Letter from Foxhall Village

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A Catheter's the notion for Pohan's devotion!
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Dear Shoeblossom,

I love your letters. They are all over Literotica and other sites, and they never fail to fascinate!

So the other day my husband Pohan came home and I was having drinks with a couple who we are close friends with.

I have to add, when Pohan gets in from work he often asks me to immediately release his catheter, so he can urinate, and he's been holding since lunchtime, when he came home to tend to making my lunch and straightening up, as I am busy with my glass-blowing art.

Sometimes when Pohan gets in, he is really hot to pee, the bladder action is high... but I am on the phone or in the middle of my creativity, and I have given him strict orders not to interrupt me.

So the poor bastard stands around, or if he really needs to go badly, he jumps up and down until I finally take notice.

Then I have him undress on the spot, either in the living room or in my studio. I unhook his piercing and take off the catheter and he runs to the loo for a brief urination.

Tonight though, Pohan had been working kind of late. We had plans to meet Jocko and Toussaint for drinks, and Pohan had been held at work, meeting with a new client.

Since Pohan had become my catheter slave, I wondered how we would handle the whole situation in front of our friends.

Pohan had told me he really needed humiliation and discipline. Really, in large amounts, he said.

Of course Pohan is a pompous ass. He has been a direct competitor of Jocko's for years and he's always had the hots for Jocko's wife, little spiky haired Toussaint.

It's always been annoying listening to Pohan trying to out-brag Jocko and other men in an effort to impress Toussaint and other chicks at barbecues and parties.

So I thought this would be a splendid opportunity to see how far the femdom thing would go.

The week before, I'd taken Pohan's jeans down at a hardware store, when we'd gotten into a bitter exchange concerning purchase of a rake or something.

I'd whipped him in front of a group of fascinated customers with a rolled strap I keep in my purse.

And then I'd given him a few whacks with the handle of the purchase in question!

When we'd gotten home, Pohan had taken me to the bedroom and gone down on me for a full hour and told me that this was such a hot experience for him...

And it must've been, since his entire life he's had to perform, super intellect, super athlete, and all that shit.

It must be an Asian thing. Po's dad is a Taiwanese businessman, but was also a Sumo wrestler when he was young...

Pohan was raised here, and he was very American, living it up, hard partying all that...but he had that driven Asian ethic, you know?

I am a Yank, but I was raised all over the world by a globe-trotting expatriate aunt, and am far more free-wheeling.

Now, Pohan got in and stood in front of us, waiting for a break in the conversation ( Jocko was telling us some tedious fishing story) and finally Pohan just bent over to whisper in my ear.

"Can you and I got to he bathroom so you can unhook my catheter?"

My heart was beating as I made an effort to pull back coldly and look at my husband.

"Pohan, why haven't you disrobed? If you want your catheter removed, you'll do it immediately, as always."

Poor Pohan, he looked at Jocko and Toussaint's faces as they kind of sat there, slack jawed.

"Don't look at them" I snapped. "Get to it, or hold it in."

Toussaint smiled at me gently. "You know, Jock and I really should split, Chimes. We left the kids with the babysitter--"

"Oh c'mon. Pohan needs more discipline to whittle down his ego, and it's really great that you two can be here to watch."

Jocko was snorting. Po had often humiliated Jock in so many ways...they'd been rivals since high school.

"You bet your ass, Toussaint. Let's see what Pohan's discipline entails."

Oh, how Po hated this. He had always had such contempt for Jocko and other "weak" American kids since emigrating to the U.S. when he was about ten...

Pohan was rich and quite entitled, and had often sneered at Jocko's JC Penney clothes, and the fact that Jocko only got to go to Po's private prep school and then again to college because Po asked his dad to support him.

(Did I mention that Jock's dad was Po's dad's chauffer?)

And now the worm had turned!

I kicked Pohan to get his attention.

"Get to it, or I'll leave the catheter in until midnight. Be kind of an embarrassment to your masculinity if you got the first male urinary tract infection."

Perhaps there had been some suspicion on Jocko's part that things were different between me and my playboy husband at this point.

Po no longer attended Jocko's poker nights, and he'd resigned from bowling and darts leagues, and of course no more sports parties.

Pohan had, for the longest time been a bit of a philanderer, and this didn't bother me a while lot, I didn't mind an open relationship as I had always gotten far more ass than my husband did...

But now that Po was my submissive, of course, his dick was locked up...and Jocko, who was also a bit of a hound (to poor Toussaint's anguish) had noticed this as well.

Jocko had asked Po, point blank more than once whether or not he was being pussy whipped...

It had actually played hell with the husbands in the neighborhood, as the wives had commented on how much time Po now spent pampering me and doing stuff around the house and yard.

And so now it was testing the mettle. Pohan gave me a final desperate look, and took off all this clothes and yes, his dick was excited.

It was locked in this loop between his legs, his glans attached to his nut sack, but in an effort to straighten out, since he was aroused, it was jiggling considerably.

"Can I pee now, Chimes?"

"It's always about you, isn't it, Pohan?"

"Yeah, you shouldn't be so self-centered, Po!" Jocko said as he tried not to spill his beer, he was laughing so hard.

"I've been working since I got back from coming home for lunch. I really, really need to urinate."

"I always wondered why he went home for lunch." Jocko said wonderingly. "You keep him in a goddamn catheter?"

Because of his silly college drug problem, Pohan had lost a chance to succeed his father at the family firm, and his sister was in charge.

Po had also embezzled a bit from Daddy during his brief experience of employment there to pay for huge gambling debts that he'd run up in Las Vegas...

But Po's dad had gotten Jocko and Pohan gigs as associates at a colleagues' brokerage.

Now the two of them were competing for the corner office. At this point, it would be a major promotion.

All the other junior brokers were also working for this...and so everyone in the office would be plowing on through lunch to impress their superiors.

But Pohan always came home to me so I could un-hook the catheter so he could pee, before sending him back to work.

And Po was realizing, I think that there was more to life than being the richest, most pompous asshole in Foxhall Village.

When Po came home for these lunch hours, he took his time. He made us both a sumptuous lunch, nothing heavy, and it was a nice time for us to bond as a couple.

It really didn't matter if Po didn't achieve a whole ton at work, his dad would subsidize his job just to keep him in this far-away hamlet, Foxhall Village, and to prevent Po from returning home to further shame the family back in Scarsdale, New York.

So we'd been able to really enjoy life...and Po had told me I could quit my soul-killing job and stay home and pursue my glass-blowing art full time, which meant that I was there to un-catheter him and be a recipient of his gourmet cooking skills.

But much as I loved him, I knew what Pohan needed. Now, with him begging me to not have him humiliate himself, I had to get tough.

"Quit your bitching. Go wait in the corner."

My poor husband was standing there, looking so ridiculous. Naked, with his dick trammeled between his thighs, and of course Toussaint pitied him and Jocko just thought the whole thing was funny.

Pohan hopped up and down, and whining more, as if he were a first grader asking for a lollipop.

And this made both Toussaint and Jocko almost hysterical. They'd never seen anything quite like this.

"Hmm.. Do I have to take the cane off the mantelpiece?"

Immediately, Jocko and Toussaint's heads swiveled to the mantle, and yes there was a long bamboo cane lying there, and under the cane was a deadly looking leather cat o' nine tails whip.

As comprehension illuminated our guest's now somewhat jaundiced eyes, Pohan burst into humiliated tears and ran to the corner.

Jocko had re-gained his composure, looking somewhat serious. "I can't believe this, Chimes. Po used to be such a macho, commanding guy. You should have seen how ruthless he was on the Rugby team back in college...

I mean, he's the son of a millionaire, he quit college to enlist after September eleventh, and won beaucoup medals there, and he's a fourth degree black belt, and now my best buddy is having tantrums because you won't let him piss?"

"I'm not having goddamned tantrums!" Po yelled from the corner. "I need to go to the bathroom!"

"That's five from cat for swearing, Pohan." I said crisply. "We'll handle that in a bit. Now stand there, and don't fidget. Jocko, watch Po and see that he doesn't twitch about."

"Oh, yes ma'am." Jocko said with a grin.

"My bladder is KILLING me, Chimes."

I rolled my eyes dramatically. "All right, come here."

When Po returned from the corner, I showed Toussaint and Jocko Pohan's piercing.

It was a ring inserted between his scrotal sack and his asshole and another ring locked under his cockhead.

The two rings would be connected with a tiny padlock, so it looked like his dick was in a little hoop. The piercing artist called it a "Prince Albert" but I doubt anyone who was royalty would be idiot enough to let something like this happen to them.

After I took the little padlock off, Po's dick bounced straight up, and then I removed the catheter. I used to be a nurse for a urologist and I was very good at catheter stuff...

I slapped Pohan on the ass playfully and pointed to the lavatory, and off he ran.

A number of humiliating things followed this experience, but the upshot was, a month later Jocko too, was fitted for a catheter and a Prince Albert piercing.

It was his idea, I guess since he still had to compete with Pohan as a slave!

Now they argue about who can go without an orgasm the longest!

When we let the boys have their monthly orgasms, it's usually in a sixty-nine position where they cum in each other's mouths.

Jock and Po carpool to my house at noon and then again after work for their bathroom privileges and then Toussaint comes to pick Jocko up.

Of course with all the new devotion, neither one of them got the corner office and their buddies miss attendance at the strip clubs and beer parties. but it's all in a day's domination, right?

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