Leaving Cowtown


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"I'm looking forward to meeting your dad, but I think I'll wait for a better time. I would just be in the way tomorrow. I think I'll go wash the 'Vette in the morning. It'll give me something to do."

"Dan, have Rosa call Pete, our detailer. He comes over with this really neat truck and makes the cars spotless. And you may want to start parking your car in the garage. This house has a four-car garage, and it may be full — I know my Porsche is in this garage — but we can move it next door and have a place for your 'Vette."

"What's next door? You have a Porsche? And you were driving that piece o' shit that died on the highway?"

"Mom owns the house next door. Dad bought it when he and Mom split up. I think he fairly quickly started to feel self-conscious about the young deb traffic in and out so he decided to sell it and move to Calabasas. Mom wanted it so she could control who moved in next door. And yes, I have a Porsche. My Dad got it from one of the studios as an appreciation for a big movie deal he brought them. Dad is a Bentley guy so he gave the Porsche to me. I didn't like it because it has too many knobs and stuff, so I only drove it a couple of times. I think Pete takes it up and down the street every once in awhile just to keep it fresh. And the piece o' shit I was driving didn't belong to me, it belonged to another piece of shit. The title was in my name but I never claimed it."

Autumn and Sarah came out of the study. Both were smiling and hugging, but it was obvious that Sarah had been crying. Autumn smiled at Bo and Bo said,

"So, is the cat out of the bag?"

Sarah teared up again and said, "Bo, if you knew how many times I wanted to tell you about your Father and me. But I was afraid it would ruin my relationship with each of you, as well as between the three of you."

Bo took Sarah in her arms and said. "Sarah, my father needs someone to keep him grounded, and you are the perfect one. Mom and I couldn't have picked someone better to take care of him."

We all sat by the pool, drank some wine and talked. Of course, I didn't say much. I really wasn't part of the situation. Sarah had been trying to get Sam to retire to Cabo with her for quite a while. The night Sam had his stroke, she had told him that she was through with working so hard. She wanted Sam to come with her to Cabo, but she was going there either way. He said he wanted to, but he didn't see how he could just bail on the projects he had going.

After we ate a light dinner Sarah said she needed to go home. She wanted to be at the hospital bright and early. Autumn agreed and said she and Bonnie would meet her there. Everyone hugged and Sarah left. It had been another incredibly long day for Bo and she said she was ready for bed. Autumn agreed and we all said goodnight. As we turned to go, Autumn hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. She said she enjoyed having me here and hoped I had no plans of resuming my wanderings any time soon. I kissed her back, thanked her and said I had no plans at all. I was thoroughly enjoying living one day at a time.

When Bo and I got to our room, we immediately stripped and crawled into bed. Bo crawled up next to me, pressed her body against mine, placed her hand on my chest and asked if she could sleep cuddled up to me. I told her I would love it and within minutes we were both asleep.

An alarm went off at seven the next morning. Bo stirred, and I realized that we were in the same position as when we went to sleep. I heard Bo snicker and I opened my eyes. I felt her hand slide down my chest, across my stomach and her fingers wrap around my morning wood.

"Uh oh, look what I found! I don't have time to properly take care of this situation this morning. But if you can save it until I get back."

I laughed, "I don't have much choice. The only person that will be here with me is Rosa."

Bo giggled and said, "Don't sell Rosa short. She might surprise you."

We had a quick breakfast and Bo and Autumn left for the hospital. I told Rosa I was going to explore the area. I hadn't gotten a good lay of the land yet. She told me to go ahead, she had work to do. The house was sprawled out. It was probably bigger than my seventy five hundred square feet house in Ft. Worth. The big difference was that my place was a two story, this was a single. Hallways seemed to go on forever. I found three other bedrooms, two of which were about like the one Bo and I were sharing, and then what was obviously Autumn's bedroom. It looked almost the size of a gymnasium. I was peering through the door into the bedroom when I heard Rosa behind me say,

"Go in, and look at her en suite."

The bedroom was very stylish and very comfortable. There was an almost entire glass wall looking out to the ocean. There was a sitting area with a lounger and two over-stuffed recliners. There were two more rooms that made up the suite. First a closet that was at least the size of my bedroom and then the bath. There was a sunken tub that looked like a ten-person hot tub, and a shower that could easily accommodate six people. There was a very stylish toilet and beside it a matching bidet. And to one side of the room was a very large massage table and a small stand with an assortment of creams and oils.

I asked Rosa if the massage table got much use. She said, "Oh yes, Mrs. Summers likes her massages. She has a therapist that comes by once a week, and can come any time Mrs. Summers calls. Sometimes, I have given massage if no one else available. I have very good hands. Maybe I help you sometime." Rosa smiled at that and gave me a wink.

I winked back and said, "I look forward to it."

After we finished the tour of the main house, I asked Rosa if she would call Pete about cleaning my car. She said we needed to see how many vehicles needed washing so she could tell Pete. Rosa and I went to the garage. We opened the doors and my eyes lit up. I've never had an assortment of cars but I do love them. Inside the garage was a Jeep Wrangler, a Mercedes E400, and Bo's Porsche Carrera S.

The end bay was empty. That must be where Autumn kept her Land Rover. The Jeep had some sand and salt on the sides. Rosa said Autumn liked to drive on the beach. Rosa said she would get the Jeep, Porsche and my Corvette detailed. Bo had told her that we were going to move the Porsche to the other house so I could garage my 'Vette here.

I asked Rosa where the other house was. "Right there," she said, pointing to a house about seventy-five feet away. It was not unlike Autumn's house, though it appeared to be vacant. I asked Rosa what they used the house for. She said visitors stay there occasionally, although no one had stayed there for several months. She said Mr. Sam lived there for a while when he and Mrs. Summers divorced, but only for six or eight months.

I told Rosa I was going to take a look at that house. I told her I was into real estate in Texas and I was always curious when I saw a vacant house. She asked if I wanted the key. I said no, I'd just look in the windows. Rosa went back into the house and I walked over next door.

The house was obviously of the same vintage and style, but like all of the properties I could see, they were all unique. This house was as beautiful as Autumn's, but seemed to be a bit smaller, maybe by five hundred to a thousand square feet. Of course with these houses, that was nothing. The patio and pool were just as spectacular. A large covered entertaining area, very nice bar, outdoor kitchen. There were awesome houses in Texas, but I wasn't not sure I'd ever seen houses as spectacular as these were. And there were a lot of them.

Bo and Autumn returned from the hospital a little after noon. Bo's dad had come out of his coma and apparently was very lucid. He told them the last thing he remembered was discussing retirement with Sarah. He said that he and Sarah had decided to go down to Cabo and take it easy for a while. Maybe it was time to let someone else do all the work. Bo said Sarah was rolling her eyes while Mr. Summers was talking. She said that he never mentioned that he and Sarah were an item or that there had been anything besides work between them for the last twenty years. The doctors said that they were sending Mr. Summers to a rehab facility to assess him for any residual effect and to determine when he would be strong enough for the move to Cabo. The doctor told him not to get his hopes up, but from what they had seen so far, Mr. Summers could be home as early as the day after tomorrow."

As soon as the ladies got home, Autumn said she was going to lie down for a nap. She hadn't had much rest in the last few days. She told us we were celebrating this evening and to plan on going out for dinner at about eight. Then she asked if I thought I could handle escorting two women. I smiled and said that I had never escorted two as beautiful as this. That got me a kiss on each cheek. Bo whispered in my ear that she was tired and asked if I would care for a nap. I took her hand and headed for our room. As we entered the bedroom Bo's phone rang. She talked for a minute then hung up. She turned to me and said,

"Sorry sweetie, the nap has to wait. My BFF from high school will be here in about five minutes. She heard I was back."

That shot down my plans for the next hour or so.

Bo's friend showed up and they headed for the patio. I didn't have anything to add to their conversation, so I retired to the study to watch TV. Within a couple of minutes, Autumn came in and asked if she could join me. I said, "Of course."

Autumn scrunched down in a recliner and got comfortable. There was small talk about the weather, the tour I had taken of the properties, and just general chit chat. Then Autumn looked at me and asked, "Are you enjoying your trip so far?"

"Well so far, the trip hasn't been anything that I expected. I think finding Bo was a blessing. You are a very beautiful and generous hostess. What more could I wish for?"

Autumn smiled and said, "I hope you really feel that way, because a situation has come up that I hope won't change how you feel."

I gave her a slightly puzzled look.

"We told you that Sam may be released from the hospital in just a couple of days. Sarah wants to start transitioning the production company immediately. She doesn't want to give Sam time to change his mind. She has asked Bonnie to stay with Sam while she is taking care of business."

I said, "Oh...any idea how long we are talking about?"

"No, but that's not all. Bonnie has agreed to go to Cabo and help them settle there."

I know I got a little frown of disappointment on my face. "Oh, and I was getting so comfortable here. Beautiful scenery, beautiful women, peace and quiet."

"Dan, don't take this wrong. I'm afraid of sounding too forward."

I said, "I'd love to hear anything you want to say"

"Dan, I hope you will stay here for a while. Don't think you have to leave because Bonnie will be gone. I enjoy the company and I'd like to know you better."

I thought for a second, "Autumn, if that's an invitation from you, I can't think of anything that could pull me away. I know Bo has told you some of my story, but you and I haven't had time to talk. After my wife was diagnosed with cancer over two years ago, I felt like a man with an open wound. No peace, nothing to dull the nagging pain. I first envisioned this trip as a grand adventure, a chance to see things I'd never taken time to see. But, I've come to realize that I was doing what you said last night... running away. My old life was gone and I couldn't envision being happy there again. I love Texas, but..."

Autumn smiled, "Dan, I understand completely. If you are happy and comfortable here, I'd love for you to stay and just enjoy yourself for as long as you like."

I put my hand on her arm and said, "How could I refuse an offer like that? Maybe I should tell Bo. Let her know that I know she is leaving."

Autumn said, "I told her that I would talk to you."

"What did she say?"

"When I told her I was going to ask you to stay she was very happy."

I lay back on the soft sofa and closed my eyes. Autumn got up from the recliner and joined me on the sofa. She sat with her back against the arm at the opposite end from me and eased her toes barely under my leg. Even the slightest tender touch of a woman is the most wonderful thing. We both must have fallen asleep.

We awoke sometime later to a quiet house. Rosa was gone for the day and we found a note from Bo on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Gone with Missy. Having dinner with friends. Back around ten. Hot tub? You kids have fun"

Autumn smiled and said, "Well, it looks like it's just you and me. Bonnie hasn't been home for seven or eight months. She has gossip to catch up on. We have reservations, still want to go for dinner?"

I rubbed Autumn's calf. "For some reason, I feel like I could eat a horse. Where are our reservations?"

"It's a little dinner club that I've been to a few times. Great seafood, quiet, little dance floor if you care to get some exercise."

"I love seafood, if the crab is fresh. It sounds good. And I warn you, I'm not a very good dancer but I do enjoy it in moderation."

"I guarantee the crab is fresh, never frozen, and the dancing will be in moderation. Walking on the beach is my favorite exercise. Dancing is just an excuse to get a hug."

I winked and said, "As far as I'm concerned, you don't need an excuse. Just ask."

As Autumn and I went to our rooms and got ready for dinner, I warned her that my wardrobe was somewhat limited so I hoped the restaurant wasn't too formal. She said that Rosa had washed and pressed all of my clothes and that pressed blue jeans would be most appropriate. She was right. I looked in my closet and all of my clothes were pressed and hung.

We arrived at the restaurant at exactly at eight and our table was ready. We looked at the menu and ordered our meal. I, of course, went for the crab legs. Autumn ordered stuffed lemon swordfish. There was a band trio playing a slow tune, and a few couples were on the dance floor. I asked Autumn if she would like to dance until our dinner came. I took her hand and we found a place where we could avoid bumping anyone. As I took Autumn in my arms, I had this overwhelming urge to kiss her. I pulled her close and she looked up. I slowly eased my lips close to hers. I wanted to give her the opportunity to avoid the kiss if she chose to. She didn't.

Our kiss wasn't a long passionate kiss. It was more an acknowledgement of a closeness or a bonding. It's hard to explain. Sometimes, a first hug or caress feels a little awkward. Not this one. Autumn laid her head on my chest and we gently swayed to the rhythm. When the song came to an end, I wanted to throw money at the band to keep them playing. They must have sensed my thoughts because, without much of a pause, they went into the next song. We danced to another two or three songs before we sat down. We had just ordered some drinks from the bar when our food arrived. I guess our conversation made us eat slowly, because when we finished it was almost ten, so we headed back to the house to meet Bo.

When we arrived Autumn said, "Want to meet in the hot tub?"

I said, "Three minutes."

A little kiss on the lips, and she went towards her room. I had to find my suit. I hunted around and then found that Rosa had put it on a shelf of an armoire. As I approached the patio I could hear voices and I saw that Autumn and Bo were already in the hot tub. The air was cool, there was a light cloud of steam over the bubbling cauldron and the women were relaxing with only their heads above the water.

As I came into their view, Bo said, "Dan, did I not explain to you about bathing suits and hot tubs?"

I stood there like a deer in the headlights. Of course, Bo had seen me naked, and I had high hopes that Autumn would eventually. But not like this. Bo sat up, her breasts above the water, and pointed to a glass on the side of the tub. "Your wine has been poured. You had better get in here."

I couldn't see any way around it. I was feeling extra self-conscious because the sight of Bo's globes caused a stir. I reached for the snaps on the front of my suit. I was hoping that some sleazy stripper song wouldn't start playing. I tried to drop my suit and enter the pool as modestly as one could under the circumstances, but I also didn't want to appear to be overcome by the modesty. I got into the water, there was no applause or lewd comments, so I felt more at ease.

I felt around and found a lounge seat across from Autumn and Bo.

Bo asked, "How was dinner?"

Autumn said "It was excellent. You missed out by not coming with us. It's a new place that I don't think you've been to. The food is to die for, nice soft music, small dance floor"

Bo perked up. "Dance floor? Did you dance?"

"We danced to a few songs while waiting for our dinner. Dan is a good dancer."

I laughed. "That only means I hardly stepped on her toes at all." The girls laughed with me.

We sipped a few glasses of wine; the tub was more than comfortable. I even started feeling at ease about being with two beautiful, naked women sitting close to me. I was hoping nothing would happen requiring me to stand up. Though I was doing alright in conversation, just knowing that any at moment one of them could stand up kept me in a constant state of arousal.

We got around to discussing Mr. Summers and the plans for his convalescence. Bo looked at me and said,

"Did Mom talk to you about my plans? ".

I said, "Yes, and it's good that you are able to help. I know it means a lot to you, and I'm sure it means a lot to your dad and Sarah. Your mom has invited me to stay here a while longer. I'm enjoying myself and I haven't got a clue where I would want to go if I left."

"Dan, that makes me so happy. We don't want you to leave."

I looked at Autumn she was smiling. Then both of them stood up and moved to my side of the tub. I hadn't seen Autumn naked before now and I was mesmerized. As I had thought, Autumn was like Bo only to me, more perfect. Bo had everything, perfect breasts with perfect nipples, a flat stomach, perfect hips. Autumn was also perfect but where Bo was a very fit young woman, Autumn was a very fit woman. Her breasts were slightly larger, her nipples were darker and more pronounced, her stomach was as flat as Bo's, but her hips were the slightest bit meatier. Autumn's mound was also shaved as clean and smooth as her daughter's.

They both came to me and wrapped their arms around me. I felt like I was in heaven. As they caressed and kissed me, I could feel hard nipples pressed into me from both side. I felt a hand brush across my steel-hard cock, but I couldn't tell whose hand it was. I turned and took the seat more between them and we sat with our arms entwined for several minutes.

Autumn said, "I think we killed that last bottle of wine and I'm not ready to retire. Be right back". She stood and stepped out of the tub. As she entered the house Bo asked.

"Is my mother everything I said she was?"

"And more," I replied. "I was just going over you two in my mind. Only difference is the maturity of your bodies. I think you can expect to look just like her in ten or fifteen years."

Bo hugged me and said, "I hope so, and it so nice of you say it." Then her look became serious "Dan, I have a confession. I had hoped that somehow, this is how it would be. I love my mom more than anything in the world. And I love you. But I have no illusions about you and me. I love you and I loved making love with you, but you will eventually need more and so will I. In my heart, I see you and my Mom as the perfect couple. You would be good FOR one another because you would be good TO one another. Mom told me only a few weeks ago that she was lonely. She was afraid that she would never find someone special because everyone here is playing a part, you never see who they really are. When I found you, or you found me, I knew you were special. I knew you were exactly who I saw...a caring, loving, strong, trustworthy person who isn't trying to be something else. My Mom is the same way. You two will fit together."
