Lady in Red Ch. 07


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"You want to know what's really weird about all of this?" asked Gwen during a break in the conversation. "The other night, Steve told me how much he feared, and respected Dad. He said Dad's a great father and he's raised a wonderful family. He has every right to expect Steve to follow his rules! What kind of boyfriend sticks up for a girl's father?"

"A boyfriend that's in it for the long haul," responded Gwen's grandmother. "That's one sign of a young man with proper upbringing. He respects your father's authority. That tells us a lot about your young man."

"Steve and I are going to take a walk after we clean up and the men start watching football. I haven't had much alone time with him and I want to have him to myself for a little while. I can't be fighting off my sisters, cousins, aunts, mother, and grandmother all the time just to talk with him."

"Don't be gone too long," cautioned Paula. "We're going to be watching videos of you two at half time of one of the games. I want you both here to watch them with us."

A short time later, Steve and Gwen strolled down the sidewalk away from her house. "Steve, I haven't been alone with you very much in the last week or so. It was just a week ago that you dove into Emerson River to save those two kids."

"And you pulled me out in the nick of time. I'll always be in your debt. If you ever need something, or help with something, just let me know. I'll do just about anything for you, Gwen."

"I'll take you up on that. You'll have me around a lot, so save my life sometime and we'll be square. Saving lives seems to be a habit of yours anyway."

"Hello, Kids!" called Mrs. Henderson from her doorstep as the couple passed in front of her home. "I hope you're not going for another swim, Gwen! Is this handsome boy the one you saved last week? I'm Cynthia Henderson, and you've got to be Steve Hammer. Would you please come in for a minute and say hello to my family? They've heard all about my neighbor's daughter being the 'Heroine of the Emerson River Rescue". I kind of bragged that I knew you pretty well, Gwen. Please come in and meet my family."

Gwen looked at Steve and he shrugged as if to tell her it was her decision. "Okay, but only for a couple minutes. My family is expecting us back pretty soon."

As soon as they entered the home, they were besieged with well wishers. Steve answered questions about the football game, while Gwen covered the river rescue as quickly as she could.

"You're 'The Lady in Red'!" gasped a middle aged lady sitting in a recliner. "I love that video. You two look so vibrant, and in love. I've watched it a few dozen times. I didn't realize that you kids were the same ones from the river and the football team. I heard that you danced at the fire company's casino night. I wish I had known that you would perform. I'd have been there for sure. When do you think you'll be dancing again? I'd love to be able to see it."

"Actually, Steve and I'll be dancing at the Governor's Ball in January. Mr. O'Leary invited us the other day. It seems that Steve is a pretty good friend of his. I'd be willing to bet that it'll be on YouTube shortly afterwards," predicted Gwen. "Thanks so much for the hospitality, but we need to get home for dessert and football. My boyfriend loves his football!"

Gwen and Steve made it by two more houses before some kids from school trotted down the sidewalk to chat with them. "Come on in and meet my parents and aunts and uncles," coaxed a girl Steve knew as Sue. "They're dying to meet the guy that threw 'The Pass' and danced with 'The Lady in Red'."

Gwen and Steve soon realized that their walk was destined to be more of a tour, than a stroll. By the time they returned to the Anderson home, they had been invited into five homes to meet relatives and friends, besides the many people that greeted them on the sidewalk.

"What were you two doing for so long?' demanded Paula as she hustled the couple into the living room. "We expected you back an hour ago. Do I dare ask what took so long?"

"Mother! We kept getting invited into people's homes to say hello to friends and relatives. We never made it past Hickory Street. It took an hour to get that far and another forty minutes to get back. Everybody wanted to meet the guy that led 'The Drive' and threw 'The Pass' and saved two kids from drowning in the icy waters of Emerson River."

"I thought they were all asking to meet 'The Lady in Red' and "The Heroine of the Emerson River Rescue'. It seems that Gwen Anderson has become a source of great pride among the residents of this development," responded Steve, before he added. "Actually, the whole town loves their heroine."

"Well, I'm not surprised," stated Paula's mother. "She's just beginning to show her potential and you're helping a great deal with that. When I was here last Thanksgiving, Gwen insisted on going to her room to study after dinner. I was concerned about her being so reserved and introverted. Then I turn on the TV the other day and see her strip down to her bra and panties and dive into icy waters to help save two children and a very brave young man. I was amazed at how she's blossomed. Let's watch the videos and I'll tell you all about it."

The family was just finishing the videos when Paula asked Steve to help her serve dessert to everyone in the living room. Once she had him away from the others, she quickly let him know the actual reason she wanted him alone with her.

"Steve, I've watched the girls of mine when they're near you and I have a serious favor to ask of you. Please promise me that you'll try to never cause a rift between them. I'm afraid they're all falling in love with you. I worry how that could affect how close they are to each other. I've always been proud of the girls and how they supported each other and protected each other. Please don't give Gwen reason to resent Lisa or Kate."

Steve was dumbfounded. He blushed as he sought the right words to respond to Paula's request. "Mrs. Anderson, I've never tried to mislead the girls. Gwen is my girlfriend. I respect her. Kate and Lisa are absolutely beautiful, but Gwen is the daughter I want. I'll never do anything to harm Gwen in any way. I can promise that."

"I know you haven't misled them, but they're drawn to you like nothing I've ever seen before. I see how Lisa and Kate kiss and tease you. Gwen has to see it, too. Don't let their enthusiasm and beauty cause you to slip up. It would destroy Gwen and possibly this family," finished Paula.

"Mrs. Anderson, I promise that I'll not betray your trust, nor will I ever do anything to harm your daughters in any way. Kate and Lisa are like sisters I never had. Gwen is all I want. It should help relieve you to know that she told me that I could be her boyfriend, but there would be no sex. There's no danger there," assured Steve.

"I have your word. That's all I ask. You haven't learned when a girl says 'no' she often means 'yes'. You're an extremely handsome, desirable male. My daughters are all falling in love with you. Kate and Lisa love Gwen and they'll try to be good sisters to her, but I know the temptations they face. If you're very careful to show them boundaries, they'll probably respect them, but it won't be easy for them," worried Paula. "You're a wonderful young man and I couldn't be happier with the way you've helped Gwen. You're part of the family. I'm just not certain how big a part you are, or will become. Thanks for listening to a worried mom," finished Paula as she hugged Steve warmly.

"Mom! Is that why you needed Steve to help with the pie?" asked Kate as Paula quickly stepped back from Steve. "Next time, I'll bring in the dessert with Steve and you can listen to Grandma tell everyone what a heartbreaker she was way back when. I was kidding, Mom! You know that, right?"

Paula had left the room as Kate spoke. Kate looked after her and then swung around to Steve. "What was that all about? Did you say something to Mom to hurt her feelings?"

"Kate, your mom was just asking me to not hurt your feelings, or your sisters' feelings. She thinks that maybe you like me too much. You can understand her concern. It would be really bad if something should ever come between you and your sisters."

"Something like a big, handsome stud? I admit that I flirt a lot with you, but I thought you were safe since you love Sis so much. I like you an awful lot, but I know better than to expect you to fall for me. Do you want me to stop flirting? I will if you ask, but I really like being honest around you. I've never felt so free around a guy before. A lot of it's because you're Gwen's boyfriend. I think you'd cut off your arm before you'd hurt her."

"Kate, you're right about how I feel about Gwen. As long as you know that I'm truly falling in love with you, but like a beautiful little sister, we'll get along great. Be sure that Gwen understands our relationship, and maybe try to explain things to your mom a little better. She's afraid that I'll hurt you, or Gwen, or Lisa, or all three of you. I admire how much you three love each other and I'd feel terrible if I ever messed that up."

"Gwen knows how I feel, and how you feel. She's real smart. As long as you love her and always show her that you do, she'll never worry about me. A girl can hug, love, and tease her big brother, can't she?" asked Kate as she hugged Steve. "Gwen and I'll always be close and you're just making it better. I'll talk to Mom and have Lisa and Gwen do the same. She still thinks of us as little girls."

"So that's why we haven't been served our pie!" laughed Lisa as she came into the kitchen to find Kate in Steve's embrace.

"Mom told Steve that she's worried about him breaking our hearts, or even breaking up us sisters. I was telling him that as long as he loves Gwen, there'll never be a problem. She knows how much we like him. She also knows that we sisters stick together and he's safe with us, except we're going to hug and kiss him like a brother. Actually, not quite like a brother, but more like a sexy brother-in-law."

"Kate's right! We think the world of you, but Gwen's our sister. Mom should know better. You're Gwen's boyfriend. I've never seen anything like the way you two belong together. If you love Gwen like I think you do, Kate and I could never come between you, and we'd never want to. That said, I want some of that hug!" laughed Lisa as she moved under Steve's left arm to join Kate in Steve's strong arms.

"No wonder we're not getting any dessert!" came a calm voice from the doorway. "I leave you guys alone with my boyfriend for a few minutes and you're all over him. To think I was going to blame Mom for keeping him in the kitchen. Where is Mom?"

"Remember when Dad gave Steve 'The Talk' the first night you two went out?' asked Lisa. "Steve says that Mom just gave him another version of 'The Talk'. She's worried that this handsome, athletic, dancing, life saver will cause us sisters to argue and bicker and maybe even split apart the family. Mom seems to think that Kate and I will try to steal him away, or jump into bed with him or something. We were just telling Steve that we think the world of him, but you're our sister and we'll never do anything to ruin our sisterly bond. We told him that you're fine with us kissing him and hugging him as long as we all understand that he's your boyfriend. Why have such a handsome man in the family if we can't take advantage of him?"

"Mom was worried? About you and Kate liking Steve too much? About us having a falling out over him? I thought she understood us better than that. Listen to me, Steve.

"My sisters mean everything to me. I love them without reservation and I think they feel the same way toward me. It makes me feel really good when they show how special they think you are. It helps reinforce my faith in my judgment. They'll never have sex with you as long as you're my boyfriend, or mean something to me. I know that. They know that. It doesn't mean that they can't love you. We'll all love each others' boyfriends, husbands, significant others, or whatever they're called at the time. That is unless one of us falls in love with a jackass; then the other two sisters will let her know that fact immediately. We need to explain this to Mom."

"You just did, Sweetheart," sobbed Paula from the back door. "I was worried about you girls, but you're miles ahead of me. I'm sorry, Steve, for making a big deal out of something that was only a problem in my head. Let's get that dessert out before my mother shows up looking for us."

As the others enjoyed their dessert, Gwen revealed the schedule for the following day. "Amber O'Leary called a few minutes ago. She wants us to travel to the capitol tomorrow and plan on spending the night. She wants to get all of our measurements, including Steve's. Amber plans on having at least two new gowns for each of us girls for the Ball. She has the designs pretty well done but they need to be sure of our sizes, and then make the clothes. The hope is that her people will have at least one outfit done for us to try on Saturday, just so she knows she's in the right ballpark with cuts, colors, accessories and make up. Steve's tuxedos will be coordinated with my gowns, which should look incredible."

"Aunt Diane, could you work with Steve and me on a dance we can do at the ball?" asked Kate. "I don't want to be the ugly step-sister that sits around like a bump on a log. It would be cool if he and I had a special dance, if it's okay with Steve."

"I was thinking the same thing, Kate. Each of you should have a number that you can do at the dance that will be your own. We don't have much time and since you all have the same partner, you won't be able to practice together. Are you willing to work a lot of over time for this, Steve?" questioned Diane.

"Football is over so I have a lot more time now. If long hours holding the Anderson bombshells in my arms and dancing with them will help humanity, I'll give it my best shot. That's the kind of sacrifice I'm willing to make."

A bit later, Gwen's grandmother asked Steve to carry some dishes out to her car. "While I have you out here, I have a favor to ask. Paula's daughters are beautiful, confident young women. I don't have to tell you that. I'm worried about Diane's daughter. Stephanie is a lot like how Gwen used to be; only even more reserved. I watched her look at you with Gwen, Lisa, and Kate. She's feeling pretty lonely, ugly, unloved, unnoticed, and ignored. I can tell. I tried to get Diane to talk to you about it, but she felt it was unfair to you.

"Could you make it a point to notice Stephanie more and to make her feel more involved in everyday life, at least when you're around her? God knows that I don't need another granddaughter falling head-over-heels for you, but it doesn't seem to be hurting Gwen or her sisters, even a little bit. I'm not asking you to romance Stephanie or anything, but a few little actions on your part could make a big difference to her. Would you do that for the grandmother of your little harem, or whatever it is you have going with my granddaughters? It's hard to believe that I'm asking you to bring another granddaughter under your spell, but I worry about her."

"Ma'am, I don't know that I can be much help, but I promise that I'll make an extra effort to include Stephanie in things when she's around. I apologize for ignoring her. There's no excuse for rude behavior. I'll do my best."

"Young man, if I were forty years younger, you'd be in trouble! No wonder Paula's girls love you so much," praised Caroline as she hugged Steve and kissed his cheek.

"Pretty much what we suspected, isn't it, Sis?" observed Kate to Gwen as they came down the walk. "Grandma, it looks like you've joined the Steve Hammer Fan Club. Can you tell us what flimsy excuse you used to hug and kiss our guy?"

It was a little later that evening when Steve and his uncle were saying goodbye that Steve asked Diane, "Would it be okay if Stephanie and I worked on a dance we can do together? I hope to see her at a lot of affairs the next few years and I'd like to fool people into thinking I know what I'm doing. Since she lives with you, it shouldn't take too much scheduling. She could even fill in for one of the other girls if they couldn't make a practice. That way, I'd still be able to work on my steps. That is, if Stephanie's okay with it. What do you say, Steph? Will you help me learn a dance or two?"

Gwen and Lisa broke into huge grins while Kate's jaw dropped. Diane worked to keep a straight face as the women turned to look at Stephanie. She sat with the 'deer in the headlights' look for a few seconds.

"Well, I'd be glad to help you learn the dances, and it'd be cool if we had one we could do together. I'm not beautiful or big chested, but I can dance pretty good. I'll be able to help you out now and then with their dances as long as mom lets me watch you work with them," conceded Stephanie before another thought came to her. "Will I get to kiss and hug you all the time like Kate does?"

Steve was pleased with Stephanie's response, but surprised at her last question. "Don't you have any mirrors in your house, Diane? I thought I just heard Steph say she wasn't beautiful. Maybe she needs eye glasses? As far as hugging and kissing me like Kate does, I'm all for it, but Gwen may be jealous. Your folks might have an objection as well. Ask them."

"Stephanie, you're like a sister to us and you can hug and kiss that guy as much as you dare. I don't blame you. He's hard to resist! How about you, Aunt Diane? Are you willing to allow Stephanie to make a spectacle of herself like Kate does when Steve's around?"

"That's a tough question, Gwen," responded Diane with a smile. "Stephanie has to promise to not steal Steve away from you and to not be quite as exuberant as Kate. Other than that, she's free to torment him anyway she chooses."

"Are you kidding?" demanded Kate. "Stephanie doesn't have the nerve to kiss and hug Steve. She'll probably shake his hand or something. And I don't make a spectacle of myself, do I?"

Steve strode over to where Stephanie was seated on the couch, leaned down and easily plucked her from her perch. He held her up and gently spun her around and set her back down, only to have Stephanie jump back into his arms and hug him fiercely.

"I like when you call me 'Steph'. Thanks for asking me to dance and for making me feel like a regular part of the family," whispered Stephanie as she hugged Steve before loudly declaring. "Let me the first one to give you a goodbye kiss!"

With that, Stephanie gave Steve a resounding kiss on his cheek. Then she smiled at everyone and kissed him on the other cheek. Then she laid her head against his chest and clung to him.

"Stephanie, we all need to say goodbye to Steve," laughed Lisa. "Whose idea was it to introduce another beautiful girl into this mess, anyway? You have to let the guy go so the rest of us can say goodbye properly."

"I didn't know how strong he feels and how good he smells!" admitted Stephanie to the laughter of her family. "I'm going to love dancing with him. Thanks, Gwen!"

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This chapter teaches us to be magnanimous to all in all situations: before a crowd in the gym; in meeting new family members for the first time; in the banter around the Thanksgiving table; and interacting with the neighbors. Unbelievably good manners. Good humor. And outdoing each other in praise. Take note America. This author is teaching us in an extremely enjoyable and over the top way exactly how we should be. Thanks HDK. YOU ARE THE BEST!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Steve should open a whore house!

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 2 years ago

The grandmother expressed it best: it is kind of like a small harem Steve has now; add Stephanie to that? Before this chapter, I do not remember her being mentioned at all--she felt like she was thrown in there. I can, however, buy all the families on the block wanting to meet the "local heros," as that's perfectly natural.

Must raise a grammar issue: I've noticed frequent misuse of the semicolon. I'd suggest straightening that out by visiting the grammar section of The Free Dictionary, as they have excellent explanations about how to differentiate between the colon, semicolon and hyphen (basically you use a semicolon when only a colon or maybe two hyphens would be the only 2 forms of appropriate punctuation).

The really human part of this is twofold: getting Uncle Joe out of this solitude, and giving Steve a HUGE family he can't escape--which transcends the Anderson family property at this point.

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

OTT but enjoyable and a great read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I had the pleasure of going to school with a Seals son . He only got into one fight after that no one would mess with him .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

stack stays in overflow. still, i enjoyed the read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

more filler. stack overflow!

rayironyrayironyalmost 3 years ago
Don't know why i like it

protracted and overblown as it is...But i keep reading. grin

Wolfgang1955Wolfgang1955over 3 years ago

Up to know all 5. Just to long and slow moving.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

How come we don't meet Paula's dad?.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Took the advice of Anonymous 4-16-13 and looked up the song on YouTube (comes into our TV). Totaled up well over 100 million views of various videos by Chris de Burg. A 1986 (original hit year?) on-stage-with-smoke version, fit the beautiful, etheral accompinent. The whole song, his voice, and accompaniment seems to fit with this story. There is also a.2016 (30th anniversary?) version.

Investigated a few other artists. None equaled de Burgh.

Kudos to Harddaysknight for appropriating this song for the title and story.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I love my sisters but i will never want them to Kiss my man like that. And now even the way....never!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

The whole town loves their heroine.

Yes, from what I heard and read that's a problem in the US, especially in the mid-west and the Appalachia region.

Amazing how the country that started the whole "war on drugs" first let the CIA sponsored traffickers get the black community hooked on crack and now a generation later allowed the pharmaceutical companies to addict a sizeable part of the Caucasian population on opiates. I guess it's just capitalism at work and hey, no harm done. In both cases for the most part, the so-called victims (aka as junkies or drugfiends) weren't really high earning people. It's natural selection at work.

The stupid poor take themselves out of the equation, society improves. Amirite or amirite?

LinneaLundinLinneaLundinalmost 7 years ago

Fantastic, over-the-top goodness. I want some of those kisses and hugs! Thanks HDK, for the epically fun story.

rightbankrightbankover 7 years ago
another one is added to the mix

he is a busy fella

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

All the kissing is really weird.

GoesGruntGoesGruntalmost 9 years ago
The Dissonance

The story is a fun read so far so I'm not complaining. The criticism in some of the comments seems to come from a few things though and I hoped to clarify them a bit.

The "family values" and interactions seem more like Leave it to Beaver than something happening after 1999.

The interactions seem quite repetitive, with the same few issues being rehashed over and over. (in some ways realistic, but when in happens in real life it happens over an extended period with lots of other things happening in between; it tends to work better in story showing if you only portray a few key examples of the many conversations)

In part because of reasons already mentioned, the dialog often comes across as hokey or contrived.

Don't forget, Harddaysknight warned us right up front this story was going to be larger than life - "To keep the melodrama at a high level, there'll be some incredible feats and heroic actions. This is no ordinary pair of kids and their adventures will prove it. If Navy Seals, football stars, surgeons, glamorous actors and models, and honest politicians destroy your ability to suspend disbelief; this story may not be for you."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
7 chapters and now dear annony doesn't like it!!

come on man you know you fucking love these stories. I gave it a 5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

maybe works if you are 8 years old.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I agree with loran

It's just not believable. The dialogue is horrible and all the girls kissing Steve is gross.

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