Let's Get Physical Pt. 02

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Annie takes advantage of Simone in the back yard.
2.8k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 04/19/2024
Created 03/30/2024
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The Next Morning

My sleep was fitful. At least once, Annie got up to check on me and use the bathroom. I was eventually able to drift off and I woke and realized that my wrists and ankles were free. I sat up, lifted the blindfold and looked around. Annie sat in the bed, holding her phone, saying, "The cuffs are not only magnetic, they have a key and a remote release. It saves me having to get out of bed."

I stretched my sore body and smiled, "Are you ready for breakfast?"

She nodded, "Yes, Simone, and do make enough for both of us though only set one plate, please."

I rose and nodded, moving to the kitchen and finding the apron. I cooked up the scrambled eggs with red peppers and cheese, the sausage, toasted some bread and softened some butter, made coffee, and poured orange juice. I arranged the tray with a napkin and utensils for one plus salt and pepper. Peeking into the backyard, I snipped a flower off of one of the bushes and set it to float in a bowl of water. I carefully brought the tray to Annie, kneeling next to the bed and setting it on her lap.

"Again, sweet girl, I am very impressed. Not only well made food but elegant presentation, thank you." She took the first few bites and made those sounds that indicated that she approved. While I continued to kneel with my hands on my thighs, she fed me from her fork and talked about her ideas for the day. When I was done, she offered the rest of her coffee and her orange juice, having me tip my head back while she poured them into my mouth. "I have had a change of plans. I will drop you off at your house while I run a few errands. I think the dog would benefit from a play date weekend with one of her littermates who lives nearby. I will text that dog's human shortly to confirm. When you get home, shower, gather what things you need, dress in only a little black dress and flats. No jewelry, no undies, no makeup, leave your watch at home."

I nodded, saying, "Yes, Ma'am."

She continued, saying, "You will then order a car to return here, again, within an hour. I am not sure how long I will be as I want to get a few... supplies." She smiled, saying, "When you get here--I will give you the door code--I would like you to remove what little clothes that you are wearing. I will leave the wrist and ankle cuffs open on the bed. They will lock automatically when you bring the sides close to one another. I want you to position yourself in a creative way in front of the door for my return, is that understood?

Nodding again and smiling, I reply, "Yes, Ma'am. I have a notion of how I might want to present myself to you."

"Excellent! I am going to shower and you are going to clean up from last night and this morning. I have considered some of the other activities that you write about though I am not quite sure if I am ready for them. I will let the dog out into the backyard to go to the bathroom and feed her before I shower, then we will take off. I will leave your clothes on the bed when I am getting ready."

I watched as she rose, leaving the romper on and taking some casual clothes from her dresser. I brought the tray to the kitchen then returned to make the bed. I found her magic wand vibrator, musky with her scent, which also still lingered on my face, and I could not help but lick it clean before placing it on the side table. I then moved to the kitchen to do the cleaning up.

I was just about finished when she entered, wearing leggings, a loose short sleeve t-shirt top, and some ballet flats. "Good timing. Now get dressed and we can get a move on." I went to the bedroom and found all of my things. I appreciated how well she was engaging in the her clothed me nude scheme. So far, I had only had a brief glance down her shirt. For someone who described themselves as new to kink, she had taken control quite well.

She gave me the door code and loaded the dog into the car. I opened the door for her and she smiled, saying, "Good girl. You have lovely manners." I smiled and closed the door, going to the passenger side and settling myself. She drove me to my house and I did my "Stride of Pride" in the clothes I wore the previous day. I showered, not wanting to lose the scent of her on my face though also wanting to be compliant. I chose one of my favorite little black dresses, snug on top, empire waist, and a cute pair of velvety black flats. Even in the house, I felt sublimely vulnerable. Although I wear dresses from time to time, I prefer the security of skirted leggings. And this was the first time I would be wearing a dress outside the house without anything underneath.

The Early Afternoon

I gathered my toiletries and phone charger and put them into a larger bag than my clutch. Having nothing else to do and being mindful of time, ordered a car back to her place and was there with 15 minutes to spare of the hour she demanded I return. I had a feeling that she had security cameras in the house to keep an eye on the dog though upon entering the door, I did not look for them in any obvious manner. I took a deep breath and pulled the dress over my head and kicked off my shoes. I put the shoes next to the door with my dress folded on top and my bag with my necessities, phone, ID, and keys on top of the pile.

My cocklet, still confined in the cage, swelled as I thought about how to present myself to Annie for her return. I went to the bedroom--so familiar from our PT sessions--and saw the ankle and wrist cuffs plus a collar of similar make and material. The eye mask was still in the dog bed where I had left it. I used the bathroom and gathered all of the items, mindful of the time.

I paced out a few steps from the front door and kneeled facing the door. I wrapped the magnetic cuffs, connected by a short chain, maybe six inches in length, around my ankles. I did the same with the collar, making sure that one of the two D-rings was in the back and one in the front. Taking another deep breath, I put one of the cuffs on my right wrist. They were connected by an even shorter chain, maybe three inches. I put on the eye mask and reached behind me to wrap the other cuff behind my back. Lastly, carefully, I leaned forward until my forehead touched the floor, as if I was in Child Pose though without my arms outstretched.

"Well, done, girl, two minutes to spare." I heard Annie say, startling me. "Yes, I have been watching you. I also saw you lick my vibrator earlier, you naughty naughty pet." I swallowed and blushed deeply. "Yes, we have cameras set up to keep an eye on the dog and the sound is two-way, as you now know. Don't you look all vulnerable and ready for me! I may be awhile, though. "Bondage" Depot, as I have heard it called, is a bit crowded, so it is taking longer than I anticipated.

I don't know how long I waited for Annie, obedient and mindful of the cameras, not wanting to move lest I displease her. I fantasized about what she might do with me, to me, and my cocklet ached in its cage. I must of dozed off because I was surprised to hear the sound of the car parking in the driveway and the chime of the door unlocking. Not saying anything, Annie, I presumed, entered the room and I could feel her presence before me. Something nudged against my head, which I lifted some, and she presented her toes to me to kiss and lick, first one side then the other, thoroughly paying them attention, sucking them into my mouth for round two. Still, she did not say anything.

I felt something placed on my back, a slightly heavy bag paper shopping bag. I could tell that she was moving around the house and it seemed like she was taking some items out of the bag now and then. After some time, I felt the bag gone replaced by her weight on my back as she used me as a seat while she continued to prepare for our day. The silence was deafening! It took every bit of self control for me not to say anything. Eventually, I felt her reach under me and clip something to the front of the collar, then felt the tug as she pulled me up onto my feet. I shuffled along behind her, the short chain limiting my steps, through the house and out the back door. I felt the rough concrete of the patio then the coolness of the short grass. I then felt the ground get rougher, perhaps we had gone into the forested area in the deep part of the yard.

I felt the tugging stop and sensed her moving around the area and heard some various noises. She detached the chain from my ankle cuffs and used her foot to tap my ankles apart. I felt her attaching a spreader bar once my feet were about 3' apart. I then felt her hook something to my bound wrists and then felt them pulled up up up into a strapaddo position. I heard the sound of an iPhone camera that let me know that she was taking pictures.

With no warning but a quiet *swish* I felt the cane, for that is what I believed it to be, lay a stripe across both of my still tender bruised cheeks. I gasped and managed to say, "one." She lightly tap tap tapped the cane on my upper thighs then *swish* and I gasped out, "two." She continued methodically, pausing from time to time to run her hands over my sore flesh, sometimes pinching, sometimes biting. When we got to fifty, she paused for a longer amount of time, letting me catch my breath. I had cried on and off and the tears dripped from my eyes, soaking the inside of my eye mask.

I felt her hand on my chin and something at my lips, a lifelike strap on, it seemed. She laced her fingers into my hair, teasing my mouth with the cock, me trying to catch it and suck it. She finally, pushed it past my lips and kept going, pulling my head up to give her a straighter path to my throat. The cock was a perfect size for me to take the whole thing and feel the lifelike ball sack on my chin. She just held herself there, me taking the cock, breathing through my nose, eyes watering. Again, without warning, she slapped my face, one side then the next and back again, several times each side. I was sputtering and gasping on the cock buried in my mouth.

Returning both her hands to my hair, she began to fuck my face with abandon, sometimes shallow, sometimes deep, always wet with my saliva. I was soon drooling and slobbering all over the cock, moaning and doing my best to keep balanced, her steadying me from time to time. When she had her fill of my face, she ripped the cock from my lips, and I felt something at my lips and I opened them, feeling a ball gag slip past my teeth. It seemed like one of the hard Wiffle Ball types with holes it in, assuring that I would continue to drool. I felt her tug the leash on my collar down and secure it to the ground. She pulled my strappado even higher, leaving me quite unsteady.

She then grasped my hips with both hands and pushed the soaking wet cock deep inside of me, releasing her grip and leaving me practically hanging on the cock buried deep inside of me. I then felt her spank me hard for 50 more spanks while just holding the cock in my bottom. I wailed and moaned and cried in the gag as she continued to redden my tender bottom which by now must be glowing. When she reached 100, she then grabbed my hips again and fucked me deeply, drawing the cock in and out, raking over my prostate mercilessly. The slam of her hips against my sore bottom was agonizing and the helplessness I felt was arousing.

Through the gag, the first human sounds since we began erupted, "-ay I -um, a'am? -ease?"

She laughed and said, "No, not just yet, fucktoy. This is like fucking a piƱata, you know." She continued to fucked me and I did everything in my power not to release, my poor trapped cock aching for relief, my ass sore from the fucking and spanking. I felt her reach around and touch the cage, then pound me again, counting down, "10!" thrust "9!" pound "8!" and so on until she reached "1!" when she pulled back and rammed into me the hardest she had yet done and said, "Now, slut, cum for me!"

And I did, the spunk oozing out of my caged cock, my ass spasming around the strap-on so much that Annie cried out in delight. I eventually stopped pulsing and I felt Annie move though the cock remained inside of me. She moved around to where my head was secured to the ground and removed the blindfold. She then smeared all of my spunk all over my face from forehead to chain, rubbing it in, my own scent filling my nostrils. She then put the blindfold back on.

Stepping behind me, I felt some moving around and some rope between my legs and around my waist. She secured the cock deep inside of me, leaving me in my precarious strappado. I heard her steps on the forested floor then heard nothing as she reached the grass. I was left dangling for what seemed like forever, shuddering and shivering, incorporating the pain and the pleasure and waiting on what might happen next.

I heard the rustling on the ground again and Annie, I presume, was in front of me again. I felt her detach my collar from the ground and I could stand up a little straighter. She removed the gag and she wiped my face clean with a warm washcloth. I heard her place something in front of me on the ground. She pulled my head up by the hair and pressed my lips against her nether lips, wet, musky, feeling her bush tickle my nose as she sat in the chair she had brought. I licked and suckled and thrusted my tongue to bring her to three intense orgasms, the last causing her to push herself back and away from me, leaving me gasping as she had held my face to her, taking away my breath, during the last orgasm. I felt my heard clear some and I hung in my bondage, sore and tired at this point.

She was not quite done yet, though. After a few minutes, I felt something warm on my head and neck and I realized that she was straddling me and peeing on the back of my head. She pulled my head up with gloved hands and covered my face with her nectar, the flow intense, getting in my eyes, nose, and mouth. When she was done, she left me hanging once more. I had dared not open my eyes so I had still not seen any of her other than what she wanted me to see.

Leaving me dripping, I heard her dry off and pull back on her leggings. I heard more iPhone camera noises and I moaned pitifully. She put the ball gag back in and draped the damp towel on my head. She patted me on the bottom and said, walking away, "Now don't you go anywhere, Simone. Be a good girl now. I'll be back." I heard the crunch crunch of her steps in the wooded area and then I was left in silence, the sound of the wind in the trees and the birds my only companions.

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cmj711cmj71126 days ago

Oh your poor bottom Simone!

I'm not into pain, I prefer humiliating & teasing My subby & having him grateful for My kindness.

I'm glad you're creating short stories, I'm able to take in little bites.

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