Let's Not Split Hairs


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The drive through the crowded city soon became very boring, so Rachel availed herself of the many drinks on offer. What she didn't and couldn't know was that each drink was loaded with a powerful sedative, one which soon had Rachel sound asleep, then unconscious. The driver noted this then made a call.

Four hours later, the limo stopped at a medium sized town. It stopped behind a non-de script building. It looked like a medium sized motel of some description which had a cantina out front. Rachel was completely unconscious still so she did not register what happened to her on arrival. Two men carried her into one of the many rooms and completely undressed her. They ogled her body then roughly man-handled her breasts. When they were suitably aroused, they placed some sort of lubricant roughly into her cunt and her ass. One of them lay down on the dirty bed while the other helped him place Rachel face down on top of him. The first man's cock easily entered Rachel's cunt. He immediately began rhythmically pumping in and out of her. While this was happening, the second man entered Rachel's ass and copied his comrade's pumping. They both came soon after, then swapped positions. When they again, finished, they knocked on a wall loudly. Three more men entered the room. Each had his cock out and soon found an available hole for their own release. This went on for at least two hours when Rachel started to become conscious. They left her alone then, knowing what was coming when she was fully awake. This room, called 'the initiation room' by those in the know, was virtually soundproof. It had no windows and the door was securely barred on the outside. The lights went out, so when Rachel awoke, she saw only blackness. What she felt, however, was pain. Excruciating pain. Her cunt ached with unbelievable intensity. Her ass was so sore, she dreaded having to defecate. Her mouth was swollen beyond belief and all over her was the unmistakable sliminess of cum. It was in her hair, leaking out of her cunt and ass. It was smeared all over her swollen breasts, her painful nipples and face. Her eyes even hurt where some had entered them. All she could do was scream continuously until her throat was hoarse. She flailed about helplessly in the utter darkness. She bumped, fell against the metal frame bed again and again. Eventually, she fell onto the dirty rough mattress and curled up into the fetal position. A fitful semi-sleep was her only relief.

What Rachel was to learn eventually, was that she had been sold to a minor drug cartel which operated out of this town. She was the 'gringo whore' used as reward for loyal cartel workers. The cartel boss was very good friends with a Mr Giuseppe Rodrigues. This was a special favour on the part of Mr Rodrigues!

Rachel's landlord was very pleased to meet the South American gentleman who paid up Rachel's rent and utilities for the next two years in advance. He produced a very official-looking employment statement explaining that Mrs Whitethorpe had been contracted to work out of country and that unfortunately, because of the nature of her employment site, would be uncontactable. Helen gave the landlord an address which to send any correspondence to in her absence. This address was, also unfortunately, non-existent!

Both Megan and Tom never heard from Rachel again. They were informed by her landlord of the recent job situation and accepted it as Rachel's way of disappearing. The divorce went through uncontested.

Meanwhile, Miguel was not faring very well either. His short dash for freedom from his relatives ended in a hotel in a small mid-western town. The midnight call to his room was swift and silent. A well-positioned blow to the neck rapidly rendered him unconscious. It was a well rehearsed room cleanup which left that particular hotel room without any evidence that Miguel was there at all. The cash payment for the room by Miguel also left no trace of his short stay.

However, when Miguel did wake up, he instantly wished he hadn't. He was suspended by his neck over a large tub of very hot water. This in itself was not the problem, however. He realised that he was bleeding into this tub of water and from the little he could see, confirmed that the pain coming from his groin area was real. He glanced around and saw, to his horror, on a stainless steel tray, a severed penis and what looked like two testicles. With a screaming of anguish and disbelief, he also realised that they were his. His thrashing only increased the blood flow and pain, but there was nothing he could do.

"I see you have at long last awakened dickhead. Please forgive me, but I decided to alter your physical appearance slightly. Don't worry though. I only took away those bits which seemed to always get you into trouble. The bits which clouded your brain to such an extent that you forgot your family. The bits which brought dishonour and shame to our family. I would also like you to look at the large screen in front of you. It may interest you as the main actress in the show is someone you may know."

Miguel glanced painfully at the screen. It seemed to be some sort of porno. He looked more closely. The scream of anguish and pain was that of a man on death's door. He saw Rachel, or what looked like Rachel. The woman he saw was staring dazedly into space. From her dilated pupils, it was obvious that she was drugged. She moved mechanically without a sound as three men, unwashed and grimy, ploughed into her three holes. He saw them cum then immediately be replaced by three others. By the sheer quantity of cum on Rachel's body, Miguel realised that this had gone on for some time.

"Great job she is doing isn't it," said the voice to Miguel. "She is in great demand. That empty puta is the closest that these workers will ever get to a white pussy, or ass!" He laughed. "She may however not just give them a white receptacle for their cum. Apparently she already is HIV positive and has some other STDs as well. Ah, the gift that keeps on giving. What a shame she will not survive long enough to actually by officially diagnosed. Are you happy Miguel? Are you happy with what your infidelity, your disloyalty and your selfishness has caused. Maybe now you can see why I removed the offending bits from your body. I am going to leave you now. I will not be back, but our clean-up team will come back in three days. By then, you should have bled out. The pain killers which I pumped you with should run out in an hour or two, so you will become fully aware of what you have lost. I am however, not a heartless person. I will allow you to be entertained during your final hours. Enjoy Rachel's adventures to the fullest."

The man left Miguel after turning the sound of Rachel's rape and torture up to maximum.

Giuseppe received the phone call just before dinner. He listened grimly and mumbled, "Gracias."

Another sad episode in his life was played out. "But," he thought grimly, "It won't happen again."

Tom did spend a great deal of time with Amanda at the Gold Coast. It seemed that the place was created for romance. Even though the feelings of mutual attraction were muted by recent events in both of their lives, Tom and Amanda developed a strong friendship in those two short weeks. They never left each other's sights. There wasn't any sex then. That would come later. And much later would come the wedding rings. In amongst all of this tragedy, two hurt people found some semblance of peace and normality, and more than a little love.

The police knew they had no hope of pinning any of the disappearance of their ex-spouses on Tom or Amanda. Their alibis were just too solid.

Just another two cold cases to add to the increasing pile! And who really cared anyway.

Tom knew he had one final act to perform in this tragedy. It was something he was not looking forward to. His now wife, Amanda encouraged him to do this as a final act of cleansing.

The door to the mansion opened to reveal a well-dressed man-servant. "Please follow me, Mr Wildthorpe," the servant said. Tom was led into a large hall with a huge oak table placed dead centre. Seated at one end was an old man. He looked like an older version of the dickhead who seduced Rachel.

"What can I do for you, Mr Wildthorpe?" the man asked.

"Mr Rodrigues, I wish the circumstances under which we have to meet were different, but such is life."

"Yes Tom. May I call you Tom? Call me Giuseppe. We are unfortunately intimately connected by this sad tragedy, so the need for formality, I think, is redundant. Now to what do I owe this meeting?"

"Giuseppe, I know that you are aware that your son's ex-wife, Amanda and I have married. She is no longer a Rodrigues, but now a Wildthorpe. I also know that this must be devastating for you. He was your only son and now seems to have disappeared, along with Rachel. Believe me when I tell you that I have tried relentlessly to find them, but to no avail. I can only think that they have disappeared because of the shame that they must feel for their actions. I have now moved past that feeling of anger and betrayal. My love for Amanda, her daughter Maria and my daughter Megan have killed the hate. Something I am very grateful for."

A profound sadness seemed to overtake Giuseppe. He slumped physically into his seat. "Yes Tom. Both of them now have their just rewards." He glanced at me, expecting me to request an explanation, but my gut told me to leave it alone. It told me that I would be better off not knowing.

"Giuseppe, I know the feeling of loss which you must be experiencing. I came to offer you some solace in your time of sadness. You know that Megan, my daughter is actually the child of your son and my ex-wife. She is your grand daughter as much as she is my daughter. Maria, Amanda's daughter is also your grandchild. You have two beautiful grandchildren. I am offering for you to remain part of their lives. They need to remain connected to their family roots. You are the only remaining part of their Rodrigues history. They need you."

Tears flowed freely down Giuseppe's cheeks. He took a while to gather his emotions and control them. "You don't know what that means to me Tom. I would be honoured to be a more active grandfather to my grandchildren. This huge house is cold and empty. It needs the joy, laughter and family familiarity of children running around its corridors. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Tom"

He then stood up and walked towards me. I wasn't expecting the full hug, but it somehow didn't feel strange. There was an integrity and depth of feeling transferred between us that only two people who have seen hell and survived appreciate. He whispered hoarsely into my ear, "You are welcome at this family table Tom."

As he released the hug, he gathered his voice and said, "We have a meeting of the clan this Sunday. It would again be my honour for you, Amanda and the girls to attend, so that I can properly introduce their relatives to them. I have a feeling that my clan members would be very pleased to welcome the new members."

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AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 3 hours ago

Sure, Rachel experienced a horrific ending... but if your intent was to punish her, you just needed to leave her alive and alone.

No lover, no husband, no daughter, no life... and the knowledge that it was all her own fault.

Having her die in a master of months or a limited number of years doesn't make up for decades of cheating on her husband.

RocketMan12RocketMan12about 5 hours ago

The ending was a little over the top

desecrationdesecrationabout 1 month ago

The cheater gets his due. No mercy tonight.

26thNC26thNCabout 1 month ago

Ambul speaks of the misogyny in the BTB stories because cheating wives and their lovers are usually punished harshly. He states that cheating husbands don’t get the same treatment. No in those stories, the wife usually just gets her revenge by fuck ing all the husbands’s friends, relatives, and anyone else she can find. Where is the anger over the misandrist feeling in the cheating bitch and especially Ambul’s beloved cuck stories? Why isn’t the hatred of men given the same weight as perceived hatred of women? Seems to me, that it is the same thing from different perspectives.

LechemanLechemanabout 1 month ago

That was not the typical cheating wife story I usually find in LIT - it was refreshing.

Well done.

dinotail2023dinotail2023about 1 month ago

Even greater........please keep on writing, a lot !!!!!!! Seriously I love both stories you have written so far. Get busy, my man!

AmbulAmbulabout 2 months ago

As another commenter pointed out, fucking a girl/woman on the side is likely no big deal in the drug/crime world, so why was Giuseppe so offended, to the point where he had his son and only heir tortured and killed. He could have told Miguel who he was going to marry and that he did not care who he fucked on the side. And why did he care at all about Rachel, even if he considered her a worthless whore, to the point where he went to a lot of trouble to get her flown to Mexico where she was sold as a prostitute, drugged, and used until she died from STDs. Their deaths struck me as totally gratuitous and without a plausible basis in the story. The Giuseppe angle seemed tacked on to allow for this extreme violence. I have no good idea what the author’s intentions were. Even as fantasy, this more than incredibly brutal and sadistic BTB revenge ending certainly excited some readers who seemed to think it was entirely fitting for a wife who had a secret lover.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 2 months ago

How sad, even at the end, Miguel couldn't keep his dick in his pants... lol. This is a fantasy that sets the bar very high for BTB/BTB/revenge stories. Kind of wonder who got off easier Miguel or Rachel? Not sure I buy the two cheated on spouses getting married, but it did make for a happier ending, at least for those two. I read where one commenter said that Megan was as guilty as her mother. Megan had been threatened by Rachel not to tell or she would lose access to her father. Still, she could have said something once she was of age, but then that's a different story. Got to give this story four stars for inventiveness and imagination.

AmbulAmbulabout 2 months ago

Thinking some more about this story and others where adultery by the wife is punished by extreme brutality or murder, and the often enthusiastic support by readers, I am struck by the pure misogyny expressed in these stories and by some of the comments by readers. It seems that the male ego is threatened so much by a cheating wife that for some authors, and for some readers, the most extreme physical punishment, including torture and murder, is justified. There seem to be far fewer stories about cheating husbands, and violence and murder are hardly ever part of the revenge. Why is this so? As I suggested, for some males their ego is so fragile that a cheating wife deserves the most extreme punishment, including death for daring to challenge their husband’s sexual prowess and their manhood. These stories are for sure fantasies, and some are very good, even with the violence. It is the appeal of violent revenge against the cheating wives that I find very interesting.

AmbulAmbulabout 2 months ago

A good story, but the revenge was way too brutal, and I thought, jarringly out of keeping with the rest of the story, which I did like. Such things do happen in real life, I imagine, in the drug cartel world, but it was not at all in keeping with the rest of the story, in my opinion. The castration and killing of Miguel and the even slower destruction and death of Rachel as a drug-addicted whore fatally infected with STD and HIV in Mexico was too much for me. I found Rachel not to be a real person in the story, but more of a one-dimensional caricature of the cheating slut. Her thoughts and feelings were never really shared, making her artificial end all the more contrived.

OOAAOOAA2 months ago


AllNigherAllNigher2 months ago

I have to agree that the offer the to revenge really soured what was an otherwise good story. I enjoyed it up to then. Still liked my let's be honest there are ribs if btb that do similar. My main suggestions are to look at the motivations more, and speak your dialog. We got a bit of why she did it but it wasn't much in the emotion department. How did she reconcile her two lives? There were a few starts when that road but they didn't take any roots. Then some of the dialog felt very unnatural.

Don't take this negative. Hopefully you accept it as constructive and keep writing.

I did like this better than your February sucks entry. That's a tough one to start on!

Schwanze1Schwanze12 months ago

What muskyboy said. I’d add, author ought to be on a no fly no guns list.

SmugglerjimSmugglerjim2 months ago

BTB is ok . But I find the burning too extreme. Although I can visualize it does happen. It's a cruel world we inhabit.

KittyCampbellKittyCampbell2 months ago

Murder porn .... this is sick.

muskyboymuskyboy2 months ago

The daughter Megan was just as guilty as the slut mother. Tom was a moron.

KinPAKinPA2 months ago

Pick a point of view, first or third, and stick to it. Get the names straight. But that could all have been overlooked if not for the ending…simply revenge porn fantasy that wasn’t even well written.

JRandyJJRandyJ2 months ago

I read the comments, most are critical of the revenge. I'm not one of these. maybe if there were more possibility of this happening, then there would be a lot less cheating. Good job, 6 Stars

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