All Comments on 'Laura Does Her Own Thing'

by rickman32

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

It's sad to see her profess her love for her husband, I think she means her love for him as a caregiver/babysitter, but not as a partner and father for her children. Love to see the follow up when he finds the truth and walks out

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
What feelings is this story supposed to invoke?

For me it is disgust. Just a selfish slut who cares nothing about her marriage. Why even be married? Oh, that's right, that is what self-centered narcissists do, think only about themselves. The world is better not reading about people like that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Very Sexy!

Nothing hotter than a married woman who conceives a baby in extraamarital sex and fools cuckolded hubby into thinking the baby is his.

It does really happen a lot in real life we all know, and there is nothing sexier to read than stories about that very thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Great Story

There is nothing any more exciting than a wopman who has a baby by another man so that everytime she looks at her cuckolded wimp, she can secretly detest him even more by knowing that she has truly decieved him, betrayed him with the ultimate. Everytime he writes a college tuition check, pays for a wedding (If a girl), or in this case a boy if she tells the kid sometime in the future that her husband is not the boy's dad will be a turn on for her throughout life. Now there is one scenario that would be good if the husband actually knows of the deception, and Laura loves her son desperately. That being that some day in the future that Laura receives word that her little boy is killed in Iraq in the future in hostile action, and hubby has the last laugh...

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
erotic, yes

but --- whether in fiction or in real life --- women are, on average, more likely than men to have the shit physically knocked of of them, even killed, when they heinously betray their husbands.

these days and age to pretend the husband will never find out, that's silly, if both of them are relatively well educated like she describes. of coures, Darren may just leave this creature behind and move on, letting her be a slut of John, Tom, Phil, Mark, Jamal, waht-not,,, something she says she relishes,,,,

Or Darren may decide that he needs to be a little vindictive BEFORE he leaves, so he make sure to turn Tom, Dick, Mark, and Jamal's lives upside down (which takes energy and creativity, but a determined man could do it!), and make sure they really, really fuck her to death!

Now, THAT would be "sweet revenge," ain't it, dear author?LOL.... But, of course, we are not gonna do that to that beautiful, loving, and erotic wife heroine here! We want her to cuckhold Darren and have 5 kids by 5 different men and have him oooh and aaaaahhh over those kids, not really knowing they ain't his but thinkin' they was!

With the wife with a big, contemptuous grin thinkin', "You are one big piece of an excuse of a man, dummy Darren. But I'll keep you, since it is EASIER to raise so many kids with two wage-earners. I have my fun with my lovers and you have your fun loving their babies I created with them! Gosh, I love that man!"

Right, dear author? Keep her strong, determined, beautiful, secretive, and loving, dear author! Keep her making dozens of men happy all the time!! That's how you keep the world happy, women providing lots of love to lots of big loving men,,, they don't have to brother wiping their kids dirty asses, as other men are doing that happily for them and not knowing it or not wanting to know it! HEheheheeheeh!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
wife is a God dam fucking whore

how this is so bad and so nasty and so extreely anti man... of course the woman had to be making twice as much as the man.

You see folks IF this situation was reversed ... if HE was mkaing twice as much as she ... and he kept his figure and shape and looks while she was at home and got all frumpy ... and he found someone else...

he would be a PIG. But the wife/ whore is doing this well suddenly its HOT and erotic.

don87654don87654over 17 years ago
Very erotic!

This is but true nature at its finest. I would hope that you continue with more chapters to this story, including a need for your son to have full-blooded sibilings, so you can look up Hans, explain to him that he is a natural daddy, and that you want more from him, but do not wish to bust up your marriage, or his marriage. This would create a very erotic scenario and if carried to any length might also induce Hans' wife and your husband into an affair of sorts discreetly at first to evolve into a multiple marriage where all 4 adults are living together naked and fucking at will and possibly raising the babies into puberty to also take part in the sexual recreation of the household?

zed0zed0over 17 years ago
Deeply Disturbing

Truely a "whorror" story. Chilled me to the bone. Should have been posted in erotic whorror section.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Written like a woman huh?

You sound more like a man who has has his nuts cut off. A woman like this is not called a wife. She's called a tramp.

Oh the poor kid..the dumb bitch will have a helluva time if the child ever needs a transplant of transfusion. Hubby can't do it. Maybe the kid will need two kidneys and the "wife" can supply them...oh I forgot ..she will die then...oh well tough shit...

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
another depressing pile of garbage

Another depressing pile of garbage disguised as a loving wife story. Where does risq_001 read all these anon comments that say the story is outstanding? I saw one reader who liked it and 16 who thought it was awful and ,of course, don87654 who thinks anything involving pregnancy is wonderful. 60 year old George

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
Carrying women’s liberation name in vain

The meanness; stupidity (inherent to any big scale ongoing life style) and the self serving rationalizations of the wife were ugly, not to mention unpleasant enough to read. But the False presentation of a “Liberated woman” got me reeling. You carry the word ‘liberation’ in vain. I respect this word. I respect women’s liberation too much to not comment on this liable use of this title. This is a caricature aimed against the real liberation of women. Telling us: see that’s what liberated women are: Lying; cheating; cruel manipulative and contemptuous towards men. In essence, even worse then their earlier non –liberated generation.

BTW, I agree with METZOV’s comment. There is a connection between the nature of once sexual fantasies and the level of once psycho sexual functioning

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
So much for not being unfaithful

You went so far as to include "I have never been unfaithful to my husband; that is, I have never wanted to be married to anyone else so I didn't want this guy getting any ideas." The denotes a difference between the "it's just sex" idea and being in an emotional situation. Forcing her husband to raise another man's child as his own IS being unfaithful.

KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIover 17 years ago
comments 100 times better than the story

I love the Don guy who always requests for impregnation, whether it is by the woman's son, a black man, or ghosts!

But I love 60 year old George's observations of the Don guy even more. These comments are much more fun to read than the stupid story that generated them.

So I guess in some ways, the author is handsomely rewarded!

10 straight "00" in a row is better than nothing, y'know!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Loving Wives? No more like Tramp Steamer

"Their is nothing wrong with my marriage" oh there goes a cute guy I will dress for him seduce him to commit adultry on his wife and get pregnant. Then go home and make my hubby think that by using no condom once I got pregnant. She is a very smart conniving lying disrespectful tramp and slut, not a whore perhaps just not worth being married to. Would be a shame for the husband but she deserves to get AIDS and let her and her kid go........... Hope hubby realized something later, got the DNA test, sued the guy and divorced mommmy and perhaps got them both fired. Would be a fitting tale for some piece of trash like her who never really loved her husband only herself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Rough Comments

The story on it's own is okay. The characters, deplorable. The guy is a cuckhold, and the woman a skank. Her deciding who the biological father would be (as opposed to the guy to whom she is married) was rather crappy. She's not in love with the guy - she just wants the security and stability he provides - a complete foil to the cluster she's making of both their lives. Ladies, if you're even remotely like this - stay clear of all of the nice guys, please. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I loved it

Developed very well. Very believable characters. (Especially when you consider the outrage of other posters.) Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Not much different from a cuckoo bird . . .

The Cuckoo bird (interesting how that name is similar to cuckold) will steal the nest of another bird by laying its eggs there, then allow the other bird to raise the cuckoo chicks thinking they are its own offspring. I guess Darren, the husband of this story, is like the deceived bird fooled into raising another's young. If he truly is a teacher, and his wife Laura is always too tired for sex, she comes home late, she hops quickly into the shower . . . I would think sometimes her breath would smell of semen; it's not plausible that he is too dumb to pick up on this. He would eventually find she has some unexplained expenses; i.e., why are they not saving any money? She can't exactly bill the hotel room to the company every time, nor can her partner, who usually is married as well . . . Also, her husband's complexion is not blond like the baby's, it's dark according to the beginning of the story . . . If the wife is bored, what about talking to her husband to spice things up? What about counseling? What about simply leaving him? How can she feel secure with him when he makes less than she does? He can't provide security in a financial sense, and it appears she does not respect him as a man, so with what other "security" is he providing her?

BazzzBazzzover 17 years ago
Good Short Story

A well done short story. You could make it a more involved read if you wanted.

As always the comments are the best. The evangelicals are out in droves. What was upsetting was that no one wished AIDS upon the female charactor. Oh well, maybe the meathead who usual leaves that comment is off getting his Lithium injections.

Risq_001Risq_001over 17 years ago
To Answer 60 year old George's comment first -

George when I posted there were about roughly 8 Anon comments about how they loved this story. I didn't say I agreed with them, but they "were" here. And it bothered me that some of them were calling this one "Sexy" story and how great a story it was because of what she did. That's why I originally asked if this was a stroke story.

But when I came back later today I noticed that "MY" comment was deleted, along with about 3-4 of the stroke story commentors that I was talking about. I also noticed Harry's comment got yanked as well. Kinda funny really, I guess who ever pulled those comments(wink, wink, nudge, nudge) messed up and deleted a couple of stories supporters along with Harry and my comments. I could be wrong, but it looks like about 6-8 comments were yanked in total

The Author writes about a "Liberated" woman, but whats the difference between this "Liberated" woman in this story and the "average" cheating wife? Or even the cheating wife with low self esteem? Or the cheating wife because she's bored? Or the average cheating wife because she feels the world owes her something? Or a wife who decides to be a hooker for some extra spending money? Not a darn thing that I could see.

And what got me more than anything was the comment "I've never cheated on my husbad" about one line AFTER the comments on how much she(the wife) enjoyed all the various different times in various hotels with different men who "weren't" her husband. Then the justification was used that "because she never wanted to leave or divorce her husband for the various men she was cheating on him with, she was not cheating on her husband." What the heck kinda logic is that?

And Bazzz, are you insane? "The evangelicals are out in droves." you said? I guess we should have applauded the main character decitfulness and begged for the author to write a continuation of the story where she took to rubbing his toast on hersef after she gets done with her latest lover so he can taste how much fun she was having huh? The fact of watching you defend this is almost as much fun as reading the comments against it.


I guess someone will yank this comment later as well, and all that will be left is folks like Bazza who liked the story and gave it about 75% or better. Of course that won't explain the lack of of a "H" rating for the story, but I digress.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Pure Shit!!

I would like to be a fly on the wall, when her husband catches her! If it were I, the bitch would NEVER walk again, men would not give the whore a second look, and her wheelchair would be the most uncomfortable I could make it. Do they make designer colostomy bags?

MetzovMetzovover 17 years ago
Yep the comments are being deleted

Really kind of sad. The author writes a story about what has to be the most self centered person I've ever heard of and then when the negative comments flood in they start to disappear.

Risq Bazzz isn't insane he just has to have a reason for why stories like this and the one he wrote (score of less then 4) and it's second part (even worse) did so badly. He's come up with "Evangelicals". That must be anyone that thinks cheating on your spouse is wrong.

Bazzz I see on your bio you want constructive comments to help you to be a better writer. Ok here gos for you and this author

Try writing a story about someone that the readers can like. As long as you keep writing about people that cheat, humiliate, hurt and betray people that don't deserve it then all but a very few are going to hate it.

phoenix764phoenix764over 17 years ago

I really don't understand why people even post these type of stories. Yes cheating happens, but when they are caught the consequences are severe. The author has just given us another reason to make DNA testing to determine the parents at birth mandatory. Lets face it, you may only have 1 year to take action. Might as well get tested withing the first week. If the kid isn't yours, throw the wife and bastard kid out and start divorce proceedings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Slut of the first degree...

How can this be posted under Loving Wife is beyond me. Never been unfaithful to Darren? That line was indeed laughable. You made the rest of the stories here looked like Eight is Enough.

Your heroine has no respect or whatsoever for the man she married and I wonder why she stay married to him. Okay, given the fact some women were later bloomers and discover their sexuality late in their lives. If she had an accidental affair once, I may forgive you for writing such but NO! She didn't had one casual sexual affair. She began to have numerous and even kept them! And Darren didn't even treat her bad in anyway to warrant her to treat him in such contemptuous manner.

And you call this a Loving Wife story? Worse was she had a love child with another man when she refused Darren's request?

Fantasy is one thing but being atrocious is another. Your story is far too outrageous it simply was unacceptable due to the fact you portrayed her as a cold and selfish bitch who cared nothing for Darren but herself only.

No thanks for such a demeaning story. Therefore I afforded you 0 in the rating!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
what literated fucking hub,with another man child

no consequences or payback for having betrayed your hubby.selfish and vain women always outsmart themselves.she has all the fun now,what happen if or when hubby fines make me sick,when caught the first thing said i'm sorry i love you.that not love that cold blooded betrayal.

BazzzBazzzover 17 years ago
Just a little rebuttal

Risq and Metsov left comments not only regarding this story but seemingly defending their right to leave these comments. As for your rights to leave comments you are most definitely welcome to do just that. We who write stories on this site are eager to read these comments and grow from them. Yet you can't be upset when the author decides to delete a comment that is off subject or vulgar. You see just as you have a right to leave a comment judging the story, the writer can make a judgement regarding your comment and give it a bad grade by deleting it. I'm sorry Risq but that is just a freedom that is given a writer by the moderators of this site and it is used whether you like it or not.

Just a quick note on your comments on this story, both of them while negative were not off subject, (besides some weird infatuation with my previous comment), and in my opinion should stay up. Yet this is up to the writer of this story.

Since neither of you are writers maybe you don't understand what a writer sometimes faces when they put a story on this site that contains certain subject matter. We will get called names, threatened and basically trashed not because of the quality of the story but because of the subject matter it deals with. This is just silly and has actually spawned some interesting nicknames for these commentators such as Troll - a commentator that is always anonymous and always negative, Evangelical - a commentator that dislikes every single story written about a woman cheating on her significant other but is sometimes okay with the man cheating on the woman and the good old fashioned Racist - hates any story where a black man has sex with a white woman yet has no problem with a white man screwing a black woman. Again, while the two of you left generally pertinent comments, you have been noted as commentators that are very much against a woman cheating on a man and will grade a story poorly simply because of this fact regardless of the quality of the writing.

Now while this story may not be the best example of a literary masterpiece let me say something about your comments. You are both turned off by the "decitfulness" (sic) and unlikeability of the main charactor of this story and that this was the main factor for your low rating for the story. My objection to this fact is that some of the best stories ever written have some pretty nasty people scattered throughout them. Try Shakespeare, Charles Dickens or Mark Twain if you don't believe me. Metzov, imagine if these guys took your advice and simply wrote about "someone that the readers can like".

MetzovMetzovover 17 years ago

Once again you jump to conclusions. I never said the author shouldn't ever delete comments. I do think it's sad when an author asks for comments then deletes the ones he doesn't like. As for my "weird infatuation" with your previous comment. Being an Agnostic I find it offensive to be referred to as an Evangelical.

"Since neither of you are writers maybe you don't understand what a writer sometimes faces when they put a story on this site that contains certain subject matter"

I'm sorry. I thought an author would want to know what his readers thought of his story.

"We will get called names, threatened and basically trashed not because of the quality of the story but because of the subject matter it deals with."

I can't recall ever calling an author a name, And I know I've never threatened one. I have referred to characters in a story by names.

"Again, while the two of you left generally pertinent comments, you have been noted as commentators that are very much against a woman cheating on a man and will grade a story poorly simply because of this fact regardless of the quality of the writing"

Well there is a small truth in that statement I do think cheating on your spouse is a terrible betrayal of someone you swore to honor, And it's just as wrong for a husband as a wife. I have read stories where I didn't have a problem with the infidelity, But never one where it was done just because they wanted to. You are correct that I will grade a story poorly regardless of the quality of the writing if I hate the story. Do me a favor Bazzz. The next time you're in a book store grab any novel off the shelf and open it to read the reviews. Look for the review that says it's a really well written book with a story most people will hate. When you don't find it grab another and look for it there. Keep going it you find it. After the store closes and you still haven't found it leave and think about it a while.

Your writing skills are just the tools that you use to tell a story! The best tools in the world mean nothing if most people hate the story you're writing!

Shakespeare, Charles Dickens or Mark Twain? You have got to be kidding. Yes all of them wrote of people that did evil things, Many were aware that what they were doing was wrong and were tortured by it (but not Laura). Most also paid a high price (but again not Laura).

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Bazzz - You Can Be Somewhat Rational ?

What is coming over you? Probably been to church eh.

In the same tasteful way please consider this. The best writers in the world fell on their ass with some subjects. For all the great work the Beatles did not all their work got into the top 10. Same with Roy Orbison and Elvis.

You too along with this writer suffer by choice. Hence the low scores, negative comments and their deletions.

Since the issue you skirt is free speech for certain writers but not for readers lets talk about that. There is a significant movement afoot to convince to sites managers to adapt a policy that deletes writers of more than 5 stories that score 25 or less.

Many of us readers feel that that will help balance out the writer deletion option as then we will both have a chance to defeat free speech.

Kool huh.

Think about it respectfully in your choice of church on Monday.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

That is all I can say---crap

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I loved this story!!!!

chytownchytownover 13 years ago
Good story???

If the aurthor had been a female. You have to wonder if (RICKMAN S/B RICKGIRL).

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
liberated my ass

slut indated, you can change a houes wife into a whore but you can't change a whore in to a house wife. He got an whore and she got a cuckold.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
fuckedup wife

As a woman you marry you husband it should be him getting you PG. to do other guys to get that way is a major slap in the face to your mate. I would never do that to my husband. yes I have lovers & so dose he. But all 5 of mind are his


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I was disapointed that the main character was such a ridiculous characture of person, have any of us ever known someone that would so abuse her marriage and her husband for her own pleasure and vanity. This can only be classified as a silly fantasy story.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago

Do women like this really exist? If they do, they should all die in horrible pain.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

gobbling a meaty cock, he took one in the cornhole, betrayed!

wolfgarwolfgaralmost 12 years ago
shit story

just more cuck shit

BDEarthBDEarthabout 11 years ago
She's worthless !

A selfish, self centered slut who deserves to have life explode in her face.

What kind of mind comes up with a character like this?

jezzazjezzazabout 10 years ago

What a truly revolting individual.

impo_58impo_58about 10 years ago
I agree...

This woman had no feelings for anyone...just for herself....But I believe she one day will pay all things in double!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

some worthless cur must have squirted out this woman in some back alley when she was born. cum dump cur on the beat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

So i shouldn't have cum to this?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
whores is as whores do

and in this case, death becomes her 1*

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 8 years ago

"But in the bedroom it is all unexciting and predictable" - I'm going to keep saying this until these cunts get the message! What have YOU done to make things in the bedroom more exciting? When was the last time YOU initiated sex? How many times have you refused sex compared to saying yes? What did you do the last time he tried something new? Did you say, "Ooh, that sounds like fun!" or did you say, "Ugh, that's disgusting!" I think we all know the answer to that one!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

puke--another writer I never want to read again

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
She is a sweetheart

Lovely sex description! Had me good and hard. I would love to hear about her swallowing Han's cum!! Yummy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Garbage story!!!

Ray DarioRay Darioabout 7 years ago
Great Story

Great story. Thank you for sharing this with us. Don't worry about the trolls who post hate filled responses. Hate is all they have in them and they are not who you are writing for anyway. Please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Just another heartless skank CUNT

and so is the story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
No stars


notredame43notredame43over 6 years ago

boring sex life , out of shape hubby. no action on her part to address it . pfah put a request in to be neutered you have nothing redeemable about you if this is a real fantasy of yours. lousy story

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Darren had the hospital run a DNA test

And just like that Laura was a divorced, single Mother. Nobody is THAT stupid.

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

A fucking selfish cunt. BTB!

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

This is a crap story about a woman who should "disappear" one night.

YouamiYouamiover 3 years ago


Interesting that in your bio, you state that you like deep complex women. Yet here we are with you submitttting a tale about one of the most shallow slut wife characters I've had the misfortune to read about.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A thinly veiled attempt to troll

The MC is too blatantly disrespectful to be tolerated by anyone competent to live independently. This is an attempt to inflame the LW readership and not a legitimate attempt to submit a worthwhile story.

Move along...nothing to see here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

a slut and a cuck. Not interesting. The closeted fags known as "cucks" here will like it, though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
You left off the ending.

Where the "lucky" girl got divorced and raised the kid by herself. Because no husband is going to put up with her crap.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


Give it up now. What a load of slut crap.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

That's not liberated, that's just one dumb cheating cunt.

iameaseliameaselalmost 3 years ago

Well that was certainly the dumbest shit I've read here in days.

Her "liberation" had nothing to do with her just being a plain old skank.

It takes a seriously ill mind to find a man raising another mans baby due to a cheating twat wife, to be erotic. Never will be, no matter how hard you spank yourself to that particularly pathetic fetish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nobody is THAT stupid! A divorce would have been forthcoming. Dumber than a stump.

jimjam69jimjam69over 2 years ago

Hey! You gotta give her credit, she is one enterprising female. She's making the bread and running the show.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

And when the kid is 12...and already almost 6 feet tall. Fair skinned. Blue eyes. And blonde hair. And looks NOTHING like rhe father at all.

Well...then this "liberated" slut get raked over the coals in a divorce.

As the paternity tests prove he is not rhe father. And she is publicly exposed as a loose skank. Since she is rhe primary bread winner...he gets half the assets. And she probably has to pay him maintenence since he sacrificed his career for the sake of the bastard child.

What a horrific story.

I hope she "chooses" to fuck the wrong man one day and gets a venereal disease and passes it on to hubby. That's how he finds out...further humiliating her publicly with the divorce.

Cunts like this always get caught. Thinking they are superior in some way.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Needs a follow up with the inevitable unforseen DNA test where the bitch has to pay for her slutty cheating.

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