Lady in Red Ch. 14


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They swung by Uncle Joe's apartment to pick up some clothes for Steve since he would be staying at the Anderson's. "I asked Uncle Joe to have that nice dark tuxedo that I wore at the Inauguration ready with the other stuff. There aren't many pants that I can fit into with this bandage on my leg. I'll have to wear sweats like what I have on, or the tuxedo. How's that for a range? I know that my regular suit pants won't fit and I have zero chance of getting my jeans on. I'll be going to that memorial tonight dressed to the nines."

Paula and Ted met Steve in the driveway and helped him hobble into the house. Ted offered his hand as he told Steve, "I've got to thank you for everything you did to save the kids in that school, and especially Kate and Gwen. That could have been a catastrophic event. It was plenty bad as it was, but I can't imagine what I'd be feeling now if you hadn't been there. My home is yours for as long as you need it."

"Sir, I appreciate your hospitality and kindness. You and your family have been great to me. I hope to be able to repay you some day."

"You don't think saving my two daughters is payment enough?" asked Paula. "How about being shot twice while saving my daughters? Don't try to pay us back when we owe you more than we can ever say!"

Steve found that his arm and hand would function reasonably well as long as he kept his arm close to his body and only moved it from the elbow down. If he tried to raise his upper arm, his shoulder wound ached sharply. He was able to dress himself for the memorial, except for his tie. He had a real bow tie that needed to be tied. He wandered into the kitchen with the tie in his good hand.

"Can I help you with that? I've tied a few for Ted and I'm pretty good at it," boasted Paula with a smile as she took the tie from Steve's hand. "Bend over a little so I can get it under your collar and sling. Now stand still and let me tie it."

Steve stood like a statue as Paula fussed with his tie. He had his right arm in a sling to keep it immobile and when Paula pressed against him, to get the tie around his neck; her breast was against his hand. Steve blushed but said nothing. Paula smiled as she finished her task.

"There you go. You look very dapper, even with your arm in a sling. And thanks for standing so still. You look a little flushed. Did I upset you or something?"

"Paula, upset is not the word I would use. I'll stand still for you to fix my tie any time. Thanks!"

"You're such a charmer! Don't tell me that an old lady like me can get a young fellow like you ... shall we say flustered?"

"You know you can 'fluster' any man that still draws a breath. Small wonder your daughters are so beautiful, and such teases," replied Steve. "They just take after their mother."

"They do; even in how much they like a certain young man that keeps doing great things for my family. You feel that you owe Gwen for saving your life. Understand that this family feels that same way toward you for saving our girls. We'll try to never let you down, Steve. I promise that."

Ted drove the entire family, plus Steve, to the memorial service in his SUV. He dropped Gwen and Steve off near the rear of the building so Steve would not have as far to hobble to reach backstage. Gwen held his good arm as he tried to keep his right leg from moving very much. His bullet wound was high on his thigh and chaffed when he tried to walk on that leg. To lessen the rubbing, Steve tried to keep that leg immobile and rely on his left leg to provide motion. It all made for an awkward gait. Any step with either leg still caused some pain in his injury.

When they arrived backstage, Steve and Gwen were impressed with the caliber of speakers and performers present. A girl that finished in the top five in American Idol the previous year lived in their state. She had volunteered to sing "Amazing Grace". Nancy Burns, and Laura Watkins were scheduled to speak. Governor O'Leary was scheduled to speak after the first prayer. The mayor and the police chief were also on the docket. A choir from a local church planned several hymns. About ten students, including Charlotte had asked to speak briefly.

Charlotte held up her right hand as she rushed up to Gwen. "I just closed my hand in the car door! It hurts like the devil. I'm going to be able to give my little talk, but playing the piano for you is definitely out. I'm so sorry!"

"Oh, no! I'm sorry about your hand, but what am I going to do. My turn will be coming up before too long. I can't find someone to accompany me that quickly!"

"Sure you can," interjected Steve calmly. "There's a pretty fair pianist back stage right now. All you have to do is rub up against him a little and ask real nice and he'll be happy to play for you."

"You want me to rub against some guy to get him to play? I don't think you know me very well. I will NOT be doing that! I will, however, ask him nicely and see if that works. Where is he?"

"Actually, you have no choice. You'll have to rub against him and bat your blue eyes to convince him to help out. He's standing right in front of you."

Gwen quickly looked around, but saw no one but Charlotte and Steve close by. "I don't see this mystery piano playing pervert. You'll have to be more specific."

"Gwen! For a smart girl, you sure can act dense! He's standing right in front of you. For God's sake, start rubbing up against him! It won't be so bad. If I thought it would help, I'd do the rubbing for you, but you have much bigger erasers than I do!"

"Bigger erasers? Oh, for rubbing. But who? You mean Steve? Don't tell me that you play the piano, too! This is a tough song and it'll require more than a little ability. Can you play 'Bridge over Troubled Waters'? Charlotte and I practiced it last night and she had to work to get it just right."

"Gwen, do you trust me?" asked Steve as he held Gwen's arm and looked into her eyes. "Can you simply walk out there and trust me to play your song for you?"

Gwen stared back into Steve's eyes and smiled. "Steve, I trust you with my life. I've never been one to have much faith in others, but I absolutely trust you. I'm sorry I seemed dubious. Now let me rub up against you to seal the deal. My, your hand seems to be well situated for a hug. I'll have to ask you to release me pretty soon. Someone might see."

"Don't worry about that!" laughed Charlotte as she stepped between Gwen and any possible onlookers. "I've got you covered!"

Gwen laughed as she stepped back. "Thanks, Charlotte, you're a true friend, to Steve! He really seemed to enjoy that hug. I just hope Dad doesn't have me dusted for fingerprints! Has anyone else hugged you with this sling on? You should come with a warning or something."

"A gentleman never talks about the ladies in his life. Let me just say that you had better be the one to remove my tie tonight, because there's real danger lurking there for the unsuspecting."

"How will you play with your arm in a sling? I don't think that's possible, even for the amazing Mr. Hammer. And who tied your tie anyway? Was it Lisa? I'll have to be sure I beat her to removing it for you!"

"I can pull my arm out of the sling and keep my upper arm pretty still and manage to play okay. Don't worry about me. I can do it. You just need to be ready to sing your song. Charlotte, do you have the music with you?" asked Steve.

The evening began with a somber prayer and then Governor O'Leary gave his short speech. While he was speaking, Johnnie Dee approached Steve and Gwen.

"I saved you guys for last. I know what the crowd wants and it's you two. Which of you wants to go on first?"

"It now seems that Steve is playing the piano for me, and I think he should be the grand finale. So introduce us together and I'll bow out after my song and leave the stage to Steve," replied Gwen.

"Actually, I want Gwen on stage with me, so just introduce us together and we'll improvise when our turn comes," stated Steve.

"That sounds perfect! You kids will really 'wow' them. I bet you bring the house down tonight!"

After Johnnie Dee walked away, Gwen turned to Steve. "Improvise? Steve, there's hundreds of people here tonight and God knows how many will see it on YouTube and everywhere else. We don't want to look foolish."

"Gwen, do you trust me, or not?" asked Steve calmly.

"Okay, you lead and I'll follow. Let the record show that I was concerned, but my faith in my boyfriend was greater than my fear of failing."

The girl that sang "Amazing Grace" was extremely good and had many of those in attendance in tears. The speeches were tolerated and the choir was genuinely enjoyed and appreciated by the audience. Just over an hour and half after it began, Johnnie Dee stepped to the microphone to introduce Gwen and Steve.

"Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, let me introduce the two students most responsible for preventing the recent terrorist attack from being even more devastating to the Spartan Nation. Risking their lives to save others seems to be commonplace for these two. I give to you, Gwen Anderson and Steve Hammer!"

Gwen held Steve's hand as they slowly made their way to the microphone. Steve's difficulty in walking required almost half a minute for the couple to reach it. As Gwen helped Steve hobble forward, the crowd stood and applauded. After they reached the microphone, the crowd continued the applause. Gwen and Steve both smiled slightly and nodded. Then Gwen stepped back from Steve and gestured toward him and the applause increased!

Surprised, Steve raised his flat palm toward Gwen in the same universal sign used when indicating others for praise. Once again the applause increased! Gwen smiled and stepped back to take Steve's hand. Gradually, the crowd began resuming their seats. Gwen finally gestured a couple times for the audience to quiet down and it went silent.

"Thank you for your support. We are the Spartan Nation! We take care of our own. We grieve for our own tonight, and we also offer thanks for those that were spared. I have to thank the fire and rescue personnel for their incredible courage. They say that firemen are the ones that run into a burning building. They're also the ones that rush into a building packed with explosives. Why did they do that? Because we badly needed them, and that's what they do!"

Gwen had to stop to allow the applause to die down before she could continue. "We'll never forget that day when hell came to the Spartan Nation, and we responded with courage and sacrifice. I used to wonder how our town of Sparta got its name. Now we all know. We're the Spartan Nation because we respond to violence and hatred with strength and courage, like the Spartans of Greek History. I have never been more proud of my school, my friends, my town and my 'nation'.

"I saw many incredible examples of courage and sacrifice that day. We all can be proud of our students, teachers, staff, rescue, police, and medical personnel. They were heroic in their response to the mayhem created by the cowards that attacked us.

"But I would be badly remiss if I didn't make a point of thanking Jared White for taking bullets intended for me and thus saving my life. Thank you Jared! I see his parents are here and they should be very proud of their brave, selfless son.

"Then there's this guy standing next to me!" began Gwen before applause forced her to wait. "Yes, he deserves your applause and appreciation. He's amazing. Tonight I planned on singing for the first time in public and my accompanist told me back stage that she was unable to go on because she hurt her hand in the car door.

"Steve offered to take her place and I questioned him about being able to play my song on the piano. He asked me if I trusted him. I told him that I trust him with my life! We've never rehearsed this. I didn't even know he could play the piano, but somehow I think we're about to learn one more amazing talent of this wonderful guy."

With that Gwen led Steve over the piano placed to the right side of the stage. Steve sat down and Gwen gently removed the sling holding his arm in place. Then Gwen took a seat to Steve's left and moved the microphone so it was located directly in front of her. Steve nodded to Gwen and began to play the Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel song.

Gwen waited for her place, and started to sing. By the time Steve heard her sing, "When you're weary, feelin' small, when tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all," he realized that Gwen was an exceptionally talented singer. She sang beautifully, but her emotion was the difference between a good rendition and a great one.

By the time she reached the lyrics, "And pain is all around, like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down," the audience was extremely emotional and it reflected back to Gwen. She began to falter as tears streamed down her cheeks. She choked and put her face against Steve's shoulder as she fought to regain her composure.

Steve played in circles a little while hoping Gwen would be able to continue. Finally he leaned into the microphone and began singing, "Sail on Silver Girl, Sail on by, your time has come to shine, all your dreams are on their way."

Gwen pulled her face from Steve's shoulder in amazement. She wiped her eyes. Then she joined her voice to his as they finished the song in perfect harmony. The audience was absolutely silent for about ten seconds. Suddenly the crowd erupted as everyone stood and clapped and smiled their approval through their tears. Gwen once again buried her face in Steve's shoulder as she sobbed uncontrollably. There were two large screens placed so that people in less advantageous seats could view the proceedings easily. The applause increased as Steve wrapped his good arm around Gwen and held her close for a few seconds.

Gwen began to gain her composure as the crowd returned to its seats and the applause started to subside. Steve spoke into the microphone. "Thank you! I guess our girl can sing! Everyone has been thanked tonight, but I really want to add my personal appreciation of the events of Wednesday.

"Jared White saved Gwen by willingly taking bullets intended for her. Billy Marsh saved my life in the river that day in November. Gwen Anderson seems to save me all the time. She cut the wires to the explosives without even asking if I was certain they were the right ones. That saved all of us. Then she worked to save me from bleeding to death, and make no mistake. If she had not acted so promptly and professionally, I would have died.

"I want everyone to know that I will always have the backs of these three friends. Billy and Jared are now my brothers, and Gwen is ... everything. Anytime, anyplace, I'll be there if they ever need me.

"When I was a little more than a child, my grandfather died. My mother sang a beautiful song to me to help me feel better. She told me that her mother used to sing it to her in sad times. We all wonder why this terrible thing happened, and why it happened to us. There are no good reasons. How do you explain, intolerance, envy, hatred, and fear? Just know that there is either a plan for us all, or everything in life is totally random. Your choice, but either way, you have to learn to accept what we cannot explain. I hope that Gwen will help me with one final song, the song by John Lennon and Paul McCartney that my mother used to sing to me."

Steve began playing a familiar tune on the piano and at the appropriate moment, sang into the microphone. "When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be."

Once again, Gwen wiped her eyes and smiled at Steve before joining him in song. They sang together, and then they'd take turns with the lyrics as Steve played through the song twice. They audience began to join in on the chorus. Gwen, Steve and the audience finished the song as everyone sang together. Just as Steve played the last chord; the lights on the stage dimmed and went dark. Then there was silence.

Steve and Gwen remained seated at the piano, letting the raw emotion of the moment wash over them. Perspiration beaded both their brows as exhaustion swept over them. The curtain closed.

"You're just full of surprises, Steve! I told you that when we first danced, and I've got to say it again. You were amazing just now! I never dreamed that you were so musical. You have a wonderful voice and your style is perfect. Everyone was stunned when you started singing, although we should be used to you doing everything better than anyone else."

Johnnie Dee hurried up to the couple. "I knew you'd bring the house down! That was fantastic! People were bawling their eyes out because of the power and emotion you guys delivered. It was the best tribute I've ever seen. You kids have a future in music, or you would if you weren't so good at football, dancing, and heroics. Would you mind if I call on you for a few benefits I have scheduled? You two are the stars of the Spartan Nation!"

Other speakers and performers began streaming on stage. They were all raving about the performance they had just witnessed. Steve and Gwen graciously accepted the compliments as they worked their way toward the exit.

"Thanks so much, everyone, But Steve was shot twice on Wednesday and he really needs to get some rest. I'm responsible for his health and I don't want him to get worse on my watch," announced Gwen as she led Steve out the door.

Both Steve and Gwen were surprised by the number of people waiting for them as they left the building. Gwen's family was waiting near the SUV that Ted had parked close to the exit.

"Steve!" cried Stephanie as she hurried up and gently hugged him. "I'm so glad you're okay. I was scared to death when I heard the shooting after you sent me to pull the alarm. I did exactly what you told me and the police said it was the right thing to do. I knew it was if you told me to do it. You're so brave. I was afraid you'd be shot. I know you were, but I was afraid you were killed. I was so scared!"

"Steph, you were great. You never hesitated or questioned me. What you did could have saved hundreds of kids' lives. They needed to get out as fast as possible. Thanks for being so brave."

"Me? I wasn't brave. I was scared to death!" replied Stephanie.

That's what bravery is, Steph. You did something even though it frightened you because you knew you had to help others. I'm so proud of you," repeated Steve as he hugged Stephanie.

As he released her, Gwen whispered into his ear, "Careful Big Boy! Remember that I know where that injured hand is now that you have your sling back on. Don't you dare hug Aunt Diane!"

Just then, Diane wrapped her arms around Steve and hugged him hard. "Stephanie told us how fast you acted and what you told her to do. You probably saved her from that horrible man, and for sure you saved her if she had gone into that school with those killers there. You've conquered the last holdout in the family. I'm as goofy about you as Stephanie and all the Anderson girls, including Paula. Is that your hand? Oh, you're wearing a sling again! I bet Stephanie liked that!"

"Kate! Don't hug him," was all Gwen managed before Kate had Steve in her arms. She didn't say much but held onto him for a rather long time.

"Okay, Kate. I know what you're doing. Let him go," ordered Gwen in frustration. "Okay everyone, he's tired out and all you girls, and all your 'girls' aren't helping any. Steve, stop letting them hug you. Mom! Don't hug him. Oh, Mom! You, too!"

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Sometimes sappy is good!!!

linnearlinnearabout 1 year ago

I laugh every time I read about those hugs at the end

golasgilgolasgilover 1 year ago

His leg was a bit sore around the bullet wounds a whole day afterwards but he's walking around and playing the piano like it was a paper cut? I know this is just a story but come on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Comentartista, if your arm is in a sling your palm is against your chest.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I am surprised with all the singing that went on . . I am used to prayer and religious songs at funerals that I have been to . I guess that I have not gone to the right funerals ?

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 2 years ago

For some reason, this one finally struck me as too much...perhaps all the hugs at the end when the females knew he couldn't move his hand and would have their breasts touched. 4

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

I agree with IndiOn

IndyOnIndyOnover 2 years ago

All Fives so far....just one question....What happened to the Sixth terrorist?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This shows me HDK has a sense of humor

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Some have commented that Uncle Joe gets left out. But they made it clear he is a hermit/recluse. He unbent to let a teenager he didn’t know that well live with him. For those that haven’t dealt with it I know 3 people personally that are more secluded. One has made less than 2 dozen trips out of his basement since he came back from Vietnam. He gets along with his family who lives upstairs. A nurse has been out a few times to do a wellness check on him. It’s just the way he is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


MankeyMankeyover 3 years ago

Let It Be was written by Lennon and McCartney in 1968, so would quite easily have been written within this time frame. Also, please note that it was Steve's mother that sang it to him, not his 'mother's mother'. Altogether quite feasible, so yet another nit-picking comment from Anonymous that holds no validity whatsoever

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

How could Steve's mothers mother,sing this song to her,it wouldn't have been written back then fifty years ago.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
OMG !!!!!

I laugh at the comments. STOP! !!! , If you don't enjoy the story! Jeez, it's all for fun! No analysis is needed

jackson1863jackson1863over 4 years ago
Impossible, Convenient, Unbelievable - So What?

This is a great fun, happy, sad, heroic and sometimes a tragic story. That's what writers do, they write stories and HDK writes them brilliantly. From description and action, to the emotions and understanding of the characters a great story arises from the pages. Yes, it's a work of fiction about action packed lives and events. It's James Bond, Dirty Harry and Mary Poppins with a sprinkling of The Sound of Music rolled into a roaring tale. Impressive story telling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

When your hand is in a sling,your palm is against your chest,therefore it is impossible to grope anyone standing in front of you.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 4 years ago
He plays the piano and sings too?

What else can this 18 year old kid do? It is a fun story, but a little over the top. Joh Wayne?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Convenient Steve knew how to play Bridge over troubled Water,convenient Gwen just happened to know the words to Let it be.Why did Diane and Stephanie not visit Steve at Laura's to thank him,why wait until the memorial.?

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