Laundry Night


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"I don't know what to say," Elaine stammered once she finally found it.

"You don't have to say anything," Pamela, who was now standing before her. "It's enough that you enjoyed it."

"Oh, I certainly did," Elaine replied breathlessly.

"Think you'd like to give it a try?" Pamela inquired as she reached out and stroked Elaine's cheek.

"Definitely," came her enthused reply.


Suggesting that they'd be more comfortable in the bedroom, Pamela led a naked Elaine into it, telling her to get comfortable on the twin size mattress. Quickly removing her sneakers, she did just that.

Expecting her to join her, Elaine was instead surprised when the tall blonde instead stepped away from the bed, moving over a nearby dresser, atop which sat a clock radio. Once there, Pamela turned it on, then took a moment to tune it to what she felt was an appropriate station.

"Have you ever had anyone strip for you?" Pamela asked.

"Can't say I have," Elaine replied.

"Then just lay back and relax; I think you'll enjoy this," Pamela smiled.

Stepping back towards the bed, Pamela began to sway to the music, her hands running up and down her body, squeezing her large breasts before continuing down between her legs, there to cup her hidden treasure before sliding back up to her waist. Then, still moving to the instrumental accompaniment, she began to work her way up the line of buttons on her blouse, starting at the bottom. By the time she reached the last one, Elaine had a clear view of the light blue bra beneath, one quite similar to what had been in the wash.

"Do you like what you see?" Pamela asked after she'd removed the blouse totally.

"Very much so," Elaine said, having always been fascinated by other women's breasts, even long before she'd had the slightest thought of touching one.

Pamela turned her back to Elaine, then bent forward as, with a deft motion, she undid the restraints holding her pants in place and allowed them to drop to the floor. Stepping out of the pile around her ankles, she pushed it to the side and then slipped her feet out of the flat heeled shoes she wore. An action that Elaine paid little notice to as her eyes were instead fixed on the matching low rise panties Pamela wore, and the way they hugged the cheeks of her ass.

Now clad in lingerie, Pamela turned back around, again running her hand down the length of her body before taking another step back towards the bed, reaching behind her as she moved to unclasp the latch of her bra. The band gave way and, ever so slowly, she lowered the strap off of her left shoulder, followed by the right a few beats later. Then, with Elaine 's eyes still locked on her, she allowed the loose undergarment to fall free.

Back in high school, Elaine had found her older brother's collection of nudie magazines, one of which was devoted to candid shots and screen caps of nude and semi-nude celebrities. Admiring the woman standing topless before her, Elaine thought she put all of them to shame. Her breasts were near perfect, with half dollar sized areolae surrounding light pink nipples. Firm and full, they were truly works of art.

As she had before, Pamela encompassed her breasts with her hands, this time bare flesh against flesh. She rubbed them vigorously, kneading away the stiffness of having been confined and, at the same time, giving Elaine more time to take in their glory.

"It feels so good to get out of that contraption," Pamela said with a smile, "but of course you know that."

Actually, Elaine thought, she couldn't imagine what it was like to have breasts like that. Still, she told herself, if she couldn't have them, she could at least play with them.

Pamela took a few more moments to let Elaine admire her bounty, then slid her hands down her body, hooking her thumbs under the sides of her panties and, bending her knees, slid them down and off, to be kicked over near her other discarded clothes.

"Well, what do you think?" Pamela said as, with an exaggerated flourish, she again stuck a pose.

"You're naked," Elaine said.

"I thought that was the point," Pamela grinned.

"No, your pussy is naked," Elaine expanded.

"Oh, that," Pamela said as she glanced down at the bare mound between her legs, "I just sort of like it that way. It's not a problem, is it?"

"No, it's just that," Elaine replied, hoping Pamela wasn't offended by what she said, "I haven't seen one like that since junior high."

"Well, I can assure you, I'm not a little girl," Pamela said as she started to approach the bed.

'No, you're certainly not,' Elaine thought as the other woman climbed on next to her on the mattress.


They shared another bevy of kisses as Elaine began to explore the body of the woman beside her. She left a trail of licks and caresses across Pamela's incomparable chest, savoring the sweetness of it as she closed her mouth around the older woman's nipples, trying to do what she knew felt good to her. Given Pamela's reaction, it seems they shared similar tastes.

Elaine couldn't get over how natural it all felt, almost like this was how it was always supposed to be. Yes, men had excited her, even brought her to orgasm occasionally, but there was an excitement to being with Pamela beyond anything she'd experienced before.

Their kisses became more intense as Elaine felt a growing hunger inside her. She moved between Pamela's lips and breasts, devouring both. Climbing half atop the larger woman, the brunette slipped her leg between the blonde's, rubbing her thigh against the hairless mound. Pamela reached down with her left hand, laying it on Elaine's leg and pulling it harder against her.

"Harder," she said, adding word to deed.

An appeal Elaine was happy to accede to as she rolled further onto Pamela, their bodies rocking against each other with increasing speed. Flesh against flesh, nipples brushing together, they unleashed their deepest passion.

Back and forth they went, until Pamela lifted herself up into a half sitting position, using her left arm to support herself as Elaine slipped in behind her. Reaching under that arm, the brunette closed her hand around Pamela's breast, squeezing her nipple between her fingers. At the same time, she brought her other arm around Pamela from the opposite direction, sliding it between her legs to caress the hairless pussy.

"Oh yes, that's the spot," Pamela softly moaned as she felt Elaine's fingertips brush against her clit. "Do it just like that."

Her chest pressed against Pamela's back, Elaine stroked the taller woman's pussy in the same manner as she did her own. The big difference of course was that she couldn't feel the result -- at least not in a familiar way. She could, however, feel the blonde's body reacting to her touch, the racing of her heart mirroring that of her own, as well as the trembling of Pamela's flesh as tiny waves of pleasure washed across her body.

She also felt Pamela's touch as, reaching back with one of her own hands, the Englishwoman slid it up across the cheeks of Elaine's ass until it reached the lower edge of her own mound, there to caress her own sensitive flesh with the edges of her fingertips.

Their bodies swayed softly as each stoked the rising fires of desire in the other. A flame that grew in intensity until Elaine could wait no longer. Pressing Pamela down against the top of the bed, she took hold of each of the blonde's thighs and spread them wide, quickly moving into the space she had created.

"Yes," Pamela said softly in a voice filled with anticipation as, also dropping a hand into the gap, she used her fingers to part the petals of her mound, exposing the rich pink walls beyond.

As anxious as Elaine was to taste Pamela, she still couldn't resist taking a long moment to admire the glory of her womanhood first. She'd never seen another woman's sex before, at least not up close and personal. There had been pictures in books, of course, plus one made with a polaroid camera that she'd gotten for a birthday one year. This was an image she'd spent more than an hour studying, before destroying it lest someone else find it. Despite that, she could still recall every detail as she compared the memory of that image with the sight before her.

The most startling difference to Elaine, aside from the bare nature of Pamela's mound, was the size of her clitoris. Compared to her own, it was enormous. In one of her brother's adult magazines there had been a pictorial of an notorious Latina porn star, known as much for her oversized clitoris as her large breasts and unabashed sexuality. Examining the closeup photo of the former that had appeared in the spread, Elaine had been sure at the time that it had been faked. It was now clear, however, that it had indeed been real because Pamela's was just as big.

"Something wrong?" Pamela asked, noting a fleeting hesitation on Elaine's face.

"Not at all," Elaine quickly replied, tilting her head upward just long enough to flash a smile. "I was just taken aback for a moment by how beautiful you are."

As if to prove her words, Elaine immediately moved her head closer and kissed the head of Pamela's clit, rolling her tongue back and forth across the tip.

Elaine had tasted herself a few times, both off her fingers as well as on the cocks of men she'd fucked. Her immediate impression was that Pamela did taste different, but not enough to make a difference. A second kiss confirmed that and with the third she closed her lips around it, sucking deeply as she took it fully into her mouth.

It didn't take long at all for Elaine to find her rhythm, adding her fingers to her lips and tongue as she worked her way along the length and breadth of Pamela's sex. Like she had noted before, once she got started it seemed such a natural thing to do, quite unlike how she felt the first time she'd sucked a cock.

Laying her head back against an oversized pillow, Pamela was content to relax and let Elaine enjoy herself. While her efforts were typical for a first timer, pleasing but by no means spectacular, it was worth noting that she didn't show any of the hesitation that many supposedly straight girls did. Eating pussy was a line that many girls who liked to make out with other girls proved reluctant to cross, as if anything before that didn't really count.

Remembering how Pamela had worked her tongue, Elaine tried to duplicate her motions, with only partial success. Still, the older woman didn't seem to complain, instead bringing her own fingers into play to supplement Elaine's efforts. An addition that resulted in a small but nevertheless pleasing climax.

"I really didn't get you off, did I?" Elaine asked as the two women laid naked next to each other a short time later, enjoying the warmth of each other's body.

"To be honest, I really didn't expect you to," Pamela admitted. "To use your baseball analogy, you can't expect to hit a home run your first time at bat. Still, it was fun."

"I really wanted to make you see stars," Elaine said in a slightly dejected tone.

"Perhaps another time," Pamela said in a voice that, to Elaine at least, lacked conviction.


Elaine slept away the morning, not crawling out of bed until after eleven. She vaguely remembered Pamela waking her sometime around four in the morning and saying something about needing to go back to her own apartment. She didn't recall going back to the laundry room, but evidently she had done so, because her clothes were sitting on the table, fluffed and folded.

Last night had been incredible, she thought, and had opened up a whole new world. After a hot shower, which did wonders for some sore muscles, Elaine wondered if Pamela might be interested in going out to lunch. It was, she believed, the least she could do to show her appreciation.

Realizing she didn't have the Englishwoman's number, she went down to the first floor apartment and rang the bell. When no answer was forthcoming, she figured Pamela was already out for the day. She started to turn and walk away, the sound of the chain-lock being undone caused her to pause.

The door opened to reveal a long haired blonde in her late twenties, wearing only an oversized bath towel, one wrapped in such a way as to display an impressive cleavage. From the condition of her hair, she looked to have just gotten out of the shower.

"May I help you?" the woman asked.

"I was looking for Pamela," Elaine said, wondering as she did who this woman was.

"And you would be?" the attractive blonde asked, taking the time to give Elaine the once over with a suspicious eye.

The idea of saying she was the woman Pamela had fucked almost into insensibility last night was tempting to Elaine, especially if, as she was beginning to wonder, the busty blonde was the reason she had been hustled out of bed at such an ungodly hour. Instead, she merely said her name was Elaine Corbin.

"Elaine..." the woman at the door repeated slowly until a look of recollection flashed across her face. "Oh, aren't you the woman who rented Mr. Sullivan's old apartment?"

Elaine's own expression reflected confusion; something definitely wasn't right here.

"I'm Olivia Benedict, Pamela's sister," the other woman said.

Olivia extended her hand in greeting, only to have to quickly pull it back as the towel started to come undone. She quickly adjusted it, but not before Elaine got a quick flash of what was beneath it.

"Sorry about that," Olivia said with a smile. "I guess in my rush to answer the door I didn't secure that tight enough."

"Not a problem," Elaine said, a smile filling her own face. The quick look had been enough for her to see that while the sisters didn't share much of a facial resemblance, they had other traits in common.

"I'm afraid that Pamela isn't here," Olivia then said. "She had an early morning meeting in the city."

Elaine suddenly remembered Pamela mentioning that, and also that she said that her sister wasn't coming home until Monday.

"I wasn't," Olivia replied once Elaine mentioned the latter, "but they were predicting some pretty bad weather down on the islands come Sunday night, so Karl and I decided to cut the trip short."

"Oh," was all Elaine could think to say.

"Pamela took her bag with her, so she won't be coming back after the meeting," Olivia said. "Is there anything that I can help you with?"

"No, not really," Elaine said as, seeing the look of curiosity on Olivia's face, she knew she should say something.

Elaine was thankful that she hadn't given in to her impulse when she'd first seen Olivia, especially since the bed which had been the scene of the said fucking would've been the younger blonde's own. She quickly decided that some form of the truth was better than an outright lie.

"Pamela helped out in the laundry room last night and I just wanted to drop by and say thank you," Elaine said.

"Laundry room?" Olivia repeated, her inflection making it a question.

"She just set me straight about not wasting my time with machine number one," Elaine offered.

"They really should fix that thing," Oliva laughed, having also learned that lesson the hard way.

"I guess I'll be going then," Elaine said as she started to turn.

"Are you sure that you wouldn't like to come in for a cup of tea or something," Olivia asked. "It won't take but a moment to put a kettle on"

"Maybe another time," Elaine replied as, after flashing another smile, she went on her way.


Saturday gave way to Sunday and before Elaine knew it, it was Monday and she was back at work. She'd managed to put the events of Friday night into perspective and had classified it as an enjoyable, but fleeting, one-time thing. It wasn't her first one-night stand, but it was the only one she'd really wished might have turned into something more.

Getting home that night, Elaine found a brown paper wrapped package waiting at her door. Opening it once she'd carried it inside, she was surprised to find the same style brassiere that she had held in her hands three nights before, only this one was in her size.

With the unexpected gift was a small card with a note...

"Looking forward to seeing how it looks on you."

And below it was a phone number and the name, Pamela.

The smile on Elaine's face didn't fade for a very long time.


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oldone39oldone391 day ago

This has a wonderful ending. Looking forward to reading more

Oshkosh60Oshkosh604 months ago

Very lovely. Nice writing, nice plot, One of my favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

it needs a second part as to see if Pamela and Elaine do get together again for another round of sex

Nicole2023Nicole2023over 1 year ago

I enjoyed it, nice and to the point

FandeborisFandeborisover 1 year ago

Another good one! Just overall nice, concise, and to the point. With an ending that lets the reader know you finished. Not just fall off the page, as it were. Good job and 5 stars!

donmiller31donmiller31over 1 year ago

A very nice short story. Ann always does it.

O2O2over 1 year ago

Very nice. I love character development and you certainly do that. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Another excellent short story. You are amazing. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I liked it. Although I lost track of you and your work after the "demise" (it still exists, but a far cry from its former self) of the Alt. Sex Stories Text Repository; I'm happy to see you still crafting great stories. It's as much the emotional aspects and basic details as the graphic intercourse that makes a tale worth reading, and all of yours are. Keep up the great work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Many thanks!! It was terrific to read another wonderful story.

spurtmanspurtmanover 1 year ago

Delighted to see you are still producing highly erotic, sensual and very arousing stories, Ms. Douglas! And this one is among the best F2F stories of yours I've ever read (and I've read quite a few!).

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