Leader of the Pack Ch. 03

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Everyone's pissed off.
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Part 3 of the 26 part series

Updated 10/20/2022
Created 11/16/2007
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Aislinn went through the motions of serving dinner and completing the rest of her chores for that evening. Cullen and his date who, Aislinn managed to find out from another member of the kitchen staff, was actually his fiancé ate their dinner in relatively short order and then left. Jenna had been conspicuously silent on all the subsequent visits that Aislinn had to make to the table and Cullen had managed to catch her eyes with an apologetic stare at one point.

Aislinn sat in the back of the taxi on her way home. She felt rich in her ability to afford the small luxury each night. Walking would have taken at least an hour. But she would have done it if it had been necessary. She figured that if tips continued the way they were that she would be able to afford to move out of her crappy apartment and closer to the restaurant in relatively short order. She was calculating how much time it would take for her to pay for her missed rent, pay back her friends for her jail break, afford an attorney to deal with Derrick's lawsuit, and then move into town. Anything to keep her mind off of Cullen.

The taxi finally pulled up in front of her place and she slid out of the car, paid with some of her tips from that night, and headed toward the steps. When a figure moved out of the shadows near the main entrance and reached for her she turned, leaned back, and delivered a forceful kick to the figure's chest.

Cullen staggered back into the wall holding his chest and trying to catch his breath. He had to admit it had been a long time since anyone caught him off guard like that and he was shocked that she had been strong enough to knock him backward even with that consideration. He was still trying to catch his breath when she glared at him and headed inside without a word.

Aislinn fumed as she virtually ran up the stairs to her apartment.What the hell is he doing here?She barely managed to get her key out and go inside before he appeared at the top of the stairs. She slammed the door and walked across the room, threw her purse and coat on the table and kicked her shoes off. After a few minutes without a knock on the door she figured he must have gotten the message and left. She paced a bit before she decided that she wouldn't be able to calm down unless she looked to see.

Aislinn walked over to the door and stared at it a minute. When she started to feel like a complete fool she took the locks off and pulled the door open only to find she was face to face with Cullen. He took a deliberate step into her apartment forcing her back until he was able to close the door. They just stood there staring at each other without talking. Neither of them knew what to say.

Cullen finally started, "I need to apologize to you for Jenna-"

Annoyed, Aislinn cut him off. "No you don't. Why should you have to apologize?"

Cullen just wasn't used to people behaving with him the way she did. He smiled, chuckled and shook his head. "Do you have any idea how unique you are?"

Aislinn glared at him. She didn't get what he was trying to say. All she knew was that she could smell him and he was so close. She couldn't stop herself from wanting him and that was making her angrier and a little scared. "Do you have any idea how much of a jerk you are?"

Cullen had to laugh. When he saw the confused look cross her face he explained. "Sorry it's just been a long time since anyone seriously called me a name to my face. I'm sure plenty is said behind my back but they generally make sure I don't find out."

"Are you really this full of yourself?"

He continued to smile. She growled under her breath. The smile finally dropped. There were too many odd things about her. He was tempted to just ask if she was some weird kind of lycan that he had never scented before. "Look, I just thought that I owed you a bit of an explanation. I know that we haven't exactly gotten off on the right foot."

"So what? Why exactly do you want to be friends so badly? I mean this is virtually stalking. In fact I'd say that you waiting outside my place is definitely stalking. I'll admit that I do owe you for saving my ass the other night and for getting me that job,LordArnauk. When I figure out how to pay you back I will. But for now I think it'd be a good idea for us to keep our distance from each other."

Cullen flinched a bit at the use of his title. He had never hated his position before, but between Jenna and Aislinn he almost wanted to disappear and let the rest fight it out and deal with the raids and the politics on their own. He nodded and headed back toward her door. As he got to the doorway he stopped and turned to look at her one last time before he left. "I guess I just thought maybe I wasn't the only one involved in that kiss the other night. I was hoping we could at least be on talking terms."

"At least on talking terms?" she was glaring at him and her tone hit him harder than her kick had. "What are you trying to do? Start a harem? From what I hear you're engaged to that blonde bitch."

"That's a long story," he said, no longer finding her amusing.

"Okay, so explain why you would be back here after the other night and then dinner tonight? Why you could come back here and imply that you think we should befriendly." She crossed her arms and stared at him, waiting.

Cullen shook his head. "You know what? Never mind. You're right. I shouldn't have come here. Sorry." With that Cullen left and closed the door behind himself.

Aislinn just stood there watching after him. As the argument she'd just had sunk in she threw herself down on her mattress sobbing. It was a long time before she fell asleep.


Aislinn was standing in the middle of the street in front of her apartment. It was eerily dark and quiet. There were no stars or moon and the light from the street lamps seemed to be absorbed into the air as though it was being eaten by the darkness. The only sound she could hear was her own breathing and heartbeat.

Aislinn looked up and down the street and felt as though she was being watched. She looked up at her apartment. It may have been a hole but it allowed for some protection. She briefly considered going up there but something in her told her that it just wasn't safe any longer. She looked down at herself and realized that she was completely naked. She didn't understand it but somehow it felt normal and safer to be naked than to be wearing clothes at that moment.

Suddenly out of the darkness she heard quiet whispering. Unintelligible and frightening. She didn't know what it was but she knew that she was in incredible danger. Something was coming for her.

Aislinn turned and started running down the street. She didn't know where she was running to but she felt drawn through the darkness away from the whispering. Every time she stopped she could hear the whispering getting louder. She turned down one street and then another until the whispering was so close she couldn't stop to look around any longer. She needed to move faster. She could feel sweat running down her face and chest and back. The night air on her bare skin. Her feet slapping on the pavement. She needed to move faster. Slowly she felt herself changing. When she looked down she had fur and was on four feet. She was some kind of animal. But she was moving much more quickly now.

As she kept running she could hear the whispering retreating a little into the darkness so she stopped again and looked around. Everything seemed brighter now somehow and she reasoned out that it was because she was looking through new eyes. She found that she was outside of the Taigh-oèsda. She walked into the lobby and as the doors shut behind her the whispering became angry and frustrated. She walked through the empty lobby and found herself looking at a reflection of herself in one of the large windows.

It was a fuzzy image. The darkness outside causing the soft light inside to turn the window into an imperfect mirror. She didn't recognize what she was looking at. She was on all fours and shadowy. She was staring intently into her reflection when a figure came up to the window. Terror froze her solid as Rafe stared at her a lurid smile on his face. She started to backup to get away from him but he was calling to her. Suddenly the voices came into sharp focus and she understood what the whispering was. They had found her again.

Aislinn sat bolt upright in bed. She was covered in sweat and the darkness in her small apartment was overwhelming. She jumped up and turned on the lights. She stared around the room into shadows that couldn't possibly hide anyone looking for Rafe.I had another premonition,she thought. Sometimes she wondered if it would be better to never dream. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes and concentrated on the last she remembered of the dream. She needed to get an impression of how close they were. How much time she had. And she wanted to know what the other parts had meant as well. Why she had turned into an animal and why she had felt safe at the Taigh-oèsda.


Cullen parked his SUV in the private garage attached to the Madadh-Allaidh Saobhaidh. He slammed the door shut and headed for the elevator. Once inside he inserted his key into the elevator panel and pressed the button for the 13th floor. The floor directly below that was mostly storage and empty. From the 11th floor down to the lobby was the public hotel and the main face of the casino. The basement, which also needed key access, held the private training and workout facilities and swimming pool, and holding cells for the rare times that they were needed, as well as the security suite that monitored the entire building.

The 13th floor was the great room and the floor that contained guest quarters when people came to visit his pack. There was the movie room which was virtually a theatre, the game room, and a small kitchen/dining area. Cullen's rooms were on the penthouse floor and had access to the roof. His key was the only one that allowed access there. But for now he needed to take his frustration. He had briefly considered hitting a punching bag downstairs but that wouldn't assuage the problem in his pants that had been developing all day.

Between Jenna's teasing, which only disgusted him, and Aislinn's scent he felt as though the was going to explode. Upon entering the great room he spied one of his usual targets for this kind of outlet. Normally he didn't go looking for company except during hunts out at the reservation, but desperate times as they say, and Celia was always willing.

He approached her with a heated expression and she looked up at him with her hazel eyes and a welcoming smile. He didn't have to say anything to her. When she saw him coming she ended her conversation with the other women she had been watching TV with and stood up to meet the Alpha coming toward her. His determined look told her what he was after.

Cullen looked Celia over. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. She had on no socks and no bra from the looks of things. Cullen growled low in his throat at the thought,That'll make it easier.He looked over at the couch and briefly considered taking all of them, alpha advantages after all, but then thought better of it. Celia, to date, hadn't gotten attached to him and he didn't want any additional female troubles right now.

Celia pushed a strand of brown hair out of her eyes and smiled at him in that innocent way of her that belied what she really was capable of. "I thought with Jenna around you wouldn't come looking for me any time soon," she said with a pleased sound to her tone.

"I'm not going to be very nice this evening Celia," he growled in warning.

Celia briefly considered that. It was as though she disliked rough sex. It was that he'd never felt the need to warn her about it before. In the end though she knew that she wouldn't turn down a chance to lie with him. She did a great job of giving him the impression that she could take or leave his company. But that was only because she had learned a long time ago that she would get more attention from him that way. There were about six females that Cullen had come to trade off in his bed over the years. Celia had become the unspoken leader of that small group of women and due mostly to her ability to appear off-hand and unconcerned with Cullen's preference for her she had quickly become the favorite for ending up in his bed on the rare occasions that he was in the mood for company.

Celia shrugged. "Whatever you want, General," she replied. She had never been upgraded as far as first name status. But she never stopped hoping.

Cullen turned and headed down one of the halls to a guest room. He never took any of the girls up to his actual rooms. Again, this was mostly to keep any of them from becoming too attached. He walked into the room and immediately took off his coat and shoes discarding them on the armchair off to the side of the door. When his shirt and pants followed in short order Celia knew that his comment had been even more serious than she had taken it. He was never this quick about undressing.

When he turned to her and she saw his angry face and his ready hard-on she knew that he was on a mission to get off and that was it. She felt a little scared. He had never inspired fear in her before. Without missing a beat he approached her and ripped her white t-shirt up and off. He only took a moment to run his hands down her breasts, waist, and stomach before unbuttoning her jeans and forcing them down over her hips. The fact that she wasn't wearing underwear only served to reinforce in his mind that he had picked right for this.

Without a second thought to foreplay Cullen whirled Celia around and pushed her onto her knees on the bed. His eyes shifted and his wolf growled angrily at the fact that this wasn't the woman it wanted as Cullen climbed up behind her on the bed. He grabbed hold of Celia's hips and pulled her back onto his cock as he thrust it forward, not even checking to see if she was ready for him.

Celia winced at his intrusion. She braced herself for the worst and spared herself a glance back at the angry lycan pounding into her from behind. One look at Cullen's face and Celia wished she had just taken it and not looked. He was staring at the wall above the head of the bed. His eyes were on fire and she imagine that this was the face his enemies saw just before he ripped their throats out.

Celia turned away from the scene and closed her eyes, tears squeezing out from beneath her lids and focused on the number of times he had fucked her and the passion had more than made up for the lack of love in his touch. She just held onto the bed and took the punishment of his cock ripping into her over and over again. She wondered what had brought him to this kind of mood and then decided that she didn't really want to know that.

Cullen growled anger and frustration and he plunged into Celia. All he could think about what that shortly the body beneath him would be Jenna and that the one he wanted would eventually go to someone else. He forced himself into Celia knowing that he was probably hurting her. But he also knew that she was strong and could take it. He had seen her accept worse from others in the name of rough play. He never considered that she might see it as different coming from him. He felt his balls slap against her mound as he forced himself into her faster and harder. He closed his eyes and imagined Aislinn lying beneath him begging him to go harder and pleading for more. With the image solid in his mind he felt his sack tighten and pulled out of Celia just in time to spray her ass and back with his cum.

Falling back from her into a sitting position Cullen watched Celia slump down on the bed, burying her face in a pillow from the head of the bed. He knew that she didn't get anything out of what he had just done to her. Feeling guilty for using her like that he growled at himself and got up off the bed. Cullen rubbed his face with both hands and tried to block out everything that had happened that evening.

Cullen started getting dressed, leaving Celia lying naked on the bed. "Sorry," he said simply as he grabbed his coat and shoes then headed out of the room without looking back.

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evonnaevonnaover 5 years ago

Coming back to this story after a long time, and my god, it's effing AMAZING!

So well written, in characterization, dialogue, description of emotions, sexual tension, development of the relationship, plot.... EVERYTHING.

So glad I found it again.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write something this good,

there aren't many stories of this quality.

(oh and i thought the rough sex scene made perfect sense, and he was pretty clear to the girl about what he was after. great chapter.)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I just lost all regard for Cullen! No matter what the hell his mood was you just don't take a woman, roughly or otherwise, without bothering to take 5 damn minutes to get her off! Screw him!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
13th floor

Actually, the 13th floor comment is true. It isn't always followed anymore, but if you go in old buildings, they often skip the 13th floor.

There are some musicians who skip the 13th track. And I think some there are some horror movies based on our superstitions of the 13th floor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
No thirteenth floors...

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I don't know what part of the US you're from but we most certainly have 13th floors in many hotels. As for the rest of your comment, it doesn't even deserve my time of day. Get out more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
hate this chapter

Well, couple reasons. First is merely an irritant: there is no '13th' labeled floor in any hotel in the U.S. We silly Americans feel the number is jinxed. Now, of course, the 14th labeled floor is really the 13th floor, so any American who stays on the '14th' floor is really on the 13th floor. But we Americans are so silly we cannot even look at the number 13 w/o freaking out. But next time you to a hotel, or for that fact any tall building in the U.S. look for floor 13. Betcha don't find it.

As far as Cullen fucking Celia, why is it wrong? Well there's the whole thing that everyone looks soooo similar. Talk about inbreeding. Yech. Then there's the fact that he's the boss. This time let's talk about abuse of power. B/c anytime there is a differential between positions of power, that is considered coercion. I know, I know, she seems ready and willing. But, so what? The lure of power is part of the coercion. I realize that not everyone agrees w/ this point. However, she obviously wants more than he's willing to give. Just because he accepts the mask she's wearing doesn't mean he doesn't see the mask. It is a fucking justification on his part. This is the one instance where he looks like an ass. Okay, maybe the second. Because, Jenna, the bitch, could easily have an extramarital affair as long as she takes the same precautions he seems to. But, he wants to limit her 'proclivities.' Just finished reading this depressing book where a male wolf did something similar.

Anyhoo, just my silly american prudish two cents. But, really. This is my third time through this series. Yeah b/c I love it. Well written, good characters, excellent protagonist, interesting storyline. What's not to love? This chapter.

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66almost 11 years ago
I agree Celia was warned...

It may seem that he was too rough but he did warn her and she could see from the look on his face that he was not in a good place. None of us really know what it is like to be Lycan but when the animal takes over control, which was stated he did and was not happy that it wasn't his woman, she knew and had to accept the consequences. I do not condone rough play, unless consentual but Celia was aware that he needed release not compassion. On the other hand it only made him feel worse and maybe the punching bag would have been a better idea.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Celia was warned...

Umm, the first thing Cullen said to Celia was that he wasn't going to be nice. If she wasnt up for rough sex she didn't have to follow so willingly. Don't make it out like Cullen raped her. She wanted to be there and although it wasnt what she expected, she had been warned.

Lily_of_the_ValleyLily_of_the_Valleyabout 11 years ago

Was enjoying this, till the end, at which point I agree 100% with "Pretty crappy there at the end" and the readers who comment "in a real wolf pack the bitches have final say about who gets to mate with them. 'Alpha' or not," and "I know he's supposed to be the big-dick lord of his pack, but this makes Cullen just as disgusting and despicable as Aislinn's old boss who assaulted her with the intent to rape her". Cullen went from hot-shot hero to despicable slimeball pretty quickly there. Whether man or werewolf, this kind of abuse of power makes him an arsehole. Lack of self-control also makes him an arsehole. Will try one more chapter . . .

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Pretty crappy there at the end

I had been thinking Cullen was a caring and respectable badass of a defender, when really he's an uncaring and brutal cad who doesn't mind "ripping" into a woman over and over when he's got some frustration to expell. And the fact that he does this to a woman under his Alpha protection who actually cares about him (albeit unbeknownst to him) makes it worse and more difficult to respect him, now. If Aislinn was upset to see him with a fiancée after their kiss (which supposedly meant something to him?) she should probably be pretty resolved to never speak to him again after hearing how he casually and rather brutally used a woman who is neither his fiancée nor his budding love interest. He's not a wolf; he's a jackass. I guess Aislinn just shouldn't have questioned his questionable behavior if she didn't want him to behave like an animal.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Some of those comments are just precious. It gets better. And who can't love a sexually frustrated and politically harangued bad ass? For those of you who have the attention span of a toddler, I believe it was mentioned in the first chapter that Cullen was attracted to Aislinn's scent, but there was something off about it. Plus he was drunk off his ass. Secondly, this is fiction, therefore all character foibles are the creation of the author. No two alphas alike, although after reading what feels like the same story repeatedly on this site it seems like all alphas are alike, so Cullen is unique. This is an exceptional Were story; don't be overly critical and compare it to some of the other crappy wolf stories. Just enjoy it for its awesomeness!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

The guy is an Alpha n he cant figure out her scent....totally sorry for Ceila i wonder if she have more apart to play.....Cullen totally arrogant and dominant love him n im guessing that comes from being an Alpha ;)



SenieceTaOSenieceTaOover 12 years ago

I can see im gonna need a box of tissus for this series, only just started reading this new story .. she's living in such provety and the Ass Alpha has no idea what her scent means .. what a freaking ass!! just wanna cry for her ..i know she's got a story unfolding and i cant wait to read on .. loving it lots

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66over 12 years ago

You have to feel sorry for Celia but geez Cullen you're the Alpha tell Jenna to f... off!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

He's not nice......HE'S A ROYAL BASTARD....I gotta say, I like him!

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
it ain't always pretty

Oh well.it was what it was. Celia thought she was on top of the game with boyfriend when she was only playing herself....oh well.

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
It ain't always pretty

oh well shit happens and angry sex is what it is. Celia knew the deal with him...her mistake was playing it wrong with herself.....oh well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Dry opinion

A well described frustration.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

my name is Celia....I feel bad for my namesake....ouch

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Flawed characters are good too

I actually enjoy that you purposefuly made your characters flawed and imperfect. Cullen losing it as he did does make him unlikeable at the moment, but I personally enjoy main protagonists who aren't always being nice or "doing the right thing" all the time.

Given this universe of yours (and that it's a werewolf pack of all things), it makes sense that Cullen should have his own harem of girls who are just for sex with no strings, (not unlike how past civilizations, and some current, have practiced), especially given how long he's apparently lived (as you've used "centuries" when describing his age) and not ever having a mate before.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

I really dug Mira, and decided to check this out. I was really liking this as well till Cullen's remorseless and angry Hate-Fxck with Celia! Uncouth. I know he's supposed to be the big-dick lord of his pack, but this makes Cullen just as disgusting and despicable as Aislinn's old boss who assaulted her with the intent to rape her.

Cullen is just another piece of shite, and certainly nothing to be admired. Let's see him get "raped" like he did Celia, see how he likes being abused.

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