Let's Get Physical Pt. 01

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Simone and her PT have a mutual kinky crush.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 03/30/2024
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The Prologue

Some years ago, I injured my back. While it healed at the time, it has flared up once in a while, most recently a few months ago. The urgent care doctor suggested physical therapy so I found a local person who, to my surprise, did sessions not only in person but also on telehealth. I was skeptical at first, though--let's call her Annie--she did a great job with me via telehealth. From the first visit, I found her charming, a bit disarming, and, to be honest, a bit dorky in an endearing way. She's probably in her 30s, does the sessions from her bedroom so she can demonstrate the different techniques, often with her dog asleep on the bed, which has a few stuffies along with the pillows. She has a somewhat average build, not too small, not too large, with brown curly hair that is all over the place. She tends to where leggings and a loose button down top when we do our sessions. In a few of our sessions, I could see quite easily down the top of her shirt without even trying.

When we had our first session, I revealed to her that one of the things that seemed to have helped my back was being anally fisted the weekend before at a kink play party. She took this information in stride, dead-panning "Well, we won't be doing that, though it is good information." I commented that it must have been like getting a massage from the inside and she laughed. I appreciated her being candid that she had trouble doing her own exercises, and she understood that it was hard to develop a new habit. We did a number of sessions that gave me a good foundation for helping my back and completed the treatment for now. A part of me wanted to continue because I enjoyed my calls with her and I wondered what she was like when not working.

The App

A few weeks after we finished, I was scrolling through an alternative lifestyle dating app and who did I see but Annie! Her profile seemed like it was written for me, and I later learned that it more or less was written to catch my attention. Where I was mainly looking for a dominant feminine person, she was interested in exploring dominating a transfeminine person. She was interested in kink and somewhat new to it though her kinks seemed to line up more or less with mine. She was non-monogamous and wanted something the casual but consistent. And she not only worked nearby, she also lived not too far away. She had posted a few photos of her out and about with her dog and her partners and there were a few hidden photos that were only for matches. I bit my lip before swiping right and wondered if I had made a mistake though there was no way to turn back now.

A few days later, we matched, and I got to look at those hidden photos, one of which was a "down the shirt" shot and another was her in a cute bra and panty set wielding a strap on cock. I sent her a message: "Fancy meeting you here!"

She replied, "Indeed, I was pleasantly surprised to see you here. I have to admit, the hospital would probably not approve of this though I won't tell if you won't tell."

I smiled, again appreciating her candor replying, "I won't tell if you won't tell, either. It seems like we have some things in common. I liked the hidden photos. I'll be honest, the 'down the shirt' photo reminded me of some of our session."

"Oh, I am so glad you caught that!" she replied. "I'll admit that my shirts were a few buttons more open for our sessions."

I was gobsmacked. I was thinking and fantasizing about her from the first session and she was flirting with me, "I... I don't know what to say."

"Well, since we are being open and honest," she continued, "I found your stories on Literotica and I really enjoyed them. I also thought I recognized your profile photo even though it didn't show most of your face. My username is REDACTED. And I would really really like to meet... Simone."

I was floored and almost dropped my phone. I had enjoyed her comments on my stories--every one of my stories--and I had considered reaching out to REDACTED to let them know that I appreciated their words. I was also suddenly deeply self-conscious since my stories are rather intense. "Thank you for your comments, I really enjoyed them. I almost reached out to you but I was shy."

"I almost reached out to you, too," she replied, "but, you know, I wasn't 100% sure and I was a bit shy, too."

"Lest this seem too forward, the app says you are about a mile way. How about we grab a coffee soon?" I offered.

She sent a smiley emoji and replied, "'How Soon Is Now?' referencing the song from The Smiths. "What I mean is, I am done for the day and I am free for the evening... and the weekend, in fact. We can just cut to the chase. I am not interested in meeting anyone other than you on this app. And rather than coffee, how about an adult beverage?"

I imagine my mouth opened and closed and opened and closed a few times, and I finally replied, "I guess I was not too forward, then. Let's meet at that fancy cocktail place on the main street in an hour."

"Sounds purrfect, she replied, "and put on one of your... what do yo call them? wee cages?... and bring the keys for me. That would please me."

My cocklet stirred. I would have to stop thinking about this if I was going to be able to get the cage on before seeing her. I replied, "Yes...."

"Ma'am, is fine," she replied, catching my drift.

"Yes, Ma'am, I look forward to seeing you soon."

"You better!" she replied, then logged off of the app.

The Meeting

My mouth was a bit dry. I hopped into the shower to clean off and clear my head. I touched up my shaven public hair and was just barely able to get the cage on. I put on some skirted leggings and a casual feminine top that criss crossed over my chest. Underneath, I wore my favorite polka dot panty and bra set. On my feet, I wore my blue Maryjane flats with the strap across the top, My nails had been done recently so they were pretty. I chose some of my regular jewelry, let my hair dry in its natural blue bob, and I caught a car to the cocktail bar, I didn't want to think about driving.

I got there with about 10 minutes to spare and took a seat at the bar, near the back. It was late afternoon and the place was empty. I asked the bartender for some water and told her that I was waiting on a friend. When she came back, she had a drink, it turns out, my favorite, a rye Manhattan along with the water. She winked and walked away. I toyed with the keys on their chain, suddenly more nervous than I had been in a long time.

The weather was nice and the door was open. I saw a silhouette, shaggy hair on top, and knew it was Annie. I stood up and took her in for the first time in person. She wore a button-down summer dress that went to the knee and casual low heels, her toned legs bare. A few more extra buttons than usual were unbuttoned at the top of the dress. She had the familiar rings on her fingers and simple earrings. She saw me and smiled, giving a nod to the bartender and approaching me, "May I hug you, Simone?"

I swallowed, not used to hearing that name out loud, saying, "Yes, please, thank you for asking." She was a little shorter than me though not much, maybe 5'10", the heels bringing her to my height. I had explained that in my stories I was the height that I wish I was, 5'6", and not the 6' that I am.

She pressed her body to mine and held me close, whispering in my ear, saying, "You probably can relate, I have waited for this moment for a long time. Since our first session." And she broke the embrace, leaning on the barstool next to mine. "I think that you have something for me?"

I cocked my head and she looked at my hand, still playing with the keys. She had indeed read my stories! "Oh, yes, right here." I extended my hand and she shook her head, leaning over to give me a lovely view down the top of her dress, so familiar, though now so close. My shaking hands put the chain over her head--I only then noticed that she was not wearing her usual necklace, and the keys settled into her cleavage.

"Good girl," she said, and my clitty throbbed in its cage. The bartender brought over another beverage, a glass of red wine, and set it before Annie. She raised the glass and said, "Cheers!" We clinked glasses and I sipped my cocktail, looking into her eyes as one does when toasting and she sipped her wine. "I was glad when you suggested coming here. I am... somewhat of a regular... though I don't come here with my nesting partner. He has his own go to place."

I nodded, setting my drink down, resting my hand on the bar, saying, "So, just so you know, I am not just shy, I am neurodivergent, so, you know, a bit awkward sometimes."

She smiles, saying, "That is not surprising, to be honest. I won't take it personally if you are awkward. I won't even," air quotes "'punish you' for it because what fun is it if you are going to enjoy the punishment?"

I blushed some and took another sip of my drink, murmuring, "You have read all my stories, which was your favorite?"

She sipped her wine and said, "The one you will not doubt write about us will be my favorite."

I laughed, saying, "Well, if you insist, I will do my best and I hope to do justice to... whatever we do."

"Oh, you will, you will. Now, let's get to know each other little better, OK?" She took her drink and handed me mine, taking me by the free hand to the couches further back in the bar. When she found a place she liked, she said, "Get your water. Get me some, too." I complied, returning with the two cold glasses, setting them on the table in front of us near the drinks. She patted the couch next to her and I sat down. She looked around and with great stealth, slipped her hand up the front of the skirt on my leggings and squeezed the metal cage through the leggings, my smallest. "Hmmmm, I look forward to seeing the rest of you."

"Likewise, " I answered, then stammering, "if-if you want me to, I mean."

"I think you will get to see a lot of me, Simone, from all different angles," she said with a smile, sipping her wine.

We talked through three drinks each, relating our histories and experiences, sharing testing status and relationship structures, talking about her work and my work. She was delightful, more than I could have imagined in my fantasies and I think she took even more of a liking to me.

"Whew, I am feeling a bit buzzed," she shared, "how are you?"

"Tipsy, for sure. Happy. Your timing is impeccable as my wife is away for a few days."

"Fancy that," she replied with a sly smile, continuing, "My nesting partner is away on business, I have some great snacks at home, cheese, salami, nuts. I also need to walk the dog. How about I call a car when we head out?"

I smiled, saying, "Yes, please. I will send my wife a text so she is in the loop. She was excited that I was getting to meet with you though she did express worry about that would happen if the hospital found out."

"I'll text my partner and we will make sure that the hospital doesn't find out, won't we, Simone?" We both grabbed our phones, her ordering the car, both of texting our significant others to loop them into our plans, such as they were. We rose, hand in hand, and waved to the bartender before going to wait at the curb for the car. She looked me straight in the eye again and pulled my lips to hers, only to brush them lightly, "Oh, dear girl, you will have to earn that first kiss." And my clitty strained harder in the cage as she peppered my neck with kisses and nibbles until the car whisked us off to her place.

The First Night

Annie and I got to her house, a modest one though on a larger lot on a cut de sac that backed to some forested land. The backyard, she noted, was wonderfully private unless someone had a drone or a small low flying aircraft. We walked the dog arm in arm through the neighborhood and returned to the house. We sat on the sofa in the living room and both kicked off our shoes.

"I'd like to explore a relationship with you, Simone," Annie began,"a female-lead relationship. I guess CFNM does not quite apply in this case though I believe you get the idea. My thought is to see how this weekend goes then check in during the week, on Wednesday, say, and see where we want to go with it, if anywhere. My gut tells me that we will want to go somewhere, though perhaps that is my wishful thinking."

I nodded, "I would like that, Ma'am. I appreciate that you seem to have thought this through."

Annie laughed, saying, "Oh, girl, you don't know how much I have thought about this happening. It has almost been like I have been having foreplay with myself!"

"I am flattered," I offered. "I guess I am used to fantasizing about people though don't often consider them fantasizing about me."

"So modest, you are, Simone, or maybe that is the neurodivergence, perhaps," she replied.

"Perhaps, I have always had trouble navigating human connections. My wife is both a saint and she has spent years learning the Tao of Me."

"It's almost like you need a user manual," she offered, and continued, "Maybe we all need a user manual!"

"Funny you should say that as I have a number of friends who have online documents that they name just such a thing that are required reading for serious partners."

"I am honestly not surprised," she said. "OK, this is what I propose: In a few minutes, you will remove all of your clothes and jewelry and you will give them to me along with your purse and your phone. We will play a bit tonight--I think we are equally tipsy and able to consent--and you will sleep at the foot of my bed as I sleep on the bed. I got one of those amazing human sized pet beds you talked about." I listened and nodded, eager to hear more. "In the morning, when we wake up, you will make me breakfast--eggs, sausage, toast, coffee, and orange juice--and serve me in bed. You will find an apron in the pantry closet."

"Understood. How do you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled with red peppers and cheddar cheese, please, thank you for asking. Butter with though not on the toast, please." she offered. "When we are done, you will go home, change clothes, fetch any necessities. Don't worry about packing any additional clothes, you will only need them when you leave on Monday morning after breakfast. You will let your wife know that you will be mostly incommunicado though I will allow you to check your phone three times a day, at noon, at 6 pm, and at 8 am tomorrow and Monday mornings. Is that understood?

"Crystal clear, Ma'am, thank you for the detail," I replied.

"Any questions?" she asked.

I shook my head, saying, "None at the moment other than confirming that it is acceptable to ask questions later."

"Absolutely, you may say 'Ma'am, I have a question.' and I will or will not grant you permission to pose it. Similarly, I expect you to use your red, yellow, and especially, green safe word. If that is all for now, please entertain me with a striptease, carefully gathering your clothes when you are done, and then make us a snack. No more alcohol for us, though there is some kombucha in the fridge and a pitcher for water."

I smiled, rising from the sofa and finding some music on my phone, "Criminal" by Fiona Apple. I slowly swayed to the music, rolling my hips in figure-8s like I was taught by a friend who was an exotic dancer. Pointing my toes as though I had heels. I took the entirety of the song, teasing Annie with my body, getting more and more comfortable with exposing myself to her considering how quickly this had moved. My last move was to slowly wriggle my panties down my legs with my bottom facing her and then depositing the panties in her lap.

I turned around and bowed and she clapped and said, "Brava, girl, well done!" and tossed the panties to me. I gather my bra and dress and folded them neatly. I put everything in a near pile, clothes on the bottom, purse on the top, and she took them with a nod and disappeared with them, hiding them who knows where. I investigated the kitchen and made a plate of snacks for us, adding fruit to the cheese, meat, and nuts. Wanting to be clever, when I returned to where she had been sitting--she was I presume changing--and carefully knelt on all fours and managed to set the tray on my back, having put the drinks on the coffee table. She retuned in a cute silky romper and clapped, "Oh my, you are trying to impress me, aren't you? Perhaps I will reward you in a bit."

She poured herself some kombucha and went to the kitchen to return with a straw, pouring me a glass that she set on the floor before me. She munched on the snacks and fed me some from time to time, washing them down with the fizzing tart beverage. When we were sated, she took the tray and glasses to the kitchen, saying, "You will clean that in the morning, pet." It seemed like she was trying on some terms of endearment for me.

When she returned, she sat on the couch and patted her lap. Hoping I caught her drift, I lay across her lap and she smiled, "Good choice, pet, now spread your legs a bit." She took the lube from the side table and put on some gloves. She lubed up my anus and the modest sized plug that was also on the table. She pressed it firmly to my hole and I yielded happily, it being not the largest and not the smallest i had taken. She cleaned up any excess lube and took off the gloves. Pressing a button on the plug, it began to vibrate strongly.

I moaned at the strong sensations while she caressed my bottom tenderly. The plug changed patterns and intensity randomly, and I wiggle in her lap. Without warning, I felt the first spank, with a wide headed wooden hairbrush. I yelped and then gathered myself, saying, "O-one."

"Oh, you are so intuitive, pet!" She kept spanking and I kept counting. The hits ranged from the top of the buttocks to the middle of the thighs, first one side, then the other, then across both. She varied the intensity of the spanks, sometimes pausing to caress my reddening bottom. I found myself sniffling after the 60th spank, something unusual for me, "I hope it's not too much, pet, because I am not stopping until one hundred and one."

I gasped in her lap, shivering at the thought of 41 more spanks, and I moaned as I continued counting the spanks and feeling the buzzing plug in my bottom. She would give me several in a row and the tears began to flow. I was both pleased and relieved when she got to 101. Unbeknownst to me, she had gotten a bowl of ice and she dipped her fingers into it and then caressed my burning and red skin. She then used the half melted ice to trace patterns on my sore bottom. When she had satisfied herself, she dried my bottom off carefully while removing the plug and commanded, "Kneel."

I knelt in front of her and she pointed to a glistening spot on her thigh, "It seems your oozed a little, pet. Clean it up." I lapped the precum off her thigh, relishing the warmth of her skin. She produced a pink collar and leash and attached them to my neck. Standing up, she tugged me through the house to bedroom to the human sized dog bed at the foot of the bed. She fetched some metal cuffs from a drawer and put them on my ankles and wrists. The cuffs had a magnetic closure with a special key that made them appear smooth when closed, just a line where the sides met. She connected the wrist cuffs behind my back and connected the ankle cuffs to the wrist cuffs, pulling pulling pulling the ratchet strap until I was in a hogtie. Lastly, she put on a thick blindfold.

As I tried to get comfortable, I heard her settle into the bed and I heard the buzz of a powerful vibrator and she brought herself to several intense sounding orgasms. When she was done, she rose off the bed, smearing her juices on my face, "Sleep tight, girl. I am so excited for tomorrow!"

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pensivesubpensivesub2 months agoAuthor

Thank you! Pt. 02 is in the queue and it has the first of some backyard antics.

cmj711cmj7112 months ago

A good start Simone.

I'm looking forward to your journey with Annie.

I hope She walks you outside with Her dog to do your business, too.

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