Knowing Your Strength

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An angel touched him.
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 08/18/2014
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*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in sexual activity are at least 18 years of age.

Chapter 1

Jason Breaux looked over at Rachael Thibodeaux and sighed. At the front of the classroom, Coach Dumas was droning on and on about some French King and the politics that led to the French Revolution and who cares?

The scrawny eighteen year old tried to pay attention but again felt his eyes being drawn to the attractive blonde cheerleader.

As if she knew she was being watched, Rachael slowly uncrossed her long tanned legs and crossed them again, her short cheerleading skirt riding up to expose more of her thighs.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Because they were having a pep rally in the gymnasium, their day was shortened by an hour.

"Dude, what the fuck you looking at, huh?" Harrison Smith, Rachael's boyfriend demanded, shoving Jason back into his seat.

"Nothing, I was just..." Jason stammered.

"Calling my girlfriend 'nothing,' huh?" Harrison sneered an shoved Jason again.

"Mr. Smith, there a problem?" Fred Dumas called out.

"No sir, Coach," Harrison smiled.

"Keep your fucking eyes the fuck off my girlfriend, bitch," Harrison demanded and spun around.

Jason blinked back his tears; the last shove had been very hard. He also hated being so scrawny and weak.

Entering the hallway, Jason went to his locker and gathered the books he would need for homework. He heard them before he saw them; high pitched happy squeals.

He turned in time to see Rachael's cute ass swishing past, along with Amy's bone thin buttocks and Dana's full bottom.

"What the fuck I tell you? Huh? Keep them fucking eyes..." Harrison snapped, slamming Jason's locker door on the boy's hand.

"And that's one detention for you, Mr. Smith," Fred's voice boomed out. "Oh, and uh, don't bother dressing out; you're not playing in tonight's game. I do not let bullies play for the Avengers."

"But Coach..." Harrison protested.

"Better have Sister Lucy look at that; might need some ice on it," Coach Dumas murmured, examining Jason's hand.

Jason could not answer, his eyes streaming tears of pain and of frustration.

Sister Lucy held an ice pack to the boy's hand for five minutes, and then dismissed the student to the pep rally.

Entering the gym, Jason made his way to the seniors' bleachers. Several of the males glared at him; Harrison having informed them of his removal from that evening's game. Harrison's version of the story made Jason out to be the entire instigator of the altercation, thus the entire reason the Avengers were doomed to lose against the DeGarde Bulldogs.

"Two bits, four bits, six bits a dollar! All for the Avengers, stand up and holler!" the cheerleaders screamed, extolling the sophomore class to stand up and show their school spirit.

"We lose tonight, I'm kicking your fucking ass, bitch," Irwin Trahan snarled into Jason's ear.

The cheerleaders moved down to the junior section and again repeated their chant.

After the pep rally in which the sophomore class won the Avengers' Banner for most school spirit, Jason endured several shoves and attempted trippings as the students made their way out of the gymnasium.

Jason walked to his car, a 1998 Mustang, artic white with black trim, and left the school grounds. He did not turn toward DeGarde; he was not going to attend that evening's football game.

"Hey Tiger, how was school, huh?" his father smiled when Jason entered the house.

"It was all right," Jason shrugged.

He did not tell his father of Harrison's physical abuse, or of Irwin's threats; it would do no good. His dad would call Brother Dominick, Harrison and Irwin would be called into the office, they would deny it all, then the abuse would triple.

"You're a little early," his mother said from the kitchen.

"Pep rally," Jason explained.

"Oh, you going to the game? You ought to go; how Else that Rachael girl ever going to see you?" his mother smiled.

"Come on, Mom," Jason protested and fled to his room.

Friday night was spent doing homework and then playing on his computer. Jason yawned several times, but forced himself to stay up until eleven o'clock, an hour past his normal bedtime. That was the only thing that differed from the weekday; he stayed up an extra hour. In the morning, he would sleep an extra hour to make up for the late evening.

At eleven o'clock, he knelt down by his bed, said his prayers, and then scrambled into his bed.

"God, I really whish there was some way to just..." Jason mumbled.

"There is," a soft female voice caressed his ear.

Jason felt soft lips touch his, soft hands caressing his face. He smiled as the soft hands rubbed up and down his scrawny arms then his chest.

"There is a way, dear sweet Jason," the female's voice whispered to the eighteen year old boy.

The soft lips kissed him again.

"The thing you're most afraid of is the only thing you must do," she continued.

"You can do it; I know you can," she said and kissed him again.

Jason woke up the next morning and remembered the strange dream. He looked around, but of course, the bedroom had no females there.

"So what you doing to day, Tiger?" his dad asked as he prepared to go to St. Elizabeth's Trauma Center for his day's work as an X-Ray Technician.

"I don't know," Jason mumbled.

"Got a lawnmower in the garage; I bet it'll fit your hands just right," his dad said, playfully smacking his son on the butt as he left the house.

"Ha ha, Dad," Jason groused.

"He's right; the grass is getting a little long there," his mother said as she placed a plate of waffles on the table for him.

Jason's father, Chuck Breaux, was a burly man but was fairly short at only five feet, two inches tall. Jason's mother, Patricia Sampier Breaux was a slight figure of a woman, also standing at only five feet, two inches.

At five feet, four inches, Jason was taller than his mother and father, but still much shorter than Harrison Smith and the other football players of St. Thomas Aquinas.

"Oh, the radio said y'all lost last night, seventeen to three," his mother said. "Tough break, kiddo."

Jason almost dropped the glass of milk.

Chapter 2

"God, I just wish..." Jason mumbled, nearly in tears as he lay down in his bed that Sunday evening.

He didn't know where or when, but he knew Irwin Trahan would be waiting for him, to deliver that ass kicking he promised.

"There is," the soft female voice assured him.

"Mm," Jason murmured as the girl kissed him softly.

"There is; you just have to do the one thing that has you gripped by fear," the voice said and again, soft lips touched his.

A soft tongue caressed his lips and he opened his mouth in a quiet moan.

"Oh, dear sweet Jason, oh I do want you to break the chains of fear," the soft voice moaned.

He felt the soft hands gently stroke his arms, his chest.

"I do want it so badly," the voice moaned and stroked his belly.

"But you have to do it, Jason; I cannot do it for you," the voice husked as soft hands pulled his underwear down.

"Oh," Jason groaned.

"I will give you my strength, I promise," the voice whispered and Jason felt a warmth, a heat envelop his cock. "

"Oh, my dear, dear Jason," the voice crooned as Jason felt the heat stroking up and down his cock.

"Oh I love you," the soft voice moaned as he ejaculated mightily.

He dreamed of a girl with eyes of blue; the blue so light they almost looked white and hair of white.

Jason woke up in the morning, extremely embarrassed; his underwear felt sticky.

"He peeled them down and off and frowned; there was a few flecks of blood inside of his briefs. He did not have time to ponder this; he had to get ready for school.

Irwin made good his threat during Physical Education class, jamming a basketball into Jason's stomach, hard. When Jason's back was turned, Irwin savagely kicked the boy's legs out from under him. Then, just before Coach Dumas blew the whistle, signaling the end of the class, Irwin smashed the basketball into Jason's face.

At lunch time, wit the halls crowded with other students, Irwin shoved Jason, hard, into his locker, causing a cut on Jason's face.

"Fucking bitch; we lost to DeGarde because of you," Irwin hissed hatefully.

Sister Lucy dabbed some antibacterial cream onto the small cut then sent Jason on his way.

His mother clucked over the cut, fed the family their dinner, then made Jason a batch of chocolate chip cookies, soft and gooey.

The cookies were good; his mother knew her way around a kitchen. But the cookies did not make up for a miserable day at school.

And Rachael had looked as beautiful as always. In History class, she had edged her skirt up higher and higher, teasing Harrison Smith. But Jason had also been privileged to see the smooth thigh, and a very quick glimpse of Rachael's pink panties.

Rachael knew that pink panties were a no-no at St. Thomas Aquinas; all female undergarments were to be white.

That night, he lay in his bed, mind's eye seeing Rachael's smooth thigh and quick flash of panties.

"Oh, my poor sweet Jason," Jason heard the soft voice croon as he lay sleeping.

He felt soft fingers trace over the cut on his face, then felt soft lips touch the cut gently.

"Oh, you poor baby," she crooned as she eased his briefs down.

Again, his rampant erection was surrounded by liquid heat and a velvet grip.

"Jason, please, please do what needs to be done; please break free of this fear, I'm begging you," she whispered in his ear.

He dreamt of a girl with light blue eyes and white hair.

In the morning, Jason was again embarrassed to feel his briefs sticking to him. He peeled them down and off and frowned at the sight of blood.

A quick check of his penis showed the blood had not come from him.

Chapter 3

Sister Lucy saw Jason in the hallway and looked quickly at the cut.

"Wow, it's almost gone; that cream really did the trick," the nun commented then bustled down the hallway.

"Better hope we win this time, bitch," Irwin snarled and shoved Jason hard, causing the boy to stumble.

"That is one detention for you, Mr. Trahan," Sister Lucy snapped.

"We got a game to..." Irwin said.

"And what a shame you will not be there," Sister Lucy snapped.

She got in Irwin's face, which was somewhat funny; he towered over her by seventeen inches.

"Football player or not; it does not give you the right to push others around, do you understand me?" she barked.

"Yes ma'am," the boy cowered.

Jason's weekend seemed very short; the Avengers lost to Kimble Academy's Mustangs, 28 to 14. He lived in dread of Monday and Irwin and Harrison's wrath.

"Jason, I grow weary," the soft voice whispered to him.

He dreamt of the white haired blue eyed girl. She did look pale, drawn.

There was more blood in his briefs that morning, frightening him.

The first time, there had only been a few flecks. The second time, there were more flecks.

This morning, however, it was a stain about the size of a dollar coin.

Irwin did not wait until P.E. class; he did not even wait for Jason to enter the school.

"Fucking bitch; we lost because of you," Irwin snarled, slamming Jason's hand in his car door.

Sister Lucy was unable to do more than put ice on the injured hand. His mother did give the school permission to bring Jason to St. Elizabeth's Trauma Center.

An x-ray showed that his fingers were not broken, though.

Even though Jason was left handed, he would quickly find out just how much he depended on his right hand to do most tasks.

"Jason, I cannot take much more," the soft voice whispered to him as he reentered the school building, right hand securely bandaged.

Jason whirled around but could not see the girl.

"Please," she whispered and he felt her fingers lovingly touch his cheek.

"But I'm not strong enough," Jason protested out loud.

"Yes you are; you're much stronger than you think you are," the girl said.

He entered World History and took his usual seat. Rachael smirked at his hand, smirked at a grinning Irwin. She caught Harrison's eye and slowly opened her legs.

Chapter 4

"Jason, I have given you all the strength I can," the girl whispered in his ear even as his cock was sheathed in velvet warmth.

Her lips gently touched his.

"Please, please, Jason, face your fears," she whispered, voice urgent.

"But I..." he groaned, close to climax.

"Yes you can," she whimpered as his sperm coursed through his cock.

That morning, his briefs were sticky from blood; he was frightened at the amount he found.

"It is all I have," she whispered.

He whirled around, like a puppy chasing his tail, but did not see the girl with white-blonde hair and pale blue eyes.

She giggled lightly, and then Jason heard a slight moan, as if the girl was in pain.

Jason rinsed his briefs in the bathroom sink as best he could, but managed to get rid of very little of the blood. He hoped his mother would not ask about the blood, or about the soggy briefs in the hamper.

"How's the hand?" his father asked. "Any trouble picking that nose?"

"Hush you," his mother smiled tightly, playfully slapping his father on the shoulder.

"Now how'd you manage to get it stuck in the door again?" his father asked, examining the hand again.

"I don't know," was Jason's response.

Again, even though he was left handed, Jason quickly found out he relied on his right hand a great deal.

"It must be today, dear sweet Jason, please don't let me down," he heard a whisper.

Anthony Horner, one of his few friends scowled as Jason told him why his hand was in a bulky bandage and muttered that 'something ought to be done to them bullies.'

"Uh huh, what you going to do?" Jason asked.

Coach Dumas excused Jason from Physical Education class because of his hand so Jason did not have to endure Irwin's abuse.

Since he and Anthony usually sat in the library to eat their lunch, they were safe from torment there too.

"Ha!" Anthony crowed as he beat Jason at a game of Speed Chess.

"Wow! That was fast!" Jason heard her whisper soft voice and twisted to see if he could see her.

"What you looking at?" Anthony asked.

"Oh, I was just looking to see who cared that you finally beat me at one stinking game," Jason taunted.

"Let's go!" Anthony challenged, beating on the table. "Come on, big mouth! Set 'em up!"

Jason entered World History and took his assigned seat. Rachael flounced to her seat and smiled at Harrison.

Jason watched as she quickly flipped the hem of her uniform skirt to reveal a black thong, undergarments that were very much against school regulations.

"What the fuck you looking at?" Harrison growled at Jason.

"Now, Jason, now," he heard her weak, urgent whisper.

"Looking at your skank ass girlfriend flashing her black thongs at her faggot boyfriend," Jason yelled at the top of his lungs, getting to his feet. "Why, bitch? What the fuck you looking at?"

Jason didn't see the punch coming. Nor did he see the second one.

Sister Lucy held an ice pack to his face.

"Ambulance's on its way," she said.

A mild concussion kept him in St. Elizabeth Trauma Center overnight. His father sat by his bed the entire night. At daybreak, his mother came and drove both father and son home.

"That boy that hit you got himself expelled," his mother informed him. "And that horrible little girlfriend of his got herself suspended for three days for inappropriate undergarments."

Jason's mother gave him another pain pill, fluffed his pillows and left the room.

He had a dreamless sleep, woke up in the middle of the night, relieved his bursting bladder, staggered back to bed and slept soundly.

In the morning, he checked; his underwear was spotless.

"Honey, you sure?" his mother asked as he got dressed for school.

"Yeah, Mom; I really don't want to miss any more class," Jason shrugged.

Again, he found out how much his right hand affected his driving abilities, but made it to school.

Irwin Trahan was waiting for him. Jason smiled, which slightly unnerved the bully.

"Hey Bitch," Irwin hissed hatefully, preparing to shove Jason.

"What?" Jason yelled, face a mask of shock. "You want suck my cock? What? Are you some kind of faggot?"

Irwin looked around, horrified as he saw other students pointing and laughing at him.

"I'll deal with you later," Irwin spat.

"No, you loser, I don't think so," Jason screamed at him. "I'm not gay, all right?"

"You two, Brother Dominick's office. NOW!" Sister Lucy snapped, pointing.

Jason snickered as a shame-faced Irwin stomped toward the school administrator's office.

"Cute, Mr. Breaux," Sister Lucy whispered, then stomped off to deter other students from getting too rowdy.

Jason laughed, and then followed Irwin to Brother Dominick's office.

Inside the office, Jason gasped as a girl looked up from the papers she was holding. He had seen the girl before, in the darkness of his bedroom. And now, here she was, in the daylight.

Hi!" the blonde haired girl said, fixing Jason with her light blue eyes. "I'm Angel Hart; I just moved here from Purgatory; you ever heard of it? It's this little bitty town in ...."

Irwin stared at them, confused. The girl was gorgeous; why was she ignoring him and talking to the loser, Jason?

"Hi, I'm..." Jason stammered.

"Oh, I know who you are," Angel whispered, smiling. "Believe me, I know who you are. You're my salvation."

The End.

I write these stories for my pleasure. I post them here for your enjoyment.

Thank you for reading my story.

Yes, it was stupid.

Yes I suck.

Yes it jumped around too much.

Yes there were too many people to keep track of.

Yes I need an editor.

Have a nice day.

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oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 1 year ago

Hope the second chapter answers a lot of the questions readers have about this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Agree with all the positive comments below...and second the curiosity re Angel's blood in his shorts.

Looking forward to reading the second (and maybe succeeding chapters).

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

Strange story. What was the blood for?

Wolfgang1955Wolfgang1955over 2 years ago

Wish it were longer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Too Short! This is the start of a good story. Don't let us down!

RageVanesRageVanesover 4 years ago
Can you continue the story

Dude your doing better than what I tried as my 12th grade writing assignment XD (this wasn’t meant to be hurtful or something, I’m seriously impressed keep up the good work)

WiserbyageWiserbyageover 4 years ago
Too Bad

The good ones receive no comments. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I like it a lot. But left me confused. Wishing there was a bit more.

FalconsverseFalconsverseover 6 years ago
Great story

I think you did a great job and should do more!

snake_territorysnake_territoryabout 8 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed your story.

AdonisXxXAdonisXxXabout 9 years ago

ooowwwwwwwkaaaaaaaaaay *looks away*

loveoverlustloveoverlustabout 9 years ago

Gave a 5 , just for that. Hell , don't we all need an Angel Hart. Thanx.

DrSpideyDrSpideyabout 9 years ago
Three stars.

It wasn't too good, BUT, I liked how unique it was. Even if you need some improvement (don't we all?) I liked how original the idea was.

For that I give you three stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
@Anon from 8-30-14

I literally laughed out loud at your post. Please tell me that you aren't serious about not wanting this to be a real story. I mean, it has a serious supernatural vibe so I kinda doubt that it's legit. Yes, bullying happens and it sucks. That doesn't make it taboo to write about since many have had their lives affected by it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I hope this isnt a real story i hate people like that slut gf of that ass hole bullies And the ass hole bully lol

I hope this isnt a real story i hate people like that slut gf of that ass hole bullies And the ass hole bully lol

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