don't rush the story.

I really do appreciate you sharing your stories with us readers, and allowing us to comment. I hope you don't think I'm being too critical and attempting to put you down. Because I'm not. I'll shut up now. Thx

Rancher46Rancher46almost 3 years ago

The last chapter finally settled into a happily ever after, with the ex getting burned big time. The only hope would be that Michael and Cassi would stick with their wedding vows and live happily ever after

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 3 years ago

So while all of this happened, there was no mention of his son, James, except that Alicia planned to call him. So he’s at college, that didn’t have to make him a ghost for the story. Unless he’d been fucking Kelli, one would expect some kind of reaction.

TajfaTajfaabout 3 years ago

This seemed to be several stories mashed up into one. What happened to the great relationship he had with the general? What happened to the cheaters relationship with her family? Why didn't he sit down with her to ask her why? He was painted as an honorable one woman man but goes to hedonism. What was all the military stuff for in part one? What mother would masterbate in front of her daughter? What made her decide to come clean about her wanting to fuck the doctor after so many secret affairs? This could have been three decent individual stories but as I said above it seemed you had several stories and wanted them out quickly.

argeelogargeelogabout 3 years ago

What ever happened when Alicia told "Uncle James" about what Kelly had done ?

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

You burned her pretty well, but much too late to save this story. I removed , not that you would care, from my favorite authors after the first chapter. I'll keep reading your work, hoping to find something to favor again.

CreeperclawCreeperclawabout 3 years ago

I'm confused on why she'd bother with this. The truth had already come out and it was just a destructive/vindictive act done with no real reason. Her relationships with her family was tarnished and the guy who promised to marry her seemed still into her so why not just cut the losses?

Especially considering that she was never faithful to her ex anyway. Keli's logic doesn't really make sense to me. I usually love a good btb ending but this one felt a bit shoehorned in, her going hedonistically crazy as a sex crazed divorcee and catching something or being unable to keep a new man for very long seems more feasible as a punishment.

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

Ended up a stupid story.

Down from 5/5 in earlier chapters to 2/5.

The last few chapters destroyed the story completely.

You literally lost the plot. LOL!!!!

Scores 2/5

Buck1974Buck1974about 3 years ago

The story wasn’t to bad but it was completely ruined by this Lloyd and Karen garbage. The story didn’t need it the story was fine until the garbage in chapter 5 . You are a very talented writer but I have to say you really ruined this what could have been a fantastic story. This is what you have done is gone from a very talented BTB story writer. To a complete fool which you don’t deserve. You write about BTB stories and then you turn into a cuckold writer who loves swinging/sharing crap what gives?. You are either a BTB writer or a cuckold/sharing/swinging/cheating lover writer you can’t be both make up your mind. BTB writers work hard to get where they are and earn tons of respect from me and other readers . You started off with great stories about BTB they you go and write a 2 faced story like this . Please if you are going to continue writing BTB stories then I can’t wait to check your stories out again. But if you are going to start writing awful cuckold/cheating/swinging/sharing tell us now so we can stop reading your stories. I’m just so sad you ruined chapter 5 of these stories I did notice you tried to pull it back from the dead in this chapter but have to say it that it was all to late . The damage to what was a great story was done with the garbage you wrote in chapter 5 why? ??

SikemSikemabout 3 years ago

I do not understand the point of the final installment. But maybe that is just me.

Giving the creme to a third party against the wishes of its creator demonstrates the lack of integrity. I do not like the main characters, nor respect them. They really are not good people.

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