Leah's Bondage Ch. 08


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"I think, my little Rabbit, that I will give you something new tonight. A new pleasure to celebrate your homecoming, but not until you beg me for it - nicely."

"No!" Leah resisted, even as she began to throb, aching for the feeling of him in her.

His other hand wrapped in the short curls that were left, pulling her head back, his own darkness rising to her rebellion. He would not have her disobey him. He would not be swayed by her fear. By god, she was his slave and she would submit to him. She would beg and she would be a good toy. She was not going to manipulate him like she had been doing. Roughly, he began to finger fuck her.

"Master!" Leah cried out more in fear now than arousal. "Please! Master!" She bucked against the bench, sensing that something about him was different. He was forcing her need higher and higher, but with it her fear.

The fingers left her and she sagged in relief, only to jerk in surprise at the touch of cold, slick gel against her skin. His finger began to push it into her asshole. Leah held perfectly still for a long moment as the realization of what he was going to do sunk into her mind.

"Please Master! No! I beg You! Not there! I promise! I won't run away again! Please no! I'm sorry! Please, I beg you!" She was getting hysterical.

Carlton's rational mind knew he should take his time to calm her, to ease her into this, but his control was slipping further and further. Again, the warning whispered for him to stop, to leave, to back off, but the feeling that he was loosing control because of his growing attachment to Leah made him want to prove to himself that she was just a toy.

Eagerly, he pushed into her tight hole, savoring the resistance, her cries and begging. Yes, this s why he had spent so much money, to have a girl like her at his whim for just this purpose. He pushed in a little deeper, feeling her trying to push him out. A wicked smile flitted over his face as he easily overpowered her. She was his. Like a car, or a horse. He pushed deeper and listened to her responsive moan.

Leah shuddered with the sensation of Master in her, gasping at the intensity as he pushed even deeper. He began to move and she moaned at the pleasure. The pleasure built and built as he thrust in and out and she struggled, hating that he could control her so easily. She hated her need for him, her need to cum.

"Please..." she gasped, "Please, Master!"

"Beg Me!"

"Please may I cum!" she hated herself for begging, "Please, I beg you, Please."

He thrust in her as deep as possible and came hard, feeling her tight and quivering around him as she begged. He pulled out and in a moment of dark control leaned over and whispered, "No, you may not."

"Please, Master! What have I done? Master?" Leah ached and throbbed. Confusion filled her as she heard him zip his pants and walk away, shutting the door to the room. She began to sob. What had happened? Where was the Master that had touched her so kindly before?

Carlton walked back into the office in no better temper than when he had left. Raymond looked up as Carlton poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Raymond, go up to the dungeon and see to Rabbit."

Raymond almost dropped the rolodex, "Sir?"

"Yes!" Snapped Carlton nastily, "Do I have to repeat myself. I am finding Rabbit to be tiresome."

As the days passed and turned into weeks Leah grew more and more confused with her feelings toward her Master. When he was not there, she ached for him to be there, listening intently for him, sometimes stroking her body trying to imagine it was his hands touching her. When he was there, she was terrified, not wanting him to touch her, frightened by him like a caged animal until he restrained her and tormented her into submission. He was creative in his use of her, being more and more demanding of her, forcing her to hold back her own pleasure for interminable lengths before he gave her permission to come, if at all. Often he would leave abruptly, leaving her bound and throbbing, discarded like a rag doll until Raymond would come with his gentle words and soft hands to free her.

"Please, Sir." she whispered finally as Raymond silently loosened the buckles of her restraints, "What have I done to anger him? What can I do to get him to forgive me? Please, tell me! You know him!"

Raymond surveyed the bright red stripes that covered her backside and noticed how eagerly her skin jumped at the slightest touch. Carlton had been denying her orgasm for almost two weeks now. He had even taken to binding her hands at night so she wouldn't touch herself.

"It's not you, Rabbit." he soothed, helping her to her feet. "He is troubled with other things right now. Be patient, it will get better. Anyway, I saw on the schedule that you are to have the cast off today. That will be nice. Just in time for the party."

"Party?" Leah asked nervously.

"Yes, there will be a number of owners and slaves here tonight. I believe your Master will be bringing you downstairs for it. You should get some rest now, the parties tend to run late. I'll have Ming come up and help you dress and do your hair."

As Raymond was fastening Leah's hands into the lamb's wool lined manacles, Dr. Larson came in with his nurse. They exchanged pleasantries and then Dr. Larson turned to his patient. He frowned. She had lost weight since he had seen her last. The hair, he decided was punishment.

"Where is her Master," Dr. Larson asked Raymond. Carlton was going to get an earful when he had him alone.

"He is out until this evening," Raymond replied evenly.

Dr. Larson's hand brushed over Leah's skin and she arched on the bed, biting back a half sob at the pain of her need. Dr Larson's dark eyes flashed, "Are you being punished, Girl?"

Leah shook her head miserably, "No, Sir. Not that I know of. Please! Help me get out of here!"

He shook his head and gave her a grandfatherly smile, "You know I can't do that. I will take off the cast though." When he had the cast off, he took Raymond outside the room, "Let Carlton know that I must speak with him about her condition immediately."

"You can tell me yourself," Carlton walked up, his hair wet from melting snow. Raymond excused himself.

Dr. Larson turned on Carlton, "I don't know what is going on in that brain of yours boy, but you have been neglecting that slave. She has lost at least ten pounds since I last saw her. She is in agony from need of orgasm, and unless you have a damn good reason for keeping her that way, you are being unreasonably cruel. She's fading. A few more weeks of this and she'll just retreat into her mind for safety. You were not raised to treat slaves like this boy!"

Carlton took a step back. Had he let things get this out of hand?

Leah felt exceptionally nervous waiting for Master. This was only the second time he had seen her dressed, and she wanted him to be pleased. More than that, she realized, she wanted him to find her beautiful, to see her as a woman and not as a slave. The dress Ming had brought her, left little to the imagination, wrapping tightly around her body and lacing up one side, leaving a fair amount of pale skin showing.

The key turned in the lock and she straightened up into the waiting position, holding herself perfectly, feeling her body begin to throb at the thought of him near her. He was stunning in his tuxedo and she stretched her body toward him, wanting to feel him touch her, to smile at her, but there was only coldness in his eyes.

Leah dropped her eyes to the floor. What had she done wrong? He used to smile at her, to spend time with her. Why had he spent so much time with her in the hospital, only to act this way now?

Pain made her gasp and look up to anger in his eyes.

"I do not like having to repeat myself. Stand up."

Leah stood, eyeing the crop and resisting the urge to rub the welt on her thigh.

"Over the chair." His words were like ice.

Silently, Leah bent over the leather chair, feeling the silky mini-dress slide up over her naked skin. He roughly pulled it up the rest of the way. She was almost unprepared for the ten hard strokes of the crop on her upper thighs and ass.

Carlton fought with himself as he looked at the red welts. Damn, he had hit too hard. She was bleeding lightly. He set his jaw resolutely. She was not going to make him loose his control. He would not let her destroy him like this.

He went back to the storeroom and got a black leather arm binder. He had planned to just cuff her, but he needed to control her, to dominate her, to make her feel his control. He laced her into the arm binder, finding a grim satisfaction at her soft cry as he tightened the laces.

He walked around her, inspecting her. She was off-balanced with the arm binders, softened, more yielded to him. Good. He snapped the velvet leash onto her collar and led her from the room.

Leah could hear the party at the top of the stairs. The arm binder made her feel more helpless than the cuffs ever did and she knew the lash marks were vibrantly visible. She couldn't do this. She couldn't be paraded in front of other people like this. But Master kept pulling her forward.

At once they were in the crowd and swallowed by it. People pressed against her and pushed by. Her only security was her Master. He stopped to talk to someone and he pulled on the leash, forcing her to her knees. Gratefully, she knelt, too terrified to do anything else. Time passed in a haze. Several times, Master moved her to another location, each time using the crop sharply to get her to rise.

He had just forced her to her feet again when cool fingers touched her cheek, snapping Leah out of the fog she had let herself drift into.

"Don't tell me Carlton, that you actually like this street urchin look?" Another hand picked at the uneven remnants of hair on Leah's head.

Leah looked up to see a beautiful Chinese woman studying her intently. The look was so deep and predatory that Leah took a step back, making a noise of fear.

"Oohh, she is delightful, Carlton. How long have you had her?" The woman latched a finger under Leah's collar and pulled her close.

"Almost nine months and there has been almost no improvement from the first day. I am ready to throw in the towel." Carlton drained his sixth glass of wine for the night and watched Alexis play with Leah like a cat playing with a mouse.

"Really?" Alexis eyed him with a silky smile as she ran her hand down Leah's body, "Do you remember my little slave Justine? That French girl you were so taken with? I just got her back last week."

Carlton grabbed another glass of wine from a passing servant and downed it quickly. Oh, he remembered Justine. She was amazing, the little pain slut. She never played with his mind like Rabbit.

Alexis leaned over to Leah and kissed away a tear rolling down her face, whispering in her ear, "So sweet, I bet you will taste even sweeter when you are under me."

Leah bolted, jerking hard enough that the leash pulled out of Carlton's hand. Blindly, she pushed through the crowd, only to have hands grab at her and force her down to the ground.

"God damn it, Girl! If you want to get away from me that badly, fine!" Carlton pulled her to her feet, anger sparking from his eyes.

"Please! Master! I'm Sorry! Please!" Leah babbled frantically, realizing that the crowd was opening a space to watch the scene.

"SILENCE!" he thundered.

Alexis glided over, a willowy brunette in red behind her. Leah caught Alexis's eye and realized what she up to.

"Master! please listen to me--"

Carlton's anger at having his slave disobey him in front of all his guests erupted. He backhanded Leah and spoke in a deadly calm, "You will be silent, slave." Someone handed him a gag. He took it without looking and within moments had gagged Leah. Why had he ever thought she was worth training?

Alexis offered him another glass of wine which he took without thought. "Such a shame to spend so much on a worthless slave. However, I think I have a solution that would work for both of us, Carlton."

Carlton was breathing hard and took a long drink, "What is that?"

"Well," Alexis gave a careless shrug of her shoulder, "I have no current buyer for Justine, and you seem to have a problem slave. I have some contacts that might be interested in someone like her. You get someone more to your tastes, and I get a saleable commodity." Alexis made a signal and Justine came over and kneeled before Carlton, looking up at him in humble adoration.

"Raymond!" Carlton called, his eyes fixed on Justine, remembering her well-trained skills.

Raymond appeared magically, a frown on his face, "Yes, Sir."

"Get Rabbit's papers. She is leaving with Alexis." He reached down and traced Justine's full lips. She kissed the tips of his fingers, her eyes never leaving his.

"Sir," Raymond said rather stiffly, "If I may suggest. Perhaps you would like to wait until morning to make this decision."

"Now, Raymond, or you can leave too." Carlton took another drink of his wine, magically filled in his glass.

Leah lay on the floor, watching and hearing this, tears rolling down her face. This couldn't be happening. Master was selling her? Helpless, she watched Raymond bring back a folder and hand it to Master, who tore his eyes off the brunette bimbo long enough to sign something and hand the folder to the Chinese woman. The Chinese woman handed him a folder in return.

The Chinese woman made a gesture and two well built Chinese men came and picked Leah off the floor. Leah went nuts. The shoes Master had given her to wear that night had spike heels and she put them to good use before they wrestled her to the ground and creatively bound her.

The sounds of the party faded behind them as they carried her outside and put her into the back of a car. Alexis took her time getting out a small leather packet and filling a syringe, letting Leah see it before she gently pushed it into her leg. The fluid burned as it spread.

Alexis removed the gag from Leah, waiting to see if she needed to reapply it. Leah just lay there, the fight gone from her. Master had sold her. The car moved down the driveway and onto the road.

"Kiss my shoe, slave." Alexis ordered, pushing the tip of an elegant pump to Leah's lips.

Dully, Leah pressed her lips to the shoe.

"Carlton called you, Rabbit, didn't he?" she asked.

"Yes..." Leah paused, "Mistress?"

"Good Girl."

Leah could see her tap her chin thoughtfully in the dim light of the car. The drug in the shot was making her woozy. It was hard to focus now.

"I shall call you, Kanin. That is your name now."

Leah struggled to stay conscious, "You can't just take my name away."

Alexis just laughed lightly, "Of course I can. We take everything else. What is a name?"

Leah couldn't fight the drugs anymore and surrendered to them and the darkness.

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SubmissiveCelesteSubmissiveCelesteabout 1 year ago

I know it is hard for most people to understand Carlton’s emotional turmoil but he really is a child in a man’s body. A real man knows that true submission comes from respect, trust and reverence. It must be earned and unfortunately most men have to really have some maturity before they learn this. Some men just get older and never grow up. Can you imagine being able to have anything you want, do anything you want and never have to face the consequences for your actions? Sad really because the most important lessons come from our mistakes and having to deal with them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Carlton needs a reality check

Carlton is 18 different kinds of stupid if he expected her not to run away. She was raped, beaten, and left for dead. Of course she was going to run! Wouldn't you?! He needs some lessons from Raymond and he needs to look long and hard at his own hypocrisy. He gets angry with Bruger for hurting Ming then turns around and does the same thing to Leah WHILE SHE'S RECOVERING FROM BEING ATTACKED! He needs to learn a hard lesson soon or his life is going to come crashing down around him. He says her loves her, cares for her, and as soon as that gets to be too much for him to handle he sends her away like she's nothing. I was hoping for more from Carlton. Sad to learn he's nothing more than a tyrant

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Loved it!

I couldn't stop reading this chapter. Knowing that Carlton will feel horrible in the morning and imagining what he will do to get her back, I cannot wait to read the next chapter. Looking forward to more reading!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I don't know if you read the comments but I feel I need to tell you this chapter was very upsetting. His sudden turn around just hurt me to read. What happened to his ability to read her body language? He had won her heart and soul in the hospital and was going to give her the chance to come to him willingly. Then he lost it. I don't understand. Even if he does get her back, how will he ever gain her trust?


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

i just hope he buys her back

polgaranightpolgaranightalmost 12 years ago
SAY WHAT !!!!!!!!!

I didn't see that coming..... He looses control and just takes a tantrum then because he doesn't get his way, he gets rid of her.... Now that's just wrong.

WolfBrother1983WolfBrother1983over 12 years ago
I liked the story until now

Carlton is acting spoiled.

DryhillDryhillover 12 years ago

Carlton is acting very much like a little boy. He has had things to much His own way and it would appear raised as a child with little love being shown to Him. So it is no realk surprise that He does not know how to really show His love for His slave.

Let us hope the next few chapters allow Him to realise His stupid mistake.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Oh no!

I've been reading the whole story and this chapter broke my heart! Its just killing me the way he threw her away like that. I hope he comes to his senses. I'm going to read the rest of the story right away with my fingers crossed for a happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

I actually left the computer crying.

I'm a submissive, My master is far away from me for now.

And so I called him, bawling because I had assosiated my Master with Carlton.

And then this!

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