La Belle Ile en Mere Pt. 17

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The lagoon grows quiet as the survivors retire to their room.
4.4k words

Part 16 of the 18 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 01/14/2023
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All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

"That was... fun." Lillian lay on her side in the sand, drinking a pink hibiscus colada cocktail. She smiled at her new friend. The drink was delicious, and she'd just had a blast rough-housing and playing games with Gwendolyn. "I'd forgotten what fun was like." She knew she was grinning like an idiot, but she felt safe in the warm radiance of this beautiful woman's attention. She turned her head and watched Delores return to her room. Lillian shook her head. That poor woman was nothing more than a ghost. Gwendolyn was a widow too, but she seemed to still enjoy life. She returned her focus to her new friend. "I'm glad my mother and brother found you, Mrs. Valentine. I can tell we'll become fast friends." She took a long sip from her straw, savoring pineapple and coconut.

"I'm glad as well. I thought I was alone, but to find myself among such regal people..." Kapnos sipped her blue cocktail and leaned closer to Lillian. They were quite close together on the warm sand. Their suits covered everything but their feet and heads. Their wet hair was loose and dark with the lagoon's water. "I think you're a wonderfully pretty woman, Lillian," she whispered. "You look like a princess."

Lillian blushed deeply. The vivacious widow could not have offered her a sweeter compliment. She looked over at her mother's closed door. "What do you think my mom and brother are doing in there?" She took another sip from her drink. Somehow, she found the glass empty. That was her third. When the robot waiter came over with another, she happily took a fourth.

"I'm sure they're planning our salvation." Kapnos nodded earnestly. "Your family is incredible. I owe both your mother and brother my life. You must be so proud of them."

Lillian frowned. "Honestly, Mrs. Valentine, I haven't always been happy with George. He was a thorn in my side. Always so bratty... you know how younger brothers are. But you're right, I'm proud of him now. He's been amazing."

"Have you told him that?" Kapnos raised an eyebrow.

"I haven't had the chance." Lillian found herself feeling suddenly defensive. Bypassing the straw, she took a long drink from her cocktail. "I've only just realized it. You know, with everything he's done at the hotel. Also, the... um... attack where I saw poor Ms. Pemberton's death... well... it gave me perspective."

"I see." Kapnos put her gloved hand on Lillian's gloved hand and squeezed. "Let's go get changed and eat something. I'm famished." She rose and pulled Lillian to her feet. She had one of the robot servants fetch her clothes and bring them to Lillian's room. Then, the two women went to get changed.


"They're holding hands, Constance. Whispering together like bosom buddies." Roy watched Lillian and Gwendolyn from across the lagoon as they strolled into Lillian's room and closed the door. "There is no way they just met. This is some sort of... some sort of..."

"Plot?" Constance sighed and sipped her blue lagoon cocktail. She let her legs float at the surface of the water, her bare toes bobbing just above the surface. She was alone with her husband now, as everyone else had retired to their rooms. She looked over at him and made her most stern face. "Mommy has had about enough of your talk about the Zaals. I would be just as likely to believe that Mrs. Zaal and her son were engaged in forbidden coitus as they were actively hatching nefarious schemes. And we all know that you are the only man brave enough to make advances on your mommy." She smiled at him.

"But, I -" Roy started.

"Do you want to be inside Mommy or not?" She stood, the water dripping off her long, slender form. Without waiting for him to answer, she lifted him in her arms. With no one else to see, she was free to play their little game. "I know you're vexed, darling. Let Mommy make you feel better."

Roy looked up into her grinning face. He let her carry him out of the lagoon toward their room. "Yes, Mommy. Make me feel better." All the conspiracies and dastardly plans could wait. They were relatively safe at the moment. And it would be nice to have a room to themselves again.


"Oooohhhhhhhhhh... Georgie... you're getting my breast slick... with my own wetness." Anna writhed on her back under her son. His tongue played delightfully with her nipple, sending sparks of electricity through her body, and building on her post-orgasmic buzz. His heavy penis and testicles rested on her thigh. One of her bare hands held his head to her breast. The other dug fingernails into his back. "Ooohhhhhh... how are you so good... at that?" He was aggressive, but he didn't hurt her. Using just the right amount of tongue and teeth on her rigid flesh.

George released her nipple and smiled up at her. "Can I really go in without a condom?"

"You don't have to keep asking. I trust you to finish outside." Her warm smile met his. "And I am more than ready for you."

"Okay." George's pulse thundered in his ears as he moved between his mother's wide-open legs and placed the head of his penis on her sloppy pussy. She had cum so much that her triangle of hair was sopping, and she glistened all the way out to her thighs. Her clit was more obvious now, and her lips looked even larger than normal. George decided he'd have to ask Kapnos about that. He slapped her pussy with his cockhead. He could barely hear the wet smacking sound he made over the thundering in his ears. "Wait... you said you were sore before. Does it still hurt? Should I do something... different?"

"It is so sweet how much you care for me. Most men would have simply thrust in and satisfied their wants. But you..." She laughed. "I think you mother me as much as I mother you." She pressed her bare finger against the bemused curve on his lip. Her pretty, high giggle bounced off the walls around them. "I had the autodoc fix my vagina when it worked on my ankle. I'm not sore anymore. But... I'm still a bit stretched out. So, hopefully, you won't hurt me when you enter like last time." She reached down to her vagina and pulled her lips apart.

George leaned back. "Your pussy looks so pretty like that." He could see her pink interior rapidly disappearing into a dark cavern. He really had stretched her out their first time.

"I suppose I shouldn't let you say things like 'pussy' or 'bitch.' But it does excite me!" Anna laughed again. "Maybe while we're doing it, you could give me some more dirty talk?"

"I could do it now, Mom." George cocked an eyebrow like he was thinking of being bad.

"Wait until you drive me out of my mind again. Then do it. It has... an intoxicating effect. Right now, I want to feel your sweetness." She continued to hold her vagina open for him. "There will be no barriers between us now. No gloves. No clothes. No condom. Just you and me, Georgie, joining together."

"I love you so much, Mom." George placed himself at her gaping entrance and pushed his hips forward.

"Ooooohhhhhhhhhhh... I love you... too... sunshine." Anna's hands left her vagina as he dove deeper into her and circled around him. She found her fingers pressed into the flexing muscles of his butt. "How does it feel... with nothing... between us?"

"Gods... Mom... it's like... coming home... after being away... for a long time." George bottomed out. "You're warm... wet... and tight." He looked down at her face. She was grimacing, but he judged that it was more pleasure than pain. "Does it hurt? Do you want me to stay here for a little while?" Like last time, he placed his hands on her delicate shoulders so he could see the cords straining in her neck, her dainty clavicle, and the wonderful slope of her breasts resting to the sides.

"It hurts." Anna nodded. "But it's not like... ooohhhhhhhh... last time. It feels... amazing. You're hitting... a spot deep... inside me. It's making me feel... warm... tingly... and fuzzy."

"Does Dad ever hit that spot?" George pulled back and slowly slid back in. He decided to take it easy until she adjusted more.

Anna shook her head, biting her bottom lip.

"I like that I... uugghhhh... can do things... Dad can't." His hips found a nice, easy rhythm. The thundering in his ears had died down enough that he could easily hear his dick squelching in his mother's pussy.

"You... are a gift... from the gods... Georgie." Pleasure swirled in her mind. The pain receded further. He was resizing her. Maybe the next time we do it, he'll just slip right in without any resistance. "You are... uuuggghhhhh... the greatest gift... your father... has given... meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." Saying those words, in combination with his penis bouncing against that hidden spot deep inside her, sent Anna over the edge. She arched her back and orgasmed under her son. "Eeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiii."

"Wow... Mom... you look... gorgeous cumming like that." George increased the tempo of his hips. He continued to pin her shoulders with his hands. He liked looking down on her from up high. Also, this way, he could glance between her legs and see his cock see-sawing in and out of her. It was already covered in her white froth. Like last time, her pussy made a vacuum seal on his dick, exposing the pink insides every time he pulled back.

Anna heard her son, but all she could say back to him was, "Nnnnnggggggggg." She tossed her head from side to side. He was moving faster, and ecstasy blossomed from her vagina and belly. Her fingers dug into his butt. She knew she must be leaving marks, but it didn't matter. Only his mother was allowed to see his bare ass.


Dolores lost herself in some melodrama she found on the feed. With soundproofing and no neighbors, she was blissfully alone. She tried not to think of what her beloved Carlos would make of all the insanity that had befallen her. She tried not to think at all. She lay in bed and drifted off to sleep as the show played in the background.


"Mommy... Mommy... ride me!" Roy watched his wife's round, firm ass bounce as she rode him in reverse. He forgot everything but the bliss of delving into his wife's pussy.

"Cum for Mommy... go on... my little man." Constance said the words, but her heart wasn't in it. Honestly, she hoped he'd cum soon just so it could be over. She wasn't sure what was wrong with their relationship, but their lovemaking suddenly felt stale. Sex was usually a refuge from rocky moments in their marriage. Maybe all the nightmares had simply suppressed her sex drive? Maybe it was something else? She bounced on her husband's dick at a faster pace, using her natural athletic grace. "Cum for Mommy." She was relieved when he shuddered under her and emptied himself. Her hips slowed to a stop. Maybe now they could get some sleep.


"Oh, it's just us girls. No need to be shy." Kapnos finished removing her bathing suit. She was completely naked and carefully watched Lillian's wide eyes rove her body. Clearly the girl was curious. Kapnos had picked up on that when she'd changed in front of her as her mother. Goodness, that seemed like a millennium ago.

"Wow, Mrs. Valentine. Your body is slim like mine, but your boobs are... big. I bet your husband loved them." Lillian realized that she'd just talked about a very sensitive subject. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring him up."

"It's okay. He would have been thrilled that we were friends." Kapnos smiled and moved toward the girl. She took the drink from her, it wouldn't do to have Lillian throwing up again, and pulled her from the chair. "Let's get you out of this wet suit." Kapnos began undressing the young woman. Happily, she met no resistance. When Lillian was naked, Kapnos clapped her hands. "We could be twins. Almost exactly the same body." They did possess the same petite figure, but for one feature.

"Except for our boobs." Lillian frowned.

"Don't fret, sweetie." Kapnos gently massaged her shoulder. "My breasts didn't fill in until I was older than your nineteen years."

"I'm twenty," Lillian said.

"Of course, twenty. Regardless, I think you look beautiful the way you are." Kapnos moved her lips near Lillian's ear. "They're two perfect handfuls."

"Handfuls?" Lillian was so confused. She was drunk and having flashbacks to the time her brother got her to dance naked for him by the pool. This feels so similar. Almost the exact same vibe. Her belly did cartwheels as she felt the older woman's hot breath on her shoulder and neck.

"See?" Kapnos cupped Lillian's breasts and gently held them. "Handfuls." She saw the look of acceptance and longing on Lillian's face. The poor girl was starved for attention and affection. One sibling was getting most of Anna Zaal's attention, so Kapnos would have to take care of the other.

"Is this... right?" Lillian whispered. "You touching me like that?"

"It's fine, dear. It's just us girls here." Kapnos let go of her breasts and lifted Lillian's left hand. Without her gloves, her engagement ring was exposed. "Besides, I'm married, and you're engaged. We're properly bound to our men, so it doesn't matter if we take a little time to appreciate each other. No one will get the wrong idea." Kapnos lifted Lillian's bare hand to her lips and kissed the ring. "Oh, that reminds me. I have something for you."

"Oh?" Lillian was beyond flustered. She couldn't make sense of the jumble of thoughts and emotions that tumbled together in her mind.

"It's a wonderful ruby ring. An antique from long ago when women didn't wear gloves and showed off their rings." Kapnos bent over her satchel and retrieved the ring. She made sure to offer Lillian a prolonged view of her ass. She then straightened and returned to Lillian. Kapnos smiled, seeing the greed in Lillian's eyes as her gaze darted between the ring in Kapnos's hand and Kapnos's swaying tits. "Here, try it on. Maybe you could also show me that tiara and necklace you mentioned. I bet they would all look lovely on you."

"It's beautiful." Lillian took the ring and turned it over in her hand. The ruby shone, and many small diamonds sparkled on the band. "This is for me? It must be worth a fortune."

"You deserve it." Kapnos smiled. She moved close enough that her breast pressed against Lillian's arm.

"Um..." Lillian met Gwendolyn's soft brown eyes. "I hope I don't offend you by saying this, but I'm not a lesbian. I love Francis. When I return to Earth, we're going to be married."

"Oh, I'm not a lesbian either." Kapnos's soft laugh tinkled, offering gentle reassurance. "We're just girls being girls. Now, go get the other jewelry." She gave Lillian's small, round butt a friendly pat.

"Okay." Lillian put the ring on her right hand. She then went to fetch her tiara and necklace. She felt silly wearing them naked. "Should I put my clothes on?"

"Don't be silly. The great thing about having no men here is that we can be ourselves together. I bet the necklace looks perfect with your wonderful handfuls." Kapnos gave Lillian a wink. She watched the girl put on the tiara and necklace. Kapnos whistled appreciatively. "Now give me a regal walk."

"Okay." Lillian walked across the room in her bare feet, with her back straight. She took great joy in the awe she found in the other woman's eyes. She stopped in front of Gwendolyn. "What do you think, Mrs. Valentine?"

"I think you truly are a princess." Kapnos dropped to one knee in front of Lillian and bowed her head. "I swear fealty to my princess."

"Oh!" Lillian hadn't expected that. A rush of pleasure hit her. She didn't remember the last time she'd been so happy. Maybe when Francis proposed.

"I have a humble request, my princess." Kapnos looked up at Lillian. It was in the bag. The others would surely be more difficult than this. But Kapnos enjoyed every seduction, whether it was easy or difficult.

"What is it?" Lillian held her breath.

"Let me please you." Kapnos leaned forward and kissed Lillian's thigh. She then kissed the other one. When there was no complaint, she kissed her way up the inner thigh, and made her way to the young woman's pussy. She could smell Lillian's excitement even before she could taste it. The girl was truly ready. "I'm going... to serve... my princess... well," Kapnos said between kisses. She spread Lillian's legs a little with her hands and licked her way along her wonderfully tasty gash.

"Oh... my... gods." Lillian watched the woman pleasure her with her tongue. Gwendolyn was still on her knee, as if paying tribute to her majesty. "Yes... serve your princess... ooohhhhhhhhhh." Lillian wound fingers into the widow's luxurious blond hair. It was as if she was bringing to fruition a fantasy she'd never known about but had always harbored. It was perfect. When Gwendolyn began to work on Lillian's clit, the moment became more than perfect.


"Yes, I'll do as you say." Ernest got to his knees in front of the undulating black mass that clogged the stairwell on the fourth floor. He was closer than Rose had been when the creature had reached out and crushed her. But he didn't fear for his life. He knew he was more valuable as Ernest than as part of the collective. "Yes, I can hear you."

The thought of becoming part of a collective made part of Ernest rebel. What would happen to his wife and children? Would he be expected to serve them up to this living god? He prayed that they were enjoying life wherever they were in the tower. Their time was certainly short.

"Yes, I understand." Ernest quashed his internal resistance. He stayed on his knees, with his head bowed, and received his instructions.


"Oooohhhhhhhhh... Georgie... I can tell you're close." Anna felt her son's body trembling on top of her. She'd already had several mind-bending orgasms. It seemed to her that she should help him find his release before he drove her to another one. "Get... off... uuuggghhhhh... and I'll finish you."

"Okay... Mom." George gave her pussy a few last pumps and pulled out. He rose to his feet on the bed between her legs, using two hands on his slick cock. He planned to spray her from up high.

"I... want to use... my mouth again." Anna's body was shaky, but she scrambled to her knees in front of him. She pushed his hands away and took his penis into her small, bare hands. Her husband's ring caught her attention, pressing into George's turgid flesh. She thought maybe she should remove it rather than desecrate her vows in such a graphic way. But removing it seemed like a different form of degrading the promises she'd made to Ernest. Unable to decide what to do, she pumped the penis before her and let those thoughts float out of her mind. "It's as big as my face, Georgie." She gave him one of her playful, shocked expressions and placed his balls on her chin. The penis did indeed run the length of her face, the head touching her hair.

"That looks... amazing... Mom." George stared at his once prim and proper mother with his heavy dick resting on her nose. He laughed when she went cross-eyed looking at it. She had never looked more beautiful, or more debased, than at that moment, kneeling before him with his cock on her face. "Does Dad's penis cover your face... the same way?"

"I never tried with him." Anna took hold of the penis and positioned the head in front of her lips. "Now, let's make you..." She looked up at him. "Let's make you cum, sunshine. And then we can get some sleep." She watched his face. He'd noticed that she'd used a dirty word, and he'd obviously liked it.

"I'm not ready." George changed his mind. He dropped down to his knees and turned his mother around. "Tell me what position you want."

Anna arched her back and looked over her shoulder. "Not inside, Georgie. You can't finish inside."

"Of course, Mom." George moved up to her ass and brushed his cockhead against her sloppy pussy. "Now... tell me how you want to take my dick."

"Um..." Anna lowered her head and looked at her dangling boobs. They looked so vulnerable hanging toward the sheet below. "I want you to be my stud... and I'll be your bitch. Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhh." And just like that, her son was inside her again, having his way with her from behind. "But only... ugh... ugh... for pretend... Georgie... you can't really be... my stud."