Kros Voyeh Ch. 22


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“Why is her Majesty suddenly so upset? Is this all because of Isonei’s letter?”

“Only partly I think. A letter has arrived ahead of Prince Burgath, it seems Duchess Isonei’s refusal is the only reason he’s still alive. The scribe I spoke to, who read the letter, said the young woman who’d made the suggestion and tried to help him get the demon Liadith’s name was killed despite being a Daga’s daughter. She knew a name and proved she couldn’t be trusted with it. He believes firmly that had he been given a name he would have been killed on the spot.

“As he phrased it, she braved the King’s displeasure to keep him safe. He admonished the King to think better of her.”

“What else was in the letter?” She frowned as Krouth glanced at the door.

“The Duchess’ eldest brother is being brought to see her health and circumstances for himself and to carry a missive directly to the King. Not even Prince Burgath has been permitted to read it.”

“Her health-”

A brisk knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. Krouth gestured for her to remain seated as he strode to the door, even though she’d made no move to rise.

“Halloc Aurim-”

“His Highness and the Lady Lislora haven’t been attending prayers, are they well?” The man’s tone was sour and Lislora winced rubbing the corners of her eyes for a brief moment and rising from her seat.

“Invite him in, Krouth.”

“As the Lady pleases.” The servant opened the door wider and ushered the Halloc inside.

“Please have a seat Halloc,” she gestured toward a comfortable chair, “I apologize for not attending the prayers but at the moment-”

“It was promised that you would attend them when-”

She held up her hand and took a seat. “You must be aware of the current quarrel between the Kamrus and the royal house. I’m in a poor enough position without earning more displeasure by going to the Temple. It’s hoped that the Duchess will be able to smooth things when she returns. She has that way about her.”

Exhaling with a sour look he took a seat as well. “The Duchess is in no condition to have such expectations placed on her.”

“How is she? Both Draeseth and I have wanted to visit but the quarrel...” Lislora gave him an earnest frown.

“Her health is improving.” Halloc Aurim frowned at his hands for a moment, “But I worry for her state of mind. It’s as if the light has gone out of the woman’s eyes. The smiles she manages are threadbare and weighted by her grief.

“My brother has been keeping the other Kamruses from questioning her. Kamrus Olauth has been insisting on it. He brought one of the touched with him to help him judge her truthfulness and to look for demonic influence. Perhaps if the Brother were permitted to... inspect the Duchess...”

“Why would that be necessary?” She watched his face carefully, feeling suddenly certain that this was going to be another conversation she handled poorly. Burgath and his request to engage Isonei in a conversation over dinner came to mind very strongly. She resolved to support the woman this time.

“Necessary is perhaps the wrong word-”

“Then she shouldn’t have to endure being prodded and suspected in her condition. If there’s a risk of her rest and recovery being disturbed needlessly perhaps she should be recovering here.”

The Halloc’s eyes narrowed, “The priesthood has done nothing but look after the Duchess-”

“Kamrus Gillaugrim said that it was by Ganas’ will she recovered, the priesthood should be expected to carry out his will. You’ve said yourself that she’s in a delicate state and weighed down by her grief, and you’ve come to me and not my cousin, thinking perhaps that I wouldn’t take the woman’s health and wellbeing into concern as much as he would.

“You’re mistaken.

“I’ve been sour with the Duchess on occasion, and I’ve been a poorer friend than she’s deserved at times, but I won’t submit her to something so unnecessary for the pleasure of a Kamrus who, I’ve been told, thinks very poorly of her. If I permitted this he’d find some way to submit the woman to a purification and she’s far too delicate at the moment.”

The Halloc rose from his seat and offered a stiff bow before departing.

Watching him go, Lislora spoke quietly to Krouth after the door closed, “I have a suspicion that he’ll grant permission no matter what I’ve said.”

The servant looked speculatively at the door, “Perhaps. Her Majesty may be more kindly disposed toward you if you go to her and ask for help in keeping the Duchess undisturbed.”

Her stomach growled again and she sighed, wondering if she could possibly put it off until she’d had a chance to eat. “I wouldn’t know where-”

Another knock came at the door and the servant opened it and bowed, “Countess Giserona. Lady Lislora was just inquiring where her Majesty might be found.”

“Her Majesty doesn’t enjoy being kept waiting,” the woman sounded sour.

“I need to speak with her.” Lislora heaved herself off of the sofa. “Have my food waiting for me when I return, Krouth.”

Following the put upon looking young woman into the hall, she tried to organize her thoughts. Perhaps if the Queen were told in the right way she could be dismissed.

“Where did you go to hide?” Giserona asked with a frown. “I was sent to look for you in the gardens.”

“I wasn’t hiding. I went for a walk in the gardens to enjoy the day. The glasshouses are more lovely at the moment, but I think I went through most of them except for the Queen’s private garden and the first tier.

“I wasn’t aware I was being looked for.”

As they approached the Queen’s private garden she could hear the retinue discussing the impertinence of a Baroness who would hide from the Queen when summoned. Lislora’s face flushed as they rounded the hedge to see the women. To her surprise, Draeseth and Rogath were standing with the retinue in their armor. With a gesture, her Majesty sent Lislora to stand with the two men and the women continued their discussion.

Instead of listening and allowing herself to be shamed, she turned to her cousin, standing close, and spoke quietly, “Halloc Aurim came to the rooms when I returned from my walk. He was trying to get my permission to have Duchess Isonei questioned by Kamrus Olauth and his priests.”

The retinue quieted but she ignored them, “I told him absolutely not. The woman doesn’t need to be prodded and needlessly distressed in her time of grief. But from the look on his face, cousin, I don’t think he’s going to listen to me.

“He sought me out because of rumors I would be less than thoughtful toward Duchess Isonei. I have concerns he may act as though my words were unclear. The Halloc knows of the quarrel between your brother and the Kamrus and he knows you won’t go to the Temple until it’s resolved. I worry it may be leaving your first Duchess unprotected.

“Can you speak to your brother, or ask him to speak to his mother? Perhaps, if you aren’t permitted, someone could be sent-”

The black-armored man next to her raised his hand to silence her and then lifted off his helm. Rogath gave her a speculative look. “Did you know we had traded armor for the day?”

Flushing, she took a step back, “No, your Highness.”

Draeseth took off his brother’s helm and beckoned for her to take his arm. “Her Majesty commanded it, believing you would be improper.” He leveled a grim, cool look toward the Queen, “I hope your Majesty is now content that my second Duchess does not intend ill to my first.”

“It remains to be seen.” The Queen studied Lisora with a scowl, “She will be out of the Duchess’ chambers by the end of the day tomorrow. I will have my priests-”

“No.” Rogath spoke up grimly, “I’ll go myself and make certain no one misunderstands that Duchess Isonei is to recover in peace.” Glancing to Draeseth he inclined his head, “If you wish, you may come with me, brother, to make doubly certain she’s well and not being pestered by priests.”

Her cousin gave a curt nod. “I want her brought back to the palace as soon as possible.”

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