Last Hope of the Elves Ch. 02


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"Hush, girl, you are going to have a human brat in you by the end of the night whether you like it or not. But fret not, you will be well cared for once you become all fat and needy." Elena whimpered but continued to struggle as she felt her captor's hand removed from her rear for the first time since he joined her on stage. Behind her, the brothel owner turned his attention to the kneeling Breanna. "Get to work, cunt, you know what to do." To Jacques' displeasure, the elf in question failed to immediately obey his command. Instead, she turned her tear-stained face up to silently plead with her master. Whether her plea was for her own sake or Elena's was uncertain, but it made little difference. Scowling, he gripped the back of Breanna's head tightly with the hand not holding her leash and none too gently shoved her face between Elena's legs. Knowing there would be no reprieve until her task was complete, Breanna dutifully went to work. Her upper lips met Elena's lower ones, tongue reluctantly snaking out to explore her idol's intimate depths.

It was far from Breanna's first time with her face between a girl's thighs. Even before her time in the brothel, she had been curious. Shortly after joining the wardens, she and a similarly inclined young comrade had briefly experimented. It was a time of awkward fumbling and shared embarrassment that didn't last long. Within a month of Breanna ending things, each of the pair had found a new bedmate. The other girl had wound up warming the bedroll of a veteran with dark tastes for several years until she left the wardens when her belly began to swell with his child. For her part, Breanna had soon found herself bouncing on the cock of their commanding officer. That particular mistake had earned her a less than ideal reputation when word inevitably got around, one she had never been able to lose.

In the present, Breanna found herself once more sexually servicing an elf she greatly admired, but this time the circumstances were incomparably worse. Before their mutual captivity, the girl would have considered it an honour and a joy to become Elena's lover, to explore her alluring body and partake of the sweet slickness that flowed from her womanhood to coat Breanna's tongue. Now, though, their coupling was perverse, a degrading show for the enjoyment of their enemies as she prepared Elena for a fate worse still. Nonetheless, she complied with her master's command, however unwelcome it was. Any thoughts of defiance were slow to take hold after Jacques' furious retribution for her role in the escape attempt, and besides, Elena was certain to receive no tenderness from their master so any small pleasure Breanna could provide to ease her heroine's ordeal would surely be a mercy. As if she needed any further motivation, it was challenging to breathe with her face pressed roughly into Elena's flesh, and the quicker she finished the quicker she would be released.

The blonde's tongue danced and swirled around Elena's folds, occasionally plunging in to tease the woman's inner walls with the tip of her tongue. As she worked, her face grew ever wetter with the warm fluids that flowed freely out of the restrained elf's opening. Breanna was surprised how swiftly the pussy in her face had become so wet. She had never heard tell of any hint that Elena preferred the company of her own sex, despite the woman's fame, and unlike most human nations the elves had no taboo compelling them to conceal such inclinations. Regardless, from the products of her loins and a rapidly increasing amount of twitching and fidgeting, it was clear that the woman was responding to Breanna's efforts.

For her part, the chestnut-haired prisoner tried to endure the assault on her pussy with as much dignity and stoicism as she could muster, defiantly resisting the role in which she had been cast. Eyes clenched shut, she tried to distract herself with thoughts of anything else in a vain effort to suppress her body's natural reactions. Unfortunately for the captured rebel, years of regular practice had simply rendered Breanna too skillful to resist for long. The efforts of her fellow captive's tongue and the pressure of her face being ground into Elena's snatch were driving the fallen warrior ever closer to her precipice.

One last tender twirl of the girl's tongue sent Elena plummeting over the edge. A piercing, high pitched wail clawed its way from her throat as she instinctively ground her pussy on the pretty face between her thighs, coating it almost completely in a sheen of sticky juices. A rush of warm bliss and chaotic feelings overcame Elena's conscious mind, the normal haze of climax only deepened by the flood of hormones which accompanied one precious egg being released from deep inside her core to make its way to her eager womb. Through the fog, she could hear Jacques mocking her as if from far away.

"Ha, that didn't take long," the big man proclaimed. For Elena, the ordeal had seemed eternal, but in this he was right. It had taken but a few quick minutes for Breanna's skilled tongue to draw a humiliating orgasm from her idol. "She really must be excited to be here with us, else she has a fondness for maidens. Either way, it seems she has a happy life to look forward too." The man was wrong as usual, but even had she the presence of mind Elena would not have bothered to correct him. She had never lusted after women, she was simply unusually responsive. Her hair trigger and vocal nature had always amused past lovers, though they had also made it frustratingly near impossible to get any release when in the field without alerting her entire camp of soldiers to what she was doing.

Satisfied that his beautiful new prize was ready to be ploughed and seeded, Jacques released his grip from the back of Breanna's head allowing the girl to pull back from between Elena's thighs and breathe unimpeded once more. The brothel owner looked down at his original captive and smirked at what he saw. With her honey-blonde hair mussed from his grip, her cheeks flushed cherry red, her face drenched in girlcum, and her perky breasts heaving as the lungs beneath worked to refill themselves Breanna looked every bit as magnificent to him as she had the first time he laid eyes on her bathing in that forest pool. Her four new sisters would be delightful additions to his collection, but she would always remain his favourite.

"Alright, slut, your girlfriend has had enough for now. Go find a cock to suck, but stay close. This bitch will be taking a lot of men tonight and she'll need cleaning pretty often." Breanna nodded submissively, uncertain whether to be horrified or pleased at the prospect of being back between her idol's thighs many more times tonight. When Jacques turned away, he let go of her leash which fell uselessly to the floor. Wordlessly she stood and swiftly exited the stage with her eyes downcast, the unattended leash passing between her breasts and then her legs en route to the floor where it trailed behind her as she walked. Once on the main floor she didn't even make it a half dozen steps before being grabbed and bent over a table. The man who had claimed first use of her swiftly entered her dripping pussy with his rather underwhelming cock. Within minutes another girl had been bent across the table opposite Breanna, their faces pressed together. For the next several minutes the girls intermittently exchanged long, passionate kisses in between licking their would be rescuer's juices from each other's faces at the men's instruction.

On stage, Elena now commanded Jacques' full attention. The panting elf was still lost in a gradually fading haze when she felt a new presence between her legs. Unwilling to delay any longer, the big man had stepped up behind his prize and was beginning to probe her entrance. Watching the two elves' display had more than prepared his eager cock which slapped aggressively against his victim's thighs as he gracelessly lined himself up with her still spasming entrance. The girl felt one hand take a firm grip of her waist and heard Jacques' menacing growl from over her shoulder. "Get ready to be a mommy, elf."

"No, please, don't AAAHHHHHH!" Elena's response morphed into a loud squeal as she felt her master's oversized human cock wedged once more into her opening. Jacques had less difficulty forcing himself upon her than he had during their first coupling. Breanna's recent efforts had left the captured warrior well lubricated and her body's natural elasticity had been exercised thoroughly during her stay in the duke's dungeons. It took only a few thrusts before he was knocking at the entrance to her womb, nearly his entire cock enveloped in the warm, velvety embrace of her womanhood.

Jacques was not gentle with his prize, stabilizing from initially erratic thrusts into a fast but steady pace. Still flustered from her recent climax and increasingly tired, Elena could not stop herself from expressing her displeasure with a pattern of loud grunts and breathy groans that interwove with the loud clap of Jacques' hairy thighs against her ass. More troubling for the pinned beauty, though, was how her body was reacting to its latest invasion. The lull between her fellow captive's efforts and this new assault had not been nearly long enough for her body to calm and reset, already she could feel the pressure building again towards release. A silent war waged inside Elena between her horrified mind and the primal instincts which drove her hips back to meet every thrust and instructed her traitorous pussy to flutter enticingly around her conqueror's manhood. It was a war she was rapidly losing.

If there was a heaven, then Jacques was convinced it would be nothing more than an eternal repeat of this day. As he pounded away at the new crown jewel of his establishment, the big man cast his gaze around the brothel's main room. To one side, Breanna was putting on a passionate display with one of her former comrades, their tongues dancing and chests rubbing alluringly against each other as both were pounded from behind by a client. His favourite's face was still drenched, as now was that of her partner. Near them, the new ginger was being spitroasted by a pair of local criminals whose gang provided most of his bouncers. Despite his host's warning, the larger of the two had decided to test the new girl's gag reflex. Judging by her tears splashing onto the floor and the desperation with which she pushed against his legs, it seemed Enna could use some practice in that area.

Across the room the other two debutantes had been laid atop one another, each with their face shoved into her counterpart's crotch. It didn't appear either had been convinced to put her tongue to meaningful work, but the men utilizing their cunts didn't seem to care. On top, Ramira thrashed wildly as she sought to escape the attentions of her abuser, the patterns and shapes inked into her skin rippling almost hypnotically as she struggled, but her efforts were in vain as the pack of men awaiting their turns held her down by sheer force of numbers. The young healer beneath was far more compliant, her legs wrapped tenderly around the hips of her current mate in a mockery of gentle lovemaking. Jacques momentarily wondered if she was following instructions or instinct, but it mattered little.

Not far away Duke Armand still sat flanked by a pair of bodyguards, the only two individuals allowed to bring weapons into the building. He nodded respectfully to Jacques as the men's eyes met, his hand resting casually atop the head of the same girl who had been servicing him since his arrival. As always, Jacques was impressed by the restraint of the Duke's men who managed to stay dutiful and vigilant amidst a whirlwind of lust. The knowledge they would be accorded a trip of their own at their employer's expense the day after each of his frequent visits seemed to do wonders for their discipline.

Satisfied that the night was living up to his expectations and feeling the first stirrings of an approaching orgasm, the big man turned his full attention back to his own coupling. While his attention wandered, Elena had almost fully succumbed to her body's weakness. Her earlier protests had been replaced by breathy moans and the occasional startled yelp when a particularly strong thrust bottomed out against the entrance to her womb. Where their bodies were joined, her cunt had become a fountain flowing freely around his stiff rod to coat her soft inner thighs.

Smiling at the current state of the once defiant rebel, Jacques leaned forward ever so slightly to take firm hold of the modest breasts swaying beneath her chest. His calloused fingers began to knead the soft mounds of sensitive titflesh, drawing a quiet gasp from Elena and a pleasant clench of her depths around his surging manhood. Periodically he would pinch at the girl's rosy nipples, as if to taunt her with the knowledge they would soon enough be fulfilling their purpose. Elena's cheeks, which had paled while her master's attention was elsewhere, grew hot once more at the unwelcome reminder of the fate Jacques had in mind for her.

"I bet you can't wait to have a human's brat sucking on these, can you?" He whispered, leaning further forward to ensure his words reached her sharp ears.

"Please, master... AH... don't... OH... don't cum in me," the fallen heroine replied, her voice hesitant and wavering, interrupted by cries of involuntary pleasure. "I'll do... UNGH... anything you want... AH... I can't... UH... I don't... EEP... don't want to have a baby... Ah!" Unfortunately for Elena, the tormented captive's pleading was all it took to push Jacques over the edge. The big man's balls contracted and his eyes squeezed shut as he felt himself lose control. A cascade of bliss washed over him as his shaft throbbed, delivering the initial salvo of its primal assault into his unwilling partner's receptive depths.

For a split second, the sensation of scalding human seed splashing against her inner walls drew a look of pure, wide-eyed horror from Elena's face. But as the moment passed, the brunette beauty's feminine instincts took hold. When the second surge of Jacques' climax arrived, it triggered her own tremulous release. Orgasmic ripples tore through Elena's body, drawing open the passage to her womb like the gates of a surrendering fortress just in time for the third shot of her conqueror's seed. Its path unobstructed, the creamy fluid passed straight into Elena's inner sanctum where awaited the precious, silvery egg drawn out by tonic and the tender efforts of a fellow captive.

Jacques triumphantly rode out the duration of his bliss in the velvety grip of his twitching prize. Slowly, he drifted back to awareness, luxuriating in the sensation of Elena's soiled cunt as it insistently milked his spent rod for any last drops of semen. At long last, the big man reluctantly relinquished his grasp on Elena's heaving breasts and allowed his softening member to withdraw from between her legs. He watched small rivulets of his seed emerge from the twitching, gaping slit with immeasurable satisfaction, knowing that while they trickled down her thighs far more remained deep within, competing for the privilege to fulfill their purpose and spawn a new life.

Still recovering from her own peak, Elena could no longer pretend there was any hope of escaping her fate. She would bear the child of one or another of these vile men, and the thought of such a ruin brought silent tears to the corners of her eyes. The increasingly familiar sensation of a fresh load inside her pussy seemed like a weight upon her soul that would never be lifted. Lamentations and reckoning would have to wait, however, as she could feel Jacques' fingers languidly trace their way up her spine while strolled slowly around to the front of the pillory, absorbing the cheers of the crowd and the soft panting of his exhausted conquest alike.

"Duke Armand, if it pleases Your Grace, you are welcome to take the next turn." The duke rose with a wicked grin, casually shoving aside the elf who had been preparing his cock for an hour or more. Satisfied that his duties as host were fulfilled for a time, Jacques turned to face Elena. His cold, vicious eyes met her hazel orbs, puffy from the tears he had wrought forth. "Time for you to clean up after yourself, slut," He murmured, "and if I feel even a hint of teeth it'll be Breanna who gets a special drink and winds up in there tomorrow." The conquered heroine nodded as much of a silent assent as the pillory would allow and slowly opened her mouth.

Jacques slipped his softening cock inside the opening portal and sighed contentedly at the sensation of a gentle tongue lapping at his sensitive underside. "Taste the seed that will make you a mother, elf. What do you suppose your people will say when they learn the last hope of the elves is a pregnant whore sucking her master's human cock?" Broken at least for now, Elena made no attempt to answer her owner's cruel taunt. Nor did she brush his cock with her teeth or make any other error in pleasing him, not even when she felt the Duke arrive behind her and casually slide himself inside her soiled womanhood.

By the end of the party, Elena would take a load of cum from every man present. Even the bouncers would get their chance at her precious womb once the last guests had departed. The conquered heroine was nearly catatonic when she was finally reprieved. It would take a few days of care before she recovered and several more before she was well enough to join her fellow captives in their daily duties. For many, many years she would be the most popular attraction of the Broken Bow Brothel, dutifully servicing the humans who had so thoroughly bested her elven kin even as she carried one of their children within her belly.

Elena would never known for certain who the father of her child was. She could not know that it was the very first load she took from Jacques himself which provided the seed that would fuse with the vulnerable egg her body had been forced to release. Together they would grow into her daughter Virginia, a half-elven girl of tremendous beauty. Beauty her mother would become intimately familiar with, as once she had come of age in a few decades young Ginny was destined to serve alongside her mother in the brothel. Her obvious mixed blood would serve as a lasting testament to the human conquest of her mother and their people.

The End. (Probably)

Thank you, audience, for reading, I hope the story was enjoyed. If this first one gets a positive reception, I plan to continue on with some more one-offs and short series from my idea catalogue while I decide whether to dive into a longer, more plot heavy, series. This is it for now on this one, but I may return in the future to spin something off it if the fancy strikes me. Most likely either Ginny's coming of age party or expanding on Breanna's initial capture.

Until next time, audience. Be good, just not too good.

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AnonTheMouseKingAnonTheMouseKingabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks to everyone who commented on this one, your feedback is ambrosia. Luck of the draw on my recent inspiration and the unexpectedly strong performance of my first Modern/Real story has meant a delay on more Historical/Fantasy stories, but I can assure they are still coming.

And to specifics,

1, 2, and 5. My thanks for the kind words and encouragement.

3/4. Unfortunately I doubt I will write up the story of Breanna's turn, I'm afraid it would be too similar and I have a very long catalog I want to get to, but rest assured that does happen canonically. If I write a follow up featuring Ginny, you will also meet her sister/friend Tori. (Two captured warrior women forced to have daughters called Virginia and Victoria. Gets me every time.)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story, great writing!

MtannerMtannerabout 2 years ago

Thank you for posting these two stories I enjoyed them very much. I would love it if you would contiune this series or stories in this universe you have created. Or maybe even tell a story about Jacques using one of the fertility potions on Breanna since he seems have a special place for her.

MtannerMtannerabout 2 years ago

Thank you for posting these I enjoyed them both. Would love to see you continue them or possibly even have Jacques break out another one of the fertility potions for Breanna since he seems to feel for her, in his own demented way.

Venus444Venus444over 2 years ago

This was a story of hentai-level quality and I loved it. Perfect for your debut on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

My 2 cents

Excellent story. 5/5 stars. I liked the story line and the characters. You developed them well and and made them interesting. Thanks for your time and imagination.

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