Laura's Cardinal Ch. 02


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Lady was laying next to Mandy, patiently waiting. She knew the drill as Mandy got the horses ready for our ride. She did however trot over to me with her tail wagging for a behind-the-ear scratch. Mandy smiled as she watched her protector greet me.

What really made me do a double-take was the holstered pistol on her hip. It just caught me by surprise as it wasn't something that I expected for just a horseback ride.

The holster was just like you saw in all of the old westerns, with extra rounds on the belt. There was also a rifle scabbard with a lever action rifle hanging off the saddle. Both looked used but well-maintained and were not just for show.

Noticing my gaze, "They were my dad's. He pretty much grew up with them and always wore it and carried the rifle whenever he was out riding around the ranch. The rifle's for varmints, both four-legged and two-legged. Out here you never know, especially the way that the world's going. He never needed either one, but always said, 'Better to be safe than sorry'. Are you OK with it?"

"Yeah, no problem. It just kind of took me by surprise I guess it just never occurred to me, but I see your point. Especially if you're out riding by yourself. A young woman out on the open range. You're right, you can't be too careful. I've been hunting with my dad with shotguns and I've done some target shooting with his 22 rifle. Just never shot a handgun."

"The pistol's a Colt 44 revolver. There's a place out a ways out back where we can do some target shooting if you want to."

"I'd like that."

"The rifle's a lever action 22. It uses special rounds for the two-legged varmints," she grinned again.

"Being out alone on the open range never really bothered me. Besides what I've got here, I've always got Lady with me, my protector. Sometimes she takes off after a jackrabbit for a bit but always finds me. That nose of hers, she can sniff out any two-legged varmints that may be out and about. I haven't run into any... yet. But I feel pretty safe when I'm out on a ride. Plus, I'm a pretty good shot," she grinned.

"I've also got a Bolt-Action hunting rifle with a scope back at the house. I go deer hunting every fall right out there over those hills, so I have a freezer full of venison for the winter. You can only take one deer, but that's more than enough for me."

"Wow, Mandy. That's quite an arsenal."

"Well, it's nothing compared to some of the others around here. If you know what I mean," she grinned.

"And you go deer hunting all by yourself?"

"Most of the time. Sometimes Sylvia's husband, Earl, will join me and we go a little further out of course Lady's always with me. Even though it's all private land, everybody around here knows everybody else, so it's no big deal. They just don't want strangers out on their land hunting or doing who knows what."

"You're something else."

That got me a grin.

"I'll grill some venison steaks for you when we get back if you want. It's good. It's really lean, it's unlike beef. So it's best between rare and medium rare."

"I'd like that, and rare to medium rare is my favorite."

"Anyway, the hunt is the easy part. Getting your kill out and back to the house is the hard part. If it's close I can just leave it and come back a couple of hours later with a couple of horses and get it back to the house and then off to the packing house. There are quite a few deer around, so I usually don't have to go very far. And with the scope, I don't have to get too close. Still, it's a challenge because they spook easily and it's fun."

"How far away are you when you take your shot?"

"It varies. Usually around a hundred yards or so. So, it's not too bad, and like I said, I'm a pretty good shot, if I do say so myself. I always go for a clean kill every time. I hate to see animals suffer. But the deer need to be hunted to keep the herds thin so that they don't starve over the winter. As you can imagine, there's not a whole lot to eat for them out here in the grasslands once the snow comes."

So that's what found myself sitting on top of a good-size brown horse that I learned was a Morgan. As we rode Mandy talked about her love of her horses.

All of her horses are purebreds complete with all the paperwork. She had eight mares, one stallion, and a couple of colts. Since each mare can only have one foal a year, she spaces them out so that there's a foal about every other month.

The breeding and selling of Morgans has always been a part of her family. For her dad, it was a hobby. But a hobby that made a name for itself in the world of 'Horse breeding'. For Mandy, it was her love and passion. It was the main reason that a future in a city wasn't something that appealed to her. The way she described everything I could tell that this would always be her home. She was very intelligent and talked with a confident ease. There was no bragging. It was just the way that she was... a confident and secure woman. She was growing on me.

The day was beautiful warm and sunny, just like my riding companion. Our conversations were relaxed and comfortable. At times we rode in silence and just enjoyed the vast openness and each other. Then there were the few instances where Mandy was just a bit ahead of me, I would cast my eyes on this lovely woman as she rode with confidence and ease. Then sensing that my eyes were on her, she would look back over her shoulder and give a gentle and warm smile. It warmed my lonely heart. There had only been one other person in my life who could do that... sense my gaze.

Even though it had been around 24 hours since our initial meeting it was a level of comfort that I hadn't felt in a long time. And I was pretty sure that Mandy was feeling it also.

The venison was good. It had a rich and earthy flavor. Sitting on her back patio with a nice bottle of Cabernet wine our conversation drifted to our growing up, each of us from our own little town. It sounded like she did well in high school, and had a lot of friends, including a couple of boyfriends. Even had her heart broken once, adding 'What teenager hasn't?' The only sport that interested her was cross country running. She didn't have the long sprinter-legs, but she could run at a good pace for hours. It was something that she had gotten away from, but might get back into it... depending on what lie down the road.

We were on our second bottle of wine. The sun had set and the patio was lit by four Tiki torches when I saw the playful grin, "Want to go out and sit in the hot tub? It will only take about half an hour to heat up."

The prospect of seeing Mandy in some type of swimwear, be it a one-piece, two-piece, or some type of bikini was more than I could pass up. I mean, I'm a red-blooded male. And she was a cute little blonde.

The tub was about forty feet from the patio and raised with four steps leading up to the eight-foot-wide wooden deck.

Sitting in the warm swirling water that was softly lit by four underwater lights patiently waiting for my pixie host to arrive was making my heart beat with a level of anticipation that I haven't experienced in a long time.

The silhouette of her tiny body was outlined against the dim lights of the house and became clearer as she approached the tub, carrying the half-empty bottle of wine and our glasses. She was wearing a short white robe that came to just above mid-thigh. She wouldn't... would she... be nude underneath? That thought was quickly flushed. I pretty much knew that she wasn't that type of girl.

"Forgot these," she grinned.

Standing off to the side, Mandy casually untied the dark blue sash, shuddered her shoulders, and the robe fell to the deck, pooling at her little feet. My heart stopped. No, she wasn't nude, but she might as well have been. The bikini left little to the imagination.

It was white, providing a sharp contrast to her smooth tan skin. Each little triangle was just enough to cover her little breasts leaving just a hint of the gentle swells of each delicate mound. The night air was having the effect, either on purpose or accidentally. The top of the lower triangle had to have been at the very top of her pubic hair, and in the center was the gentle rise of her Mound of Venus, which in my mind was one of the more alluring features of a young sexy woman. I think that my breathing stopped but something stirred... something that hadn't stirred in a long time.

"Ready to see something spectacular."

I was speechless. I was already seeing something utterly spectacular. Dam, she was sexy. I mean... I've seen my share of sexy young women, but Mandy was right up there near the top, if not at the very top.

Turning to turn off the lights, the bottom of each smooth little firm butt cheek stared back at me and begged to be caressed.

The lights went off, plunging our world into a warm and steamy darkness. But it was enough light to watch her slip into the swirling water coming to rest with her little breasts just below the waterline.

"mmm. I love sitting out here at night. Look up."

Just like the previous night, the stars filled the sky from horizon to horizon. The Milky Way was once again on full display.

"Have you ever wondered what's out there?" I asked.

"Yes. Every time that I sit out here on a night like this. I mean seeing all of those suns and then there are the suns that are beyond into the vastness of the universe. It's impossible to believe that we're alone on this little blue orb floating around in the great universe. I've read, because that is what I do, that just in the Milky Way there are up to 400 billion stars and that about 20 billion of those are sunlight stars and that about a fifth of those sunlight stars have an Earth-sized planet located in its habitable zone.

"I wonder what they look like," she pondered as she asked to no one in particular.

Continuing on her thoughts.

"I wonder if they've found us. I mean thinking of old stuff around the world that was built a long time ago. Things that would seem impossible to build back then, given what they had to work with... Like the pyramids 4000 years ago."

"I've thought the same thing. Back on my parent's farm at night. I have to believe that they've been here."

We settled into a comfortable and relaxed quietness. It was a level of comfort that I hadn't felt in a long time. This girl was continuing to grow on me, and in such a short amount of time.

"Do you sit out here often?"

"A couple times a week. Early and late winter are fun. The cold air on top and the warmth under the water. But, it's been a long time since I've had company. It's nice. Nice to share... nice to not be out here by myself."

Even in the dim starlight, I could see the gentle smile. But those last few words told me that, yes, she longed to have somebody in her life.

Fortunately, and gratefully, the conversation didn't get too deep, like about the stars being the souls of our loved ones. I don't think I could have held my emotions in check given the previous evening out with my Laura.

However, a casual closeness was building, and from the previous night out by the corral and the shooting stars, I was comfortable with where things were going. I was going to follow my heart, and hope and pray that it wouldn't be broken or disappointed.


Time went on. There was no urge to move on my part. I was pretty sure that Mandy was wondering what was going through my head regarding my plans as I gave no indication that I would be moving on at any time in the near future.

Mandy was an eager and patient teacher. She showed me how to shoot a long-range rifle and target practice with her Colt revolver. I got pretty good... nowhere close to the level of Mandy, but decent.

I learned how to care for and ride horses in more than just a gentle walk. At times Mandy wanted to stretch the horse's endurance. Soon I was doing a full-speed gallop over the grassy plains. Watching those strong legs gripping the sides of her horse as she urged her mare on, I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have those legs gripping my sides as she rode me. Inwardly, I knew that I shouldn't be going there. But I was falling for this woman. Confusion about what I was feeling was creeping in.

Each night found me at the corral 'talking' to my Laura. Communicating through the streaking of stars across the heavens. She was out there. Watching me. Guiding me.

Days turned into weeks and before I knew it summer was almost over. I also knew that at some point, I'd have to make a decision - move on or stay. I knew what I wanted to do. I just needed one last reassurance.

It was one of the 'conversations' with my Laura that my path forward became clear.

"I'm here, my love."

A streaking star.

"I don't know what to do. I know that you've been watching Amanda and me."

A streaking star.

"I'm following my heart like you told me to do just before I left. Part of me wants to broach the subject of staying here. Maybe buying my own place somewhere nearby. These past weeks and months have found me looking forward to each day. To the time we spend together. And I am almost certain that Mandy feels the same, because at the start of each day when she comes out of her house and finds me at my table, there's always a smile.

"I know that we can't progress beyond where we are now until I decide what to do. Until that decision is made, I'm pretty sure that any type of relationship would always be kept at 'arm's length' to protect ourselves. To not get hurt or disappointed.

"I know that she is struggling with a deep pain and that she feels that she can't share it or put herself through the emotional pain of baring her soul to me, not knowing if I will be on the road sometime in the future. And it's the same for me. Telling her about you... us... our love. Talking to you like this has helped... helped a lot. I just don't know what I would have done if I hadn't started to talk to you."

My voice cracking. As a huge lump formed in my throat and chest, I had to take a moment to calm myself down. I was close to a cry that I hadn't had in a long time.

"Would it be wrong to fall in love again? Because that's what it feels like. Different from our love... Nothing could be like the kind love that we shared. Would you be OK with that?" I asked into the night sky.

Suddenly, four stars streaked across the heavens followed by four more that seemed brighter.

I smiled, "I'll take that as a 'yes'."

Then, a lone star slowly made its way across the heavens.

"Thank you, my love. I love you and always will."

My voice cracking, as a lone tear fell across my cheek followed by another slow-moving star, which seemed to stop, and linger, for a few seconds, before moving off and disappearing into the night.

I slept peacefully that night, as I knew where I was headed. Just not all of the details.


Over the next few days, my mind was forming a plan. A romantic dinner where I was going to tell her that I wasn't going to move on. That I had found what I thought that I would never find again... Love. And a woman that I wanted to share my love with. I was also hoping that that confession would be welcomed with an open heart, and most importantly that Amanda was having similar feelings. But where? I had not seen any upscale type of restaurant in the little town. Where did people go to have a nice get-away dinner instead of cafe food? Nothing against cafe food, but sometimes you just want a romantic atmosphere, a quiet and intimate dinner, and share a bottle of wine.

Silvia... I needed to talk to Silvia alone.

Mandy needed to get her weekly supply of grain but was occupied with one of her mares who was about to foal, so I volunteered to take her truck into town. It would give me the perfect opportunity to drop by Silvia's after the lunch crowd was gone so that I could talk to her.

Entering the empty diner, "Hey Steve. Where's Mandy? Is she OK? I mean, you guys are always together," she grinned.

"She's fine. One of her mares is about to foal and I just came in to pick up some grain. So, I thought I'd stop by for a minute. You got a minute? I've got something that I want to ask you."

"Let me get us a couple of coffees. As you can see the lunch crowd has left and Earl is out and about doing some errands."

Settling in one of the window booths, "So, what's up?"

"If I wanted to take Mandy out for a nice quiet romantic dinner, where would I go? I mean, no offense, your diner is nice and all, but I was thinking of something with soft lights, a wine list, and soft music. You know, something like that. And you're not open at night."

"Don't worry about it. I know what you meant."

A few moments later after some thought, "As you can tell there's not a whole lot to choose from locally. There's a nice restaurant a couple of towns over that I've been to. It's nice. It's busy. You need reservations and it's kind of crowded and kind of noisy."

Then with a sly grin.

"Celebrating something?"

Grinning back, "Maybe."

Another grin, "A hint?"

"Well, let me just say, that if I'm reading the tea leaves correctly, I may be around here for quite a while."

Then with a big smile, "Let me see what I can do. When did you want to do this?"

"Either this Saturday night or the next."

"Give me a call in a couple of days. I've got an idea that I need to look into."

I talked to Sylvia a couple of days later. She was all excited at what she had come up with. It would be perfect.

That night, as it was my turn to grill, the three of us sat out on her patio with our burgers. Yes three, Mandy, me, and of course Lady.

"So, Mandy, anything planned for this Saturday night?"

With a grin, "Let me check my calendar. Why?"

"Just thought that I'd like to take you out for a nice and romantic dinner."

"You mean like a date?" giving me her playful smile.

Returning the grin, "Yes. A date."

"Well, you're in luck. I just happen to be free Saturday night."

The smile never leaving her beaming face.

"Where are you taking me?"

"That my dear is a secret."

"So, how should I dress? I mean jeans and boots or something all feminine."

"While I like the jeans and boots Mandy. I would really like to see the feminine Amanda."

That got a big smile, "You've got it."

Watching Amanda coming out of the front door and strolling across the lawn gave me goosebumps. The kind that I hadn't felt in a very long time.

A light pastel yellow sundress with little blue and green butterflies graced her little frame. It was held in place by two thin straps that tied behind her neck in a bow. The front was open in a nice 'V' such that the inner swells of her delicate little breasts were alluringly visible. Turning to give me a back view took my breath away. The dress was completely backless. Her smooth and tan-line-free skin glowed in the early evening sunlight.

Her blonde hair was down and framed her face like a golden picture frame.

As she got close, I could tell that she had spent some time on her makeup. Again, not that she needed much, but it was just enough to accent her smoky gray eyes and soft lips that begged to be kissed. Lips that I so desperately wanted to kiss. And if things went the way that I was hoping, tonight would be the night that our lips would meet for the first time. Soft and warm lips that my lips hadn't felt in a long time.

"Is this the Amanda that you had in mind?" she softly smiled.

"Amanda, you're perfect. So beautiful."

The smile got broader as her bright white teeth shined.

"Come, my dear. I have a surprise for you... I hope."

And I hoped and prayed that it would be a pleasant and welcomed surprise.

Pulling into Silvia's Diner's empty parking lot, she looked at me with a questioning look.