Let's Make a Deal


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"That's not the way I feel about it," she said. "It was something I just had to experience, and you know that a saleswoman never gives up. There! I saw that smile again. This time I saw it for sure."

"Well, I may be smiling nervously, but I'm not laughing. You were willing to risk destroying our family. I'm going to have to work through that, and you are going to have to leave me alone until I can look at you without feeling contempt.

"Unless you want me to move out, you better not say anything more about this until I bring it up. And don't even think about being your normal, touchy, feely self for a while. Okay?"

"Okay," she said, quietly.


The kids were sleeping over at friends' houses two weeks later, and because he wasn't talking to her any more than necessary, they had made no plans to go out. He was on the couch and she was on a chair watching television when he suddenly got up, stretched and made an announcement.

"I need to get out of this house."

He started walking to the garage, then stopped and turned around.

She was sitting and watching him with a mournful expression.

"Aren't you coming with me?"

She ran to him.

He took her to a restaurant that she liked. They ate and talked about the kids. When they got home, he took her hand and led her to the living room and sat her down in a chair. He pulled up a hassock in front of the chair, sat on it and looked at her.

"I'm ready to listen," he said, "Talk!"

"What do you want me to say? I'm really sorry that you're still in pain. I didn't know about the fisting part until Valerie whispered into my ear. I know I shouldn't have listened to her, but I was like an animal at that point, and I wasn't thinking about you at all. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't have let her fist you. I really mean it. Do you believe me?"

"I'm not sure."

Andrea cleared her throat a couple of time and took a deep breath before she continued.

"I don't want to tell you this, but I'm not going to lie to you. I have to admit, I'm excited about Tuesday night, when I go over to Valerie's house to see the finished video."

Her face lit up as she spoke.

"I'm sorry I forced you to beat yourself off for the video, but I'm also dying to see what the white rain will look like.

"I was going to make up some lies that would have helped smooth this over. But I don't want to base our future happiness on lies. What I just told you is the truth, even if it means you'll be angry a lot longer."

"I don't think I will," he said with a sigh. "Now that the pain is starting to wear off, my main feeling is disappointment that you would go along with Valerie's lawyer trick to justify her fisting me. I would never pull something like that on you."

"You're right, Dane," she agreed, placing her hand at the nape of his neck and stroking him softly. "Everything has to be fair and aboveboard with you. A saleswoman has to go out and do whatever it takes, but you'd rather lose the sale. I know you could never do that to me, because you aren't me. That's why I love you and never want to lose you."

She leaned forward and took his head gently in her hands and pressed her lips to his.

That was the end of the gentle part, because in a second, her tongue was halfway down his throat. When she had sucked all the air out of him, he let her take his hand and lead him upstairs. She didn't turn around to see that he was smiling.

The sex was great that night, and the house was full of good vibrations by the time the kids came home the next day. That continued for the next two nights. She was ready for more sex Monday night, when he sat down on the bed and spoke to her while she was undressing.

"I don't mind you getting together with Valerie tomorrow night or any time, but I need to remind you of something. I gave you a one-time hall pass. If I find out you ever have sex with Valerie again, as much as I love you, that will be the end of this home.

"I trust you, so I'm not going to spy on you. You could take a chance and get away with it. But someone could see you or you could tell me something to cover it up, and I might discover that you lied.

"If something like that happens, I will hire a private detective to confirm my suspicions, and then I'm out of here, and you can explain to the children. Do you understand?"

She had stopped undressing to listen closely to him. She responded in a hoarse voice, barely above a whisper.

"Yes, I understand."

When she joined him in bed, he felt her shivering and attempted to put his arm around her, but she pushed it away and turned her back to him. He smiled and fell asleep in a few minutes. She didn't.

The next night, as she was leaving, the kids and he were in the kitchen. He looked at her and said, "Do I have to remind you?"

"No," she said and gave each child a kiss. She looked at him, and he looked at the children. She got the message and gave him a quick kiss before rushing out.

She was home by ten, quickly brushed her teeth and got into bed. He noticed that her face looked frozen and grim, but he didn't say a word and rolled over. He soon fell asleep smiling.

The next night, the sex was amazing, and he pretended he didn't know why.

"You liar," she said with an exhausted smile. "You know I loaded the video onto my computer when I came home from work, and that got me all juicy for you.

"None of the kids tried to open the door to my office, so they didn't know it was locked. After I watched the video, I set up a password for my computer for the first time. I don't want anyone to come across that video by accident."

"Good idea," he said.

"Would you like to watch it with me sometime?" she offered.

"No thank you, not that one," he said.

"What do you mean not that one?" she said, but he didn't answer, He rolled over and fell asleep.

Two weeks later, Andrea came home from dinner with Valerie and slammed the bedroom door behind her after she stamped up the stairs. The kids were still up and looked at each other and him.

Andrea was tense and unresponsive for the next couple of days, but then came another night of wild sex. He didn't have to ask, because he was certain she had watched the video again.

It was another three weeks before she saw Valerie again, but this time she came home late and was smiling and excited.

"I've got to talk to you," she whispered, even though the children were sleeping. She sounded like she wanted to let him in on a conspiracy.

"Valerie is really distraught. She thought that she had given me something so special that I would want to do it with her again. The night she showed me the video, I told her what you said and that it would be impossible. She almost went to pieces.

"She's been inconsolable the last few weeks, but when I went over to her house tonight, she said she wanted to talk to me seriously. You won't believe what a good saleswoman she is. I was amazed at what she had sold herself. And she sold me into trying to sell you. She wants to make another deal."

"What's the catch this time?" He sighed.

"There is none. She talked me into giving you a fair shot at my ass in return for you changing your mind about me having sex with her. You can even do me first. She promises that even if there is some pain, she'll make me completely forget it when I come over to her house. I'm not sure if I want to go along, but I promised her I would tell you. Why are you smiling like that again?"

"You are so observant," said Dane, no longer trying to disguise his grin. "Yes, it's the same smile as the one you noticed the day after you tricked me. That day I was smiling because I knew this day would come.

"You know me too well. That's how you knew you could get away with your dirty deal. You knew that it would take more than that to drive me to divorce you. But I also know you too well, honey, and while you were telling me about sex with Valerie, I realized that in tricking me, you had tricked yourself.

"I know you are never satisfied. You have to break somebody else's sales records, and then you have to break yours. If you find a new restaurant that's really good, you have to go back there every week until the kids and I are sick of it.

"When you started raving about your sex with Valerie, I began smiling, because I knew that you would have to have it again. You'd eventually offer me another deal. But this time, I'm not taking the deal."

"Do you think we're going to trick you again?" Andrea asked.

That was the first time she ever used the word 'trick,' he thought, and it made him smile again.

"No, I don't. Maybe I'm just not that interested in anal anymore as the result of being humiliated by you and Valerie. Whatever the reason, I'm not doing it, and you're not having sex with her. This sales call is over."

"You're wrong about me," Andrea retorted, pouting. "This was all Valerie's idea. I don't care that much. I'll just call her tomorrow and tell her what you said."

When Dane came home the next night, she was about to leave. She had a serious expression on her face.

"Dinner is in the oven," she said over her shoulder. "When I called Valerie today, she didn't say anything for a long time after I told her. And then she hung up. I'm worried about her, so I'm going over there. I won't be home late. Bye."

It was almost midnight when she came home, and she woke him up.

"I'm sorry, but I have to talk to you," she whispered.

She waited until he rubbed his eyes and sat on the side of the bed before she spoke again.

"Valerie is coming apart. When I went over there, I found out she had left work early and spent the entire day drinking and crying. I poured coffee into her, but she was just as upset sober as drunk.

"She was so out of control that she -- I don't know how to put this. I'll tell you how she said it. She started to rape me until she realized what she was doing and stopped herself. Then she got even more distraught because she thought I would never see her again.

"I told her the truth, that I wish she hadn't stopped raping me. I was dying for her to overpower me, and I knew I would have loved everything she did to my body. I could have come home and told you that I was taken by force, and you would have had no right to say I broke my promise.

"I tried to calm her down, but nothing worked. She said some crazy things that made it sound like she was considering something stupid. Before I left, I promised her that I'd try to talk you into her deal again. She's waiting by the phone right now. She said she didn't care how late I called her."

"She really pulled out all the stops," Dane observed, speaking calmly. "I don't think you can do better than hinting you will commit suicide if the customer doesn't buy. Are you still claiming that you're doing this deal just for her? What a good Samaritan you are!"

"Okay. I'll admit that I would love for Valerie to make me feel the way I did the other day again, but remember, I'm the one who has to give up my ass, so it's not all a pleasure cruise for me."

"It's still no deal," he said flatly.

"Dane! Come on!"

Her voice was a loud, high-pitched whine.

"Calm down, Andrea, and listen. I have given her offer a lot of thought, and I have a counter offer. Get a piece of paper and a pen, because you need to make sure you've got it right when you call Valerie and read it to her. Ready?

"First of all, we're not going to do this for a month. During that time, Valerie has to let her hair grow out, and then you have to take her to your beautician to style it.

"You have to show her how to apply makeup to make her look like the beautiful sexy woman she really is. And she has to work on making her voice into a woman's voice, not a man's -- at least when I'm around to hear it. If it's still low, that's okay. A low woman's voice can be very sexy.

"After she's looking good, you have to take a sexy photo of her naked in a seductive pose and bring it to me for my approval. I also want to hear a recording of her inviting me to the threesome in her new voice. She better sound so seductive that anyone would think she's dying for sex with me. Once I have those things, we'll schedule the threesome.

"The evening will go like this: First, you will lie on the bottom and eat out my ass, like I did for you, while Valerie gives me a handjob. Then Valerie will take your place underneath me, and you'll get in the doggy position. She will eat out my ass while I do your ass.

"After I come inside your ass, I'll get up, and she'll suck every drop of my come out of your ass and lick up any come that gets on your bush. When she's done with that, the two of you can do whatever you want.

"Oh, and one more thing. The cameras will be set up the same way to record everything. Once my part is done, I'll use one camera to take close-ups of the two of you in action. Then I'll have my own video to watch whenever I get upset about the one you're watching."

By the time he finished, Andrea's jaw was almost on the floor.

"She'll never go for that deal."

"That's the final offer," Dane declared. "Take it or leave it. She's waiting for you to call. May as well tell her now. Or do you think it's better to keep her hoping?"

Andrea hesitantly picked up the phone.

"I guess I better."

Dane listened to Andrea's side of the conversation after Valerie answered the call.

"Hi Valerie. Dane has made a counter offer."

She explained what Dane had told her in a voice dripping with disgust.

Dane heard screams as Andrea pulled the phone away from her ear. She waited until the screams died down before she picked up the phone again.

"Calm down, Valerie," she said. "You are not going to agree to his deal, and he knows it. Now pull yourself together. Would you like me to come over again? I'll spend the night there if you want.

"What? What did you say? You're sounding hysterical, Valerie. I can't understand what you're saying. Try to stop crying and slow down. Yes, you're right. He's a monster. No, I won't do that, even though he deserves it for being a sadistic bastard. Cheating would make us no better than him. I'm sorry.

"Please don't start again, Valerie. It hurts me to hear you like this. What are you saying? Slow down, please. No! No, don't say that, Valerie. It isn't worth it. Yes, yes, all right. I love you, too, Valerie. I'll tell him."

Andrea hung up and dropped her head. Facing the floor, she whispered something.

"I can't hear you," he said.

"She said to tell you she agrees to everything. I hope you're happy. She doesn't deserve this. What did she ever do to you?"

He didn't reply. He pulled in his lips to keep from smiling. Selective amnesia again. Yes, what did Valerie and Andrea ever do to him?

He was turning the deal over in his mind. He knew it would be the first of many deals, because now he had a partner, and even though there were three votes in this venture, she would always vote with him. From now on, he would treat his partner with respect and affection, even though he expected none in return.

Because it was his partner, Valerie, who would make everything possible. Whatever he wanted, she would be on his side, as long as he let her at Andrea. Eventually, he would have anal with Andrea in each of the positions that Valerie had described to him the night they had tricked him.

That would be just the beginning. He would check out anal sex sites for more ideas. Even fisting was on the table. He would never do that to the women himself, because his hands were too large, but it might be exciting watching Andrea fisting Valerie, maybe once in the vagina and once in the ass and maybe once in both places at the same time. And then Valerie could do the same to Andrea.

Thinking about how humiliating that would be, he began to get a little aroused. He was surprised at himself. Was he that depraved? He thought of Andrea watching the video and how excited it made her. She was still a wonderful wife and mother. Watching his video wouldn't change him either.

He thought about Valerie. She would look stunning once she was fixed up. She would eventually agree to let him do to her everything he did to Andrea, including pleasurable vaginal sex. That might be the ultimate humiliation for her. Maybe he could get them to do a real threesome, with every combination, taking turns as one watched the other two or two worked on the third one.

As he thought about the possibilities, he knew that once he worked out his anger, he would drop the more distasteful ideas. And the get-togethers wouldn't be more than once a month. Why be greedy? He wasn't going take a chance on destroying the family life he and Andrea had worked so hard to create.

But when he had a hard day at work, thinking about the next rendezvous with Valerie would quickly lift his spirits. After all, he would be living the ultimate male fantasy. He could try every kind of sex he ever imagined, and he wouldn't have to cheat with some slut or pay a hooker. His beautiful wife and her beautiful lesbian girlfriend would do it all for him willingly. And he would never have to feel guilty, because the deals would be transparent and fair for all of them.

He would get all the variety he would ever desire. Andrea would get her dose of amazing lesbian sex and Valerie would have the intimacy with Andrea that she needed. Yes, all three of them would get what they really wanted.

It would be a win-win for everyone -- a win-win-win.

For background on the stories of edrider73, see "Author Interview: edrider73" by Literoticauthor. Tag: "author interview."

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ReiknarReiknar5 months ago

What a strange story. I see some of the comments about how awful it is etc, or that there's an agenda. I haven't read any of the author's other stories, but just based on this one, what stood out to me is the idea that "one good turn deserves another" would make it all ok. The wife in the story convinces herself and possibly even her husband that her actions were unavoidable, and out of her hands (ie. she's a "saleswoman"). He convinces himself that what they did justifies his plans, and that his belief that Valerie will in the end love it as much as his imagination does further justifies it.

Some folks might find the story, or at least aspects of it a turn on, and I get that. I like a lot of NC/R material, but only the stuff where the characters turn out to enjoy it before the end. The more violent, depressing stuff is a turn off to me, no matter the gender or orientation of the characters. What the characters of Andrea and Valerie did to Dane in this story, fit that description in my mind.

But it's really important to remember that this stuff is fantasy, a healthy way to explore, imagine, "live out" those things one would never actually do, no matter the reason you wouldn't. I would hope no one reads this story from any perspective thinking "Oh, that sounds cool, I'll have to try that on someone." - cause yea, that'd be rape.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This always comes up……is it cheating for the wife to have lesbian sex? My answer is a solid NO. What guy would not get hard as a diamond to see his wife in a 69 with a hot lesbian.? They aren’t going to shoot sperm into the wife! you would have to be dead not to get hard for that. R. H.

inka2222inka2222over 1 year ago

I mean, what else can you expect from man-hating idiot "writer" like this?

inka2222inka2222over 1 year ago

Such a garbage "story". I have no words. She RAPED him. Simple as that. The only conclusion that could earn this more than -100 stars, would be both bitches in jail or preferrably D.E.D.

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyover 3 years ago

Weird. But thanks.. I think

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
What more can I say

That others have not. I agree. Really disappointing story that clearly has an agenda. It really is saddening.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
True dyke story

A true Dyke story trying your best to make men look bad while at the same time you want to be a man I don’t know where you got this guy from but trust me the average man would’ve broke your motherfucking neck Valerie so sounds good in the story But try it in real life ...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Score 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I think it’s a clever story. Making Val become feminine for a month will diminish her power. With Dsne on top there doesn’t appear to be any trick they could use except physical force like a gun or a drug but that would update end the marriage and the family. In real life the wife would probably lie and cheat but this is fiction and the author establishes the rules of reality. I liked it.8846

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
What a bunch of idiotic crap!!!^

^Where is the love in your crap?? A marriage where the wife humiliates and violates the husband and you speak about love??? A husband who thinks about vengeance and what he will do to his wife and her lover and you speak about love?? Are you brain sick or is it because you are a man-hating ugly old bag!!!

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