All Comments on 'Kim and Klark Ch. 01'

by JackofallOrbits

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Sirspet0619Sirspet0619about 5 years ago
Very nice

Easy to read and liked the flow. I'm hoping it's gets a little hot and heavy. Will like to see how they grow together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Not bad for 1st effort....

Chapter 2 needs to let Kim and Klark progress, and move to 2nd Base!! LOL

More POV from Kim would help too....slow and easy is a different but still refreshing way to start....keep up the short, descriptive prose!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
sweet and wonderful

reminded me of my first, made me so wet!

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I've been interested in writing fiction for a decade, and a friend finally convinced me to give it a shot, even if it's just a hobby. If I get really good at it maybe it could grow into more than a hobby, but that's way far in the future. Critique and deconstruct my work so I ...