Lactation & Pregnancy Facts

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Make your pregnancy/lactation story more believable.
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So, you've just finished your fetish story about a lactating pregnant woman who washes her nipples with soap and water every day. What's wrong with this story?


Today, as a lactating mother, I will attempt to dispel some of the myths surrounding lactation and pregnancy, which will help make your stories more believable:

Myth: Pregnant women lactate.

Fact: Women cannot lactate without the right hormonal support. Women also cannot just spontaneously lactate without proper nipple stimulation, such as a baby nursing or using a breast pump.

Cases have been reported of adopting moms lactating by nursing their baby regularly and sometimes taking galactogogues (medicines with a side effect of lactation; most are not originally designed for this purpose). Galactogogues stimulate prolactin, one of the two hormones necessary for lactation. Oxytocin, the other hormone, is stimulated by relaxation and "bonding" feelings with the baby. After a mom gives birth, both are naturally present.

Pregnancy is an example of a state in which there isn't the right hormonal support for lactation. If lactating women become pregnant, their milk supply would, in the majority of cases, dry up, because different hormones take over during pregnancy. It is impossible for women to lactate when pregnant the way they do, say, when nursing a two-month-old.

If you hear about colostrum, or pre-milk, that can show up during the second half of a pregnancy. It has more antibodies and protein than regular human milk and is clear or yellowish and there's just a drop or two of it, not spewing white streams of milk. Colostrum turns into regular milk after about 2-5 days post-birth. When that transformation happens, it causes engorgement.

Myth: Lactating women's breasts are always engorged.

Fact: Mother Nature sends in a huge oversupply to start with, but the mother's body adjusts to make milk on a supply-and-demand basis after a couple of days. If the baby doesn't feed as much one day as usual, the mother's breasts will become engorged, which she can relieve by pumping or hand expressing. If the baby continues to drop nursings, the mother's supply will go down and the engorgement will disappear.

Myth: Pregnant/lactating women are always horny.

Fact: Pregnant women, like any other women, go through phases where they are hornier than other times. Their heightened senses and higher genital sensitivity both work for and against better sex during pregnancy.

Also, keep in mind for lactating women that if the baby doesn't sleep through the night yet, the mother might rather catch up on sleep than have sex, and this is completely normal. Another thing that can happen is because the hormonal balance is different and ovulation is often halted, the mother may simply have no interest in sex. This is normal, too, and the return of periods and ovulation combined with the baby sleeping better will often cause a resurge in the mother's horniness similar to prepregnancy.

Myth: Pregnant and lactating women are supposed to wash their breasts with soap and water every day because the bacteria can be harmful for the baby.

Fact: Pregnant and lactating women are supposed to avoid using soap on their breasts. Colostrum and breast milk both have anti-infective properties that are actually stronger than soap! In addition, using soap on the breasts early in pregnancy can increase nipple sensitivity and pain. Women in industrialized countries have access to clean, warm water with which to wash their breasts and often go around with their breasts covered so no dirt gets on them. Their breasts are clean enough!

Myth: Nursing makes women horny/Nursing turns women off.

Fact: Nursing makes women horny/Nursing turns women off. Depends on the women and how well nursing is established. Most women report nipple pain sometimes accompanied by soreness or cracking during the first 4-6 weeks of nursing, until their nipples adjust to the stretching and pressure. This painful process does not turn on most women. After that, it can go either way.

If it does make them horny, this is perfectly normal and is nature's way of both making sure the baby gets fed because it's a pleasurable experience for mom and perpetuating the species because mom will then seek out dad to make more babies. If it turns them off, it is probably because they feel that their body is for baby only and they feel too "touched out" by the end of the day to devote energy to sex. Either feeling is normal.

Myth: Lactating women need to use special creams and lotions on their nipples to prevent soreness and cracking.

Fact: Lanolin is the only medically approved product for that purpose and does not need to be washed off before feeding the baby. Lansinoh makes one and so does Medela.

Myth: Lactating women spray milk when they cum.

Fact: Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. Depends on how recently they last nursed and whether they are exclusively breastfeeding or not. In other words, if their supply is lower, spraying during orgasm is less likely.

I will add more to this piece as I think of more myths and facts, but I think this covers the most major errors I've seen. Please, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to contact me.

Good luck writing your pregnancy and lactation fetish stories!

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animal99animal99almost 6 years ago

Excellent info... not just for writers, but even for readers of such stories.

Thank You WordGoddess, for setting the record straight.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Not true

My 1st pregnancy I started leaking colostrum at 14 weeks and there was enough to require breast pads if I didn't want to soak through my bra and shirt on a fairly regular basis. 2nd time round I was still nursing my eldest (10 months old when I conceived), and I continued to produce milk, not colostrum, throughout the entire pregnancy, even after I started to reduce her number of feeds. I even tandem nursed them, as do plenty of women. Given the right stimulation, no reason why women can't continue to lactate during pregnancy at all.

TigersmanTigersmanalmost 10 years ago
Lactating during pregnancy

Doctors advise pregnant women from allowing their mates from sucking on their breast especially in the last several weeks before delivery as it can lead to premature delivery. Colostrum which is the first milk is responsible for passing on the Mother's natural immunities until the baby's immune system kicks in around six months

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

You are awesome, I have hated some stories because of using misinformation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Let Down Reflex

I've seen my wife go from dry to instantly ready to feed our infant when our 1.3 year old is crying. The let down reflex is a part of lactation and not part of like any stories anywhere that I've seen. Just saying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

While I'm no writer this was informative for when me and mine do consider children.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
wrong on most points if taken as finite

Lactation capacity is to a point hormonal, though the hormones , oxytoxin etc., can be very much levered by parts of the brain and a reduction of inhibitions.

A basic level of nipple stimulation with an enhanced awareness of positive sensations even recognised as partly sensual and the primitive desire to meet the needs of an infant as well and if a partner is present expressing enthusiasm over the breasts as well as their desirability when a lactating ( or developing physiological changes to that) equals a lactation readiness & capacity without much difficulty or extensive efforts.

Lactation in even relatively early pregnancy at copious amounts is possible or none when the lactation process is mentally viewed as (heaven forbid attitude) anything but as technically moraly non sensual correct nutrition provision.

While I won't go into the lengthy tale of discovery, I had experienced both sides, the Mrs Proper baby nutrition side with a Mr Trying to Fit in Proper Also husband. Then came a couple of surprise responses later - like the shock horror of after weaning my second - desiring suckling again !??( acknowledged & disbandoned as not "proper" feeling ) and a strong let down reflex a decade after breastfeeding when a dippy friends new born was crying to be fed ( his mum still out to her ceasarean anesthetic). It was at 50 yrs of age my NPD multiple personality boyfriend in one of his expermintaley lively states provided the stimulus, enthusiasm as well as pregnancy ( miscarried under his crazy stress) that showed how easily lactation could be achieved as well as the desire to keep it up as highly pleasurable. Aside from that persona's temporary state ( as others he went through) he did for that time facilitate the positives regarding little effort regarding lactation, breast nipple stimulation that were possible plus what I coulld do anytime if inclined to relactate as well as realising how easier it would have been to breastfeed when I had my kids ( I did keep it up with stages of sheer hard effort) had both my former husband and I had a more expansive understanding and sensual appreciation involved in lactation.

The only point I agree with, is that in a conventional scenario like with my ex husband, is that a lactating female can feel she has enough baby demands on her body not to feel sexy with a man expecting sex in the way it was pre baby,as well as myself being sensually limited to be appropriate with baby.I hadn't worked out that sensual with baby wasn't wrong as it was still different from fully sexual.

It would have taken ages to refute individualy all the claims made, hence my rather general response.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Not all right

Iam 36 weeks pregant and have leaked milk the whole time also you do not need a special cream let a little milk out and rub it into your nipples

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Well - mostly

I've known more than a few pregnant women that nursed completely through all but their first pregnancies and have had no supply issues. Again - this depends on how established the nursling is and how long one has nursed. Lactation CAN be induced in multiple ways - not just thru use of a pump or lactattion inducing medicines or herbal preparations. Will it always produce milk? not initially maybe but it is entirely depoendant on sustaining the relationship that is established. There are more than a few couples involved in Adult nursing relationships that have induced lactation without ever even having had a child. There are also more than a few couples that have had an ANR during a pregnancy.

So, while you are generally right the statements are jsut a bit to "blanket" to hold a lot of water (or milk as the case may be) for me - a woman that has lactated during pregnancy and who has witnessed more than a few of my extended nursing mom friends nurse their 2 & 3 year olds thru the pregnancies of their siblings

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Pregnancy + Lactation

I'll agree with everything except this one. I've seen more than one or two very clearly pregnant women lactating heavily. In my experience it's always been late in the pregnancy but certainly before birth.

wotanwotanwotanwotanover 16 years ago
Valuable Article

Just thought I'd comment on the comments about 'nobody cares about fact, we want fantasy'.

Not everyone merely reads erotica to get off on what they know they'll never have the courage or opportunity to explore. Fictional literature as a whole has always been the best medium to inspire people to explore new ideas and horizons beyond the realm of 'fiction', and usually without a sense of the writer blatantly promoting a "vote/support/promote ME and my substratum of opinions, morals, etc." vibe.

And I dare say MOST readers are interested in expanding their knowledge and understanding of sex, not reinforcing their opinion of "everything except wedlocked missionary is taboo".

Lactation happens to be THE only truly BDSM categorized fetish that is, in truth, completely NOT a fetish. Lusting for this kind of sex and intimacy is EXACTLY like lusting for cum. And as p[ointed out, lactation doesn't HAVE to involve pregnancy, so you are ultimately bound by your own lack or excess of Freudian conditioning towards topic, not the other way around.

One thing I think would be a good addition to this article is how diet has an effect the flavor of the milk.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

I have to disagree with your title --- these snippets of information are your opinion. I am a momma of three. I was leaking so much with my first I had to pump!!! Four months before the baby was born by the way... I was horny with two not with the other and same for nursing. And I was always engorged after a couple of hours. I even donated pumped milk to women who did not produce enough milk. With that being said - different women different babies different milk supply.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
In Support of Truth

Thank you for your attempt to educate! I know that this is a free site for anyone who wants to share their stories/fantasies, etc and many come here for a "quickie" and are less concerned with reality than arousal BUT I am a slut with experience and an education and as reading along getting nice and hot and then come upon a gross misrepresentation of fact - spoils the entire story. No matter how wonderful the story idea, if something is written poorly or without at least some semblance of fact (other than fantasy, which is an entirely different ballgame) at least put some disclaimer in the beginning telling the reader that there was no research or fact checking done. For the person who stated that they attempting to research pregancy and lactation on the web but were inundated with porn sites, there is an international organization called La Leche League (La Leche is spanish and translates to "The Milk" and they have a very informative web site and a handbook, as well. My username is covertcoquette - the beastly page won't let me sign in.

Ron CheeRon Cheeover 18 years ago
Bingo ... well said!

Dear Wordgoddess,

Thank you for the affirmations regarding lactation and sexuality.

I have experienced the delicious (no pun) phemonenon first hand and have written about it within this site.

Of course no two women are the same nor do they react identically during the post partum production of breast milk. Some indeed find the event of feeding or expressing breast fluids to be arousing to varying degrees. For some, just the opposite is true.

I did not know my wife during her days of milk production for 3 children over as many years. However, she does tell me that she did not desire sex during that time frame. (Her normally easily aroused libido had seemed to wane during lactation, much to her disappointment.) She did not like having her husband messing with her tits nor did she care to engage in intercourse at that time. Dutifully she did allow sexual contact to keep him happy ... nothing more. Uncomfortable nipple tenderness seemed to be one of the off putting factors. Under any other circumstances she is a very sexual being. Always has been.

She is not alone in that arena according to other women that I have talked with or have read about.

On the other hand ... I knew another woman, long before meeting and mating with my lovely, lovable wife of today, that found her engorgement and all that went with it to be VERY arousing.

Consequently I found it to be arousing as well. She (we) used her breast sensitivity and sensibilities to our mutual erotic benefit.

There were times when she would leak spontaniously during orgasms with little or no hands on help from either of us. At other times we used her full breasts as part of foreplay. Suckling, gentle manipulation and ultimately expressing her breasts (often making them squirt like adorable water pistols) led to mini-orgasms before any clitoral or vaginal stimulation was attempted.

The preliminary, minor, breast induced climaxes prompted more powerful orgasms when clit and / or vaginal manipulation followed. Those were stronger and more awe inspiring (for me) to participate in.

When feeding her infant ... the young woman found it essential, at random times, to masturbate while the baby fed. I witnessed that event when it happened, at her request.

Today, we have a 28 year old, otherwise healthy female friend that is experiencing spontaneous lactation and is not post partum nor is she pregnant. (Her last pregnancy was nearly 10 years ago at age 18.) In her case, her breasts are normal in all respects. According to medical work ups she is experiencing a hormonal over load and is being treated for that. ( An over production of Oxyticin is suspected as the culpit)

In the meantime while waiting for the breast milk production to dwindle and cease ... she claims that when she must express the excess milk for her own comfort ... the process leaves her feeling rather horny and anxious.

Like anyone else ... her lactation induced arousal occurs sporadically. No seeming rhyme nor reason for it. It just happens without warning or physical prompting other than the sqeezing and palpatation required to begin the process of emptying her breasts or at least reduce the engorgement to comfortable levels. The horniness she experiences can become an urgent matter ... much like my original lactating lover during feeding times and at others as well.

And like the original woman of my acquaintanceship ... if her boyfriend is not available ... masturbation is her best source of relief.

And, yes for those that are contemplating what to do for or with a newly lactating lover ... the fluids are rich and taste good. (I was never an afficianado of warm milk ... though learned to like it with an aroused woman offering it. And, yes, it can be used in a cup of coffee ... :-) Been there, done that.)If you and she have a good sense of humor ... enjoy her largess if she offers it!

Thank you for allowing my two cents worth ... not all women are created the same. Nor have they the same sensibilities.

The truth of lactation and sex is more erotic than the fiction about it!

All the best and thank you again for your insight and information.

Ron Chee

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Excellent info

Thanks -great info! it's impossible to find out about how pregnant women's sexual body is during the month's of pregnancy without getting a load of porn sites! I would have liked more info on sex during pregnancy though as a lot of us guys are clueless!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Intercourse and lactation during pregnancy

A lot depends on the partners. Some men wouldn't dream of nursing their pregnant or nursing partners. Others think its wonderful. With both partners agreeing, lactation can be started with some persistens at 5 months of pregnancy. At eight months it is quite easy. Some men likewise are uncomfortable having intercourse with a pregnant woman (spouse or not). Others feel it is magnificent. The woman's wants are of couse the key. A recent survey reported in the newspaper indicated that women's desires for intercourse were average during the first and last trimester, and above average in the second. Intercoutse during the 8th month is the absolute greatest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
But we want fantasy

The stories here are mainly fantasy, erotic dreams. We read them to masturbate. We love fantasy. To hell with fact--if that's what we are looking for then we should try somewhere else.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
I know, I know.........

As a father of a 2yr old and with a pregnant wife, this is the last thing I want to read about!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

You told the truth but the writers and readers dont want the truth they want what their dreams are and will never happen so why let the truth get in the way of a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
not always true

i agree with everything except the first myth.....i was pregnant and very much lactating by the end of the third month...not colustrum but actual milk, a ton of wasnt left over from nursing that was my first preganacy so it is possible for a pregnant woman to lactate

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