Lawyer2Maid Ch. 02


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"Miss Rebecca, may I suggest that we prepare a ham and cheese quiche with a salad? I know that is acceptable to Miss Amanda and Master Ryan. Do you think that Master Paulo and Miss Shyla would also approve?"

"For Paulo, it's fine. I have no idea whether that pompous bitch Shyla likes quiche or not. You better ask her. I swear, if you tell her or anyone else that I called her a bitch, I will say that you tried to molest me."

That is quite unnecessary, Miss Rebecca. I would not betray your confidence."

"You better not. Remember, report to me."

"Yes, Miss Rebecca." I curtsied deeply to acknowledge my subservient position.

After ascertaining that quiche and salad was an acceptable repast, I prepared the meal, while Rebecca set the table. Per her instruction ("I'm tired of serving that cunt, you do it"), I stood during the meal closer to Paulo and Shyla, while Rebecca stood closer to Amanda and Ryan.

Over lunch, the two couples began comparing notes on how to manage and discipline their submissives in ways that had negative implications for both Rebecca and me.

"Becky, do you see how Gregory curtsies? He does it much better than you do. He does it more frequently and knows how to do a deep curtsy. Perhaps he can give you lessons," said Shyla.

"Father would be happy to do that. I, on the other hand, really like Becky's choker. I'm pretty sure Mom would like that look too, father. We're going to buy you some."

I was not thrilled to hear this. One of the things I hated most about my old business attire was the restrictive feeling around my neck of wearing a buttoned down shirt and tie. I guess that feeling was destined to be a regular part of my life again.

Shyla said, "Becky, stop slouching and fidgeting. See how Gregory stands so still with his legs together, back straight and head slightly bowed, always looking around to see if we need anything. That is a proper way for a maid to behave. I expect that from you going forward. Pay attention."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Rebecca regarding me with enmity.

Towards the end of the meal, we received a delivery of two cases of wine and champagne, courtesy of Shyla. As Rebecca and I poured the four of them a glass of Chardonnay, Shyla announced, "This is very pleasant. Oh, Paulo, I forgot to tell you! I heard from my parents this morning that they are planning on spending pretty much the entire summer in Delhi. You know what that means, don't you? It means that we will have the mansion to ourselves, with Kyla, of course."

"That's awesome, honey!", said Paulo. "I'll bring my surfboard."

Ryan said, "This is terrific news. We get to hang out all summer together!"

"You guys are getting married this summer, right?", asked Shyla.

"That's right. July 10th, two weeks after my mom and Jason get married. We're having a reception here in the garden. We would love for both of you to come, of course," said Amanda.

"We wouldn't miss it," said Paulo.

"Becky, our mansion is only about twice the size of the sorority house. You shouldn't have too much trouble keeping it clean. Of course, you will be permitted to go home to visit your parents every other weekend. But plan on being with Paulo and I during the week and every second weekend. We will plan our parties around the weekends that you will be available to serve. Shyla turned to Amanda and Ryan, adding, "We have our own private beach, you know. We're going to have some amazing parties!"

"But, princess, I was planning on applying for a summer internship in Manhattan," Rebecca objected.

Paulo said, "You probably need to rethink that, babe. We're going to need you at the mansion. It's gonna be a blast! Besides, given your grades this semester, I sort of doubt anyone is going to want to hire you anyway. It's pretty competitive out there."

"Yes, and Kyla has lots of girlfriends and boyfriends that hang out around our pool and at the beach during the summer. She is going to need someone to serve at her parties and gatherings as well. Becky, you're going to be a very busy girl, this summer," said Shyla.

Amanda said, "It's going to be so much fun! I can't wait for summer! It will be one long party. I'm sure that Becky and father will make a fabulous tag team."

Our guests stayed for two nights, giving Rebecca and me a preview of what might lie in store for us over the summer.

After lunch, the two couples went into town to do some shopping. Before leaving, Amanda said to Rebecca and me, "While we're gone, father, it would be a good time for you to give Becky lessons in how to properly curtsy. Since Becky is our guest, you are subordinate to her, but you are the one giving her lessons. I realize this may be a bit awkward, but I'm sure the two of you will figure it out."

Shyla added, "When we get back, Becky, you can give us a demonstration of what you have learned."

I explained to Rebecca that I am required to curtsy every time I enter or leave the presence of one of my betters or anytime one of them enters the room. I also curtsy whenever one of them tells to do something. Normally, I hold the curtsy position for about 1 to 2 seconds. I reserve a deep curtsy for those occasions when I am trying to show greater respect, deference, or, if I've done something wrong, greater humility. In these cases, I bow down lower, usually about 7 or 8 inches, and hold the position longer, about three seconds. It is important to maintain the right posture, with my spine straight (I pretend I am balancing a book on my head). I always hold the bottom of my skirt out with both hands and look downward, whether executing a simple curtsy or a deep one.

It was fascinating to watch Rebecca as she practiced; performing one of the most humble acts imaginable, she looked at me with an arrogant sneer.

"I can't believe I'm having to learn this from an old guy dressed as a maid. What are you 55 years old?"

"I am 61, Miss Rebecca."

"How pathetic. I blame you for this. If Shyla didn't think you were so good at this, I wouldn't have to be learning it."

"Please understand, Miss Rebecca, my wife -- soon to be ex-wife -- Lauren, and my master, Jason, required that I received strict training in proper servant deportment. Any lapses are punished, and quite harshly."

"How could you allow yourself to be put into this position? You deserve everything you get."

"With all due respect, Miss Rebecca, couldn't the same question be asked of you?"

"How dare you?! I do this because I want to...or need to or...something. But you have to do it. You are nothing more than a slave. Come here, slave. Get down on your knees before me."

I did as she commanded, recalling her recent threat of falsely accusing me of molestation. Standing before me, she lifted up my skirt with the shoe of her right foot. Ryan had not put my chastity cage back on after my workout session yesterday, so, naturally, I was hard. Rebecca removed her shoe and pressed her stocking-clad toes against my cock, through my panties. She lightly kicked my cock a few times, before drawing her foot back and striking my balls. She kicked with only moderate force, but it was sufficient to cause me to double over in pain.

"Now kiss the foot that kicked you."

After taking a moment to recover, I did as she directed.

"So, not too long ago, you were this high-powered attorney. Now you're a maid, kneeling before another maid who is a third of your age. How does that feel?"

"Truthfully, Miss Rebecca, it feels intensely humiliating, and surreal."

"I'll bet. So now there's no mistake about who's the boss between us. Now show me how to do that deep curtsy again. They're going to be home soon."

That afternoon, before dinner, Rebecca was required to do deep curtsies before Shyla, Paolo, Amanda, and Ryan. Her technique was found to be wanting.

"After dinner, I want you to change into your school girl uniform. I'm going to give you some encouragement to do a better job in your curtsy practice tomorrow," said Shyla.

Amanda added, "I don't think all of the blame should fall with the student. The teacher's efforts were also inadequate. Father, you will join Becky in the living room after dinner. Be wearing your fuchsia punishment tights."

"Yes, Miss Amanda," I replied, curtsying.

That evening, the sharing of best practices in the management of submissives continued. Because Shyla was used to disciplining Rebecca with a sorority paddle (which she had forgotten to bring with her), she asked if she could borrow one of the canes Jason uses to discipline me. Since Shyla was unfamiliar with the use of the cane, Ryan was kind enough to demonstrate on my backside. I bent over, resting my arms on the floor and thrusting my bottom out to receive six of the best. Rebecca, stood next to me, waiting her turn, having removed all of her school girl uniform with the exception of her knee socks and Mary Jane shoes. Her chastity device had a thin strap that went up the crack of her ass, but both cheeks presented ample targets for Shyla. Unaccustomed to the sting of the cane, Rebecca found it impossible to maintain her punishment position, and danced around quite a bit before it was over. I have to admit that I enjoyed seeing the welts appear on her lovely bottom, not just for aesthetic reasons, but because of the way she had treated me earlier.

After administering the six strokes, Shyla said, "Becky, that is your first of many punishments to come for your multiple shortcomings. Perhaps now you can try to convince me to remove your chastity."

Becky wiped the tears from her eyes and excitedly scurried over to where Shyla had taken a seat on the couch next to Paulo. Kneeling at her feet, Rebecca said, "Thank you for punishing me, princess. May I massage your feet?"

During the massage, Shyla exacted all kinds of promises from Rebecca: to be more diligent when cleaning Shyla's bedroom and bathroom at the sorority house; to stop protesting when asked to give foot massages to the freshman sorority sisters; to come down to Sagaponack for a weekend in March to serve as maid at Princess Kyla's birthday party at their family mansion, etc.. Finally. after she kissed each of Shyla's toes and kissed the key dangling from her bare ankle, Shyla unlocked her cage.

Paolo removed Rebecca's chastity belt after Shyla unlocked it.

"Thank you, princess." Rebecca turned to Paulo. "Pretty please, baby, take me to the bedroom and fuck me. I need it so bad."

Rebecca was so desperate that she didn't care who heard her beg. From my penance position, I could see Amanda and Ryan look on, amused, sharing a joint Paolo had given them.

Paulo said, "Whoa there, babe, I think you're getting out of your skies a bit."

"Aren't you quite the presumptuous little peasant, Becky," said Shyla. "Just because I've unlocked you doesn't mean I've given you permission to come. You still need to earn your cummies. And you certainly aren't going to get them by sleeping with MY man."

'But please, princess, I promised you so much, " said Rebecca, on the precipice of panic.

"Nothing that I couldn't have compelled you to do anyhow. You still have not properly made it up to our host, dear Amanda, for the inexcusable way you left her sorority. Amanda, she has gotten quite good at foot massages. Would you like to try her out?"

Amanda smiled. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea."

Eager to please, Rebecca ran over to the loveseat where Amanda was sitting with Ryan and knelt before her former sorority sister. Wearing shorts, Amanda extended her right bare foot to Rebecca with a satisfied smile on her face. Unable to meet her eyes, Rebecca began pressing her fingers firmly into Amanda's sole and heel. Clearly a bit high, Amanda playfully pushed her foot up to Rebecca's lips. Rebecca gave a quick, embarrassed little kiss to the bottom of Amanda's foot, causing her to giggle, before resuming her massage.

After Rebecca finished with Amanda's feet, Shyla directed her to give Ryan a foot massage as well. Not wanting to be left out, Paulo also demanded one.

When Rebecca was finished, Shyla said, "Very well, I will take mercy on this horny slut. Becky, lay down on the floor."

Still dressed only in her white knee socks, Rebecca lay down flat on the floor, wincing as her bottom touched it, near Shayla's and Palo's feet. Shyla, who was bare legged in a short, black dress, stood imperiously above Rebecca, and then placed her bare foot on Rebecca's sex.

She then inserted her big toe into Rebecca's vagina and said, "Becky, I am not going to exert myself for you. If you want to come, you will need to hump my foot."

Beyond desperate, Rebecca thrust her pelvis up and down against Shyla's toe, and began panting and moaning in what I can only describe as a mixture of ecstasy and shame, an agonized expression on face. It did not take long before she feverishly climaxed, thrashing around on the floor like a fish.

When she was finished, Shyla sat back down back down and said, "Now lick your filth from my toe".

Rebecca got up, knelt before Shyla and said, "Yes, your highness, of course. Thank you," and began fervently sucking Shyla's moist big toe.

Following Rebecca's humiliating display, I was ordered to serve more cocktails while Paulo passed around another joint. Paulo called Ryan over to where he was sitting on the couch with Shayla. I saw them speaking quietly and the next thing I know, Rebecca and I were ordered to stand in the middle of the room facing one another, she wearing nothing but her knee socks and I nothing but my fuchsia tights. Ryan walked over and twisted my nipples until they were erect. Still in the afterglow of her climax, Rebecca's nipples were already like little bullets. Ryan pulled out two pairs of nipple clamps, and attached one clamp to my right breast and the opposite end onto Rebecca's left breast, doing the inverse with the other pair. We were forced to stand facing each other for the next 45 minutes. Staring down at Rebecca's nubile body, I knew it was futile to even try to suppress my erection. The tip of my cock was no more than three inches from her shaved crotch. She looked down at my erection with an expression of disgust. As my legs grew weary, I would sometimes shift my stance; on the occasions when my shift in position caused my cock to get closer to her, I would jerk backwards, pulling painfully on both of our nipples (eliciting an even harsher glare from Rebecca and titters from the two couples making out on the couches).

Paulo began smacking Rebecca's still smarting buttocks with a wooden spoon, Ryan doing the same to mine. Naturally, in an attempt to escape the blows, Rebecca and I moved closer to each other, the tip of my cock touching her abdomen at one point. Sadly, this was the closest I had come to sexual intercourse with a woman since Jason had come onto the scene, and I had to concentrate hard not to ejaculate.

The two couples continued to smoke weed and make out with each other on the couch. At one point Ryan came over to Paul and said, "Dude, as you can probably understand, Amanda's not comfortable with her father coming into our bedroom, but we would be interested in borrowing Becky for a while, if that's okay. You're welcome to take tights boy here, but I recognize it's not a fair trade."

"No problem. Becky go with Ryan and Amanda. I'm sure Shyla and I could have some fun with the old cuck. Does he have anything sexier to wear though?"

Amanda said to me, "Father, put on your corset, thigh high stockings and panties. Don't look at me that way. Mom tells me what happens in the bedroom with her, Jason and you. She and I don't have any secrets."

When I returned, after Amanda tightly laced my corset, the new threesomes split up into the two bedrooms. I discovered that Paulo and Shyla were fond of oral servitude. After spanking me over his knees, Paulo had me fluff him (he was even bigger than Jason, amazingly). I was required to suck Shyla's toes as Paolo took her from behind. Afterwards I was directed to clean both of them thoroughly with my tongue. Later, as they watched a movie, Rebecca laid curled up at the feed of Amanda and Ryan, whereas I laid with Paulo's and Shyla's feet resting on my face, gently lapping at their toes.

The following day was more of the same, the two dominant couples finding diverting new ways to humiliate Rebecca and me. After I spent a couple of more hours demonstrating to Rebecca the correct way to curtsy, we were forced to give each other pedicures. This was an area where Rebecca had considerably more experience than I did, and Amanda felt I could benefit from her tutelage. Because we were unsupervised, Rebecca refused to massage my feet during my pedicure but, of course, insisted that I massage hers. She also again forced me to kiss her feet -- more than anything else, I believe, to drive home the point that she was superior to me, that I was the servant to a servant. Despite all of her submissive tendencies, Rebecca was probably a true switch (I recalled Ryan telling Amanda about Owen, the 30-year old "simp" who doted on her). I'm sure that having a once powerful, much older man under her temporary control was a turn on for her.

Shyla had put Rebecca back in chastity in the morning, and not content with her one climax the prior day, Rebecca begged to be released again that evening. Following more concessions and groveling, Shyla finally unlocked her. Rebecca was reduced to yet another act of abasement in an attempt to orgasm. She knelt before Shyla, who put her bare foot between her legs, under her vagina. Rebecca then had to gyrate her pelvis downwards against Shyla's stationary foot. As limber as she was, Rebecca failed to generate sufficient pressure on her clitoris from this position and whimpered in frustration. Paolo eventually took pity on her and permitted her to hump his leg. He was wearing jeans, so I can't imagine it was very comfortable for her, but she ultimately succeeded in her mission (or so it seemed from the loud sounds she emitted).

The second night of our guests' stay resulted in me again joining Paolo and Shyla in their room while Ryan and Amanda made use of Rebecca. I overheard Ryan tell Paulo that, although she never really had had any lesbian experiences before, Amanda quite enjoyed having Rebecca go down on her the previous night. Apparently, Amanda also playfully spanked Rebecca over her lap and teased her by brushing her hand against Rebecca's sex in between smacks to her bottom. It was odd hearing these intimate details of my daughter's sexual escapades.

My second night with Paulo and Shyla was similar to the first except that on the second night Paolo ordered me lay under them to lick his scrotum as he penetrated Shyla. Jason had recently started commanding me suck his balls in front of Lauren as a prelude to them having sex, so I was not a complete novice in this area.

Before our three guests departed, there was much discussion about next summer and all the fun parties that would take place. The two couples thought the contrast of their two maids would be highly amusing for their guests, and were confident that Rebecca and I could provide entertainment as well as maid service to their broad-minded circle of friends.

After they left, Ryan took me down to the gym to practice my hoop jumping. Subsequently, I requested permission to watch some Harold Pinter movies on Jason's Amazon Prime account so I could begin working on my essay.

Following Lauren's and Jason's return, Ryan could hardly wait to show everyone the new tricks he had taught me as part of my exercise regimen. Jason, Lauren, and Amanda sat comfortably in the family room as Ryan put me through my paces in my collar and teal tights. He then brought out the hoop, dog whip, and dog bowl, spurring me with the whip to jump through the hoop multiple times. Despite all of the humiliations that I had suffered over the prior 11 months, having my wife, her lover and my daughter watch me be treated like a dog by my future son-in-law registered with me as possibly a new low. When the session finally came to an end, lying on the floor panting and dripping with sweat, I watched Ryan walk over to the couch.