Lady Chatterley's Maid 01

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What the maid did next.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/18/2024
Created 05/10/2024
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"I am sorry to disturb you Miss," it was Emma, the maid.

"Don't be sorry Emma, what it is?'

She blushed, most becomingly.

"I am sorry Miss, but it is Mellors, he wants to see us both, now."

Something between my thighs stirred.

Since the incident a few weeks back, relations between the butler and myself had reverted to normal. I was the daughter of the lord of the manor, and he was the butler. If the twain met, it was as lady and servant. I had thought he might try for a repeat of that night, but he did not. However, with Papa having departed for a long weekend in Paris, and most of the staff given the time off, I suppose I should have expected a move on his part.

"Did he say what he wanted?"

"No, Miss, just that he wanted to see us both. I am sorry Miss, he told me to say it."

I blushed back.

"Not your fault at all Emma. Where is he?"

"The study Miss."

I went with her.

I liked Emma. She was a little taller than I was, and equally slender, not that the maid's uniform complemented that. Her dark hair was kept short, her manner was always respectful, but there was something about her that made me wonder what made her tick. I was always pleasant to her, but she would always emphasis that she "knew her place."

Mellors was sitting in the study smoking a cigar and drinking a brandy.

"Thank you, Emma."

"My pleasure Sir."

"I do hope so," he grinned.

I did not like the probable import of that grin.

"Good morning, Lady Penelope."

"Good morning Mellors."

"Right," he grinned. "There are going to be a few changes round here for the weekend. Emma, you will take her ladyship into the servant's quarters in a moment."

"Yes Sir." She said obediently.

"You see, Emma, what you do not know, is that her ladyship has some unusual needs, don't you, Missy?"

To be spoken to like that in front of Emma, the maid, with no preparation, was like a blow to my stomach. I felt myself blush. I saw Emma blush too. He looked into my eyes, challenging me.

"I do... Sir." I said.

I could hear Emma's intake of breath.

"You are to take Missy to the servant's quarters. I have laid out outfits for you both. She is to be the under maid this weekend. If, that suits you, your ladyship?"

I could, and should, have said "no" there and then; but I didn't.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"Off you go, girls, see you in a while."

And with that he dismissed us.

There was a tense silence as we walked to the servants' quarters. It was only when we got to Emma's room that the silence was broken. There, on the bed were two maid's outfits; but not the usual sort. They were overtly sexualised. Black French maid's outfits with a frilly petticoat, stockings, suspender belt and caps, complete with high heels.

Emma looked at me. I looked at her.

"I am sorry Miss."

"For what, Emma?"

"Well, sometimes he has me dressed in this, but you, your ladyship, it's not right."

I blushed.

"We'd better get on with it," I said by way of an inadequate reply.

"Let me help. I'll get myself ready first."

Emma undid her uniform and put it to one side. Her tall, slender body clad only in a bra and white knickers, which she peeled down, removing the bra. I admired her naked body, watching as she put on the black lacy knickers and the matching bra. Mesmerised, I watched as she rolled the stockings up, put the belt on, remembering to thread the suspenders under the fabric of the knickers, before donning the rest of the outfit.

"Oh, Emma, you look so good in that."

She blushed.

"Thank you, your ladyship. Now can I help you?"

"Thank you, Emma, yes, could you hang my dress up and put my undies away?"

She grinned.

"I'd be happy to Miss."

Taking a deep breath, I pulled my sundress up and off, and handed it to Emma, who seemed transfixed by my breasts.

"No bra, Miss?"

"I wear one occasionally, but not when I am relaxing."

"You have even smaller breasts than me, Miss."

That made me blush, as I got on with peeling my knickers off and handing them to Emma.

"Oh Miss, can I say that you look so beautiful?"

I felt myself blush.

"You can, Emma," I smiled, "as long as you accept that you are beautiful."

"As long as you think so, Miss. If you put the belt and stockings on first, Miss, you won't have to do what I did by putting my knickers on first."

"Good thinking," I grinned and did as she suggested, I put the rest of the outfit on.

"Those heels really emphasis your firm bum, Miss."

"We look like a couple of maids from a porno fantasy," I said.

"No doubt what the male wants, Miss, they are, I have found, somewhat simple in their tastes."

"Has he had you?" I asked.

She blushed.

"No, he is fair Miss. I have said I do not want him to have me there, so he has taken my up my arse and made me suck him, but he has respected my desire not to be vaginally penetrated. Might I ask, Miss, what he has on you?"

"Nothing. He caught me masturbating one night, but I am not being made to do this."

"But, my lady, why?"

I explained to her about de Sade and the history of O.

"Ah, I understand Miss. I have had such fantasies myself. I shall do what I can to protect you, Miss."

I felt tears coming and pulled myself together.

"Thank you. I supposed we better get back?"

"I would suggest the application of some dark red lipstick and mascara and some blusher, Miss."

We did that, and they walked back to the study.

Mellors grinned a grin wide enough to have doubled as a tunnel.

"My, you two look even sexier than I had imagined."

"Thank you, Sir," we chorused.

"Emma, you are in charge of Missy, as you will call her from now on. Understand?"

"Yes Sir."

"Tell her to kneel and kiss your arse."

Emma looked at me in a state of shock, nervous about my reaction, but, as I blinked reassuringly, she did it.

"Missy, I want you to get behind me, lift my skirt and kiss my arse."

"Yes, Miss Emma," I said, squirming, but soaking wet at having to address my maid as Miss, and having her call me Missy.

Mellors watched with some pleasure as I got on my knees behind Emma and, lifting her short skirt, kissed her arse. It looked delicious, and I could tell from the scent emanating between her legs that she was as turned on by this as I was.

"Sod it!" Mellors declared. "I was going to wait, but the sight of her ladyship dressed like that and kissing your arse has got me hard. Emma, on your knees in front of me and see to my cock. Missy, carry on kissing her arse."

As Emma got on all fours to see to his needs, her knickers bunched up, slipping into her wet pussy. I could not resist. As she bobbed to and fro servicing Mellors' cock, I began lapping at her pussy, pulling her knickers aside. Mellors' groaning drowned out any other noises, but as I reached under to tease her clit, she pushed her bum back at me, clearly wanting more; I obliged. She tasted as good as she looked, and my tongue pressed in as deep as I could, even at the risk of my nose pressing into her dark hole. I wanted her that badly.

My tongue darted in and out, in time with her own movements, which were controlled by Mellors, who was moving her head to and fro. I felt her stiffen, assuming he had cum, before realising, given the amount of juice, that she had. I gripped her hips and licked.

"Oh fuck, girls, how is man to hold back? Answer me that. Clean me up Emma, and then kiss Missy."

He had clearly missed that she had cum.

When she had finished, she turned to me. Her lips and chin were stained with his cum. She looked at me as though to say "sorry," and kissed me.

"Tongue her Emma."

Emma pushed her salty tasting tongue into my mouth, sharing her bounty with me.

"Fuck, if that is not one of the sexiest things I have ever seen! Let me see your mouths, girls!"

We knelt and opened our mouths.

"Oh fuck," he exclaimed. "We are going to have fun! Now, girls, clean yourselves up, get me something for lunch, and we shall see what is next."

Shamefaced, we slunk away.

"Sorry about that, Miss, but thank you for a lovely orgasm. You are so good at that."

I grinned.

"Better get used to calling me Missy, if the other word slips out, your bum will pay for it."

We both giggled.

"I had no idea you got off on this, Missy," she said.

"Like I would go round advertising it? You don't, why would I?"

She grinned conspiratorially.

"Would I be right in thinking you're getting off on the idea of being my under maid?"

"What makes you think that?" I said as we finished cleaning ourselves up.

"This," she said, leaning in to lick my cheek. "You still had some of my pussy juice on you. You didn't need to get that enthusiastic, so I'm assuming you loved pushing your face into my bum and your tongue up my pussy?"

My blushing gave the game away.

"You called me Miss Emma. Did you like that - Missy?"

"Yes, Miss Emma, loved it, in fact."

"I want to fuck you, Missy."

"Good, because I want to be fucked by you. But what are we going to do about him?"

As I said that I was getting out the tray for the meal we had prepared for him.

"Leave him to me, Missy. If he gets too fresh with you, I can find ways of coping with it." Then she looked at me in a way that warmed my heart. "I'll look after you, Missy." She kissed me.

"Good girls," he said as we came in. I put the tray on the table.

"Lunch is served, Sir."

"Good girl, Missy. Is she behaving, Emma?"

"She is, Sir, she even calls me Miss Emma."

He smiled broadly.

"Well, I shall have a bite to eat now. I suggest you girls grab yourself something from the kitchen."

"Yes, Sir," Emma said, "I shall get Missy to serve me. She will be back to collect your plates Sir."

"Good, Emma, you are adapting well. Off you go Missy."

I felt in a daze.

"Are you okay Missy," Emma said, hugging me when we got to the kitchen.

"Yes, I'm just grateful to you. You could be a total bitch to me."

"I could," she grinned, "but not for him, and only if you wanted it. I've fancied you for ages your ladyship."

I smiled back.

"Well, I guess I ought to thank Mellors for making this possible."

"Sod that," Emma said, "he'll find his own way to make us thankful. Let's get a bite."

We grabbed a quick sandwich and made sure that the kitchen was spotless.

"Okay, Missy, time for the under maid to go get his lordship's leavings."

"Of course, Miss Emma," I curtsied.

Mellors was looking pleased with himself.

"Good girl, Missy. Take it away and then you and Emma can come back here."

As I picked up the tray, the inevitable happened, and I felt him grope my bum.

"It's so nice to be able to grab your ladyship's arse whenever I want, especially as it is such a cute one. Fuck it, open your legs girl!"

I opened them, allowing him to slip two fingers along my panties.

"You really are a slut, Missy. These are already wet. Go get Emma and get the fuck back here as soon as possible."

I dashed back.

"He's horny," I warned her.

"There's a shock, NOT! When isn't he? What did he do?"

I told her.

"We're in for it now."

We went back in, two obedient maids for the butler.

"You, Missy, on your knees, now. Emma, get by her side. Unzip me and feed her ladyship her treat!"

There was no choice, so we got to it.

Emma looked at me as she slowly unzipped him as her hand pressed gently against his manhood, feeling it grow. She reached in and took out his stiff cock.

"Kiss it Missy, this side, I will kiss the other side."

I had to admit that kissing Emma was a considerable incentive to be a "good girl." She had clearly done this many times. We each kissed his shaft down to his full sack, lifting and squeezing it as we did. Then, in concert we licked our way back up to his red, shiny crown. Precum appeared as she licked it off, then took in the head and told me to follow suite. I opened my mouth, licked around the head, and slowly let it slide it. It was so hot, so smooth. It tasted of her, as well as him, which again, made it more bearable.

"Fuck, you two are good."

Emma gripped the base of the shaft while cupping his balls and rhythmically manipulated it as I pushed my mouth down further taking in as much as I was able. I was looking up. His eyes were closed as he moaned, seemingly satisfied. Emma was stroking him as his cock slid back and forth filling my oral cavity.

"He won't be long," she whispered, "I know how to get him off, so prepare yourself."

I felt it throb in my mouth, then felt if stiffen and shudder. The taste changed as I felt him begin to finish. I felt each spurt as it rushed through his cock, followed by two more. Thanks to Emma's warning, I managed to swallow the first load, which made the other two easier. I wanted more.

"Fuck, fuck, how the fuck is a man supposed to hold back with two sluts like you?"

Emma grinned at me as though to say: "that's the whole point!" Then she kissed me, taking in some of his load.

"Let me clean you up, Sir. Missy is not so skilled at this."

Emma took the deflating cock, licking up every drop while winking at me.

"Fuck, you girls are good."

"Thank you, Sir," I said while Emma finished him off.

"I shall need to rest; I am sure you two can find ways of amusing yourselves. Now, stand up Missy and show me that rump!"

The sheer humiliation of having the butler refer to my "rump," and of having to show it to him, made me tingle again. I was getting desperate for some relief. But I did as he wanted.

"You really are one hot piece of ass, your ladyship. You, too Emma. See you both later."

After a quick spank on my "rump," off he went to recover.

"Now, your ladyship, I don't know about you, but I need to cum, and hard."

"I do too," I said.

"Well, for now, Missy, we'd better not let you. He is bound to ask, and I can guess wat will happen if you have indulged."


"He has a place down in the cellars where he takes me, or one of the other maids, and uses us really roughly. You are seeing the nice side of him, but believe me, if crossed - well you do not want to go there. But you so want to go here, don't you, Lady P?"

She slipped her panties down and off and sat back, pulling me to her. She was right, I did want to go there.

"How does it feel being cunt licker to your former maid, Missy?"

The fact she was asking that question in that way told me she knew exactly what was lighting my fire.

"Satisfying, Miss," I said, giving her bare lips a long and very slow lick with my broad tongue, before using my fingers to peel back her outer lips so I could do the same on her inner glistening pink wetness. She moaned and gripped my head, grinding herself against me.

"Oh, fuck, you are such a good cunt muncher my lady."

The way she was pressing me to her made it more difficult for my tongue to find its way through her lips, so I settled for licking her clit instead. She groaned and arched her back. I pulled on her with my lips, pressing her clit as I did so. She squealed with pleasure as I tugged on it, pulling her, then letting go, which made her moan, before once more munching on her and pulling.

I adjusted position so she could get her legs across my shoulders, which allowed me to twist two fingers into her gooey wetness while simultaneously sucking her clit. Her cunt was sliming all over my hand, she was that wet. My fingers deftly explored her wetness, finding that rough patch and teasing it.

"Yes, yes, yes Missy, oh yes, that's right!"

Then I felt it. There was cool air as my skirt was lifted and my knickers pulled down to the tops of my thighs. As I finger fucked Emma and devoured her clit, someone had bared my arse. I knew why moments later as, with a loud crack, a big hand was brought down, hard, on my defenceless bum.

"You're a dirty little slut Missy, so take that!"

It was Mellors. I felt my bum start to ache, the pain shooting through me. But I kept sucking Emma and fingering her until, with a huge groan, she pushed her sopping wet pussy into my face, sharing her juices with me. My arse was on fire, but the pain seemed to be making me even more horny.

As Emma rubbed herself against me in the aftershocks of her orgasm, Mellors spanked me some more. My arse throbbed.

"Right Emma, I am hard again and it is your arse or Missy's."

"You can take mine," Emma moaned, still coming down from her orgasm.

"Right, Missy, get Miss Emma's arse ready for me."

Emma stood, before getting onto all fours. She spread her arse cheeks.

As she was doing this to save me, I wanted to prepare her thoroughly. Fortunately she had douched, so her tight hole was clean. I rimmed it, wondering what on earth my friends would think if they could see me rimming my maid's arse hole. She gasped, I licked, and she gasped some more.

Pressing against the tightness with my tongue, I pushed in. She moaned. I pushed at the muscle, pressing it in. I used my wet fingers to take some of the goo from her cunt to lubricate her arsehole, before opening it. She began to push back. Slowly but surely I stretched and opened her tightness.

"Right, you dirty bitch, Missy, help guide my cock into Miss Emma's arse!"

He was hard and throbbing as I helped position himself to sodomise her.

"Your ladyship is such a dirty bitch. Go stand in the corner, skirt up."

Rising groggily, I waddled to the corner, my knickers still at the top of my thighs.

"She looks more like a naughty schoolgirl than a lady, doesn't she, Emma?"

"Yes Sir," she said.

"Right, you are now wet, and I am hard. Missy is a good fluffer. Come here girl."

As I stood in the corner, my bruised arse on show, I heard him fuck her arse.

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PixiehoffPixiehoff8 days agoAuthor

Giggles, and now I can't quite get that image out of my head :)

AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

It sounds like that muse may require some light bondage, and, perhaps, a firm hand applied to her cute, pert little bottom. If it takes a little time to get her to comply, well, I guess we can wait. 😉. But now, unfortunately (or fortunately) I have an image floating around my head of a sexy little muse in light bondage having her cute, pert bottom spanked. *sigh* 🥰

PixiehoffPixiehoff10 days agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Anon - I wish I knew how my muse works, then I could be in charge of her xxxxx

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

I am happy that Miss Pixiehoff proved to herself and her doubter(s) that her talent for writing kinky erotica transcends genre and gender. (This story was as brilliant and stimulating as any other Pixiehoff offering.) I am unhappy that this exercise with a totally predictable/ inevitable outcome has sidetracked Miss Pixiehoff from some of her eagerly anticipated continuations of stories we have all been looking forward to. As good as this story is / was, I reeeeeeaaaally want to know how The End of Things ends. - And the randy rev Robin is always in the back of my mind. There are others, of course, but those two have me gagging in anticipation for more. (Yes, I’m greedy and insatiable when it comes to Miss Pixiehoff’s epic storylines.) I’m definitely looking forward to anything Miss Pixiehoff deigns to generously grace us with. 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

PixiehoffPixiehoff14 days agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Dr. B - well I was not having it said that lesbians can't imagine non-lesbian sex xxxxxxx

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