Kros Voyeh Ch. 14


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He pressed his face back to hers, "Isonei can explain how this should all be done and I will give you an allowance that you may spend any way you choose. If you wished, you could have a knife made with that."

Straightening, he addressed the Aran who was watching them curiously. "You spend too much time with servants, my Isonei. You wait like one." Draeseth reached out his hand for the towel.

"I didn't want to interrupt. The two of you looked so adorable together." The mischievously smiling woman flicked the towel at his legs. Lislora was pleased to see she was no longer the only one who wasn't naked.

Draeseth grabbed the towel without difficulty and pulled it out of his wife's hand. "She does not need to learn how to provoke me." Despite his attempt at scowling, it was clear he was amused.

"I want to make sure you can tell us apart!" Isonei fluttered her lashes.

The absurdity of the Aran's words combined with her impish expression drew a sudden laugh out of Lislora. Embarrassed, she covered her mouth.

"Even Mezaldir would direct you to a temple for reclamation, woman. He would not be able to endure your teasing."

The tiny woman began to giggle as she walked around him to the bed, complaining as she climbed onto it and stretched out, "I'm cold. You should dry off and come lie down."

"It is unbearably hot!" Lislora turned and gave her a baffled look. In response, Isonei reached out and touched her hand. The woman's touch was like ice. Frowning she rubbed the Aran's hand trying to warm it as she asked, "How can you be cold?"

"He likes cold baths. Fortunately, embracing him is like embracing an oven. If I don't freeze before he decides to get into bed."

"With her delicate health, you can't have her bathing in cold water! She wouldn't need it wretchedly hot in here if the water had been warm."

Her cousin folded his arms, answering in Aran instead of Torgan. "If you took off your dress you would not be too warm. She would not have allowed the bath to be drawn so cold if she could not bear it, and I do not complain when she heats the room until it feels more like Ara than Torga."

"I think he secretly likes warm rooms. I know he's learned to enjoy bathing and sometimes even in warm water." Rolling onto her back Isonei looked at him with a grin as she teased him.

"You call me a kitten but you are the one who most resembles it." Draeseth uncrossed his arms and finished drying himself with the towel, tossing it aside. "Why did you put your chemise back on?"

"I need the small clothes and I thought the sight of the chemise might disturb you less. If you want a naked beauty in your bed you'll have to help Duchess Lislora feel comfortable enough to undress."

Lislora couldn't help but remember that Isonei had promised that he would look at her with desire instead of the Aran. Even so, when Draeseth stepped forward to unfasten her gown it was difficult not to pull away.

Isonei seemed to notice, suggesting, "You move too fast. Try sitting next to her and kissing her. Stroke her arms and her back; let her feel how much affection you have for her. Do you remember how we sat and talked in your rooms at the Festival? Let her be the one to unfasten her dress when she feels ready, or let her ask you to do it."

It was wretchedly embarrassing to be told to kiss even if it was well-intentioned. At first, it felt awkward but slowly his kisses became more eager and Lislora tried to release her nervousness. The touch of his lips and the way he insistently delved into her mouth with his tongue made her want more. She tried to give him exactly what he was giving her, letting her tongue slip into his mouth. It seemed to encourage him, his hands began to roam over her back and down to her hips.

It wasn't long before her dress felt suffocatingly warm and she took a hand from his chest to pull at her fasteners. That seemed to be what her cousin was waiting for, he grabbed the front of her dress and yanked. The fasteners gave and something in her belly fluttered. He looked so strong and handsome with that proud smile, Lislora nearly leapt forward, burying her hands in his black hair and kissing him hungrily. He returned it as he wrenched at her under layers and pulled her onto his lap as he peeled them away.

The feel of his skin against hers was titillating, she ran her hands over his broad chest. A moment later he had lifted her as if she were light and laid her back on the bed to stand between her thighs looking down at her lustfully.

As he rubbed and pressed to enter, a voice piped up, "Not like that."

Both of them jerked their heads to look at the grinning Aran, Lislora felt herself flushing partly with embarrassment and partly with pleasure to know that they'd both forgotten about the woman.

"The passion is there, the knowledge isn't. You'll be halfway inside her and asking her to give you what you need if no one interrupts you."

"What..." Lislora licked her lips and caressed Draeseth's arm as she nervously asked, "What does he need?"

"Your release." The woman smiled as if her words should make sense. When Lislora's bafflement didn't fade she tried to explain, "When you please yourself what do you call that feeling of ecstasy that you get as you finish?"

Frowning, Lislora tried to decipher the words, none of them made sense.

"Torgan women are not encouraged to please themselves. Many do not know how." Draeseth seemed to understand and he looked down at her with a faint smile, running his hands over her hips. "That it is common with Arans is not something we discuss openly. Women should be protected from such... depravity."

The way he said the word depravity sent a shiver down Lislora's spine.

The Aran didn't seem to notice as she sighed and put her face in her hands, "And you wonder why Torgan women aren't joyful in bed. If they don't know how to please themselves how can they tell you how they need to be touched. It makes them harder to please!"

She desperately wanted to argue the assertion that she would be hard to please, her cousin had been doing well, no one had ever made her feel the way he had before.

He spoke quietly, getting Lislora's attention, "I have become accustomed to the way my Isonei takes her pleasure as she gives me mine." Draeseth massaged her hips as he rubbed himself against her sex. "It would please me if you learned."

She'd have agreed to anything just for the way he was looking at her but she couldn't open her mouth to say anything at all with the rush of desire overwhelming her.

"You should be the one to teach her how, Draeseth." Isonei sounded indecently playful. "You'll be the first to ever give her her release. You should take your time and do it properly. Do you need yours first so that you can find your patience?"

"You cannot bear to be excluded."

Lislora felt her heart sink as her cousin looked away from her and gestured for the Aran to come to him.

"Get on the bed and lie back? I offered to show Lislora some of what I do that you enjoy so much. She won't be able to learn very much if I'm on my back and teasing you from beneath, the way I prefer." The Aran looked vaguely annoyed with him as if she'd expected him to behave differently and her insistence on doing it in a way that Lislora could learn from made his behavior sting less.

As Draeseth climbed onto the bed lying back among the pillows, Lislora found the courage to ask, "How did you learn it?"

"One of my lovers had enjoyed it before and asked me to try it. I think most women prefer to have a man on his back or side. But the way I like to do it he can look and touch more easily." Isonei looked delighted to have been asked. "You need to be able to keep some focus on what you're doing. I would suggest learning to show him your appreciation for his form in more common ways before you get adventurous."

It was hard to watch as the Aran woman began to kiss her way up Draeseth's leg, offering playful nips on occasion. When she began kissing his hip and stroking his enormous shaft, Lislora gritted her teeth and began to imitate what the woman had done with his other leg.

Learning to do this would be better than sitting back and watching him with Isonei. She felt a perverse sort of pride when he groaned breathlessly at the touch of her lips. The soft sounds he made as she lingered over his inner thigh made her feel warm.

Isonei brought her attention back after a moment, "If you're afraid to use your mouth or if, like Kresh, you feel it's too submissive, your hands can give him a great deal of pleasure. You can be firm when you stroke his shaft, but remember that there's more to him than that."

Draeseth's head dropped back as the Aran slipped her hand lower to caress his balls.

"Here you should be more gentle when you massage and squeeze them, some men like them very gently pulled. And behind them..."

"How could I do less than to fight to bring you here. No one else touches me as you do. Your hands..." Draeseth groaned lustfully.

The Aran woman looked deeply amused. "You'll have to tell me what he said, he never does. Pressing firmly and rubbing behind his balls is something that should feel very nice."

"More than nice. Delectable, perfect, woman..."

Lislora moved between his legs with determination. "Show me how to do that."

Guiding Lislora's hand, Isonei showed her where to touch. "You can tell if you're doing it right by listening to his sounds and," as if on cue, seed began to drip down his thick dark shaft, "and by that."

To Lislora's horror, the woman leaned over and licked the wetness away, moaning softly as she wrapped her lips around the thick head of his cock. Blurting the first question that came to mind, Lislora hoped that the Aran would stop to answer. "How does it... how does it taste?"

It was a mixed relief when Isonei did. "I like the taste of him, there is a very faint bitterness but... would you like to try? The most important thing to remember is to enjoy him and yourself. You want him to feel your enjoyment and your affection."

Tentatively at first, she let her tongue touch the surprisingly soft skin of his dark shaft. The seed that slowly dripped down it was pleasant as the Aran had said it would be. His long soft exhale reminded her that she should be trying to please him and not just satisfying her curiosity. She carefully tried to find a comfortable position between his thighs, leaning against his hip.

The words Isonei had spoken, 'You want him to feel your enjoyment and your affection' prompted her to trail gentle kisses up and down his shaft when she wasn't enjoying suckling on the head of it or licking the seed that was now wetting her hand and lubricating his shaft as she occasionally stroked it.

Lislora began to try to focus more on the sucking than the kissing, if only because the wetness felt strange on her fingers. She nearly jumped when the Aran began trying to stroke his shaft. Her face flushed and she gave the woman a cutting look as she firmly began stroking again.

Isonei looked almost meek as she pulled her hand away from Draeseth's shaft.

Closing her eyes, Lislora focused on stroking as she sucked, hoping her cousin could feel how much she wanted to please him.

"Don't stop, cousin, I need." The lustful groan as his hands took hold of her head made her heart beat faster. She did her best to keep up her labors as he began thrusting shallowly into her mouth. Suddenly, his seed was filling her mouth and she stopped, her eyes open and wide, uncertain of what she was meant to do now.

He released her head and she sat up with the back of her hand pressed to her mouth, looking to him for direction.

"Swallow it." He flushed slightly. "It would upset me if you spat it out."

It wasn't difficult to do, though it seemed strange.

Before she could speak he tried to ask, "Was it-is the taste...?"

"It was pleasant. I didn't know it would taste that way." She smiled faintly feeling her own face flushing.

Draeseth relaxed slightly, "There's a great deal you don't know about pleasure. Will you let me teach you? I would enjoy tasting you the same way."

The thought of an Aran kiss reminded Lislora of the Aran who lay curled on the bed watching them with an open, curious smile.

"I'm grateful that she's teaching me, but that's too much to ask with her in the room."

He inclined his head slightly and looked to his wife as if he expected her to protest, "She does not think she can allow me to taste her if you are present."

Isonei's smile didn't falter. "I know you can do that very well without any instruction from me. Afterward, is when I worry you might want me to offer suggestions. Will you remember to keep her hips below your own? That helps with your size." The woman paused thoughtfully, "And make sure she tells you if it feels good or if the position isn't quite right. Some horrible woman told her she should pretend to be pleased."

"I will pay careful attention." His face softened with amusement. "Take a dress with you, I do not wish you to freeze."

"I may lie back down for a bit." The look on Isonei's face suggested she hadn't realized it was her bed they were occupying.

It gave Lislora a small twinge of guilt. "You can," she hesitated, remembering the open window, "You can sleep in my bed if you wish."

"Thank you. I was going to have Mes help me move the armor, but a bed would be nicer." Isonei offered a grateful smile before slipping into the closet.

"You hesitate to offer her your bed?" Draeseth's brow furrowed.

"The window is open. I had Mes open it to help air out the rooms from the smell of the armor." She gave him a rueful look. "If I'd thought Isonei would need my bed I'd have had it kept closed. The woman takes a chill so easily."

His face relaxed into a smile. "Mes will have blankets for her." He pulled her down onto the bed and rolled to lay partially on top of her, "What horrible woman told you to pretend to be pleased?"

"At the convent. I spoke of-" Lislora flushed, "I was told that what I'd done wrong was not allowing you to do as you pleased and making a show of enjoying it."

"No. The imitation of enjoyment was what I was accustomed to before I met Isonei. The difference between it and true enjoyment is like the difference between cold fish and freshly roasted boar." Bending his head for a lingering kiss, he broke it grinning, "I'll show you. Once you've felt it you'll understand."

"I want you to show me, I want to learn how to please you." She bit back the words, 'better than Isonei.'

He made a pleased sound in his throat and kissed her hungrily. They were both startled by the sound of the door closing. Draeseth flushed and looked to the door. "I was going to speak to her again before she left. I wanted to be certain she isn't sour with me."

"I think, if she were sour we would know." Lislora offered a faint smile. "Krouth made a point of telling me I shouldn't take her goodwill for granted, she could treat me the same as she does Princess Kresh if she wished to."

Making an amused sound in his throat he looked down at her, adjusting himself to be fully on top of her. "Burgath told me he suspects Krouth is the reason she's sour with Kresh no matter what the man said. The Phaethian wretch was rude and called him a slave. Isonei adores him, one word from him of such a thing and she'll be sour until amends are made."

"The Princess won't apologize to Krouth!" She tried not to laugh at the absurdity of the thought.

"No, she won't." Draeseth's grin became vicious, "And I won't have to tolerate the woman in my house because Isonei won't allow insult toward someone she cares for."

Her mouth opened and closed, "He did it deliberately!"

Her cousin began to laugh and lifted himself up before moving to the side and sitting upright, "Burgath suspects so. If it's true, I'm certain it was. He has no love for Phaethians." He began to unpin her hair. "I doubt you need to fear her displeasure, but you could be kinder."

Lislora flushed began to sit up as well. "I'm trying to be. It's difficult when everything revolves around her and everyone makes a point of-of comparing us."

He pressed her back down and flushed looking over her. "Is that why you..." His fingers ran lightly over her sex where dark hair used to be.

It took effort not to cover herself. "N-no. That." She shook her head and gave up trying, pulling away to sit facing away from him on the other side of the bed.

"Tell me." Draeseth moved behind her and held her tightly.

"When we arrived I was sent," Lislora took a deep breath, "to where your father has his women 'made presentable.' I was told if I struggled-" She shivered and he squeezed her, it made her feel safe for the first time since she'd arrived.

"Forgive me, cousin. I should have known my father would do something cruel. I should have insisted that you bathe with me."

Suddenly, she deeply regretted giving Krouth permission to put her in other rooms. "I hate it here. I don't want rooms of my own, I want to stay here with you. Being close to you is safe."

Pressing gentle kisses to her shoulder he made a pained sound. "I will do all I can to keep you safe, Lislora. I will see to it you are treated as my wife, the same as Isonei, if you wish to enter into an Arrangement with us."

Forcing herself to relax, she nodded and tried to turn to embrace him. Her cousin gently pulled her back down onto the bed, positioning himself over her again and worked to unbraid her hair. The intent look on his face was somehow amusing.

After a moment of comfortable silence, once he had managed to completely unpin and unbraid her hair, she asked carefully, "Is it, is it something you want? This-this hairless-"

He interrupted her with a loud amused sound and sat up to pull her hand to his hair-covered chest. "Do I look like I require hairlessness, woman?"

Lislora flushed, "It's just that I've heard you praise Isonei for it."

"The woman is nearly hairless by nature. She praises me for the way I am and I do the same for her. I had no quarrel with your hair when I took you to bed in the Kroscur." His eyes sparkled as he gave her a grim smile, "If you don't wish to be compared to Isonei, you shouldn't compare yourself to her either."

"You didn't think of her when... when we...?" She could feel herself flushing again.

It looked as if he were making some sort of realization and he began to smile, a slow, warm, genuine smile, "Why would I think of another when the one I want to please is in front of me? Why would I concern myself with the way another woman wants to be touched when it's your joy I want to hear?"

Her belly fluttered and it felt as if every inch of her warmed. "Draeseth-"

Her words were silenced with a giddy, demanding kiss.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I am liking Draeseth more now that I can understand what he is saying.

bucksumgalbucksumgalalmost 5 years ago

It's chapters like this that are the reason to have a second book.

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