Late Night Conversations


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"Don't dawdle." Gramsy added. "I've need of you for a chore or two sometime today."

"Great, now I get bossed in stereo!" I was smart enough to get up and start moving as I said it. I didn't quite run out of the yard, but it was a close thing. I admit, I might have been laughing as I went, but only after I was out of earshot. I was crazy, not stupid.


"Davey, what happens when all of this is over?"

Miranda and I were sitting on her back porch, holding hands and once more looking at the night sky. We started doing that after our campout whenever the weather permitted. Mira loved the stars and I loved watching her look at them, so it made us both happy. We stayed on the porch in case one of her siblings needed us.

"What do you want to happen?" The sky was cloudy tonight, but we still enjoyed our time together.

"Don't you know it's rude to answer a question with a question?" Miranda laughed, but it was a touch too nervous for my liking. Instead of responding in kind, I turned and faced her, my expression serious.

"Miranda, it wasn't really a question. I mean it was, but what I was trying to say is that I'll try to make whatever you want between us to happen." She squeezed my hand and leaned in, kissing me briefly before sitting back and looking at the night sky once more.

"And what about what you want?" Mira eventually asked. I opened my mouth to answer, but then she added, "Not just with us. I mean what do you want out of life?"

"That's not an easy question," I frowned, trying to put what I was feeling into words. "I've been thinking about that a lot this whole year with my graduation in site. Truthfully, other than having you in my life, I'm not really sure." We sat in silence for a few moments, Miranda waiting for me to continue.

"Finding you has made a bunch of it clearer. I can picture our future together. Us, a couple of kids and a house with a yard. Maybe even a dog." I was certain I had a dumb smile on my face, but I didn't care.

"At least three kids," Miranda injected. "And if we're going to get a dog, it better be a big one. I hate those little yipper types."

"Little dogs aren't that bad," I grinned. "Hillary has one and I thought I was going to hate it, but he's pretty cool." Mira gave me a look and my grin turned into an out and out laugh.

"Fine," I said afterward, still amused. "It will be us, a whole gaggle of kids, a house with a yard and a big dopey dog."

"Oh, I like how that sounds." Miranda face was lit up in a way that made me pause and stare. She really was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. Mira eventually noticed how I was looking at her and shook her head, pleased despite herself. "You're going to call me your 'Beautiful Spanish Princess' again, aren't you?"

"Of course not," I insisted, trying to keep my expression serious and failing badly. "But that doesn't mean I'm not going to think it."

We shared another kiss after that. Okay, maybe it was two or three, but eventually we did pull away from each other, if reluctantly.

"What about short term?" Miranda was clearly locked into our future tonight. "I mean, one day we both want that picture you painted, but what about when we're allowed to leave the house again? This pandemic can't last forever."

"I hope not," I sighed, knowing that wasn't really her point. "Truthfully, I've been thinking of asking Gramsy if I can stay with her for a while even after the virus is under control. It's a little farther away from my new job than I'd like, but it will be worth it. Besides, with the way things are going, I'll probably be working from home more often than not."

"You have?" The excitement in her voice made me smile. I guess she liked the idea of me being close.

"For a few reasons, not the least of which is you being next door," I grinned, but then grew serious again. "But the truth is that I think I'd be happier here than at my dad's place anyway. I love my father and I know he loves me, but I'm not sure we can live under the same roof. Plus, the house is so different than I remember as a kid."

"That must be tough."

"Don't get me wrong, I love Hillary and how happy she makes my dad, but I feel like a visitor when I'm there. I mean, a welcome one, but I don't feel like I really belong."

"I can't imagine that." Miranda expression made it obvious that she really couldn't.

I envied her the life she'd led up to this point. I liked to think that mine would have been similar if cancer hadn't taken mom, but who knows? Dad was a good man and with Gramsy as his mother, as family oriented as the next, but he'd lost his father and brother at an early age and his wife when he still had two young children. That changed a person whether they liked it or not.

My father was a good man. He took care of my sister and me, and loved us in his own way, but something had shifted after we lost mom. He just wasn't the same. It wasn't just me who felt that way. Lisa and I had talked over the Christmas break. She saw it too.

It took me coming here and staying with Gramsy to realize she was the one who had held our family together after mom passed. I'd have to sit down and talk with Lisa soon and let her know about my discovery. I think a visit with Gramsy would due her some good. My sister had a wedding to plan and was under a lot of stress. My grandmother had a way of grounding you when you needed it most.

I decided that I didn't like where my thoughts were leading me. My father and my relationship was something for another day.

"You're also worried about Gramsy being alone." Miranda wasn't wrong, but it was more than that.

"A little. Although, God bless my grandmother, she still seems more than capable of taking care of herself." I took a moment to remember some of the conversations we had while cooking, the time she showed me pictures and her teasing comments with Miranda when we had breakfast on her patio.

"It's more that I want a chance to get to know her better." I shook my head as I realized how much that was true. "Before this visit, I'd only known her as Gramsy, one tough old bird and my grandmother. I guess because I'm older now, she'd sharing more about herself. She's had an incredible life."

"I get that." Miranda was still staring up at the sky, but I don't think she was actually seeing the stars right now. "My grandparents live across the country with the rest of our relatives. It's always fun to see them when we visit, but I don't really know them, not like you mean."

"What about you?" I asked, deciding it was time move on and hopefully, lighten the mood a little. "What do you want short term? Well, other than me, of course."

"Of course." Miranda was smiling, but that didn't mean she didn't mean it too.

"You know, the way you look at me sometimes is great for my ego," I laughed, enjoying the feel of her hand in mine.

"Only sometimes?" Miranda lifted an eyebrow, which only made me laugh harder.

"Seriously, what are you going to do after the pandemic?" I really wanted to know. We talked a lot, but I still wasn't sure what she was planning to do after high school. She talked about becoming a hair dresser one day and going to college the next. They weren't mutually exclusive, but I think they were in her head.

"I expect wait impatiently for that picture you painted of our lives together to become real."

I thought at first that she was continuing to tease me, but as I looked into her eyes, I realized that I was wrong. Miranda was serious. It made me feel like the luckiest man in the world. It also made me impatient for our future to get here.

"You know, once when Gramsy was talking about her and my grandfather meeting and falling in love, she said that it was all her family could do to make them wait a year to get married. I get that now." I realized that it might have been a little early to bring up the marraige, even in passing, but I didn't regret it. Of course, that didn't mean I wasn't concerned how Miranda would take it. I should have known better.

"Well, now my short-term plans are to wait impatiently for a ring." Again, Miranda's tone teased, but her eyes didn't. I froze for a moment, absorbing what she'd said. Mira clearly misunderstood my reaction because she quickly added, "Sorry, but you were the one who brought up the 'M' word."

"Yes, I did," I grinned happily. "And don't you forget it!" She visibly relaxed, realizing the truth.

"I expect you'll be reminding me of it often enough over the years."

"For sure!" I reached out and pulled Miranda closer. I looked deep into ger eyes and promised, "You will receive a ring from me one day."

"I'd like that." Her tone was gentle, but there was nothing hesitant about it.

"Well, you're going to have to wait for a little while," I teased. "I have to save up and I haven't even started my job yet." The kiss that followed was special. Although, it pretty much felt that way with every kiss we shared.

We broke apart slowly. Miranda didn't pull back fully. Instead, she smiled and looked deeply into my eyes. "You know, I don't need a particularly large or expensive ring."

"Don't tempt me!" I laughed, hoping she would with all my heart.

"I would," she began, finally sitting back in her chair and putting some distance between us. "But I still don't know if you're a sloppy lover or not." It was meant as a joke, but we were both wound too tightly for it to ease the tension between us.

"Please," I snorted. "We've both been so busy between the kids, Gramsy's chores and school work, who has the time? Plus, where exactly would you want to find out?"

"Well, my room is unoccupied at the moment and you know the old saying, there's no better time than the present." Miranda was watching me, waiting to see if I'd accept her challenge, and God new I wanted to no matter how crazy it sounded.

I wasn't oblivious to the deep sense of love that shone from her eyes, or the slow burning hunger and need. I'm sure they matched my own. Frankly, I'm not sure giving my word to her father or promising Gramsy I'd be careful because of other kids was enough to stop me from grabbing Mrianda and pulling her to her bedroom, but I did stop myself. It was the most difficult decision I'd ever made.

"I don't want our first time to be rushed. I also don't want either of us worrying about waking your brothers or sister up or having one of them discover us together by accident. I want our first time to be perfect."

"There's no such thing as perfect." I could see Miranda forcing her rapid breathing to slow. I guess she could tell how close I'd been on taking her up on her offer. "But I guess it would be smarter to wait. Plus, I'd hate for you to feel guilty for breaking your word to my father."

"Every moment with you is perfect." I'd said it because it was the simply truth. Miranda leaned in and kissed me again. She wasn't as insistent this time, but that didn't make it any easier for us to separate afterward.

"If you keep saying things like that, I may not give you the choice to wait." Mirada stood and opened the sliding door. She was clearly disappointed as she added, "It's getting late. Let's get some sleep."

"Hey, it's not like I want to wait!" I felt oddly embarrassed as it hit me that I was coming across as the reluctant one. Miranda was the virgin and the younger one. She should have been the one hesitating, but clearly, that wasn't happening. "Look, as soon as this pandemic is over, I promise we'll find a nice quiet and private place where we can spend all night finding out which of us is the sloppy lover."

Miranda turned back toward me and tilted her head as if trying to figure me out. I wasn't sure why until she asked in dead seriousness, "Davey, you don't think I'm really going to wait that long, so you?"

"No," I said, swallowing with some difficultly.

I surprised Miranda by grabbing her more roughly than usual and attacking her mouth. I wanted her to feel the full extent of my desire for her. I groped my girlfriend's curves hungrily and pressed my stiffness against her stomach, being far more physical than usual. Her only reaction was to moan into my mouth.

I'm not sure how long we stayed that way, but when I could think again, I found Miranda grinding against my body while I held her against me, one hand at her neck and the other slipped down the back of her pants and under edge of her panties. I knew what came next and wanted it like I'd never wanted anything else in my life. Instead, I thrust Miranda away from me and pushing past her into the house.

"Frankly, I doubt either of us could wait that long." I'd done what I wanted and let her know, really know how difficult it was for me to hold off. That I wasn't reluctant or hesitant. That I was trying to do the right thing for her, more than anyone else. It should have made me feel better, but it didn't because I wanted Miranda so much in that moment that it hurt.


Miranda walked into the kitchen looking stunned. That caused a twinge in the pit of my stomach because she left it holding her cell and talking to her father, getting the latest update on her mother. His call was unexpected because he typically called in the morning.

"What's wrong?" I asked, afraid of the worst as I stood and went to her. I'd been fixing a cabinet door that had come loose the night before. Thankfully, the kids were outside playing so it was just the two of us.

"Wrong?" she asked in confusion. "Nothing is wrong. Papa and Mamma are coming home tomorrow."

"That's great news!" I cried, hugging Miranda, but she didn't return it.

"What?" I asked, holding her at arm distance.

"Nothing," she said, but I wasn't buying it. I continued to look at Mira in concern. She saw and finally relented. "It is great news, only papa said momma is still very weak and having problems breathing. She can't be near anyone until she gets better."

"And?" I prompted.

"I always thought mamma would be better when she got home. I wasn't prepared for this." Miranda's words started slowly, but picked up speed as she went. "The others will be so excited, but how do I prepare them for how momma is going to look? How do I keep them separated from her? It will be hard enough with Renzo and Sophie, but little Matteo is never going to understand."

"Papa sounded very tired. I get the sense that he thinks mama coming home might be premature, but the hospital is insisting. There are so many people with the virus that they are putting up tents. What if she gets worse?"

"Miranda, stop and breath," I demanded, making her look at me again. "Your mother and father are coming home. This is good news."

"I know, but..."

"No buts!" I interjected. "We've got a day to figured how to make this work, and we will make this work." A thought popped into my head, but I didn't want to share it until I spoke with my grandmother. It would be asking a lot of her, but honestly, I couldn't see Gramsy saying no. "I've already got some ideas."

"The others..."

Again, I interrupted her, but only because I could feel her head spinning. This was so unlike Miranda. She'd been a trooper for almost two weeks. I guess this was her moment to finally lose it.

"Will be fine," I insisted, still holding her shoulders. "I think you underestimate them. They've all been real troopers so far. It will be hard on Renzo and Sophie, but they're smart enough to understand and between the four of us, we'll be able keep Matteo entertained and away from your mother long enough for her to heal."

"Us?" Miranda's eyes welled up as some thought seemed to overwhelm her. "Davey, there's not enough room for everyone. You can't stay here anymore!" I guess me having to leave was the last straw because suddenly she was crying. No, not crying, sobbing.

I pulled Miranda close and hugged her tight, not sure what else to do. She buried her face in my chest and didn't stop crying until my shirt was wet all the way through. All I could do was kiss the top of her head and tell her everything was going to be alright.

We stay like that until she calmed down enough to talk about. I'm not sure how long it was, but I was amazed none of the kids came in.

"You do know that I'll be right next door?" I smiled as Miranda did her best to dry her tears. "You can't get rid of me that easy."

"Do you want to make me cry again?" I thought she was only half kidding, but I was happy to see her tentative grin.

"Never," I said emphatically, making her smile for real. "Well, unless they're tears of joy. Those would be acceptable."

"Good to know." Miranda shook her head, obviously still embarrassed by her breakdown. "I'll make a note of it." I knew that she was still worried about all the things she spouted off early, but at least she was in control again.

"You do know that the tears were well overdue, right?" I decided the best approach was to talk about what happened. "You've been amazing this whole time."

"And I started blubbering the moment the finish line is in sight."

"No, fate moved the finish line on you and that wasn't fair," I argued. "You thought that everything would go back to normal when your parents returned and that's clearly not true. In fact, as happy as you are to have them back, there's nothing wrong with being a bit overwhelmed by it considering how their presence is going to make things harder."

"I am a terrible daughter!" And just like that, the tears were moments from falling again.

"Nonsense," I insisted, caressing her cheek and ready to wipe them dry if the tears fell. "You're a great daughter, but even you are only human." I made eye contact until she nodded in acceptance.

"You know," Miranda said slowly. "Some of it was really because you have to leave. I really like having you around."

"Love will do that to a girl," I teased, but she didn't smile.

"Yes, it will." Miranda was too distraught to flirt with me, but that wasn't what she was doing. There was nothing sexual about the look she gave me, but it still warmed the truly important parts of me. The kiss she gave me was a mere brush of the lips, but it made me smile just the same.

"You need to wash you face," I said, brushing my thumb over her cheek. "It will make you feel better. After that, we'll sit down and come up with a plan of attack."

She nodded, but kissed the palm of my hand before she left. It continued ot tingle as I took that time to change my shirt. I also checked on the kids. I grinned when I saw them. They were in Gramsy's yard helping her with something. I slipped back in before they noticed me.

It didn't take as long as I feared to map things out and Miranda definitely felt better afterward. I reviewed the list one last time and smiled in satisfaction. "I think that about covers it."

"Well, except for the haircuts." Miranda was frowning and playing with my hair. I admit, it was on the long side, at least for me.


"You're going to cut my hair?" I guess there was more trepidation in what I said then I planned because Miranda actually laughed.

"Yes, I'm going to cut your hair, Renzo's and even Sophie's. We'll have to see about Matteo. He can be a bit of a handful. Maybe if you hold him in your lap."

"That sounds like fun." The sarcasm didn't quite drip from my tone, but it was a close thing.

"Don't worry, I cut papa's and Renzo's hair all the time," Miranda promised.

That actually did make me feel better. I loved Miranda, but I so didn't want to be her first guinea pig. Although, at this point, I might have been willing in either case. My hair was driving me crazy.

"Besides, I don't want momma coming home and thinking I let everyone run wild."

A half hour later Miranda was done with my haircut, and I had to admit, it looked good. "Thanks! Remind me later to tip you."

"Oh, when the time is right, I will. Don't you worry about that." It was good to see her flirty side coming back.
