Knee High


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Timothy reached out and gave this blonde a squeeze on one her boobs and finds they ain't nothing but foam rubber. He's bouncing his ass on that car's seat, this girl was really going to town sucking and slurping and stroking Timothy's dick. Timothy reached down to get himself some stink finger and finds a dick bigger than his own in this blonde's drawers.

Turns out Jenny Lou was actually Louis Jennings. Timothy and Louis had gone to Lincoln High together; Timothy sitting right in front of Louis for most of the time. Timothy arrested Louis, drug him in and locked him in the cell. Stupid thing to do; he couldn't very well bring no charges against Louis; remember? He'd agreed to the blow job for the ticket. And Louis told me and Cathy Sue what had happened.

So now, Cathy Sue loves giving Timothy a bunch of shit about Jenny Lou. Truthfully? Jenny Lou is mighty cute. Louis Jennings? Boy looks like a goofball, face all puffy and stuff. And he's way too short.

"Want go on to the picture show?" I asked Cathy Sue as we both signed ourselfs out.

"Yeah, they got air conditioning," Cathy Sue agreed, buttoning up her uniform shirt. "Pick me up 'bout twenty minutes, okay?"

Cathy Sue got out her uniform and put on a skirt and sweater. 'Who's Afraid Of Virginia Wolf?' is a great picture. Ought be an Oscar winner, I tell you. And, yeah, that air conditioning does feel good. And afterward, we went on to the Krystal for a couple them burgers and chocolate malted milkshakes. That air conditioning and the malted was why Cathy Sue put on that sweater. Said she'd been freezing if she hadn't.

On the way back, we pulled off Henderson and got into the bed of my pickup. Cathy Sue Just hiked up her skirt; girl ain't bothered putting on no drawers.

"Ain't got time for none that; mosquitoes 'bout kill me out here," Cathy sue said when I went to lap up her honey pot.

With a spit on the head of my pole, Cathy Sue just squatted on over me and slid me right up in her. Look, when I'd hired her on, it was 'cause we needed her there. I ain't never said to myself, 'I'm going hire first cute girl comes in so I can have myself some sweet little honey to fuck.'

I don't rightly know how it happened, that I wound up married to Paula Whitaker. But there was her and there was me and Good Lord, she did know how to suck dick. And my Suburban did get to rocking.

Oh, yeah, now I remember. There was her, and there was me, and we did that shit of pulling out and squirting into a handkerchief and Paula come up and told me somehow that hadn't worked. So I done the right thing and put on a suit and tie and she wore this light blue dress cost me seventeen dollars. Ugliest seventeen dollar dress I ever seen too.

Said she miscarried. I done the right thing, said the right words and held Paula while she cried. I wanted ask her, 'now that you ain't pregnant, you going lose some them pounds you done packed on?' But I kept my mouth shut and patted her head and shoulders and back some more.

Cathy Sue bounced up and down, pretty little eyes squeezed tight. I was getting close and I could tell by her gasping and squeaking she was getting real close too. When I couldn't hold back no more, I quit squeezing her little titties and gave her love button a quick little rub. That made her eyes and mouth open real big and then she screamed.

After we got done with the shaking and screaming, she got off and kept her skirt hiked up and jumped out the back. I could hear her grunting and moaning and knew she was relieving herself, right there, on the side of the road. Anyone coming along could have seen her, hunkered down by the truck, relieving herself. I used my handkerchief wipe my pole clean then found myself a tree to water.

"That was, oh man, that was just..." Cathy Sue giggled as we got back on Henderson heading home.

"Yeah, it was," I agreed. "Hey, Kitten, I love you, you know that?"

"Well, I love you too," she said, putting her head up against me.

"Hey, think maybe next time, we might try, you know, doing it the other way?" I asked.

Love me or not, Cathy Sue weren't one bit happy I asked her that. She hauled off and punched me, even though I'm driving, then slid all the way over. We got to her Momma's, she don't even wait for me put the truck in park before she's out the truck running to the steps of the trailer.

I made it to my trailer just when Roland Allen's signing himself in. Lot of folk around here don't cotton one bit to me having us a colored man in uniform, and the fact he's carrying a gun just gives them fits. But Miss Kandi's boy is a mighty fine police officer, and truthfully? I'd rather have him behind me than Buddy, or Timothy.

And Roland takes him all kind of shit down at Miss Kandi's too. Some of them colored boys call him and uppity nigger and some the older coloreds call him an 'Uncle Tom' for working for a white sheriff. But Miss Kandi makes sure her boy's uniforms are nice and starched up and them shoes, you could comb your hair looking into the shine on them shoes.

"Women, Roland, women," I said when I come in. "They ain't worth the trouble, you hear?"

"Uh huh, but they mighty pretty," Roland agreed.

And right when Timothy come out the kitchen, carrying his cup of coffee, Roland said, "Even that Jenny Lou."

"Aw, fuck you, nigger," Timothy snarled.

"Officer Hill? Sign out and go on home," I ordered. "And afore you put that badge on again? Better have you an apology, hand written, hear?"

I told Roland let me catch a quick shower and I'd sign myself in on duty with him. Timothy signed himself out, but kept his mouth running whole time 'bout it weren't right.

After my shower, I put my boots on again. I tell you, I'll be mighty glad when they get broke in; they are pinching hell out of my fat toes.

This come in couple minutes ago," Roland said, handing me a note when I come into the kitchen to grab myself a cup of coffee.

A statewide bulletin had been put out for one Samuel Brodt Lott III, AKA Trey Lott, wanted for armed robbery and murder. He liked holding up liquor stores and killing the people that worked there or was unlucky enough be there when he come in.

"Well, since this here's a dry county, don't think we got worry about Trey Lott hitting us, huh?" I said, still studying the bulletin.

Samuel Brodt Lott III was the only son and third child of Sammy Junior and Virginia Evans, now Virginia Lott. At only twenty years old, the boy already had him a pretty good rap sheet included burglary and breaking and entering and even rape. Now, he'd graduated on up to robbery and murder and likes using an old Colt.45 when holding up them liquor stores. Said the car he was driving was a white Cadillac Eldorado, a 1963 model.

"Well make sure Buddy and Cathy Sue, and Timothy ever come back in here? Make sure they keep their eyeballs on any white Cadillac Eldorado they see coming through," I said. "Good Lord, this coffee is shit; you made this?"

"No sir," Roland smirked at me. "Us niggers? We know how make us some coffee, hear?"

I just shook my head at him and tuck the car out on patrol. I put the windows down and let the breeze cool me down as I drove. As I drove, I couldn't help but think of my failed marriage and my failing relationship with Cathy Sue, Kitten. Even after she miscarried, or claimed she'd miscarried, I still weren't real convinced Paula had ever been with child, that woman couldn't keep the trailer clean. She couldn't be bothered iron up my uniforms. Her cooking weren't nothing brag 'bout neither. Seemed only thing she done good was fuck and suck and spend money on shit we ain't needed.

'Search For Tomorrow' was blaring when I locked Jimmy Finnegan up for being stupid. That weren't the charge; he was wanted in the county over for jimmying open couple coin boxes at a laundry-mat and running off, pockets weighed down and jingling. Still had him almost twenty bucks just 'bout pull his pants off when I grabbed him.

The jail was in the front half of the trailer and me and Paula lived in the back half. But that wasn't no reason have that television up that loud. After telling Jimmy be a good boy and sit, I marched back there to tell Paula turn it down.

And caught her, laying back on my couch, with them ugly pillows and that afghan thing her momma knitted for us a wedding present, some guy huffing and puffing and bouncing on her. A well-aimed kick stopped his bouncing and started him screaming. And started Paula's crying and lying.

Like I told you, Earl stepped up and tuck Paula off my hands. Judge hadn't even finished saying we was divorced before Earl turned Paula Smith into Paula Steubbens. I know that corn squeezings Miss Kandi sells can rot out your liver. Didn't know corn squeezings could also rot out your brain too.

When I come back in from patrol, I sent Roland off do a little patrolling. Then I flipped open my latest copy of Swank. Don't know how much Swank pays them girls, but it's got be a whole bunch. They are some of the prettiest girls I ever seen, and to think they smile like that, looking all naughty like that.

Cathy Sue is mighty pretty too and got her a sweet little backside, and a honey pot got just a little bit of blonde hair on it. Her smile just lights up that sweet face and well, damn it, I really love her. I think I was in love with her even afore she put her mouth on my dick. Wish she weren't so riled up whenever I ask maybe we could fuck the other way. Hell, it ain't nothing unnatural wanting do it the other way.

Figure Toni Hill gave Timothy a pretty good earful. He had his handwritten apology for Roland afore Buddy waddled in for his shift. I tell you, Roland Allen is more of a man than me or Buddy or Timothy. He nodded his head once and offered Timothy his hand. Ain't no way I'd been that willing shake any man's hand after he called me a nigger.

I handed Buddy the bulletin 'bout Trey Lott before he drove off to Happy Café. When Cathy Sue came in, still looking mighty pissed, I had her look the bulletin over. Then I walked down to my bedroom and pulled off my boots. Man, my feet hurt mighty bad, I tell you that.

I couldn't been sleeping five minutes when Cathy Sue was shaking me hard. But when she told me Jonesy had called in, saying there was a white Cadillac with a couple bullet holes out front of Lester's Phillips 66, engine smoking bad, I was wide awake.

"Get Buddy on the radio?" I asked, feeling around for my boots.

"No sir," Cathy Sue said. "Remember? He had get that tooth pulled at eleven today."

"How nice of him even show up," I said.

Of course Buddy couldn't wait 'til Thursday, his day off go have his tooth pulled. And I'm willing bet you, he used the patrol car go to Dr. Delue's office.

If this was Trey Lott at the Phillips 66, any sign of a police car would have him coming out, guns blazing. I pulled on my good dress shirt and tucked my.32 snub nose into my khakis, right at my back. Cathy Sue grabbed the twice barreled 12 gauge and made sure there were two shells loaded. I couldn't help but smile; gun was 'bout as long as she was.

We got into my pickup and drove straight to the gas station. I pulled up on the other side of the pump from the Cadillac. Looked like Trey run into some liquor store owner weren't willing let Trey run off free and clear. I counted four holes on the driver's side had come from a mighty big gun.

Cathy Sue got out and closed the breech on her shotgun. I honked the horn and waited for Lester or Eugene, Lester's assistant to come out and pump the gas. I watched in my rear view mirror and Cathy Sue made it to the back of the diner. When I seen that, I gave another honk and yelled out for service.

"Dang it, Lester, I know you getting old," I yelled, getting out of my truck. "But can't tell me you can't hear me honking."

I stepped into the service bay, still complaining. And that's when I saw Trey Lott, holding a gun to poor Eugene's head. Lester was trying his hardest get Mrs. Kelvin's Chevrolet fixed up; figure Trey was planning on driving out in Mrs. Kelvin's 1959 Bel Air.

"Need just take a seat there," Trey said to me.

"Aw hey, now!" I said, putting my hands up and walking backward real slow like. "Look, I don't want no trouble, okay?"

"No, just take a seat," Trey ordered.

"No," I said, pulling my snub nose out. "Put the gun down and kick it on over to me, hear?"

"I don't think so," Trey smiled, pulling Eugene in front of him.

"Okay, that stops my bullet," I agreed. "But don't stop my partner from getting you, now do it?"

"You don't have no partner," Trey smiled real big. "I been watching you whole time."

I think he 'bout pissed himself when he felt Cathy Sue's shotgun right at his back. She weren't real gentle neither when she jammed it into his back, right above his belt line. Eugene and her was cousins, grew up right next door to each other.

"Let him go, put the gun down real slow, then kick it on over to me," I ordered again. "Samuel Lott, you're under arrest."

Cathy Sue gave him another nudge with her shotgun. Trey decided he'd better listen on up and let go of Eugene. Boy started crying right there; Cathy Sue had give him a good push with her foot get Eugene out the way so I could cuff our prisoner.

"Oh good grief," Trey spat when he got his first look at Cathy Sue. "Hey, Dopey, where's Snow White?"

"Careful, boy, or I'll let Kitten there be the one drive you on over to the courthouse," I said.

"I can't believe; a midget? You got a God damned midget cop?" Trey kept up with his mouth.

He did shut up when Cathy Sue jammed the barrels of that gun into his mouth. Cut up his upper lip and loosened one of his teeth; she weren't least bit gentle with that gun.

Once we had him behind bars, we called it in to the next county over, where they had the courthouse. Told them where they could pick up the Cadillac; they said they'd send out a tow truck. They wanted bring Trey Lott, Samuel Brodt Lott III too; they wanted be the ones tell Carl Sanders they'd been the ones apprehend the wanted man. They weren't too happy when I told them we'd already filled out the paperwork and called it in to the State office.

Course, minute he was behind bars, Trey Lott started in with his loud mouth again. Called Cathy Sue midget and dwarf and shrimp; even asked her if her pussy smelled like shrimp.

"Hey, Cathy Sue? Think I need go on patrol," I said loudly. "Now, that boy tries escaping? Fill him full of buckshot, hear?"

"You wouldn't dare," Trey said. "I got rights."

"And as an officer of the court? Cathy Sue's got the right to defend herself against a dangerous criminal, 'specially one trying escape our jail," I smiled.

"It do look like he's thinking 'bout trying escape," Cathy Sue said, shotgun in hand.

When Buddy finally managed drag himself in, I made him go drive Mr. Lott to the courthouse. Whenever I have go to the dentist? I get terrible bad headaches from that laughing gas they give me. So, I knew Buddy's head had be hurting real bad. And, just as I'd figured, he'd drove the patrol car to Dr. Delue's office; Buddy wanted use other car.

"Why, Buddy? Don't tell me you 'bout out of gas there," I said. "Well, guess you better figure on putting in some gas now."

After Mr. Lott and Buddy left, Cathy Sue all of a sudden starts crying. Guess it just kind of hit her; we'd had us a killer holding a gun on her cousin Eugene and it could have gone real bad. I hugged her real tight and kissed her.

"Need go shave that ugly mug of yours," she said, wiping where my whiskers had scratched her pretty face.

"Hey, you the one waking me up from my beauty sleep there," I said.

"And you need you plenty beauty sleep," she agreed.

"Hey, I love you, you know that?" I said.

"I love you too," she agreed.

"You think, maybe you and me, we might ought get married?" I asked.

"You ain't joking?" she asked, mouth hanging open.

"Serious as they get," I said.

We had the State send in a couple officers; all us was over at Redemption Baptist Church on Henderson for the wedding. I know Buddy and Timothy and Bernard all got pretty bent out of shape when I had Roland as my best man. Hell, even Reverend Horten weren't too happy about having a colored man in his church, but as many times I caught him over at Miss Kandi's, drunk off that corn squeezings and getting him some colored pussy? Reverend Horten knew he just needed keep his mouth shut. 'Specially with his wife not but fifteen feet away, playing that organ.

Jonesy kept his mouth shut too. No matter what Governor Sanders and Governor-elect Maddox were saying, LBJ had signed the Civil Rights Act and weren't no way Jonesy could refuse have Roland in Happy Café. After Cathy Sue and I cut the cake and had our wedding supper, we went on up to Chattanooga for our honeymoon. And, yeah, Buddy and Timothy were pretty bent out of shape when I left Roland in as acting Sheriff. But, I figure they'll get over their little snit when Eugene and Lester put in the new window unit in the squad room.

I'd bought up two them units; one for the front office, and the other one for our bedroom. That's my wedding present for my beautiful bride. The one for the bedroom. The one for the squad room, that's for all us.

In our hotel room, I helped Cathy Sue get out of her dress. She sure did make a beautiful wife, standing there naked except them stockings and garter belt and high heeled shoes. I didn't even know they made high heeled shoes that small.

"Hey, now that we married, think maybe we might try do it, you know, fuck the other way?" I suggested as I got out of my suit.

"Damn it, why you got be like that?" she screamed at me, even throwing one them tiny shoes at me.

"Honey, what?" I asked. "You don't want babies?"

"Well, yeah, but, still," she screamed, throwing the other shoe at my head. "Why you can't just be happy I let you..."

"Well, if we want us some babies, sooner or later you going have let me fuck that pussy of yours," I argued.


I know I'm sawing on the branch I'm sitting on, submitting anything for the Loving Wives category. Good Lord, some of the comments left by readers are just downright cruel. But, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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Cracker270Cracker2704 months ago

First, very well written. Second you captured the civil rights era South. Thank you

miket0422miket042211 months ago

At first I was going to complain that the author was all over the place with his story telling. There was no continuity to the order in which events were related to us.

As I continued in with the story the stream of consciousness manner in which it was being told started to make sense.

The Sheriff's way of thinking and talking is a lot like mine. Random thoughts intrude, they seem important right in the moment so you go with them. Realistically they're unrelated to the other thoughts and are tangents at best. Throw in the sense of humor, the subtle yet witty comments and observations. Very effective and unique manner of story telling.

Almost spit my drink out when it's finally revealed that him and Kitten have been having anal sex all along and his suggestion that they "do it the other way" was actually suggesting that they have normal vaginal sex. That was a cute and unexpected reveal at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hey, anyone knocking this story just doesn't have an ounce of humor in them. Good job!! I'm glad you confronted your fears and posted this little gem here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Was totally hating it at first. I appreciated the dialect, it was believable hillbilly (at least to me, a northerner), but tough to read and follow ...... but before I realized it I was actually smiling and enjoying it. But the last line was like the punchline in a long joke and I actually spit out my coffee. Touche. (and I think the crazies out there bemoaning this as racism are probably the same nutjobs who burn books. This was a period piece you collective ass-hats!)

Driven2ReadDriven2Readover 1 year ago

That was one fine piece of story telling -- my dad's family was all from coal-country in Kentucky. My grandfather was involved in the Harlan County coal wars. This was like going back to old-home week visiting family up in the holler ... had to walk into the last 1/4 mile because the road didn't reach the house. The world has changed, I like to think we've improved, but this is the 1960's and you got a good feel for how it was then. I agree with others, the end was damn funny. 5* all the way!

And BTW to the faux virtue signaling anony: This isn't 2021 (or later) this story is early 1960's and the language, words and thoughts were from there. You can shove your faux angst and remember it's not the words, it's you're reactions to them that allow insult. Just because we've gotten better and learned to measure words, and the feeling they evoke, if you hide from what happened in the past and are afraid to tell truthfully how it was, well it's just hiding from reality because you can't handle it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This manner of racist filth belongs only in the inner pages of the Oath Breaker and Whiney Boys newsletters

Omegaman56Omegaman56over 1 year ago

Hey those hotels up on look out mountain and Rock city and Ruby falls had vibrating beds for a dime

QuadChromaQuadChromaover 1 year ago

I enjoyed the story, but it was really the ending punch line that pushed it to five stars.

teedeedubteedeedubalmost 3 years ago

Well, you lit up the comments from the DFanons!! I miss the 60's. Great story.......... I was gonna rate it a 4 but after reading some of the comments, I made it a 5.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Previous anon is crazy,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

@Schwanze1, I don't have the time it would require to educate you, you matter too little to bother about and it seems you're beyond help anyway, so this comment won't be long. Your childish insults and simplistic mindset doesn't sway me from my position. Judging from your comments, you don't have the experience or the intelligence to make nuanced arguments about racial issues. Any white person to use the term 'nigger' in 2021 is a vile racist. Point blank period. Deal with it. It was inappropriate and unnecessary for this author to have used that word. Anyone arguing the point is suspect.


Your false equivalences make no sense. To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1960 NOT in 2021, and its purpose was to tackle discrimination as a theme. The Randy Newman song you refer to was written in 1974, NOT 2021. Your examples are as nonsensical as your mind.


History happened. I suggest you go read about it critically. History is meant to be studied, contextualised and learned from. It's NOT there so that old poisonous slurs and mindsets can be reused generation after generation.


Schwanze1, if you want to see a real moron, do the following: 1, Get up and walk into the sleeping area of the basement you dwell in. 2, Pick up a mirror. 3, Look in the mirror. All done. Reread the instructions slowly if they were too difficult for you to understand the first time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Loved the story, lotta Laughs but lotta truth in it too. Author used the vernacular of the day, adds to the tale. LP

ImpossiblefutureImpossiblefuturealmost 3 years ago

Would have been 5 stars, but due to using the word Nigger in a time when BLM is everywhere I find the inappropriate use of it wrong

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


Yes, lets please use the convenience of anomalies to cherry pick data and castigate the south.

I didn't cite references on purpose; neither did you. how bout this: your numbers are dead wrong according to UCR; in fact, NYC had the 2cd highest homicide rate in the nation for 2020 for cities of 250,000 plus (numbers for Detroit, Memphis, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, and Fort Worth were unavailable) {UCR as of sept 2020}. I will agree that the South isn't without its problems. My point is that jerks like you cant wait to legitimize your bias. I suspect this is foolish, but if you're willing to look at the legit sourced data, look at the reasons for the spikes in homicide for 2021. You must be high to believe homicide rates haven't spiked in cities like Portland, Chicago, NYC. Ask someone who just left NYC; I have. Baltimore? same reason-high crime. why bother with irrationality...

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